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单词 This afternoon
1. Do you have plans for this afternoon?
2. The boat should be operational by this afternoon.
3. She has determined on going this afternoon.
4. They will get into London this afternoon.
5. I'll be round this afternoon.
6. Are you busy this afternoon?
7. Ronny caught three huge fish this afternoon.
8. Will you be free this afternoon?
9. What,am I going to herd your children this afternoon?
10. I'll do some painting this afternoon.
11. We dusted out the whole house this afternoon.
12. I'm feeling a bit dozy this afternoon.
13. I really must do the washing this afternoon.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. Are you doing anything this afternoon?
15. I'm having my hair cut this afternoon.
16. Send the Christmas cards round this afternoon, please.
17. He called at Mr. James this afternoon.
18. We could go now or this afternoon - whatever time suits you best.
19. Can we all go to the swimming pool this afternoon?
20. There was a meeting of the full Cabinet this afternoon.
21. We're going for a cycle ride this afternoon.
22. Shall we go for/have a swim this afternoon?
23. I'll talk to John this afternoon.
24. This afternoon the Palestinians held an impromptu press conference.
25. If you are good I shall perhaps take you for a walk this afternoon.
26. She said you were a bit offhand with her this afternoon.
27. I am going to take the parcel to the post office this afternoon.
28. The team will continue its quest for Olympic gold this afternoon.
29. We are going on a tour of the city this afternoon.
30. I'll have to do those letters tomorrow—I'm a bit pushed for time this afternoon.
1. Do you have plans for this afternoon?
2. The boat should be operational by this afternoon.
3. She has determined on going this afternoon.
4. They will get into London this afternoon.
5. I'll be round this afternoon.
6. Are you busy this afternoon?
7. Ronny caught three huge fish this afternoon.
8. Will you be free this afternoon?
9. What,am I going to herd your children this afternoon?
10. I'll do some painting this afternoon.
11. We dusted out the whole house this afternoon.
12. I really must do the washing this afternoon.
13. Are you doing anything this afternoon?
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. I'm having my hair cut this afternoon.
