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单词 Cursed
(1) They cursed me as a madman.
(2) I cursed and hobbled to my feet.
(3) The evil witch in this story is cursed by.
(4) He was cursed with poor health from childhood.
(5) Bulman was cursed with a poor memory for names.
(6) He cursed the waiter who had spilled soup on him.
(7) He cursed himself for his stupidity.
(8) I wish that cursed dog would be quiet.
(9) This work is a cursed nuisance.
(10) She cursed her bad luck.
(11) I cursed her roundly for being late.
(12) They were fre-quently cursed in those days.
(13) She seems cursed with bad luck.
(14) The old man cursed his enemies.
(15) I've always been cursed with bad luck.
(16) He cursed himself for having been so careless.
(17) With his last breath he cursed his captors.
(18) She cursed like a fishwife.
(19) In recent years I've been cursed with worsening eyesight.
(20) The old man was cursed with a worthless son.
(21) Poor Mother is cursed with bad health.
(22) Elsa cursed herself for believing his lies.
(23) I cursed her for spoiling my plans.
(24) He is cursed with deformed arches.
(25) He cursed under his breath as the spanner slipped.
(26) She cursed at one of her servants this morning.
(27) The witch-doctor has cursed our cattle.
(28) He cursed his bad luck.
(29) She felt the reverberation in her chest and cursed the drilling outside.
(30) Grandma protested(), but he cursed her and rudely pushed her aside.
(1) They cursed me as a madman.
(2) I cursed and hobbled to my feet.
(3) The evil witch in this story is cursed by.
(4) He was cursed with poor health from childhood.
(5) Bulman was cursed with a poor memory for names.
(6) I cursed her roundly for being late.
(7) The old man cursed his enemies.
(8) Poor Mother is cursed with bad health.
(9) He is cursed with deformed arches.
(10) She cursed at one of her servants this morning.
(31) She cursed her luck that she had had to queue for so long.
(32) The beggar cursed loudly.
(33) He cursed his bad luck in arriving just after she'd left.
(34) Legend has it that the whole village had been cursed by a witch.
(35) Things were going so badly - it was as if I'd been cursed.
(36) He hit his head as he stood up and cursed loudly.
(37) The museum has been cursed by financial problems since it opened.
(38) I cursed myself for lack of balance.
(39) He cursed, and spurred his long-suffering mount onwards again.
(40) The whole family seemed cursed.
(41) Corbett cursed and rose to his feet.
(42) He became very bitter and cursed the medical profession.
(43) I thought of him and cursed my luck.
(44) Somewhere the sturdy beggars nursed their wounds and cursed.
(45) Billy cursed under his breath as his hand slipped.
(46) People cursed and stammered apologies.
(47) I cursed my luck and began to invent adventures.
(48) Whitlock cursed angrily and got to his feet.
(49) He is cursed with this understanding.
(50) She wouldn't speak, and both of us felt cursed.
(51) He is cursed with this evaluative frame of mind.
(52) Adam kept his silence and cursed his helplessness.
(53) Amiss cursed himself for a soft-hearted fool.
(54) That involves strengthening laws, and enforcing them-hard in states cursed by corruption.
(55) She looked up into the gilt-edged mirror above the basin and cursed silently.
(55) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(56) There was not a drink to be had after midnight in this cursed town.
(57) A solitary tear escaped his eye, and he cursed himself for it.
(58) As he knelt by its head he cursed the men on either side who could have been responsible for such a war.
(59) I cursed myself for not having the ship preset for start up. Too lax.
(60) He was pressed against the wood face, his hips hard on to the letter box, and he cursed the slow reaction.
(61) Bloody misfits, he cursed inwardly, as he trudged down into the blackness.
(62) They never cursed the instrument or rued its long rule over their lives.
(63) She cursed a lot, she dressed in boots and sunglasses and black clothes and posed for photographers holding a gun.
(64) Before he died, he cursed us for killing his son.
(65) Instinctively all on the walls and ramparts ducked, even Seton, who then cursed himself for a fool.
(66) Auguste found himself caught up in the general excitement and cursed his heavy waterlogged costume.
(67) And he had pancreatic cancer, which he cursed because it prevented him from drinking port and eating ice cream.
(68) They continued their gentle turn to the right as they cursed the tower controller for making them overshoot.
(69) They sang Communist songs of praise the whole day long and cursed the reactionaries with bloody curses.
(70) She'd sounded rather forlorn, she realised, and she silently cursed her frankness.
(71) Then Hank came out and drove off, and he cursed him quietly.
(72) He also treated the little gray man poorly and was likewise cursed.
(73) Dooley stepped back and cursed with such vehemence that the rector stared in disbelief.
(74) Her voice was thin and cold, the way I like it After a while she cooed and cursed me into peace.
(75) He cursed under his breath as the flat bottom caused the water to cascade over his brown boots.
(76) I cursed, crept towards the front hall, then stopped dead as I heard voices.
(77) Hughes was blessed or cursed by a very keen sense of the social drama of collective life.
(78) Don Robey was not a man you cursed in person.
