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单词 Unrealistic
1. This demand proved unrealistic and unworkable.
2. It is unrealistic to expect these changes to happen overnight.
3. I don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it.
4. The plan originally proposed was ruled completely unrealistic.
5. They were accused of being unrealistic in their demands.
6. The city has unrealistic pretensions to world-class status.
7. Many economists consider full employment an unrealistic goal.
8. The film is spoilt by unrealistic contrivances of plot.
9. I think she had unrealistic expectations of motherhood.
10. Some parents have unrealistic expectations of their children.
11. Some parents have totally unrealistic expectations of teachers.
12. He just laughed and dismissed my proposal as unrealistic.
13. We never cherish any unrealistic fancies about those desperate criminals.
14. I think these sales forecasts are unrealistic,[http://] considering how slow sales are at present.
15. It is unrealistic to put undue pressure on ourselves by saying we are the best.
16. We shouldn't harbour any unrealistic notions about the talks on the so - called disarmament.
17. You have unrealistic expectations.
18. It would be unrealistic to expect such a process ever to be completed.
19. Some people have totally unrealistic expectations of both medical and nursing staff.
20. It is unrealistic to expect them to be able to solve the problem immediately.
21. It is unrealistic to believe perfection is an attainable goal.
22. I found the play boring and the characters unrealistic.
23. In the circumstances such calls were not totally unrealistic.
24. It is unrealistic to expect that they would.
25. It's quite unrealistic to think of.
26. People sometimes have very unrealistic expectations.
27. We are disturbed that audiometry is regarded as unrealistic.
28. Scientists often join these institutions with unrealistic expectations.
29. There are many who feel that the players are being completely unrealistic in their demands.
30. The intention by the local authority to build 2 000 new houses is unrealistic.
1. This demand proved unrealistic and unworkable.
2. It is unrealistic to expect these changes to happen overnight.
3. There are many who feel that the players are being completely unrealistic in their demands.
4. The intention by the local authority to build 2 000 new houses is unrealistic.
31. Perhaps it was unrealistic to expect dramatic economic changes.
32. It would be unrealistic to not expect to pay higher royalties in the foreseeable future.
33. In the second place to put the onus of preventing censorship in libraries on individual librarians is unreasonable and unrealistic.
34. The main inhibitors to progress, and the root causes of fear, can include: Unrealistic personal goals and expectations.
35. The guidelines may not have been sufficiently widely disseminated, or they may have been viewed as impractical or unrealistic.
36. Ministry officials were unavailable for comment, although economists generally agree the 5 percent goal was unrealistic.
37. Yet since she'd met this man ... Ridiculous and totally unrealistic.
38. It is the most transparent of the fictions it espouses, and is as unrealistic as it is unfair.
39. An undue emphasis on the initial technological concept can lead to unrealistic expectations and an early abandonment of the innovation process.
40. But it is unrealistic to expect businesses to lead the charge alone.
41. Therefore, the taking of warranties and indemnities will be a wholly unrealistic expectation.
42. Government departments are now so vast that it is unrealistic to expect a minister to know all about matters of administration.
43. Perhaps a new manager had set an unrealistic quota for a subordinate because of his or her limited experience in setting quotas.
44. In theory this sounds quite unrealistic but the worker is reassured that none of these topics need be committed to memory.
44. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
45. It seems to me quite unrealistic to divorce the buying of the chocolate from the supplying of the records.
46. This model is unrealistic, but is used here to demonstrate the principles involved.
47. The interventionist state has political as well as economic ill-effects by inducing unrealistic expectations on the part of voters and electoral trade-offs between parties bargaining for votes.
48. They had agreed that it would be unrealistic to attempt to form a union of the two republics.
49. Our dieter is not launched into a totally unrealistic programme.
50. There was one girl who longed, seemingly in an unrealistic way, to become a fashion designer.
51. My films never pretend to be anything but artefacts - they're unnatural, contrived, fashioned, unrealistic, on purpose.
52. Unfortunately this clear conceptual distinction between perceptions and attitudes is unrealistic.
53. To say there is absolutely no chance you would divorce is unrealistic.
54. This reaction is not unrealistic, since much communication is, in fact, evaluative.
55. It would be a brave man who would claim that these ideas were unrealistic given the availability of cheap computer power.
56. It would be unrealistic to assert that the activity is risk free.
57. I believe it is unrealistic to expect the community care reforms to transform services according to the wishes of service users.
58. Demands on teachers, both in preparation time and materials to be collected may also be unrealistic.
59. Although this replacement assumption seems rather unrealistic, it does approximate what many corporate finance officers would like to achieve.
