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单词 Statistically
1. Children from an underprivileged family background are statistically more likely to become involved in crime.
2. The results are not statistically significant.
3. These results are statistically insignificant.
4. The rise in temperature is not statistically significant.
5. The variation is not statistically significant.
6. These differences are not statistically significant.
7. The results of the experiment are not statistically significant.
8. The difference between the two samples was not statistically significant.
8. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
9. Statistically our chances of being the victims of violent crime are remote.
10. Statistically speaking, you're more likely to die from a bee sting than win the lottery.
11. This relationship, while statistically significant, was not strong.
12. This effect was not statistically significant.
13. Whether these figures are statistically significant is doubtful.
14. This difference, while twofold, is not statistically significant.
15. The anecdotal evidence is supported Statistically.
16. Statistically, some 100,000 Guardian readers will be problem drinkers.
17. The difference, however, was not statistically significant.
18. In this respect groups did not differ statistically but the adjustment is standard practice and allows a fairer comparison.
19. He counts himself among the statistically blessed survivors of heart disease.
20. Although it is not statistically valid, it is based on objective data.
21. After the first, each subsequent divorce becomes statistically more likely than the one before.
22. I look forward to the day when a statistically perfect model is available for assessing the quality of cardiac surgical care.
23. The improvements that occurred during treatment with both preparations were similar and did not differ statistically between the groups.
24. The age distribution of the 50 patients followed up over one year was statistically compared with the Wilcoxon rank sum test.
25. We chose a p value of 0.01 and judged results greater than this as not statistically significant.
26. When personal thefts and larcenies were considered, unemployment was statistically insignificant.
27. So the exact time - and day - of this statistically important happening depends very much on where it was recorded.
28. More Republicans did answer this particular poll, he said, but it was a statistically insignificant number.
29. He found out that, as he had predicted, some classes showed a statistically significantly higher survival rate than others.
30. A decrease in acidity of rainwater was recorded at nine sites, with only one recording a statistically significant increase.
1. Children from an underprivileged family background are statistically more likely to become involved in crime.
31. Statistically the strongest correlation was between understanding of the market and commercial success.
32. Indeed, the lower the blood pressure the better, because statistically it reduces the subsequent risks of stroke and heart attacks.
33. Statistically in San Francisco, pit bulls are over-represented in attacks on people, according to animal control officials.
34. Unless this condition was met inferences about relationships within the sample could not be statistically secured.
35. It is designed to withstand the sort of storm that statistically would be expected to occur once in every 10,000 years.
36. This latter line is also statistically significant; the points on the line are most unlikely to be there purely by chance.
37. Possible fluctuations of cancer incidence due to sources of radiation are swamped statistically by the numerous other causes.
38. There are so few accidents that comparing accident rates is not statistically valid.
38. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
39. No statistically significant difference in performance was discovered between those with and those without recent study experience.
40. For quite a large number of items, the relationship with the answer to this question was statistically significant.
41. A difference with a p value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
42. Infections appeared to occur more commonly in the cyclosporin group, although the difference was not statistically significant.
43. So far the figures show a variation that is not statistically significant.
44. I was able to make over thirty predictions on statistically reliable differences in cancer mortality rates in various groups.
45. Statistically, however, the chance of avoiding synonyms altogether is vanishingly small.
46. These findings are worrisome, even though these increases were not statistically significant.
47. Results in the two groups were compared with unpaired, two-tailed t tests; p 0 05 was statistically significant.
48. Helicobacter pylori also tended to increase thromboxane B 2 synthesis although this was not statistically significant.
49. Having a statistically valid set on which to train a network is important.
50. In 66 cases there was a statistically significant effect which could not be explained by any other means.
51. The quanta are individually so small that their interactions, statistically averaged, appear continuous.
52. Although the patients in remission showed a slightly higher absorption of PEGs, this rise was not statistically significant.
53. Walker found that there was no statistically significant difference between the degree results of these two groups.
54. The red spruce decline was continuing though it was statistically leveling off, since most of the spruce were already dead.
55. The experiments were repeated many times with similar results which were highly significant statistically.
56. Statistically this loss rate is low seen in the perspective of the number of flying Spitfires over this time span.
57. The correlations between steroid dose and the changes in bone mineral density were not statistically significant.
58. And, most encouraging, there was no statistically significant difference in drug toxicities or side effects between the two groups.
