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单词 Attacking
1. The crowd loves to watch attacking cricket.
2. The politician exposed himself by attacking the government's plan.
3. An angry mob is attacking the palace.
4. The ANC are attacking rugby because it is the soft underbelly of South African sport.
5. Planes were attacking us from all sides.
6. Anna is always attacking other children, pushing them over.
7. This is a frivolous way of attacking the problem.
8. Those racist scum have been attacking Pakistanis.
9. We drove back the attacking enemy.
10. We've been badly hung up for attacking the town.
11. Army forces have been attacking the town since dawn.
12. She immediately set about attacking the problem.
13. Our radar pinpointed accurately the attacking planes.
14. He's better at defending than attacking.
15. The revolutionaries are attacking the palace.
16. We battle withthe attacking wolves.
17. Earlier today a man was arrested for attacking a motorist in a road rage incident.
18. Predators have been observed to avoid attacking brightly coloured species.
19. A newspaper ran an editorial attacking him for being a showman.
20. After attacking the Government's economic policy, he went on to describe how the Labour Party would reduce unemployment.
21. He was under a probation order for attacking a photographer.
22. It's wrong of the press to publish articles attacking the Queen when she can't answer back.
23. Send for reinforcements — the enemy are attacking in strength.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. Helen was sent to prison for attacking a man with a knife.
25. Now the US is controlling the ball and attacking the opponent's goal.
26. His speech attacking the government has proved a rallying cry for party dissidents.
27. Our planes covered the tanks which were attacking the enemy.
28. The authorities offered to stop firing missiles if the rebels agreed to stop attacking civilian targets.
29. We all stayed down in the mud and waited for his attacking orders.
30. As the home side, they were expected to play an attacking game.
1. The crowd loves to watch attacking cricket.
2. The politician exposed himself by attacking the government's plan.
3. An angry mob is attacking the palace.
4. The authorities offered to stop firing missiles if the rebels agreed to stop attacking civilian targets.
5. The ANC are attacking rugby because it is the soft underbelly of South African sport.
6. We all stayed down in the mud and waited for his attacking orders.
7. This is a frivolous way of attacking the problem.
8. In attacking a smaller boy, he was plainly in the wrong.
31. Leicester Tigers lived up to their nickname in a very attacking game.
32. They played some fine attacking football, but I think we matched them in every respect.
33. He has been put in solitary confinement for attacking another prisoner.
34. He stalked his victim as she walked home, before attacking and robbing her.
35. The army has been criticized for attacking the unarmed civilian population.
36. In attacking a smaller boy, he was plainly in the wrong.
37. Circumstances dictated that they played a defensive rather than attacking game.
38. They hunt in packs, attacking the old, sick and unprotected young animals.
39. The defender launched himself at the attacking player, bringing him to the ground.
40. There were ugly scenes as rival gangs started attacking each other.
41. He was quite prepared to use militant rhetoric in attacking his opponents.
42. He is criminally insane, unable to stop himself attacking women.
43. Coleridge was to spend the next thirty years attacking rationalism.
44. He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself.
45. By attacking me, by attacking my wife, he has proved himself to be a gutless coward.
46. She wrote an article attacking the judges and their conduct of the trial.
47. Labour refrained from attacking him, confident he would fail.
48. Any sudden movement could panic the snake into attacking.
49. He was accused of attacking a fellow student.
50. He said Ireland would play attacking, 15-man rugby.
51. McKinnon, though, kept attacking, predictably winning a penalty.
52. Two of the attacking aircraft were destroyed in an engagement which underlined the technological superiority of the allied weapons systems.
53. Republicans in Congress, used to having a lock on the White House, began attacking Clinton at once.
54. One of my defensemen went after it with an attacking forward.
55. The result was predictable: the briefers stopped attacking ministers and others in the old style.
56. They merely suffered from unresolved Oedipal complexes, and were attacking universities as a surrogate father.
57. His timing was impeccable attacking his old boss on the day he was making a big speech on the economy.
58. The passage which opens this chapter is an instance of a satirist attacking a higher social class.
59. James's role, in fact, was not unlike that of the attacking centre-halves of the pre-1925 era.
60. That step is to cease attacking Dubrovnik and to withdraw from it.
61. Belfast proved worthy opponents, attacking tenaciously and not giving at the back.
62. We will introduce fair taxes Attacking poverty is an essential component of Labour's programme for national recovery and prosperity.