60. It was unrealistic to speak of giving tests and homework to children who were already under great academic pressure.
61. Our analysis shows that proposed cost for the new highway is unrealistic.
62. Since glow-worms, fireflies, electric eels and many fish exhibit a similar phenomenon, the statement is not unrealistic.
63. Not only that, but it seemed totally unrealistic to me.
64. When he did acknowledge her existence he talked in dismissive and unrealistic terms.
65. Thus many Great Groups are fueled by an invigorating, completely unrealistic view of what they can accomplish.
66. This would be as unrealistic and premature as Mr Rugova's call for immediate recognition of an independent state.
67. But a climate of mutual exclusion and distrust is detrimental to both and is increasingly unrealistic in an information-based society.
68. But there is no way he will be held to ransom over a figure which is totally unrealistic.
69. But it is unrealistic to suppose that they will act without public stimulus.
70. Conversely, it is unrealistic to give a confidence unless the other person is prepared to reciprocate in confidence.
71. Variable and fixed costs are traditionally assumed to be linear. Describe why this assumption is unrealistic.
72. It is unrealistic to assume that a junior will confide in you unless you are prepared to confide in him or her.
73. These were somewhat unrealistic proposals in the light of the existing staffing and resource difficulties already facing the mental health service.
74. The new approach is generally supported by child support collectors,[] but some think Morales' optimism is unrealistic.
75. To assume that teaching them a fragmented curriculum will lead them to a unified sense of place and person is unrealistic.
76. It is unrealistic to believe that warning labels will do anything to reduce alcohol abuse.
77. It's unrealistic to expect your colleagues to share your ideals and motives.
78. It is unrealistic to expect those with incomes just above the level of income support to pay contributions.
79. The budget was widely criticized as being unrealistic and irrelevant to the real needs of the eastern economy.
80. High and unrealistic expectations of the re-entry programme or proposed job.
81. However the vast numbers of international treaties alone makes such an expectation unrealistic.
82. The problem stems from an unrealistic notion of what teachers do.
83. Sadly, Smith was out 10 short of his century: run out, responding to an unrealistic call by Marshall.
84. Business people who enter the public service often have unrealistic expectations about the relationship with politicians.
85. Farmers had purchased land at quite unrealistic prices at the time of the reform and were not burdened with long-term borrowing.
86. That sounds lofty and unrealistic, but this writer continues to strive for that kind of learning environment.
87. It would be unrealistic therefore to see implementation as an event but more as an ongoing process of experimentation and development.
88. It would have reinforced the approach that allowed him to make unrealistic promises to his people.
89. With beta software, it pays to be a pessimist and not harbor unrealistic expectations.
90. At the national level such regulations involve the unrealistic restrictions that are placed on the deductibility of home offices.
91. Many have criticized Hollywood for its unrealistic portrayal of life in America.
92. The film is ruined by all the unrealistic plot twists.
93. Critics say the program is unrealistic and a political ploy.
94. He will resign if he is forced to accept an unrealistic budget he can not commit to.
95. Post-revolutionary bureaucratism consisted of authoritarianism, unrealistic planning and red tape.
96. But the idea of full-blown solar power stations is unrealistic in the foreseeable future.
97. However, it would be unrealistic to do so in replying to the debate.
98. Today most high school students have wildly unrealistic expectations about their future.
99. It seems to us quite unrealistic to say that he would have felt insulted.
100. Some local real estate developers think the 200 to 300 homes per year estimate is unrealistic.
101. To pretend that the 12 can beat out a constructive, flexible, foreign policy based on majority voting seems wholly unrealistic.
102. Setting unrealistic standards means we can only fail, nothing we do is ever enough or exactly right.
103. Not all the good ideas that curriculum developers and academics come up with are daft or unrealistic.
104. But those arguments were expressed at a time when their implications were seen as inappropriate, unrealistic or unacceptable by many managers.
104. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
105. It's unrealistic, but that's beside the point - it's just good entertainment.
106. It favours social equality but accepts that economic equality is an unrealistic objective.
107. The arguments by the erratic billionaire that automatic limits on congressional terms would create more efficient government are simply unrealistic.
108. She wished that she could rely on him and wondered where she had acquired such unrealistic expectations.
109. With the continuing preponderance of the agricultural population this aspiration was not then as unrealistic as it might seem today.
110. Even though it was obvious Emma's demands were unrealistic, she wouldn't back down.
111. Family hostility often arises when the expectations of older people make quite unrealistic demands upon younger relatives.
