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单词 Cupboard
1. Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard
2. There is a skeleton in the cupboard
3. There's a broom cupboard under the stairs.
4. It's in the kitchen cupboard.
5. The plate is kept in a locked cupboard.
6. A cupboard stands in the corner of the room.
7. He is seeking something to eat in the cupboard.
8. The mice in the cupboard squeaked.
9. The sugar's in the cupboard.
10. I found these apples mouldering in the cupboard.
11. This glass belongs in the cupboard.
12. he cupboard was full of rubbish.
13. There's some sugar in the cupboard.
14. Measure the depth of the cupboard/shelf.
15. Clear out things in this cupboard, please.
16. We hung our coats in a cupboard in the hall.
17. They're in the cupboard.
18. Don't fling your shoes in the cupboard,put them in neatly.
19. The mains switch is in the cupboard under the stairs.
20. We ought to clear out this cupboard - it's full of junk.
21. Put your toys away in the cupboard, when you've finished playing.
22. She jumped out of the cupboard and shouted 'Boo!'.
23. This cupboard can store enough food for a month.
24. What are you emptying that cupboard for?
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. I keep all the children's playthings in that big cupboard.
26. I reached up and put the parcel on top of the cupboard.
27. He used a torch to see into the dark cupboard.
28. Is there any space for my clothes in that cupboard?
29. A pile of magazines tumbled out when he opened the cupboard.
30. What in the world are you doing in the cupboard?
1. There's a broom cupboard under the stairs.
2. It's in the kitchen cupboard.
3. A cupboard stands in the corner of the room.
4. He is seeking something to eat in the cupboard.
5. The mice in the cupboard squeaked.
6. The sugar's in the cupboard.
7. I found these apples mouldering in the cupboard.
8. This glass belongs in the cupboard.
9. he cupboard was full of rubbish.
10. There's some sugar in the cupboard.
11. Measure the depth of the cupboard/shelf.
12. Clear out things in this cupboard, please.
13. I keep all the children's playthings in that big cupboard.
14. We hung our coats in a cupboard in the hall.
15. I reached up and put the parcel on top of the cupboard.
16. He used a torch to see into the dark cupboard.
17. Is there any space for my clothes in that cupboard?
18. They're in the cupboard.
19. Don't fling your shoes in the cupboard,put them in neatly.
20. The mains switch is in the cupboard under the stairs.
21. A pile of magazines tumbled out when he opened the cupboard.
22. What in the world are you doing in the cupboard?
23. We ought to clear out this cupboard - it's full of junk.
24. Put your toys away in the cupboard, when you've finished playing.
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. He made an amateur attempt to build a cupboard.
26. She hid the leaflets in a cupboard.
27. It's only cupboard love; she wants some sweets!
31. Our supplies for this month are in the cupboard.
32. I've cleared a shelf in the cupboard for you.
33. She yanked open the cupboard and everything fell out.
34. He foraged about in the cupboard.
35. Put the plates in the cupboard.
36. The cupboard was full of old toys.
37. Put the clothes in the airing cupboard.
38. The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup.
39. He made an amateur attempt to build a cupboard.
40. Something in the cupboard smells odd.
41. I put it in the cupboard or somewhere.
42. The cupboard contained all kinds of strange things.
43. Stationery is kept in the stock cupboard.
44. He keeps a stock of medicines in the cupboard.
45. Put your clothes in the cupboard.
46. I ransacked the cupboard for my ski boots.
47. a teapot in the cupboard.
48. The cupboard doors were open.
49. She hid the leaflets in a cupboard.
50. My climbing boots were sitting unused in a cupboard.
51. Two bottles were missing from the drugs cupboard.
52. It's only cupboard love; she wants some sweets!
53. Will this box fit into the cupboard?
54. She split her head open on the cupboard door.
54. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
55. It's only cupboard love; he wants some sweets!
56. He cracked his head painfully against the cupboard.
57. cupboard beautifully he's a real artist.