63. To have one lone voice attacking royalty in Jubilee week seemed perfectly fair.
64. Nevertheless, while Daley avoided attacking his opponent, the Machine was traveling its usual course.
65. Read in studio A man has appeared in court accused of attacking a woman in a graveyard.
66. Mr Bush's indiscretion had become a vehicle for attacking the Democratic presidential nominee.
67. All credit to manager Trevor Francis who boldly selected an attacking side and came so close to pulling off a famous victory.
68. Middlesbrough came more into the game as an attacking unit as the match wore on and could have won.
69. He was no such prodigy as a cricketer, but made the Warwickshire side as an attacking bat and top-class fielder.
70. Under law, a rancher may obtain a permit to kill a lion that is attacking his livestock.
71. At other times, they waged an incessant guerrilla war, attacking isolated Roman garrisons, ambushing caravans, cutting supply routes.
72. They have so much attacking talent, pass the ball crisply, move lithely and carve out openings galore.
73. The attacking vehicle bounced off its target and hit Curtis's car.
74. A former Metrologie employee, Sayles says eXplain was restricted from attacking the Metrologie X terminal customer base.
75. But in his next match he was sent off for twice attacking the goalie.
76. Federal legislation attacking Mormon polygamy served as a ruse for completing the absorption of the Mormon religious state into the Union.
77. Gold embroidered cape showing the influence of Moorish art in the design of lions attacking camels.
78. Race row flares again: Minister accuses Lib Dems of attacking black Tory.
79. Support Forest had virtually disappeared as an attacking force, with the outnumbered Clough receiving little support from midfield.
80. Leave aside that Lewis is far from alone in attacking academic life these days.
81. Only several good saves by Nicky Weaver kept the score down as Arsenal flexed their attacking muscles.
82. They were attacking Britain's military presence on the island rather than addressing the environmental concerns.
83. Blacks retaliated by attacking policemen and whites who were in their neighborhoods.
84. We can, however, ease the reliability requirement by shooting more than one defensive missile at each attacking missile.
85. Threats intensified and an organisation capable of attacking larger mills was built up.
86. During the war I had felt the same about those they were attacking, the brave men of the Allied merchant fleets.
87. Alliance councillor Michael Healy is attacking proposals for a centre which, it is hoped, will attract 7,000 people a week.
88. The only idea that flashed through my head was that some one had broken into the house and was attacking Master Yehudi.
89. It was generally accepted that this was best achieved by attacking enemy tactical aircraft on their airfields.
90. But for some extraordinary reason these bombers were wasted on attacking rail junctions that were already under effective artillery bombardment.
91. The new superintendent has the right idea about attacking illiteracy, but the wrong method.
92. To a large extent, the election has been fought on the airwaves, with both candidates delivering television advertisements attacking each other.
93. But that would upset the exciting shape United have now found, with Cantona giving them an extra attacking dimension.
94. It must be said that there is something slightly puzzling about a new company attacking on three fronts at once.
95. While Asquithians were attacking the Black and Tan policy as immoral, the Unionists were accusing the government of irresolution.
96. It is a serious matter, attacking a white person, let alone a white minister.
97. It was as if the attacking force had drawn back their battering-ram and steadied it for one final assault.
98. Finally, steering organizations that shop around can provide more comprehensive solutions, attacking the roots of the problem.
99. They had special status and legal protection and there were prescribed penalties for those attacking or injuring them.
100. Michelangelo's way of attacking a block of marble and the burning of Savonarola are described with real feeling.
101. There is only one option left for the attacking team - to kick the ball.
102. As a result Michael Owen and Robbie Fowler made little attacking impact.
103. In 15 first-half minutes of breathtaking attacking they conjured a hat-trick of near-misses.
104. However, as I had promised attacking football, I named them all as forwards.
105. If a defending player has a loose lace and this touches the ball, may the attacking side drop for goal?
106. Riina rewrote the rulebook by attacking rather than collaborating with the state.
107. There are other poems attacking the Friend in which the Poet writes from a closer perspective.
108. You admit that once we repair the battle cruiser nothing will stop Wienis from attacking us.
109. Among the spots on the battlefield where the attacking forces encountered strong opposition was a peach orchard on the Union left.