59. On the other hand Marsh did find that there was a statistically significant drop in the excess returns after 1968.
60. Statistically, and contrary to your suggestions, the Junior Series Tournaments appear to be doing quite well.
61. If we define it as statistically likely, we encounter the problems discussed earlier with an infrequency model.
62. In all but five plays verse is the statistically dominant form and prose has the role of the essential but inferior complement.
63. Statistically, women are about two times more likely to develop a depression than men.
64. None the less, the effort of the sociologists to exonerate welfare as a special cause of the ghetto crisis was statistically deceitful.
65. This question can now be answered statistically by means of the process of computer simulation.
66. The results would then be collected and analyzed statistically to come up with guidelines for payouts to the remaining plaintiffs.
67. Statistically my time is limited, so would I be wise to leave things as is?
68. The location-factor approach focused on large numerical data sets and on finding statistically significant relationships between variables.
69. Hiatal hernia was the only statistically significant predictor of oesophageal mucosal status.
70. Data thus accumulated are evaluated statistically using a quality control chart.
71. The link was only marginally statistically significant.
72. The response can only be determined statistically.
73. Effect sizes in trials may be statistically significant but not produce clinically important differences in practicesettings.
74. Statistically, ninety-eight percent of all acute sunstroke cases are fatal.
75. Result The fold activation value of luciferase of rifampin group was statistically different from control group and DMSO group.
76. Statistically high EI values corresponded to structures involved early in the ictal process and producing rapid discharges at seizure onset.
77. Densitometricmeasurements were measured using image analysis system and data were statistically analysed by Mann - Whitney U test.
78. METH - ODS : The varieties, sales volume , DDDs etc. of NSAID used in 10 hospitals of Tanjin during 2002~2003 were analyzed statistically.
79. With statistically empirical research, the reliability coefficient could be estimated and improved, which could form the basis for further evaluation and decision.
80. Methods To statistically analyze blood sugar level of 120 cases of asphyxial newborn infant in our Hospital since 2000.
81. Differences of thymopoietin expression in ovarian cancer with different histological grade, clinical stage, metastasis and pathological types were not statistically significant.
82. No statistically significant association was found in the short or long run between measures of economic recession and the amount of official DAH committed or disbursed.
83. Materials and Methods: The MRI features paranasal sinuses in 100 children without sinusitis were statistically analyzed.
84. METHODS 153 cases showing adverse reactions caused by acetri- zoic acid reported in domestic literature issued from 1994 to 2006 were collected and statistically analyzed.
85. The most exaggerated and statistically significant response by far was to Alternaria alternata antigens.
86. Method: The body temperatures in the 100 emergency patients were measured by the dynamic distant thermometer and mercury thermometer. The reading data were analyzed statistically.
87. Lung function were studied with animal plethysmography when suspension ended. Test results were compared statistically.
88. Results: 1) No statistically significant difference was found in anteroposterior position of tongue between two groups.
89. No age or birth weight group had a statistically significant increased risk for food allergy.
90. Statistically for the same Groups, one can track the Number of Days On Market, i. e. the Average calendar time period in days from Initial Listing For Sale until Deal Closing.
91. The expressions derived here are valid for any statistically isotropic log hydraulic conductivity correlation function.
92. Methods According to the statistical report of hospital expense of mono-disease from 2005 to 2009, the growth of medical cost for inpatients was statistically analyzed.
93. The PCQR2 Database provides a statistically valid means to compare and contrast the capability, quality, and relative reliability of Printed Wiring Board fabricators.
94. The Error Checking function provides statistically acceptable assurance that no components of the AIP are corrupted during any internal Archival Storage data transfer.
95. Research shows that a person who smokes 10 or more cigarettes a day for a minimum of 10 years is statistically more likely to develop deeply wrinkled, leathery skin than a nonsmoker.
96. The decreasing extent of amplitude of quantitative patellar tendon reflex was statistically larger than that of maximal electrical twitch of femoral nerve.
97. To reveal these information, both the numbers and amount of funds for projects concerning mammalogy supported by the Department of Life Science, NSFC, since 1986 were statistically analyzed.