58. The mouse ran behind the cupboard.
59. You'll find some in the cupboard.
60. I'll look and see if I've got any sugar in the cupboard.
61. Her assistant was foraging in a cupboard for some envelopes.
62. Most families have one or two skeletons in the cupboard.
63. There's a big cupboard under the stairs for stowing toys.
64. I found my tennis racket at the back of the cupboard.
65. I'd like to help you out with your expenses, Paul, but I'm afraid the cupboard is bare.
66. There's an extra duvet in the bottom drawer of the cupboard.
67. There's plenty of cupboard space in the kitchen for all your pots and pans.
68. I looked in the cupboard but I couldn't find a clean shirt.
69. Do you have much cupboard space in your new house?
70. Look in the cupboard and see if we have any more coffee.
71. The letters were well hidden in the back of the cupboard.
72. I'll bollock him for sticking his rubbish in my cupboard.
73. He banged against the cupboard(), unbalancing a pile a books.
74. Use your noddle - clear the shelves before you paint the cupboard!
75. They are seeking more funds but the cupboard is bare.
76. A good carpenter can make a cupboard to fit the most awkward space.
77. Put your hand up the cupboard and see if you can feel anything.
78. Harry's curiosity got the better of him and he unlocked the cupboard.
79. It's in the cupboard.
80. I forced the lock on the cupboard to see what was inside.
81. We could knock a hole through the wall into the cupboard.
82. Would you put the jar back into the cupboard for me, please?
83. The cupboard door is hinged on the right, so it opens on the left.
84. The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup and food.
84. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
85. Reaching up to a cupboard he takes out a jar and twists the lid off.
86. She bundled up her clothes and pushed them into a cupboard.
87. Make sure the shelf is aligned with the top of the cupboard.
88. Make sure that the cupboard is flush with the wall.
89. We bought the cupboard on the understanding that we could return it if it wasn't suitable.
90. I couldn't afford more than a broom cupboard to set up office in.
91. She even boasted of having a grope in a cupboard with a 13-year-old.
92. Mr Worthing is this election's Mr Nice Guy, without any skeletons in his cupboard.
93. If you want the cupboard door open all the time, why don't you nail it back?
94. The shoes looked so tatty that I consigned them to the back of the cupboard.
95. They ask for more funds, but the cupboard is bare.
96. Those big dishes live in the cupboard next to the fridge.
97. The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner.
98. The gas meter is housed in the cupboard under the stairs.
99. The cupboard was full of old papers, broken toys, and other rubbish.
100. He packaged up the presents he had got for his birthday and put them in the cupboard.
101. I've been on at him to fix that cupboard for weeks now.
102. I ran across some old love letters while I was clearing out a cupboard.
103. Jenny opened the cupboard and brought out a couple of bottles.
104. All our glass and china is kept in the cupboard.
105. The cupboard would hardly close, with all the shoes thrown in anyhow.
106. There's an extra blanket in the bottom drawer of the cupboard.
107. The cupboard is full of things I can never find a use for.
108. Can you see the ties for the rubbish bags in the cupboard?
109. The room was furnished with a cupboard and some old furniture.
110. We keep all our glass and china in this cupboard.
111. James began poking about in the cupboard, looking for the sugar.
112. The piece of furniture serves a dual purpose as a cupboard and as a table.
113. I've raked through the cupboard but I can't find my tennis racket.
114. We had some new cupboard units fitted in the kitchen.
115. The cupboard is chocked up with his books and papers.
116. Drill a hole through the back of the cupboard and pass the wires through.
117. The cups come down from the cupboard.
118. Forget sophisticated economic models, just open up your cupboard.
119. Just the beds, wash basin, little cupboard.
120. No drawers gaped open, no cupboard doors swung free.
121. In winter, put them in the airing cupboard.
122. Unfortunately there was no airing cupboard.
123. He squeezed inside the little cupboard.
124. Further base cupboard with work surface.
125. The only open door led to a broom cupboard.
126. There's a lot of cupboard space in this kitchen.
127. Lock the door and hide in the cupboard.
128. They were in the hall cupboard.
129. It was a cupboard used by the cleaners that contained a number of other odds and ends.
130. He eased the cupboard doors closed to get past them and nudged the bedroom door open with his toe-cap.
131. And keep medicines up high, also with a catch on the cupboard.
132. Built-in airing cupboard incorporating lagged hot water tank and immersion heater.
133. With a back boiler, this could mean putting the hot water cylinder in a bedroom airing cupboard.
134. Using leftovers and store cupboard items, you will have made a meal that many people pay several pounds for in restaurants.
135. Can be hung under a wall cupboard or built in.
136. Frequent washing weakened the fibres, so items taken in strict rotation made it necessary to keep a well-stocked cupboard.