110. Soldiers and policemen joined in, attacking vehicles loaded with ceremonial paraphernalia and grabbing armfuls of T-shirts and umbrellas.
111. Rosler's arrival certainly saw the visitors pick up their attacking momentum.
112. I suddenly realise that we are attacking the enemy positions and we are now running through the trees.
113. Thousands of blacks swarmed into the streets, attacking policemen, pulling fire alarms, smashing windows,(http:///attacking.html) and looting stores.
114. Later still, in a Medieval bestiary, three courageous birds are shown in the act of attacking an owl's head.
115. Likewise, we can still find examples of Tories attacking the theory of the ancient constitution and Whigs defending it.
116. This critique of industrialism is, therefore, in attacking the profit motive, a critique of capitalism.
117. Conversely, those under attack from undertakings in dominant positions from other member states have valuable defences to attacking market dominant undertakings.
118. The rebels hope to weaken the regime further by attacking its defeated and demoralised forces.
119. Seminoles and blacks then stormed through Florida, attacking settlements and creating great fear among the white inhabitants.
120. Even so, I felt by no means certain that the elders would be able to prevent their refractory warriors from attacking us after dark.
121. In aquarium conditions such attempts are usually doomed to failure due to bacteria attacking the severed portions before the wounds heal.
122. And they refrained from attacking for thirty-six hours in the expectation that Diem would comply with their demands.
123. You have little to lose by attacking with the utmost determination.
124. The announcer explains that by attacking the central nervous system it paralyzes the vital organs.
125. Should you goad him into attacking you, you might find the aftermath disappointing.
126. The immune system inexplicably begins attacking the protective sheaths surrounding nerves, damaging the nerves' ability to conduct impulses.
127. Among labouring poets, Mary Leapor will prove a particularly strong instance of a satirist attacking her betters.
128. Having blocked two attacking techniques, the defender counters with a double punch to his opponent's face.
129. While Shelley was still at school, he circulated a pamphlet attacking religion.
130. And when they reach puberty they start attacking their owners.
131. A husband was jailed for attacking a man he found making love to his estranged wife.
132. That has prompted top Dole advisers here to urge a new round of much tougher ads attacking Forbes.
133. Perhaps only by attacking the dominant ideology can it be transformed since action groups may stimulate a rethinking of the situation.
134. Males are usually most involved in attacking predators and may collaborate to kill snakes as dangerous prey.
135. During the battle five Troll Slayers distinguished themselves by attacking and destroying three Trolls which were perilously close to crushing Duregar himself.
136. The other two squads had further to go in attacking similar installations around the northern or inner caisson.
137. If the street protesters want to fight poverty, they should be celebrating globalization, not attacking it.
138. So we try to fill the void by attacking other people, somehow taking esteem from them.
139. The attacking force had evidently been spread very thin since altogether there were fewer than 20 planes reported.
140. Barnes managed to stem the tide a little by giving Liverpool a genuine attacking outlet.
141. Neither retreated more than a few steps before attacking with renewed ferocity, driving the other back.
142. The most serious incident came in April 1812 when two men were killed in attacking the well-guarded mill of William Cartwright.
143. Government air power has prevented the rebels from attacking N'Djamena directly.
143. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
144. When Bath won an attacking scrum on the right and Swift began to drift across his marker did not follow him.
145. He also had claims to be considered a genuine all-rounder, having played many attacking innings in the lower middle order.
146. It is a medical problem to attack the virus without attacking the normal cells.
147. In contrast we find the Church party attacking the Church hierarchy.
148. To add insult to injury, Palace, attacking with renewed vigour, were then awarded a doubtful penalty.
149. In the postwar euphoria big crowds flocked regularly to the Oval to see the attacking cricket on which Surridge insisted.
150. In each case the violation alleged by those attacking minimum wage regulation for women is deprivation of freedom of contract.
