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单词 Convertibility
1, But nobody seriously proposed the convertibility of the dollar into gold.
2, Readers should ascertain the situation regarding the convertibility of paper money in their own countries.
3, The introduction of convertibility received a positive response in the financial markets at the end of March.
4, Some countermeasure and recommendation on RMB's full convertibility. "
5, Free Convertibility for the Yuan?
6, Foreign exchange trading is the foreign exchange currency convertibility.
7, Convertibility of the currency is a gargantuan barrier.
8, Each bank is responsible for giving convertibility guarantees.
9, An introduction of some basic knowledge about currency convertibility which concludes currency convertibility under current account and capital account.
10, The exchange rate weakened to touch the convertibility rate during October 13 - 15, triggering the Convertibility Undertaking.
11, By ending the gold convertibility of the dollar, the U. S. government brought the gold exchange standard aspect of the Bretton Woods system officially to an end.
12, As India's exporters are learning, convertibility is a two-way street.
13, In pursuing the status of currency convertibility and internationalization, many economies relaxed financial and exchange control, which in turn promotes the financial globalization.
14, It allows only limited convertibility of its currency, the yuan, and tightly restricts foreign investment in the country's capital markets.
15, Second,(http:///convertibility.html) in order to achieve yuan capital account convertibility on the market.
16, This represents an explicit Convertibility Undertaking in respect of the Aggregate Balance.
17, Cross-border capital flow and currency convertibility , and the financial industry will meet the challenges of globalization.
18, Fixing a date for currency convertibility would be similar to joining the World Trade Organisation a decade ago: it would set in motion a new wave of reforms.
19, At last, I think RMB's free convertibility is a subprocedure of RMB's internationalization.
20, And it could also have the power to impose a temporary suspension of currency convertibility.
21, The budget envisaged, for the first time, the partial free convertibility of the rupee.
22, While it survived, it served a useful function in obtaining agreement on some economic questions such as currency convertibility and capital transfers.
23, The government has also announced the goal of full convertibility of the RMB by 2020.
24, In short, as long as the realization of free convertibility of the renminbi one, building an international financial center in Shanghai began to change.
25, According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007, the country has good ratings in terms of currency convertibility accounting and financial liberalization, incorruptibility and labor freedom.
26, The central bank has never made a timetable for the free convertibility of the Renminbi by the turn of this century.
27, It is OK that Hongkong dollar and currency are in place convertibility.
28, After Chinas entry into WTO, it is a daily urgent task to realize RMB s free convertibility.
29, This is the description of the report: "(October) 8 am, they host the Prague Castle in the vicinity of the shop with a 100 euro currency convertibility of the Czech crown."
30, S. government might not be able to maintain dollar convertibility into gold at a fixed rate.
31, In 2003, the government accepted the obligations under the International Monetary Fund (IMF), providing for full currency convertibility.
32, The Aggregate Balance had been volatile, reflecting market activity, and the Convertibility Undertaking had been triggered on a number of occasions.
33, We must push forward the free convertibility of the RMB step by step in an orderly manner .
34, The old gold standard was supposed to maintain the convertibility of gold in currency but now we're not even backing it with currency anymore with gold anymore ? so what does it mean?
35, Free convertibility of the RMB would also like to push forward reform?
36, There are dozens of currencies claim to have achieved currency convertibility, including nearly ten have worldwide influence.
37, The latest outer skin became the critical intermediate of space-time and is the boundary of time inconvertibility and convertibility.
38, With the entry into WTO, the convertibility of the RMB Account is in trend.
39, Current assets are usually listed in the order of their liquidity or convertibility into cash.
40, To enhance foreign investment tips and regulatory risk, steady capital account convertibility.
41, Justin Lin, the World Bank's chief economist, also cited the yuan's limited convertibility as a reason why it was premature to talk about a big role for China in any new world financial order.
42, China has already archived the free convertibility of the RMB under the current account, and the average tariff rate for industrial products is expected to drop to 10 percent by the year 2005.
43, This problem has to be solved with ad hoc bilateral agreements, short of Rmb convertibility.
44, In order to achieve its pricing power, China should speed up the free convertibility of RMB and increase the international flow of gold.
45, And some market - based reforms have continued, such as moves to increase the convertibility of the currency.
46, Starting from April 1, 1999, the exchange rate under this Convertibility Undertaking has been moving from 7.75 to 7.80 by 1 pip (i. e. $0.0001) each calendar day.
47, The free convertibility of the RMB and the complete opening of the capital account are the ultimate prize of China's reform.
48, Two major planks of the technical measures are the provision of a Convertibility Undertaking in respect of the Aggregate Balance and modifications to the Discount Window facility.
49, With the entry into WTO(), the convertibility of the RMB in Capital Account is in trend.
50, After china's accession to WTO, it is the inevitable trend for the RMB free convertibility in capital item.
51, With China's access to WTO and the deepening of financial system reforms, free convertibility of RMB under capital account has become an important issue we are facing.
52, Becauseof it convertibility feature, many investors liken them to warrantswhen actually they are not.
53, S. dollar in terms of gold and its convertibility into gold. In1960 there was a dollar crisis because the U. S. had run large balance of payments deficits in the late 1950s.
54, We ~ vill then be able to achieve full convertibility of the RMB. thus internationalizing the RMB.
55, This gold-price calculation essentially assumes dollar-gold convertibility, as is mandated by the US Constitution and was utilized at various periods of American history.
56, The government has announced the goal of full convertibility of the RMB by 2020.




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