15. Send the Christmas cards round this afternoon, please.
16. He called at Mr. James this afternoon.
17. We could go now or this afternoon - whatever time suits you best.
18. If you are good I shall perhaps take you for a walk this afternoon.
19. Can we all go to the swimming pool this afternoon?
20. There was a meeting of the full Cabinet this afternoon.
21. She said you were a bit offhand with her this afternoon.
22. I am going to take the parcel to the post office this afternoon.
23. The team will continue its quest for Olympic gold this afternoon.
24. We are going on a tour of the city this afternoon.
25. I'll have to do those letters tomorrow—I'm a bit pushed for time this afternoon.
26. We will have class in the theater this afternoon.
27. I'm interviewing all this afternoon.
28. A foreign guest is giving a lecture in English this afternoon.
31. Okay, okay, I'll ask him this afternoon. Satisfied?
32. I'm going to give blood this afternoon.
33. The temperature dropped below freezing point this afternoon.
34. How am I going to fill in this afternoon?
35. The home team was skinned alive this afternoon.
36. We will have class in the theater this afternoon.
37. Shall we go for a drive this afternoon?
38. Do you like to horse with me this afternoon?
39. I'm going to the dentist this afternoon.
40. I whizzed through my homework this afternoon.
41. How's about going to the beach this afternoon?
42. The matter will be brought before council this afternoon.
43. A: Will it rain this afternoon? B: Probably not.
43. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
44. I have to go shopping this afternoon.
45. We have a strong field this afternoon.
46. How about a trip to the zoo this afternoon?
47. I telephoned this afternoon, but nobody answered.
48. Why did you absent yourself this afternoon?
49. Are you swanning off to the suburb this afternoon?
50. Our system should be up by this afternoon.
51. This afternoon the prosecution will call its star witness.
52. I'll drive the girl over this afternoon.
53. Let's look round the town this afternoon.
54. Well, folks(), shall we go out this afternoon?
55. I've got the collywobbles about my exam this afternoon.
56. Another lot of visitors will be here this afternoon.
57. I have to go shopping in town this afternoon.
58. I need to go shopping this afternoon.
59. How many fish did you net this afternoon?
60. I've got a meeting with Mr Edwards this afternoon.
61. Let's go to the park this afternoon.
62. I crashed out on the sofa this afternoon.
63. We could drive over to Oxford this afternoon.
64. Will she be available this afternoon?
65. Would this afternoon be inconvenient for you?
66. How early can you get off this afternoon?
67. Who's giving the lecture this afternoon?
68. Mr. Block ran a boy down this afternoon.
69. Let's bunk off this afternoon and go shopping.
70. He brought around a new employee this afternoon.
71. I'm playing golf this afternoon - weather permitting .
72. My dry cleaning should be ready this afternoon.
73. We have no class this afternoon.
74. The tie will be played off this afternoon.
75. Let's go for a sail this afternoon.
76. Come across to my office this afternoon.
77. It promises to be warm this afternoon.
78. Shall we look round the cathedral this afternoon?
79. It'll rain this afternoon,(http:///this afternoon.html) as like as not.
80. I'm interviewing all this afternoon.
81. Shall we go for a bike ride this afternoon?
82. He will be up and about this afternoon.
83. There's a meeting at 2.30 this afternoon.
84. You will not be wanted this afternoon.
85. Baxter arrived here this afternoon, on a surprise visit.
86. This afternoon we'll block act two.
87. We're going to listen to a report this afternoon.
88. Fog and low cloud cover are expected this afternoon.
89. I'm going to bunk off this afternoon.
90. I'll do the shopping this afternoon.
91. It rained for two hours solid this afternoon.
92. We will have class in the theatre this afternoon.
93. I had to take a biology lesson this afternoon because the biology teacher was away.
94. We'll be interviewing four more prospects for the posts this afternoon.
95. The nurse has got a few calls to make this afternoon.
96. Why don't you pop in/over and see us this afternoon?
97. I've got a whole heap of work to do this afternoon.
98. The prime minister is expected to issue a statement on the policy change this afternoon.
99. Stock prices pushed sharply higher this afternoon in tandem with a rise in the dollar.
100. I think I might take French leave this afternoon and go to the cinema.
101. You should winnow out the inaccuracies of this paper this afternoon.
102. You must make up the time you wasted this afternoon by working late tonight.
103. The office called to find out where you were this afternoon.
104. This afternoon we're going to visit a friend in hospital.
105. Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?
106. If you can go there this afternoon(), so much the better.
107. Let's hope it stays fine for the wedding this afternoon.
108. I'm taking the car in to have it serviced this afternoon.
109. The good economic news caused share prices to rise smartly this afternoon.
110. I leave this afternoon and shall be away for a month.
111. Can you see to it that the fax goes this afternoon?
112. The funeral will be carried out this afternoon at 3.00.
113. The winner of the competition will be announced this afternoon.
114. If I whip through the work this afternoon, I'll be able to go home early.
115. Time is tight , and she has another meeting to go to this afternoon.
116. There was no work in the office this afternoon so everyone idled about.
117. Do you mind if I unload the children onto you this afternoon?
118. A foreign guest is giving a lecture in English this afternoon.
119. I made the tea yesterday so it's Mira's turn to be tea wallah this afternoon.
120. Is it necessary for all of us to be present at the meeting this afternoon?
121. Things seem to have quietened down a bit this afternoon .
122. It's been raining since early morning,so it should fair up later this afternoon.
123. Italy will face Brazil this afternoon before a crowd of 100,000 spectators.
124. This afternoon the Prime Minister was consulting with his advisors and we are expecting an announcement shortly.
125. Murphy will be really up against it when he faces the champion this afternoon.
126. I asked the shop to hold the dress for me until this afternoon.
127. I've fixed for you to see him this afternoon at four.
128. The Prime Minister is to make a statement in the Commons this afternoon.
129. The judge will pass sentence on the accused this afternoon.
130. Do you think we can argue the question out this afternoon?
131. Thanks for reminding. I'd forgotten all about his coming this afternoon.
132. Mary will keep an eye on the kids this afternoon.
133. Oh, those books! I meant to put them away before this afternoon.
134. The President will be giving a press conference this afternoon.
135. There was no work in the office this afternoon so everyone idled around.
136. Three shoppers were mown down this afternoon when a drunken driver lost control of his car.
137. The Prime Minister paid a flying visit to Brussels this afternoon.
138. The heavy rain speak of the impossibility of the picnic this afternoon.
139. You will carry out these instructions and report back this afternoon.
140. My father is out this morning, but he will be in this afternoon.
141. There'll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showers this afternoon.
142. I just wanted to ask you if you're free this afternoon.
143. If you come this afternoon the doctor will try to squeeze you in.
144. The judge will pronounce sentence on the defendant this afternoon.
145. Couldn't you be out of it at rehearsals this afternoon?
146. He had been riding in Hyde Park, but felt unwell as he was being driven back to his office late this afternoon.
147. Last of all, our thanks go to the caterers who have been unsparing in their efforts to make this afternoon such a success.