151. Many computer messages attacking the team and its owner were sent by people using bogus identities, Stesch said.
152. Trepolov had some sense of decency and didn't go attacking the ball like some damned dervish.
153. So the winger has a go, gets tackled, the ball is trapped and the attacking side loses possession.
154. Flair Souness was also denied the attacking flair of Mark Walters, sidelined with a thigh injury.
155. The President has personalized the debate by attacking his opponents by name.
156. Already under a probation order for attacking a songwriter the previous year, he found himself on another assault charge.
157. But now there is a new kind of racial violence in schools - girls attacking girls.
158. The wise heads realised that when a side is given such consistent attacking time points must be scored.
159. When will the Secretary of State stop attacking good advice and start attacking the recession?
160. Dodging between the vinyl booths is Luis Valencia, busily attacking a pile of crumbs with his 3M carpet sweeper.
161. The attacking force may be composed of all combat types, including four or five carriers, transports and train vessels.
162. Tinbergen suggested that the zigzag display results from the conflict felt by the male between attacking the female and fleeing from her.
163. Even after this, a debate raged as to the precise implication of Kasparov's complex attacking scheme.
164. Boro were seen more as an attacking force in this half without achieving a breakthrough.
165. Unfortunately they feed exclusively upon live echinoderms attacking starfishes and sea urchins and can not be acclimatised to substitute foods.
166. That such a prolific goalscorer should choose a club renowned for their attacking play demonstrates the practical considerations which influenced his decision.
167. Ruotolo apparently submitted, but then published a pamphlet attacking current exegesis, especially as it was taught at the Biblicum.
168. Steer them away from attacking other individuals in terms of personalities.
169. They were apprehensive of the enemy attacking them.
170. What is this author in I Timothy attacking?
171. The enemy is attacking without mercy!
172. Counterdrive: An attacking stroke made against an attacking stroke.
173. The chairman started out by attacking the first speaker.
174. Greenish Yellow: Low threat(sentence dictionary), Not attacking you.
175. The concept of intersection set of "possible attacking sector" and its application in the fighter course determination for multi-target attacking are also discussed.
176. It is only by attacking the other side unprepared that we can stand in advantage.
177. Ever since the discovery of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) in 1892, over three hundred viruses attacking plants have been described.
178. The task of deploying IDS on the switch core is to detect the attacking actions from the whole network.
179. Based on characteristic of anti-submarine helicopter operation, the method of anti-submarine helicopter using radio sonobuoy in searching and attacking submarine operate combat is discussed.
180. Even if the linesman has doubts, he has to give advantage to the attacking team.
181. LJUBLJANA(Reuters) – A Slovenian who saved his three dogs from being put downfor attacking humans was himself mauled to death by them, police saidWednesday.
182. Kea, the world's only snow line-dwelling parrot, are widely known as inquisitive birds who appear to take delight in attacking rubber items like windshield wiper blades.
183. Curry please keep attacking Yao so Yao can get his first triple - double.
184. The lunge, the fleche and the thrust are the main attacking skills.
185. Elite troops had just spent five days attacking the Taliban bastion of Gul Tepa north-west of Kunduz.
186. In 2005, the Barbican in London was accused of excising sections of its production of Tamburlaine to remove scenes attacking Muhammad.
187. The thesis also discusses the probability of intercept the attacking torpedo by utilizing the coalescent of torpedo' locate buoy and rocket depth charge, which found on the trait of vector hydrophone.
188. The correct choice of air-to-surface weapons will have a direct effect on the result of air-to-surface target attacking.
189. When you see your opponent attacking one of your Devourer Tanks, force fire all your Corruptors onto it so that your opponent cannot kill it.
190. Sir Alex Ferguson was left in awe at some of the attacking, penetrating football United produced again Portsmouth, but was baffled that the scoreline was a deceptive 2-0.
191. According to the operations of antiarmed helicopter, attacking surface targets and antitank light armored vehicle, the superiority of electronic fuze is analyzed.
192. Methods: Using TCS as antigen, carried on sensitizing and attacking of allergical reaction on guinea pig.
193. The class started attacking hook-up culture after they'd been discussing it all semester.
194. But their wide-open attacking style made them perfect victims for a Gunners' team in top form.
195. AC Milan are poised to loan central defender Matteo Darmian (20) and attacking midfielder Davide Di Gennaro (22) to Italian second division club Padova for one season.
