随便看 |
- anesthesiologist
- anesthesiologists
- anesthetic
- anesthetic
- anesthetist
- anesthetist
- anesthetists
- anesthetize
- anesthetize
- an eternity
- aneurin bevan
- aneurin-bevan
- aneurinbevan
- aneurism
- aneurysm
- an even chance
- anew
- a new lease of life
- an extra pair of hands
- an eye for an eye
- an eye for/on/to the main chance
- an eye for the main chance
- an eyeful
- an eye on the main chance
- an eye to the main chance
- Initial condition
- Bric
- Phobophobia
- Decontamination
- Abruptio placentae
- Placenta previa
- Greyish
- External respiration
- Ground ball
- Sensationalist
- “早”
- “早期教育热”
- “时间是我的财产”
- “明”与“名”
- “明初四杰”之一的张羽
- “明天约好了去爬山,所以明天肯定是晴天”|一厢情愿
- “明日”黄花非“昨日”
- “明曲之第一”——《四声猿》
- “明月照积雪”,“大江流日夜”,“中天悬明月”,“黄河落日圆”,此种境界,可谓千古壮观.求之于词,唯纳兰容若塞上之作,如《长相思》之“夜深千帐灯”、《如梦令》之“万帐穹庐人醉,星影摇摇欲坠”差近之.
- “明理省事”,此四字学者之要务。
- “明理省事”甚难,此四字终身理会不尽,得了时无往而不裕如。
- “明白简易”,此四字可行之终身。役心机,扰事端,是自投剧网也。
- “昏弱”二字,是立身大业障,去此二字不得,做不出一分好人。
- “易堂九子”中的部分诗人
- “昔为倡家女,今为荡子妇.荡子行不归,空床难独守”;“何不策高足,先据要路津?无为久贫贱,轗轲长苦辛”:可谓淫鄙之尤.然无视为淫词、鄙词者,以其真也.五代、北宋之大词人亦然,非无淫词,读之者但觉其亲切动人;非无鄙词,但觉其精力弥满.可知淫词与鄙词之病,非淫与鄙之病,而游词之病也.“岂不尔思,室是远而”.而子曰:“未之思也,夫何远之有?”恶其游也.
- Nepenthes句子
- Nameplate句子
- Legal fees句子
- Fig leaf句子
- Riyadh句子
- Phlogiston句子
- Production scheduling句子
- Preparative句子
- Bilge water句子
- Safety valve句子
- Plant hormone句子
- Best-known句子
- Serving dish句子
- Playbill句子
- Cloisonne句子