(79) A passing cart rolled by splattering him with mud and Corbett quietly cursed Burnell for sending him here.
(80) Trumpets sounded, drums beat, whips cracked, mules squealed(), and teamsters cursed.
(81) Lydia Glasher writes that the wearer of these diamonds will be cursed by the wrong she did.
(82) Chinatown child, you're a Chinatown child, cursed by the temple your father defiled.
(83) She hated the thought that he must become a separate, uncomfortable metabolism cursed with effort and choice.
(84) He grasped the shaky handle of the office door, and cursed.
(85) Felix Jaeger cursed the dark destiny that had dragged him into these terrible events.
(86) His mouth felt like something rancid had curled up inside and he silently cursed the demon booze.
(87) Toward that end, protesters stoned police, cursed them, even threw bags of human waste at them.
(88) Under his breath the man quietly cursed the interfering clerk who could bring his master's grand design to nothing.
(89) They retook the cursed city of Anlec and cast up a great fortress in the rubble.
(90) Robyn twisted around quickly and cursed again, narrowing her eyes against the throbbing pain in her head.
(91) The necklace was cursed.
(92) Owen cursed himself for having been so foolhardy as to get involved in this affair.
(93) Instead, he might be cursed with one who would rob him blind and charge him three-times the wages for the privilege.
(94) Mandeville just cursed and lashed out, sending a stool flying.
(95) As she struggled and cursed he called out and she tried to run to him.
(96) The driver cursed at him and made an obscene gesture.
(97) I cursed myself for not having the ship preset for start up.
(98) He cursed, took a flask from his pocket and drank.
(99) The cursed item can not be removed, either, once put on.
(100) These poor chaps were searching desperately for a project which would not be cursed with the ephemeral vulgarity of their usual tasks.
(101) She loses her wings and dies, leaving him to be cursed by Madge.
(102) No song lasted more than three minutes, and after each the carrot-haired kid cursed us to death.
(103) There was a loud clang and Broomhead cursed vehemently, pulling on the reins.
(104) One day an older woman who wore the veil cursed her and accused her of being loose.
(105) Jay cursed that she was so pleased with the crumbs of comfort: coffee, a drink, a phonecall.
(106) He jumped up too, then cursed and hopped about, struggling to get his fly shut before he could chase me.
(107) Cars honked, brakes screeched, and drivers cursed, shaking fists and pointing digits.
(108) For about the hundredth time, I cursed whatever kleptomaniac curmudgeon had walked off the train with my bag.
(109) Industry shake-ups cursed Earth Girls with a protracted delay between the cutting room and the screen.
(110) He cursed himself inwardly for this sudden indisposition, which had come at the worst possible moment.
(111) I've been cursed for wanting Elian back with his father, of all people.
(112) Now he had no way to track the cursed creature ... How very quickly Carnelian had acted!
(113) This is commonly reported by the cursed survivors of Auschwitz.
(114) Silently she cursed herself for being such a damned fool.
(115) She fiddled around for a while,() and cursed and muttered before she managed to get one detached.
(116) The little man cursed the brother and made him cut himself, so that he had to return home.
(117) I stood there till midnight, two hours straight, and cursed and cursed.
(118) Cursed be that mortal inter-indebtedness which will not do away with ledgers.
(119) Collins' novel is about a cursed jewel stolen from an idol's eye.
(120) People began to feel haunted, cursed, doomed to die, their foreheads sealed when Wisconsin Steel went down.
(121) Katherine Lundy was determined that her children would grow up unaffected and untainted by the cursed country.
(122) Michael cursed under his breath but no one else spoke.
(123) I learned he had the same goofy sense of humor I was cursed with.
(124) The old grizzled grannies cursed him as he passed them by.
(125) It's a cursed thing to be in debt.
(126) He was cursed a short temper.
(127) The movers cursed the unwieldiness of the big piano.
(128) I was cursed with a bad temper.
(129) I'd cursed him and railed at him.
(130) The old king was cursed with two ungrateful daughters.
(131) The old fisherman was cursed by his shrewish wife.
(132) He is cursed with a violent temper.
(133) We are cursed with a plague of mosquitoes.
(134) She seemed to be cursed with bad luck.
(135) She cursed her unready tongue.
(136) He was cursed with boils.
(137) And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.
(138) She silently cursed her own stupidity.
(139) He was cursed with a short temper.
(140) With silent, seething anger(), Lord cursed Dr. Yaminer.
(141) She cursed and stormed at me like a trooper.
(142) Your basket and your kneading trough will be cursed.
(143) The ground was cursed because of him.
(144) Bent double, like old beggars under sacks Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
(145) Then d'Urberville cursed and swore at her, and called her everything he could think of for the trick.
(145) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(146) Cursed to ride the night as the Ghost Rider, superstar motorcycle stuntman Johnny Blaze must battle the demonic Blackheart in this hi-octane blend of supernatural action and high speed racing.
(147) PADOVA - Adriano Galliani stated this right after the first win on the road of the season: 'They said that we were cursed because we could not win afternoon matches.