98. Methods: The pterion and the region around it were observed and measured,[] and the data treated statistically.
99. Statistically, successive random mutations to a working code were bound to produce successive crashes.
100. During the neonatal period there was an increase of 3% in the hazard of death, but it was not statistically significant (95% CI: ?18% to 29%).
101. The slag detachability data were put into computer to analyze statistically.
102. Methods: 158 patients with pulp - periodontal syndrome were reviewed and statistically analyzed.
103. With the similar histological change, alendronate treatment group, due to inhibition of the osteoclast cells, needs statistically greater pull out strength than estrogen treatment group does.
104. Results The difference between flying cadets and aircraftman in N score was statistically significant, but not in P, E, L score.
105. A statistically significant relationship was observed between distractive force required for graft insertion and immediate graft compressive force.
106. At the same time, some index on leaf in Eriobotrya plants were investigated, recorded and statistically analyzed, and the means of leaf traits investigation and date record were discussed.
107. Anisidine values of different edible oils were tested by ISO method, and the results were statistically analyzed.
108. An investigation with questionaire was conducted to analyse statistically the occurrence of infectious dermatoses in two groups before and after training respectively.
109. The freezing damage grades of Longan trees and the coinstantaneous lowest temperature data in wooden screen were statistically analyzed.
110. Topological indices can reflex chemical and physical properties of molecules statistically.
111. Most people are familiar with his body of work statistically, so I'll skip that for this analysis and focus only on the mechanical side of the top prospect in pinstripes .
112. In this performance test, I used a fixed cycle length of 1500, which is a large enough number to be statistically significant.
113. Granule shape features of connected region were extracted through statistically analyzing maximum points of connected region in distance image.
114. Methods To sort out data of occupational somatoscopy of one factory in 1995, the indexes about cardiovascular system were statistically analysed.
115. Methods: The factors of hospitalization infection were recorded and analyzed statistically.
116. The results of the research indicate: as a whole, the ability of the closed-end funds gaining market excess income is minus, and it's statistically significant.
117. The alternative hypothesis -- that a difference in proportions exists in the population -- is statistically more likely to be true.
118. A statistically significant excess in lung cancer mortality occurred in immigrants age 45 to 64.
119. The data were statistically analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage and Chi - square test.
120. Using the statistically optimal inversion method 50 sets of simulation microwave radiation data are retrieved. The influence of observational error on the inversion accuracy is discussed.
121. The concentration difference of chemical components in tobacco samples between grown years was significant, but that between tobacco-growing counties and towns was not statistically significant.
122. Of course no one actually is the statistically average woman so don't fret if you're heavier or lighter or rounder or squarer.
123. The statistically optimal planar near-field acoustical holography (SOPNAH) was introduced, a simple and effective method was proposed to choose the wave number vector.
124. The paper has proved theoretically and verified statistically by sampling that the distribution of the position error in arbitrary direction is Rayleigh Distribution.
125. There are statistically significant differences in the average ridge separation between certain samples.
126. Levels of serum estradiol and progesterone were statistically significantly higher in the clomiphene citrate group.
127. Wikipedia is aflutter with angry psychologists demanding that the community take down reproductions of 10 original Rorschach inkblot plates and their statistically common responses.
128. For different valve timings and valve lifts[sentence dictionary], the rule and influencing factors of charge stratification were researched and the auto-ignition areas of chamber were statistically analyzed.
129. You are statistically more likely to be deficient in certain micronutrients, even if you eat a healthy diet.
130. ATM is a connection - oriented, packet switching, and statistically multiplexing technology.
131. Results indicate three factors are statistically significant in the development of HCC within the NASH - cirrhosis group.
132. The resistancese to Cladosporium carpophilum of 24 peach varieties are investigated in An Hui. The results indicated that the resistancese of 24 peach varieties are statistically significant.
133. A statistically significant relationship between this polymorphism and body weight was found. MC4R gene could be a candidate modifier gene for canine body weight.
134. The data were then analyzed by the software SPSS 10.0 statistically.
135. Next, the thesis analysis the characterization of Roundtrip time delay (RTT). The RTT time series collected from the Internet are studied statistically by using both linear and nonlinear methods.
136. The sample of building permits is larger and therefore, statistically satisfying.
137. The variables of disorder, egocentricity, sex, and academic achievement can predict the competitive strategy statistically.
