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单词 Sufficiently
1. Experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues. 
2. Experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govern nothing with more difficult than their tongues.
3. They have nukes, and if they're sufficiently pushed, they'll use them.
4. My experience is not sufficiently varied.
5. These explanations are not sufficiently grounded in fact.
6. Students must reach a sufficiently high standard to pass.
7. I'm not sufficiently versed in computers to understand what you're saying.
8. The following day she felt sufficiently well to go to work.
9. The case was sufficiently serious to warrant investigation by the police.
10. McGeechan has not recovered sufficiently to play in the semi-final tomorrow.
11. She was sufficiently self-aware to recognize the cause of her problems.
12. She has not been sufficiently stretched at school this term.
13. The service is not sufficiently orientated to the needs of those who use it.
14. I don't think he's sufficiently dedicated to stay the course.
15. The new policy was sufficiently elastic to accommodate both views.
16. She recovered sufficiently to accompany Chou on his tour of Africa in 1964.
17. When is a building sufficiently furnished for full habitation?
18. He failed to be sufficiently accountable to the board.
19. If they are sufficiently loquacious, all is well.
20. By the mid-twelfth century pilgrims were sufficiently numerous to merit a guidebook.
21. Will such businesses be sufficiently profitable to generate the interest of the private sector?
22. So for a sufficiently large number of matter particles, gravitational forces can dominate over all other forces.
23. The guidelines may not have been sufficiently widely disseminated, or they may have been viewed as impractical or unrealistic.
24. The function of the stomach is to digest food sufficiently to enable it to pass into the intestine.
25. Academics and employers are deeply concerned that students are not sufficiently prepared mathematically for university courses.
26. When the spun sugar balls,() the candy has cooked sufficiently.
27. Unqualified members of staff at the hospital were not sufficiently supervised.
28. Often, a man can enjoy making love but may not be sufficiently aroused to climax.
29. It turned out he had not insured the house sufficiently.
30. Carpets were thick underfoot and solid velvet curtains hung at the windows, parted just sufficiently to admit a little starlight.
1. They have nukes, and if they're sufficiently pushed, they'll use them.
2. The function of the stomach is to digest food sufficiently to enable it to pass into the intestine.
3. The new policy was sufficiently elastic to accommodate both views.
4. It turned out he had not insured the house sufficiently.
31. This additional cost, if sufficiently large, will be passed on to bank customers based upon a new, higher base rate.
32. The working party's remit was sufficiently wide-ranging to permit examining almost anything that had a bearing on chartered accountants' training.
33. By then, we felt sufficiently established to begin work with women in the poorest districts of San Salvador.
34. I have already commented that colours will not show up unless the intensity of the light is sufficiently great.
35. This is another way in which Highlander has had to be sufficiently flexible to adapt to changing needs.
36. Few contemporary feminists would consider the Bible sufficiently central to our oppression to be worthy of this sort of attack.
37. Sufficiently long gap between contractions for me to smile for the camera. 12.30 a.m.
38. Another layer of guilt was added for brighter children who acclimatised sufficiently to start pulling ahead of their classmates.
39. Sufficiently large impacts can hurl crater ejecta to any point on the lunar surface.
40. It's just that there aren't enough of sufficiently high calibre in the party's lower ranks.
41. The issue is sufficiently important to justify separate treatment in the following chapter.
42. In this context neither the attendance allowances nor the SRAs are sufficiently realistic.
43. They twice hit back and were sufficiently in charge of the second half to have nicked the much-needed points themselves.
44. Why is not immediately obvious but sufficiently worrying to put a black mark against the program.
45. It might be a long time before the field would be sufficiently disinfected for their tastes.
46. It becomes critical that the algorithm or program approximates sufficiently, or disaster can occur Smart materials make the situation even worse.
47. I had feared that you might not be sufficiently developed. Pay attention.
48. The characteristics of optical fibre change with temperature, sufficiently to change the required magnetic field period.