196. As the defending team lines up a four-man wall, the captain of the attacking team discusses the options with his two main free-kick takers.
197. With our Champions League match coming up, we need our attacking players to be in top form.
198. Attacking team: The opponents of the defending team in whose half of the ground play is taking place.
199. They were found guilty of attacking a ship off the coast of Somalia last year.
200. China is in transition, they're copying everything, and funny enough, the rest of the world is scared $hitless about attacking them on the IP violations.
201. We follow up our victory by attacking the enemy on all fronts.
202. Instead of attacking the independent sector, government agencies should be praising the results these schools are achieving and seeing what can be learned from them.
203. Works extolling the late Chinese leader, damning capitalism and attacking globalisation are laid out on shelves.
203. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
204. The highly athletic Rooney has reinvented his position, swerving all over the attacking half of the field to drop back into midfield when needed or provide the final tap on a goal.
205. Mango weevils is a main pest attacking mango in the tropical region.
206. Unless we start fully funding our educational system and stop attacking teachers, we will all be grovelling to China.
207. Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength ; attacking , a superabundance of strength.
208. Based on the standing out characters of navy data link in modern sea fight, its effect toward submarine missile attacking course, commanding manner and missile attacking pattern are indicated.
209. In fact, ASLR could cause the malware to draw attention to itself by crashing the very system file(s) it's attacking.
210. The infantry would use hit and run tactics to slow attacking forces.
211. Now the blistering pace of Overmars made them an awesome counter - attacking force.
212. It is put forward that the optimal launch point should be selected in the common segment of attacking path and attacking area according to the rule of maximizing the overall kill probability.
213. Anti-radiation missile mainly used for attacking guard radar, fire control radar and ship carrier radar and finding target of air-defense radar, tacking and destroying.
214. By the compiling computer simulation software, the killing probabilities on intelligent mine attacking to tank were achieved.
215. There are also reports of giant squid attacking ships, maybe thinking that they were whales.
216. The American and Canadian mountains gradually grew awash with stories of Sasquatch appearances; there were even reports of gangs of strange creatures attacking people in the forests.
217. Figo, Martins and Burdisso combine on the right. The Argentine wins Inter an attacking throw-in.
218. The main attacking character of place kick is particularly capturing the space, especially in opposing half.
219. Attacking experiments have shown that the watermarking a good ability of robustness.
220. Lavishly supportive of his stars, Buss wasn't used to one attacking him personally.
221. Five Somali men convicted of attacking a US Navy ship they mistook for a merchant vessel have been sentenced to life in prison.
222. A swarm of cusk eels, seen attacking a piece of bait in a 2010 picture, were spotted 3.7 miles (5.6 kilometers) underwater during Oceanlab's expedition to the Peru-Chile trench.
223. The narrow, towering lodgepole pine trees that populate North America's western forests may disappear in the coming decades due to climate change and attacking beetles, a study said Monday.
224. Some of the bees were then shaken vigorously for one minute — an experience intended to reproduce the presumably alarming feeling of a honey badger attacking their hive.
225. The return of Torres to action against Arsenal on Sunday has further bolstered Hodgson's attacking options as he prepares to lead his contingent into a busy period of domestic and European fixtures.
226. It means a counter attacking ploy of your own may be best.
227. Besides, the process of particle impacting one tube and frequency of the bubbles attacking the middle tube in bottom row were investigated. It was great contribution to study the tube erosion.
228. It will only if there's nothing already attacking or if you're looting.
229. The terminal correction submunition missile has good shooting efficiency when attacking the airdrome runway.
230. In a report published Tuesday, Fars quotes the deputy head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization as saying "no country would even think about attacking Iran" after it joins the nuclear club.
231. A new olefination methodology based on the nucleophile attacking fluorinated phosphonates.
232. And incredibly the Gunners have now kept six clean sheets in their last seven games - even a Real Madrid side overloaded with attacking talent couldn't find a way past their stubborn rearguard.
233. Police of the monopoly bureau, under the excuse of stopping the illegal sale of cigarettes, began attacking child peddlers and robbing them of their cigarettes.