138. In fact, none of these results are statistically significant, i.e., they're just as likely to be caused by chance as by real differences in the treatments.
139. Method The uniform questionnaire applied and the obtained data were analyzed statistically.
140. Methods The clinical data of 63 children with anisometropia were reviewed. The relationship between anisometropia , difference image and ocular axis was compared and analyzed statistically.
141. All the data were analyzed by the software SPSS 11.5 statistically.
142. Empirical formulas between magnitude, anomalous area of the autocorrelation coefficients and epicentral distance for every station are statistically obtained.
143. Methods: The clinical data in 86 patients with GP were analysed retrospectively and statistically.
144. The accumulation of China's external assets in the accounts of the Chinese central banks shows up statistically as an increase in official foreign exchange reserves.
145. The a - wave , b - wave amplitude of ERG were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance.
146. The EMG results showed that there was statistically significant difference between brachioradialis and triceps brachii when the initial lifting location was changed.
147. Methods The ascitic sulfydryl, ferritin and adenosine deaminase(ADA) were measured in 38 patients and treated statistically.
148. The radial distribution of phase and the amplitude of complex permittivity for cylinders are given with the loss tangent values retrieved statistically from the reconstructed image matrix.
149. Tegafur and gecko decoction could depress in value of esophageal cancer rates, but the difference was not statistically significant.
150. Statistically, the coronal T1WI and axial gradient echo images were superior to axial T1WI, T2WI, coronal T2WI, and coronal gradient echo images in demonstrating the internal maxillary artery.
151. It is statistically that the transformer failure caused by insulation aging accounts for an important part in the transformer accidents.
152. The acoustic field separation technique of the statistically optimal cylindrical nearfield acoustic holography has also been developed.
153. The VEP with optimal stimuli and threshold stimuli were recorded, then the relational universal test chart was analyzed statistically.
154. In 2007, the MINOS experiment searched for faster-than-light neutrinos but didn't see anything statistically significant.
155. Our results show that the use of mobile-bearing prostheses instead of fixed-bearing prostheses reduced the risk of radiolucent lines and of complications by statistically insignificant amounts.
156. The thesis contains following main parts: (1) the intrinsic flatness of disk galaxies has been statistically analyzed based on 14,988 disk galaxies taken from the LEDA database.
157. The result is that the pass-through of RMB nominal exchange rate into China' s import price and consumer price is statistically significant, but the degree is highly incomplete.
158. This paper presents a statistically learning fixed matrix adaptive KLT figure print image compression coding method. It is implemented using TMS320C25 as well.
159. METHODS:The anaphylactic shock was statistically analyzed among3862cases that were given slight dosage of trasylol before operation by intravenous drip.
160. In this article it has compared statistically the time length of ligating tourniquet and the successful rate of venipuncture by 100 cases of diarrhea with venous transfusion.
161. The result showed that the EM is not able to statistically affect the ovarian development and oogenesis of bumblebee queens in preoviposition period.
162. Results: The effective rate of intratympanic injection group was 83%[/statistically.html], statistically higher than 60% of the intravenous drip group.
163. Statistically speaking, the number of believers if twice as large as Japan's total population, but this is because many households worship both Shintoist and Buddhist gods.
164. None of the other factors studied had a statistically significant effect on malalignment.
165. The observed data of maximum annual water levels of 160 reservoirs in China were analysised statistically.
166. For the investigation on electromagnetic radiation level in Nanjing, the electric intensity fields and power densities in the city were monitored and statistically analyzed.
167. The growth of management expenses and that of profits ran in a contrary direction and was statistically out of proportion.
168. In fact, we are probably talking about 0.000005% of the population; so statistically speaking it's about as accurate as a blind baseball pitcher with Meniere's disease.
169. Phosphocreatine could significantly decrease the DHBAs but had no difference with the effect of phosphocreatine between preconditioning group and PC 1 group statistically.
170. METHODS 102 cases of exfoliative dermatitis induced by anti-infective drugs from 1994 to 2006 were analyzed statistically.
171. The data were then analyzed statistically using methods such as percentage frequency distribution and chi - square test.
172. Conclusion There were no statistically significant differences in Chinese Kazakstan and Chinese Han in distribution of TPMT activity and genotype frequence of TPMT.