49. At first sight this method for calculating the poverty line seems reliable and sufficiently scientific to warrant its continued use.
50. But he is a sufficiently good opportunist to put a strategic gloss on something he is going to do anyway.
51. In any case, the current legal limits for caffeine are sufficiently high to allow a wide latitude of experimentation.
52. The conundrum is whether Bob Kimmins is sufficiently match-fit to join Charles Cusani in the second row.
53. The Neo-Expressionists mostly seem too dour to qualify - and most do not make prints on a sufficiently regular basis.
54. M39 is very loose, but sufficiently condensed to make it obvious, particularly in view of the characteristic pattern of its leading stars.
55. This will presumably happen if countries are sufficiently similar in relative factor endowments and if economies of scale are sufficiently important.
55. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
56. This period was sufficiently long for the widespread planation of oceanic islands, many of them volcanic.
57. The ideal of caring for aging parents is sufficiently strong that even the most undeserving aging parents can ride its coattails.
58. If m is sufficiently small we can ignore the mutual attraction of the two masses.
59. Heath was sufficiently encouraged to delay surrendering the seals of office and to have two further cabinet meetings.
60. But I had been sufficiently intrigued by the stories I had heard of William to want to find out.
61. Quality assurance must have a sufficiently comprehensive scope to identify all areas having the greatest need or potential for improvement. 4.
62. This was despite the government's stated aim that the definition of regulated activities should be sufficiently clear to avoid unnecessary registration.
63. Only those particles with kinetic energies sufficiently high to overcome the attractive forces between the particles in the liquid can escape.
64. Fortunately, women have changed sufficiently to make child care an issue.
65. However, they can be disentangled sufficiently to allow our study of lexical semantics to proceed.
66. For some goods it may be appropriate to permit cancellation at no charge provided sufficiently long notice is given.
67. Because of this, we devised a modular training package, sufficiently adaptable to cater for the vast majority of individual circumstances.
68. If demand for its Microsoft based Intel Corp desktops encourage independent software vendors sufficiently development of a MicroSparc-based desktop will be considered.
69. His critical judgments about quantitative sociology also are not sufficiently illuminating at a craft level to make quantitative analysis more fruitful.
70. To see that the sowing is begun sufficiently early to avoid risks of early frosts. 17.
71. For this reason, renewable energy investment was not yet sufficiently attractive to retail investors.
72. Economic constraints or limitations can be overcome given a sufficiently high motivation to do well by the individual entrepreneur.
73. However, planetary chemistry is sufficiently complicated that this can not be regarded as a firm conclusion.
74. In summary, an exchange rate system needs to be sufficiently flexible to cope with long-run changes in countries' competitive positions.
75. There are also some patients who make wonderful subjects for hypnotic therapy but who are unable to relax sufficiently for regression.
76. A great many people love their elderly Parent or aunt sufficiently to want to look after them.
77. Finally when molecular motion increases to a sufficiently high level, all the chains behave like weak springs the whole time.
78. The study was limited by researchers' inability to interview patients who were unconscious or not sufficiently alert to give complete answers.
79. Governments caring sufficiently about redistribution might still prefer inefficient allocations with greater vertical equity.
80. However, the similarity between these motifs is sufficiently close to suggest the work of the same craftsman.
81. Adults are at least able to acquire, even though this may not be at a sufficiently high level of competence.
82. But audiences sitting and watching can only join in the fun in their imagination and if the dancers are sufficiently out-going.
83. Paisley had broken with Kilfedder because he had not been sufficiently outspoken in his criticism of O'Neill.
84. Even congressional leaders who pushed hardest for it were sufficiently nervous to build in some hedges against runaway presidential abuse.
85. In particular, they have been censured for failing sufficiently to take into account the needs of local people.http:///sufficiently.html
86. When I was sufficiently unbundled to have a look around, though, I was instantly dismayed.
87. When his oration ended, the rector felt sufficiently relieved to try and figure out what to do.
88. Above this frequency, the attenuation ceases to be negligible and the phase shift ceases to be sufficiently proportional to frequency.