137. Add to that a groom in a broom cupboard with the bridesmaid and a case of mistaken identities.
138. She took a cigar box from a cupboard, opened it and displayed a number of sticks of greasepaint.
139. I felt the cuffs of the cotton jackets hanging in the cupboard, smoothed the scrupulously scruffy trousers.
140. To his right, stood a large walk-in cupboard marked as chemical storage, its door slightly ajar.
141. Ginny had hidden in the big cupboard in the dining room.
142. She rummaged in the cupboard, lifting out and rejecting one dish after another.
143. At the hall cupboard she stopped, taking a deep steadying breath to calm the currents suddenly eddying through her body.
144. He didn't open the cupboard door till he heard Ivan's voice calling when he came in.
145. Ellis opened the cupboard and took out a small black plastic suitcase.
146. She brought out a bottle of red wine from the cupboard.
147. I made the bed and was putting the clothes in the cupboard.
148. He put his belongings into a musty old cupboard beside his bed.
149. The removal of the cupboard and the sealing up of the women's rest-room had seriously complicated his life.
150. In the store cupboard[/cupboard.html], he found a can of beef stew and dumped it in a saucepan to heat.
151. Her mother claims she was conceived in a broom cupboard in the appropriately named Nobu restaurant.
152. So she went to the cupboard and cut herself some bread, which she spread with butter.
153. Pursuivant, mentally exhausted, found a cupboard under some stairs and went to sleep in it.
154. Here's how to create delicious last-minute meals entirely from standbys in the store cupboard.
155. A small hanging cupboard with one shelf costs £53 painted, £33.55 unpainted.
156. Louise had baked a pie for him and was bringing a new pair of sheets from the airing cupboard.
157. They were together in the big cupboard behind the staff room, refilling the sugar bowls.
158. Twenty-three Aileen Farquar opened her clothes cupboard and pulled a chair up.
159. In the meantime, Jean is keeping the blanket cupboard well stocked for the winter.
160. Get cleaning bucket and powder and disinfectant from the broom cupboard.
161. Single drainer stainless steel sink unit with drawer and cupboard under. Wall cupboards.
162. So I use the ordinary detergents that I keep in the cupboard for hand-washing and this works very well for me.
163. She took a little basket and filled it with bread from the cupboard, lying a white cloth over the top.
164. This is much easier than keeping them in piles in a cupboard or closet.
165. To his right was a large walk-in cupboard, its door slightly ajar.
166. Clear out your food cupboard and throw away everything that will not travel well, such as leaky, crushable or carbonated goods.
167. It's the same place Boris Becker got his mistress pregnant in the broom cupboard.
168. In another cupboard they found half a bottle of whisky and a dribble of brandy in the bottom of a Courvoisier bottle.
169. Another residents discovered rats had got into a kitchen cupboard and eaten packets of food.
170. But after I opened the cupboard, I began to think.
171. Older gardening books may recommend a cool cupboard indoors for plunging.
172. Next to it was a steel security cupboard fitted with a combination lock.
173. And in a carrier bag, cunningly at the back of a cupboard, a bumper harvest of old newspapers.
174. I opened a cupboard and about fifty pairs of Signe's shoes fell over me.
175. Four others survived by hiding behind a cupboard,[] ducking under a bed and dangling out a window.
176. Alternatively, look in the food cupboard for a suitable plastic container.
177. I slowly closed the cupboard door and then settled down in my bed.
178. Blindly, I opened a cupboard door, but all I found were tin plates.
179. Jennifer, get some butter out of the fridge and salt from the cupboard.
180. And nobody could get out of the cupboard, because I was standing in the doorway.
181. She would have to go downstairs to find and fetch a new one from the store cupboard in the kitchen.
182. He tore open the cupboard door and peered at the tiny porthole of glass on the front of the central heating boiler.
183. They had tidied him away into the cupboard where nobody would see him.
184. Assignments 1 Look in your food cupboard or fridge and select three products.
185. He took one from the cupboard in the sick bay.
186. Like many homes, her house had a cupboard under the stairs where things like suitcases and cleaning items were stored.
187. Research revealed that people were prepared to buy raisins, but only as an ingredient for the store cupboard.
188. The jelly cupboard was on its back, its contents lying in a heap in the corner of the bottom shelf.
189. The sun-and-moon chart hangs on the kitchen cupboard, where we can consult it.
190. A bay window, book case, cupboard and a settee were damaged in the fire.
191. Only one thing took Talbot's attention, a wooden cupboard on the after bulkhead.
192. After a while they brought their bowls out of the cupboard and the green leaves grew taller and flower buds began to fatten.