(148) Gibbs: Quiet, missy. Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them.
(149) I rushed to the water closet to clean the cursed blood.
(150) While visiting a museum, a cursed artifact transports Annabel back in time!
(151) Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed, which do err from thy commandments.
(152) As he had grown extremely fond of London, he cursed the flatness of exile.
(153) The locals seem to be cursed with an insatiable yen for the unknown and they bend to it willingly, fleeing for weeks, months even, into that vast spot in the middle called the outback.
(154) Cursed be gossips and the double-tongued, for they destroy the peace of many.
(155) I have been cursed with a problem which I cannot solve.
(156) The myth of a cursed man is coming to a phone near you in The Wolfman by Namco.
(157) Whitlock silently cursed Graham for heaping more suspicion on him.
(158) Annixter had cursed him so vociferously and tersely that even Osterman was cowed.
(159) All the way home, Wei Er Tie and I cursed the Japanese.
(160) Mr. Smith seems to be cursed with the ability to see the other fellow's point of view.
(161) Stop building tract housing on Indian burial grounds, cursed lands or sites of witch burnings!
(162) All this time she cursed him up hill and down dale.
(163) From then on, he has been cursed to become a hell blazing vigilante during the night, to fight against power Blackheart , the son of the devil himself.
(164) Miss Su cursed him in Chinese. Her voice seemed to have a quaver in it.
(165) Now the cursed thing's ready, Sawbones, and you'll hand out another five dollars, or here it stays.
(166) As we danced, our breasts became visible, and Satya-tapa cursed us , saying, 'You both go and become fruit trees on the bank of the river Ganga.
(167) Grief, greasy and battered, with glaring eyes, yelled and cursed them both down and issued commands.
(168) You could be cursed with the three terrible karmas. You could be beautiful, rich and famous.
(169) One of the soldiers chance upon a girl from a mysterious tribe, that is cursed such that its members who fornicate with outsiders will, together with them, transform into wolves.
(170) The mighty Atlas was left enchained, cursed to forever hold the world on his shoulders.
(171) After that I ceased to blaspheme, but I cursed my father.
(172) The old lady is cursed with blindness and difficulty in hearing.
(173) With the analysis in details, intending to be a rich man, some actions seem are truly eligible to be cursed of shamelessness.
(174) My mind searched for any possible use for this cursed nail when I noticed the immense stygian hammer grasped in his other hand.
(175) A teamster cursed as the Poor Fellows ordered his wagon out of the way.
(176) Please quote reprinted annotated source consciously(Sentencedict), otherwise you will be cursed with gang rape.
(177) We all know that she is cursed with a violent temper.
(178) And his cursed soul was cast into the viles of Hades.
(179) Ha! Cursed 6)paleface, do you dare to enter the camp of Red Chief ?
(180) Our rescuers, poor devils, cursed as they climbed, and stopped now and then to sing, drink, and laugh loudly.
(181) After which, I was hunted down, pursued, persecuted, blackened, jeered at, scorned, cursed, proscribed.
(182) Cursed Axe of Slaying drains slower and gives a 20 % movement bonus.
(183) You are cursed with a curse , for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you!
(184) Your mind, while blessed with permanent memory, is cursed with lousy recall.
(185) Even if you don't believe that jewelry can be cursed(), I've heard an old wives' tale that claims engagement rings are supposed to carry the energy of the marriage from whence they came.
(186) For oftentimes also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others.
(187) I would have cursed the little fucker into next week from the outset.
(188) Daily he was spit upon, cursed, stoned in the street.
(189) Cursed: So wicked and detestable as to deserve to be cursed.
(190) A 40-year rural family planning worker in the village of Xiheshui in Yicheng county, disagreed. "I have frequently been cursed by villagers to 'die sonless', " said Che Yulian, 64.
(191) This cursed business accursed of God and man, what is it?
(192) My mother is cursed with blindness and difficulty in hearing.
(193) They just cursed me, " Laywoman Huang said urgently with a shaking voice: "but they didn't help me at all, and afterwards, they just didn't care about me anymore.
(194) At that time, I cursed her hard-hearted, she condemned the lack of environmental ethics.
(195) Because of His great love for us, He was willing to be hated and cursed and spit upon, and then beaten and nailed to a wooden cross.
(196) Please quote reprinted annotated source consciously, otherwise you will be cursed with gang pe.
(197) Ye are cursed with a curse : for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
(198) NEW YORK — My first thought, hearing of the Polish tragedy, was that history's gyre can be of an unbearable cruelty, decapitating Poland's elite twice in the same cursed place, Katyn.
(199) Cursed be Canaan a servant of servants to his brothers.
(200) And, again dodging the boom, I ran to the colour lines, handed down their cursed black flag, and chucked it overboard.
(201) Despite her famous rectitude -- she attended Mass daily and fined actors who cursed on her set.
(202) Typically normal and well-mannered until a Full Moon kicks in, werewolves are cursed shapeshifters that have appeared in the legend set of nearly every culture going back to ancient Greece.




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