89. Where receivables in a particular currency are sufficiently large, an exporter could consider using a Currency Option to hedge an exposure.
90. Below the bend the water remained sufficiently shallow close to the bank for Trent to keep his footing.
91. The written examinations would provide the opportunity for assessing whether the student had acquired a sufficiently analytical approach to the subject.
92. Their minds have never been sufficiently clear of the substance or process of addiction to be in any significant degree of recovery.
93. The peril is that intentions will be mistaken for plans and thus not be in a sufficiently doable form.
94. Are these sufficiently closely defined for us to be able to apply them to particular cases?
95. During the historical period East Prussian amber was considered sufficiently valuable to be declared Crown property, its exploitation subject to licence.
96. Language is sufficiently flexible to allow the construction of an infinite variety of singular terms which do not designate any entity.
97. The statistical data is not sufficiently large to enable satisfactory significance tests to be performed.
98. Sunday was the only day when Joan's routine was sufficiently fixed for me to know what she was doing.
99. The bush is now grown in other tropical areas that have a sufficiently warm, wet climate.
100. Can energy efficiency and a greater dependence on natural gas cut carbon emissions sufficiently on their own?
101. It must therefore remain an open question as to whether the local economy is sufficiently robust to attract private sector capital.
102. Fortunately he was dressed in full ocean racing gear and sufficiently padded not to be hurt.
103. The structure that I have suggested is sufficiently robust to halt that slide and ensure that acute care remains free throughout.
104. And when she calmed herself sufficiently to face him he had gone.
105. The only force generally believed to be sufficiently powerful is the high-energy impact of a large asteroidal fragment on the Moon.
106. Reality itself is a little out of focus when you stare with eyesight sufficiently keen.
107. What is needed is a transmitter sufficiently cheap, compact and low-powered to be installed in every home.
108. The alternative case where free entry restores standard comparative advantage is when factor endowments are sufficiently similar to permit factor price equalization.
109. But these days Hazel seemed sufficiently impressed by him anyway, whatever he did.
110. The conservatory is light and airy, but remains sufficiently shaded to prevent summer temperatures of getting out of hand.
111. Quite simply, domestic policy performance was not sufficiently competitive to match a high level of domestic demand.
112. If this happens, it is important to move the stick forwards sufficiently to ensure that the glider does not re-stall.
113. Too many companies enter foreign markets without analysing sufficiently either the customers or the competition in those markets.
114. Gratitude is the best attitude. There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind than gratitude. It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction that the duty is sufficiently rewarded by the performance. Joseph Addison 
115. However, Chandrasekhar showed that for a sufficiently massive star the gravitational collapse continues until the star shrinks to a point.
116. Only in the Scherzo and in certain passages in the Finale do they begin to lighten the texture sufficiently.
117. Only as the men left did he relax sufficiently to give Constance a glance of bitter complicity and move his lips soundlessly.
118. If the gans were sufficiently propitiated, they would use their considerable powers to attract good fortune.
119. But with the help of a hired public relations man, he argues that he kept Justice sufficiently informed -- through Holder.
120. Infuriated, she forgot herself sufficiently to reach out and prod his knee.
121. Gloucester was simply not sufficiently involved in the region to maintain a large-scale connection against competition from local lords.
122. If it occurs on a sufficiently large scale, either main party might still win an outright majority.
123. The commemorative battle was sufficiently well choreographed to avoid serious damage ... although there were still plenty of cuts and bruises.
124. Categories of expenditure should be sufficiently flexible to allow transfer of funds if increase in one category would lead to overall savings.
125. The decision he reached was that existing computer hardware was not sufficiently powerful to cope with the problem.
126. Eventually the internal pressure and temperature rise sufficiently for thermonuclear fusion to begin.
127. The odour may be objectionable to him but is it sufficiently so to amount to a nuisance at law?
128. He yelped shrilly and dropped his guard just sufficiently for a sword, swung by a surprised opponent, to skewer him.