234. Rory Delap's long throw ins are one of Stoke's most potent attacking weapons, however reports suggest the 35-year-old could miss the game due to injury.
235. The ninjutsu ability can be used during the declare blockers, combat damage, or end of combat steps if you have an unblocked attacking creature.
236. Manchester City will play a more attacking style of football.
237. Rafael Benitez insists Liverpool will adopt an attacking mentality in their attempt to bring Manchester City's undefeated home record to an end on Sunday.
238. Pull attacking tactics is quick attack hits a law to cope with snick kind the main tactics that makes a way.
239. This paper presents an attack detection policy based on data link monitoring with support of secure routing protocol, which aims at traffic pattern distortion attacking.
240. We've had a great history here and I've watched a lot of videos and watched the attacking, the relentlessness of the team, never being satisfied with a draw.
241. The constable received a distress call, and saw two youths attacking his colleague.
242. Soto said the ninjitsu class was wrapping up late on Tuesday when one of his students went outside and saw the men attacking the 27-year-old German.
243. "Let us return home," said the father, "they are attacking the Tuileries."
244. Taking missile attacking large size moving target as example, the operational effectiveness model of the satellite was built with probability of hitting target as measure of effectiveness.
245. In addition, the improvement of the backcourt attacking and scoring abilities of assistant second passers also brought changes to this dedicated function.
246. The attacking midfielder enjoyed a productive loan spell at Wrexham last season scoring four goals in 21 appearances.
247. Under militia's the the pursuing and attacking, gangsters escaping the remote mountains.
248. He may try to blast his way out of trouble, playing attacking shots to balls he would not normally contemplate hitting.
249. The troops attacking frontally would do so with more enthusiasm.
250. However high-explosive bombs are ideal when attacking an enemy base, while torpedoes and armour-piercing bombs are virtually useless.
251. So soon as the multitude is thus united in one body, it is impossible to injure one of the members without attacking the body, still less to injure the body without the members feeling the effects.
252. This paper aimed at attacking and noise problem of high spot closed gripper mechanism in the running process, and made theoretical analysis and application research.
253. The conclusion indicates that "attacking basketball in post- modernism" is to attack quickly, act capriciously , ball- star versatile and defend in time.
254. The chairman started off on his favorite subject after attacking the first speaker.
255. There are sharks munching on seals (filmed at 2,000 frames per second and slowed down to capture every bone-crunching detail), sharks attacking people and sharks chewing cameras.
256. Imbue ArrowAllows Ranger to enhance his or her arrows with attacking or cursing spells.
257. When you come to a town, before attacking it, make an offer of peace.
258. The ants have cornered the rustler and are attacking it.
259. Catania may be new to the Serie A scene, but the Sicilians have impressed with their attacking 4-3-3 system.
260. The exact lines and appropriate saturation vividly display the muscle tensions and the irresistibility of the attacking bull, the pants and naughtiness of the escaping one.
261. Many of those infected have developed haemolytic uraemic syndrome, a potentially deadly complication attacking the kidneys.
262. To prevent each other from suddenly attacking, strangers joined right hands as a pledge of nonaggression , thus demonstrating that neither party was about to use a weapon.
263. Excellent! You can destroy buildings with armour-piercing munitions, but high - explosive ammo is more effective. Now(), lets try attacking ships.
264. Tip: Bomber strike craft are very effective at attacking structures.
265. Passing style and tempo are linked. A short passing game works best with a slower tempo, whilst a direct, counter attacking style needs to be swift and quick.
266. He was really poised, really comfortable attacking the strike zone.
267. Attacking robots are not supposed to push the goalie in any way.
268. Chelsea's feat in becoming the first top-flight team to score 100 goals in the league since Spurs in 1963 was a reflection of the attacking intent Ancelotti has brought, especially on home territory.
269. The insect tacking ( attacking ) tree farms and can also spread when logs and firewood are transported.
270. On the other hand, attacking China's Shanghai international financial center and an international shipping center.
271. What if other non-player characters got more aggro, attacking you more often because of your reputation as a torturer?
272. In order to count air-to-surface target attacking operational effectiveness, by using probabilistic method, the expression of air-to-surface target attacking operational effectiveness is present.




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