148. I've got to go and see yer man up this afternoon.
149. I scarcely have leisure for/ to play tennis this afternoon.
150. I'm sorry to leave you in the lurch but I can't do the presentation with you this afternoon.
151. I beg to inform you that I shall leave here this afternoon.
152. With the mercury climbing to 40 degrees, beaches and pools will be crowded this afternoon.
153. The President met this afternoon with his top military advisers.
154. I'll take advice on this matter and get back to you this afternoon.
155. " I've been to the matinee this afternoon. "
156. Mr. Johnson: Are you using your mower this afternoon?
157. It's about seventy degrees Fahrenheit this afternoon.
158. This afternoon will be cloudy, turning clear.
159. There will be anther exciting relay race this afternoon.
160. We'll have to staple synthetic fibre this afternoon.
161. The ship put away from harbour early this afternoon.
162. Send this document to the regimental headquarters this afternoon.
163. Do excuse me you use pruning shears this afternoon?
163. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
164. It's clouding up. Maybe it'll rain this afternoon.
165. The station will rebroadcast the exhibition match this afternoon.
166. I like to go yachting this afternoon.
167. The court will pass judgment on Smith this afternoon.
168. No work this afternoon. Let's really splurge.
169. They are going to sterilize our office this afternoon.
170. I'm going to see my head teacher this afternoon.
171. You'll scrub in for an appendectomy this afternoon.
172. In fact, I'm interviewing a few applicants this afternoon.
173. It's supposed to cloud over this afternoon.
174. Yes, can I have a badminton court this afternoon?
175. There's going to be a strong gale this afternoon.
176. I'm afraid Dr. Johnson is occupied this afternoon.
177. Will John complete the printout by this afternoon?
178. I'll be over this afternoon, " called Mrs. Meade.
179. Two Discovery astronauts head back outside this afternoon for an unplanned fourth space walk.
180. Russell: No. It was four - hour Swedish massage I had this afternoon.
181. She plans to go to the barber's to get her hair permed this afternoon.
182. New Mexico governor Bill Richardson dropped out of the race this afternoon.
183. I need a return ticket for melbourne at 4:15 this afternoon.
184. An aide to the governor will be at the hearing here this afternoon.
185. This afternoon or at night time you go to karaoke OK?
186. 'All hands aboard by four this afternoon,'shouted the squire, after him.
187. What did you pop off to Dick about this afternoon?
188. I have to take some notes at the Board Meeting this afternoon.
189. Gould you give me the schedule before 4 o'clock this afternoon?
190. A: I hope he's wrong as I plan an outdoor barbeque party this afternoon.
191. Is there going to be a basketball game this afternoon?
192. The job candidates will face off in a group interview this afternoon.
193. " Well, then, Wheeler,(http://) " he said. " I'll get the license this afternoon. ".
194. Mike and I had a hamburger this afternoon, and we talked.
195. We'll adjourn here for lunch and discuss the remaining issues this afternoon.
196. This afternoon An Jiang in away game challenge Team Liaoning.
197. The capital was aflutter this afternoon with rumors - apparently false - of a bomb on a bus.
198. Catania Coach Marino insists his side will attack Roma at the Stadio Olimpico this afternoon.
199. He is giving a lecture this afternoon at Stanford University.
200. " Why , I was just over there this afternoon -- Mrs. Hale and I.
201. The Lakers play Dallas this afternoon in a possible preview of a first - round playoff matchup.
202. Can you have the repairman fix the lock this afternoon?
203. Don't forget your piano lesson is this afternoon so you must play.
204. The TV station will rebroadcast the exhibition match this afternoon.
205. This afternoon just rushed to Shanghai, Mr. Xu hurried to the funeral parlor.
206. Would you like to go to the horse race this afternoon?
207. She's giving a paper on archeology at the National Museum this afternoon.
208. I hope he's wrong as I plan an outdoor barbeque party this afternoon.
209. I need a return ticket for Paris at 4:25 this afternoon.
210. But he a raid tonight on that shantytown where Mrs. Kennedy got into trouble this afternoon.
211. Let's meet at the clubhouse at 1:30 this afternoon and tee off at two.
212. By the way , the sedan bearers say we can get to the school by this afternoon. "
213. I promised to take my better half shopping this afternoon.
214. This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout. We played table tennis.
215. When your girls stoned your car this afternoon, they were actually rioting!
216. Would you like to join me in a round of golf this afternoon?
217. I think Simon was hurt by your abruptness this afternoon.
218. I will test the router in your apartment this afternoon.
219. If it's fine, we are ready to drive out this afternoon.
220. Didn't I read that there was an old Humphrey Bogart movie on this afternoon?
221. You were airing your Arabic with that man at the tiller this afternoon.
221. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
222. I'm all for it myself . We're free this afternoon . Let's really splurge.
223. Will you be interested in go to the horse race this afternoon?
224. Do you know what? I'm going to the circus this afternoon.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:30:33