129. The genus was sufficiently unlike other bacteria to arouse curiosity.
130. He is severely microcephalic, his brain not having grown sufficiently following the injury.
131. It is clearly possible that we are not casting our net sufficiently wide.
132. Some are sufficiently realistic that young males try to chat up the female personas they represent.
133. The initial emphasis was on speakers and their ability to encode messages sufficiently clearly to enable listeners to identify the target object.
134. He was sufficiently influenced by the Lewisham events to seek a ban on similar marches in the months that followed.
135. If the cost of fibres falls sufficiently, Telecom will start using fibres for its junction networks inside city areas.
136. I wish only to have made it sufficiently clear that scientific reasoning is a chimera.
137. Their descriptions seem sufficiently close to one another to be taken as descriptions of the same divine being.
138. He was still sufficiently sane to remind me that Orvieto was perched on the top of a craggy escarpment.
139. Martin's potted history of each railway is certainly sufficiently detailed to whet the appetite enough to free buttocks from armchair Dralon.
140. In fusion reactions, light atoms are brought together sufficiently energetically to overcome their natural repulsion.
141. He has paid a terrible price for conduct that I am not sufficiently censorious to classify as wrong, bad or wicked.
142. Yesterday, having recovered sufficiently to return to his hotel, he attempted to withdraw from international judo by offering his resignation.
143. The difficulty was always to obtain sufficiently high-quality data within a defined area.
144. Here again a rational trader will want sufficiently advantageous terms in the forward market to compensate for the extra costs of transacting.
145. There, a tired reminder of arrangements made sufficiently confusing by the first notice.
145. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
146. The nuclear programme were reducing but the non-nuclear activities were not yet sufficiently robust to replace them.
147. Conversely, do they trust you sufficiently to discuss with you those delicate and sensitive issues which need confidential handling?
148. The concrete structure should be sufficiently dense to limit water ingress to ensure that the system can cope.
149. Quigly, Willis and Frome - it would have formed a sufficiently high-sounding trio of names to grace a solicitors' firm.
150. Zande conceptions are sufficiently flexible to permit the selection of explanations according to one's position and interests.
151. Sometimes experienced practitioners do not read the conditions sufficiently carefully, and assume that they are simply a standard proforma.
152. Neither hospital was sufficiently remote from its catchment area to warrant the intervention of the centre to impose closure.
153. This was sufficiently pronounced to offset the drop in the oil import bill following the recent price collapse.
154. However, current consumption must be kept sufficiently low to provide an acceptably long battery life.
155. Men must change sufficiently so that their representation of life and their political expression uphold humane values.
156. If the doctor thinks the patient isn't sufficiently lucid or mature, then the decision should be ignored.
157. However, a Class 1 transaction is not sufficiently important to require shareholder approval.
158. Some biological theories are sufficiently affected by increasing demands for social relevance to tackle social differences.
159. Could any one house be sufficiently interesting to fulfil this dual role after the first flush of passion passed?
160. The holes were sufficiently large to serve as nests.
161. However, the hypertrophic obstructive type is sufficiently discrete.
162. The soup is not sufficiently salty.
163. The surface has been heated sufficiently to initiate vertical motion.
164. The method works sufficiently well to locate earthquakes fairly accurately.
165. A sufficiently energetic particle can penetrate the entire stack of parallel plates.
166. We were sufficiently uneasy about possible misinterpretations that we had prepared a careful press briefing.
167. These ruins sufficiently attest the former grandeur of the place.
168. Therefore,(http:///sufficiently.html) at sufficiently high energies the absorption coefficient begins to increase after passing through a minimum.
169. I do not believe the reasons you have given are sufficiently compelling.
170. The limestone is sufficiently fissured for tree roots to have breached the roof of the cave.




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