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单词 charisma
释义  cha·ris·ma /kəˈrɪzmə/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  ATTRACTa natural ability to attract and interest other people and make them admire you 个人魅力,感召力 He lacks charisma. 他缺乏个人魅力。Examples from the Corpuscharisma• The horse appears to have great presence and charisma.• Her charisma and warmth made her the object of many a student crush, and Margarett was no exception.• Some say his lack of charisma will keep him from becoming president.• His lack of charisma and often unhappy persona will contrast sharply with Mandela's awesome humility, humour and stern paternalism.• Everything suggests, moreover, that Sereny has a special and patient charisma.• He had little of Beatty's on-screen charisma - yet.• Rice had a powerful and original vision, and the charisma to instill that vision in others.• Few Presidents have had the charisma of Kennedy.Origin charisma (1600-1700) Greek “favor, gift”, from charizesthai “to favor”cha·ris·ma nounChineseSyllable  people other to and interest a natural ability Corpus attract




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