193. Hayes found the murder weapon, a flat iron with blood and Maria's hair upon it, in a cupboard.
194. Even a well-lagged cylinder will still give off enough heat to air clothes if your cylinder is in an airing cupboard.
195. I mean, that bit in the broom cupboard - oh, you didn't see it, did you?
196. Inside the inn there is a fine old cupboard built into the wall and a court cupboard.
197. There are two chairs and a small cupboard in the South West corner of the room.
198. I went shopping and filled an entire cupboard with the sprays and powders and liquids of chemical death.
199. In the far corner was a sagging bed and a cupboard.
200. Single drainer stainless steel sink unit with drawer and cupboard under.
201. A discussion I overheard concerned the merits of an airing cupboard as winter quarters for fly-traps.
202. But somehow this latest encounter with Matthew had been even more disturbing than their encounter in the cupboard.
203. I can find my way up in the dark, or fetch a candle from the kitchen cupboard for myself.
204. Even to remove an item from the bathroom cupboard to the wash basin or lavatory required authority.
204. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
205. Hardwood front door to - Entrance Hall Security entry phone, cupboard containing all meters.
206. Having dealt successfully with the dreaded cupboard under the stairs, we had to find another situation for Sylvia to cope with.
207. There was, in her cupboard, a Golden Cap, with a circle of diamonds and rubies running round it.
208. For most of the day they're shut in a darkened cupboard while Mrs Mooney works as a supermarket cleaner.
209. It was a narrow wooden cupboard with a shelf at the top and a rail below.
210. Then she dragged the body to the workbench and pushed it into the cupboard, head first.
211. When he came home, he took a bottle of whisky from a cupboard and began to drink.
212. Placing the books or presses in an airing cupboard will speed up the pressing process slightly without damaging the flowers.
213. And then Sally Gunnell talked to me about stuffing her gold medal in a cupboard at home.
214. Hot water cylinders A hot water cylinder is traditionally put in a cupboard which also serves for airing clothes.
215. She had left the dining-room door open and the cupboard door slightly ajar.
216. By the shelf was a built-in cupboard but everything else she saw was familiar.
217. Above: Made-to-measure hot water cylinder fits neatly under sink, hidden by cupboard doors.
218. It was years later that she confessed to cheating and hiding in the hall cupboard.
219. I knew, Lee thought, as she stacked tins and packets in the food cupboard, I knew.
220. Neither the airing cupboard nor the garden shed in winter are satisfactory.
221. Seven billion of them are in the cupboard under my sink.
222. He opened the door that gave into the extended cupboard under the roof.
223. His Dad was opening the door of a built-in cupboard.
224. The result of weeks of clandestine planning sat now inside the bedside cupboard.
225. Caution! heat and fumes and evolved, so best carried out in fume cupboard.
226. Also the food cupboard is on the wall which is very damp.
227. At the same time the Unwanted Gifts team was working in the Undercroft cupboard.
228. And from somewhere beneath a cupboard she produced an enormous canvas draped in a sheet and showed it to me.
229. She found a bottle of Fleurie in the cupboard under the sink, and opened it.
230. A mahogany breakfast table sold at £200; an astral glazed pine cupboard £200 and a marble top washstand £180.
231. I took the package from the bottom shelf of the cupboard and scurried back down the hall.
232. Feeling like a character in a split-screen movie, I opened another cupboard and took out two brandy glasses.
233. So the Wicked Witch took the Golden Cap from her cupboard and placed it upon her head.
234. She stepped over him, going through to the kitchen and opening the booze cupboard.
234. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
235. Separate airing cupboard with foam dipped hot water cylinder, immersion heater and timer for boiler.
236. From a tin in the cupboard scones were produced, and spread with butter and honey.
237. Fitted wardrobe cupboard with further cupboard housing the lagged hot water tank with fitted immersion heater and internal slatted shelving.
238. The cupboard door slides open along the groove.
239. Mr. Chang opened the cupboard and invited Hung - chien to inspect them.
240. It was time to consign his bat and glove to the cupboard.
241. Most of the clothes in the cupboard have got the moth in them.




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