173. Sydney-based sexual health psychologist Professor Jane Ussher said the trend was concerning because Jolie's looks were statistically abnormal.
174. Functional outcomes were measured by TAM system and the data analyzed statistically.
175. In the observation group, forceps delivery rate, cesarean section rate and neonatal asphyxia rate were significantly higher, the difference was statistically significant.
176. ALT, TP, TBIL, GLU, ultrasound to measure the portal vein, splenic vein of kids measuring the thickness of the blood group of the spleen, non-bleeding group were statistically significant.
177. The scores were statistically analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences ( SPSS 12.0 ).
178. Open-ended questions allow for a greater variety of responses from participants but are difficult to analyze statistically because the data must be coded or reduced in some manner.
179. After the intervention, we found that the students' perceptions of the experienced teacher's PCK had improved and that a statistically significant difference existed except for the dimension of KSU.
180. But when those from central England are compared with North Frisia, on the German North Sea coast, the "Central English and Frisian samples [are] statistically indistinguishable".
181. High IQ goes hand in hand with patience, calculated risk-taking and interpersonal judgment, it seems – and this is true after statistically adjusting for age and race.
182. The stripe-to-bubble transition subjected to in-plane field is statistically studied for the ordinary hard bubble(OHB) in garnet bubble films at various static bias fields.
183. The popular method that statistically averaging transdermal fluxes has large mean square deviation, because the time varying property of TDD and the individual difference of SC samples are ignored.
184. The price distribution of jadeite jade bracelet, Kwanyin pendant and Buddha pendant are statistically analysed.
185. ICA can separate signals that are statistically independent but linearly mixed.
186. The structure of internal and Japan ones were studied by X ray and SEM. The grain distribution was statistically measured by quantitative metallography method.
187. Methods The corrected data concerning infections with STD and the demographic data in Zoucheng City from2001to2004were statistically analyzed.
188. After treatment, the scores of somatization, depression,[] anxiety and phobic anxiety were statistically reduced. Patient- reported improvement efficacy was 84.38% .
189. And in unclear infertile women, it reaches to 70 % ~80 % . Statistically.
190. Most of its leslcross F1S and progenies of its backcrosses and biparental mating segregated statistically 50% sterile plants.
191. Health self-judgment plays a positive role in the formation of male university students" sports habit, while its influence on female students has not been statistically proved."
192. The constructs were statistically compared with a one-way analysis of variance and compared with the intact condition.
193. Methods: The accessory foramina of 82 mandible on the lateral surface were studied and statistically analysed.
194. Are quality and process data statistically analysed and are improvement programs introduced form the analysis?
195. If you know what failures look like statistically, they follow a Poisson distribution, aka a bell curve.
196. This 105 % increase in the error rate is statistically next to impossible to happen.
197. The directions and degrees of the lumbar isthmic and degenerative spondylolisthesis had statistically evident difference.
198. Methods Stroke patients were evaluated with SAS and SDS and results analyzed statistically.
199. Methods The data from 115 stroke patients who were evaluated by SAS and SDS, on age, course of disease, sexuality, stroke frequency and myodynamia, were analyzed statistically.
200. The basic finding : Copycat returns and primitive fund returns are not statistically different.
201. The results of each test would have to be statistically independent.
202. Picking the right six numbers in a lotto is, to say the least, statistically improbable.
203. The results amongparameters were analyzed by multiple factors analysis statistically.
204. Results: All the results showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the nicotinamide group and the Sulfur mustard control group.
205. Dissolving pulp sheet showed the greatest x eight percentage gains, followed by radiata pine and red lauan respectively. The latter two didn't show statistically meaningful difference, though.
206. This paper analyzes and handles the teacher's original teaching quality data statistically and gives some appraisable index which reflects teaching basic skills.
207. There was no statistically significant difference in the need for conversion to an open procedure or in perioperative complication rates between the 2 groups.
208. There is no statistically in these, so probably all of these in a small way.
209. "There were no statistically significant effects of the three forms of garlic on LDL cholesterol concentrations," said team leader, Dr. Christopher Gardner.
210. The data showed statistically significant improvement in the primary and all key secondary efficacy endpoints in both the 6 to 11 age group (primary subset) and the entire population.
211. But the difference was not statistically significant in SWHand UW group.




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