112. Many of us go to workplaces rife with dissatisfactions, unrealistic expectations and frenetic changes.
113. You might think, therefore, that this strategy is unrealistic, given the demands on time in the classroom.
114. Don't be so bookish and unrealistic.
115. Their demands were still too cocky and unrealistic.
116. Whatever is subjectivist and unrealistic is wrong.
117. In my opinion that is unattainable and unrealistic.
118. It would still remain an unrealistic Utopian dream.
119. Even if Margret holds no unrealistic expectations on behalf of Keli, she has the quenchless thirst for knowledge about the mysterious and complex condition that autism undeniably is.
120. In fact, over the past few years, consistently close to double-digit inflation, high salary increases, and unrealistic property values have begun to threaten our future economic vitality.
121. I also mention the unrealistic coloured lighting with greens appearing from nowhere.
122. It would seem far from being unrealistic, Socrates engages what we might call maybe a kind of Socratic realism.
123. Religion is very important to many Americans as part of civic culture, and to pretend that government is completely uninvolved is quite unrealistic.
124. While such cuts were believed to be unrealistic even in the new treaty, the first clear acceptance of that at the UN talks by the US is being seen as significant.
125. Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island.
126. Pressure for men to be tall is on a level with the "thin is beautiful" mantra. And, people are going to drastic lengths to conform to unrealistic standards.
127. In fact, the rules were as unrealistic as they were archaic.
128. Any unrealistic objective is not worth pursuing sedulously since it is doomed to a futile project.
129. We expect to have a more affluent life-style, we are driven by unrealistic ideas of what we need ("I need the latest ipod!!"), and we have unrealistic ideas about relationships and appearance.
130. History of religion refers to the theory of history on the unrealistic existence of social and historical imagination as well as the virtual and reverential history.
131. He found he couldn't string along with their unrealistic notions.
132. British American Tobacco Australia (BATA) argues that instead of the unrealistic timeframe, manufacturers and retailers should instead be given until 2014 to make the change.
133. Tony Haywood, the company's CEO, vows to clean up "every last drop" of oil that reaches land, which is a bit unrealistic.
134. But your father stands in the way because of certain unrealistic scruples.
135. It will not eliminate the need to trim back unrealistic promises to pensioners; no rich country can simply grow its way out of looming pension and health-care commitments.
136. The proposed rules may be unrealistic as well as onerous.
137. Utopia is generally conceived to be an unrealisable, impractical and purely imaginary state,[Sentence dictionary] such as unrealistic political and social theories. But Tillich advances a new view.
138. He found he couldn't string along with all their unrealistic notions.
139. This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you.
140. As adolescents, we may be unrealistic and unsophisticated, even prone to commit good-humored mistakes, but such shortcomings should only be compared to the ellipses of the moon.
141. Their problems are often a result of an unawareness of appropriate social behavior, an unawareness of how they come across to others, or unrealistic expectations of others.
142. If they go too far toward hopefulness , we can become nave and unrealistic.
143. And an unrealistic goal like inventing a perpetual motion machine is absolutely meaningless.
144. It is unrealistic to presuppose a sophisticated knowledge of harmony and counterpoint beginningstudent.
145. You may find that your budget is unrealistic or you may need to transfer money between categories. Take the time towards the end of the month to adjust next month's budget so that will work for you.
146. The average response time is usually chosen because often, if the goal is unachievable and unrealistic, the zWLM function discards any attempt to achieve it.
147. It's time to lower our geopolitical sights and end America's unrealistic crusade.
148. Yes, our modern social fabric is thin, and the permissiveness of society has created unrealistic expectations and thrown the family in disorder.
149. In some countries the general population regards the legal age limits as too strict and unrealistic.
150. Of course, due to the complicatedness of the issue, it is unrealistic for us to expect a solution through one or two rounds of talks.
151. " It is unrealistic for the so - called " Three People's Principles to reunify China. " "
152. The 889 MB requirement may be unrealistic; in fact it is larger than the default application structure size defined with WebSphere MQ V5.3.
153. Depending upon the game, pathfinding that is too good can be unrealistic.
154. Western diplomats say that insisting on a reduction to pre-war levels is unrealistic.
155. He said they were unrealistic and steeped in the past.
156. Avoid the tendency to overpopulate this list, and thus your schedule, with unrealistic goals.
157. The performance levels we set in all spheres of our lives are often unrealistic.
158. Real estate mortgage, therefore,[Sentence dictionary] to the rights of the pre - sale pledge unrealistic manner.
159. In comparison , Villetta's legs look unnaturally straight , unrealistic, and while extremely long, rather unshapely.
160. In practice the rules were as unrealistic as they were archaic.
161. We will be patient to dissuade some customers would be unrealistic to reduce the customer's waste may be a momentary loss of our interests, but can win customer's long-term trust.
162. I'm not opposed to a core curriculum in principle, but I think requiring a foreign language is unrealistic.




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