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单词 Spokesperson
1 The spokesperson disowned a published statement.
2 Designate someone as the spokesperson.
3 A spokesperson for Amnesty, Norma Johnston, describes some cases.
4 They crowded round the spokesperson, eager for any news.
5 The spokesperson read a prepared statement.
6 A spokesperson enumerated the strikers'demands.
7 A government spokesperson made a statement to the press.
8 A spokesperson declined to speculate on the cause of the train crash.
9 The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.
10 She is a spokesperson for the Howard League for Penal Reform.
11 A spokesperson commented that levels of carbon dioxide were very high.
12 In a furious tirade of abuse,[] the opposition spokesperson demanded the minister's resignation.
13 A spokesperson said that the bank expects to make 15,000 staff redundant over the next three years.
14 A government spokesperson said they had no indication who was responsible for the attack.
15 A spokesperson for the food industry said the TV programme was alarmist.
16 Company profits took a tumble last year, a spokesperson said, because of investment in new machinery.
17 A government spokesperson has denied the allegations of corruption.
18 A shamefaced spokesperson admitted that mistakes had been made.
19 I am the spokesperson for the silent majority.
20 A spokesperson for the band declined to comment on whether Nirvana are concerned about conflict of sales between the two publications.
21 A spokesperson for the company read to waiting reporters from a prepared statement.
22 I don't want to be a spokesperson for why things go wrong in Hollywood, because then I get into trouble.
23 A Locus spokesperson said its goal is 100 percent of the speed - and felt that it could achieve it.
24 A Forte spokesperson says the launch of the Heritage campaign is timed to coincide with the Easter break.
25 But Justice Department spokesperson Myron Marlin said the investigation of the church fires has been a top priority for several months.
26 A spokesperson at the restaurant said its only patrons are now city employees and guests.
27 A spokesperson will then either transition the module into a conceptually approved state or hold it back for further work before approval.
28 In Munich, a spokesperson for Dasa said no deadline has been set for a decision.
29 She is at her best on stage, spokesperson for the disenfranchised and broken-hearted.
30 Bohanna's husband, John, was the secretary to the Trust and its public spokesperson.
1 The spokesperson disowned a published statement.
31 A chance for you to air your views and put them to a Government spokesperson.
32 To ensure that information would sift through from all corners of the Company, a local spokesperson was elected from each department.
33 Yet his spokesperson was quick to explain that this was coincidence, not a coded reference to the coalition bargaining in Vienna.
34 Ann Lewis, spokesperson for the Clinton reelection campaign echoes that sentiment for the Democratic side.
35 They nominated her as the British spokesperson at the International Arms Conference.
36 A spokesperson for Childress Racing said no announcement is expected until Friday.
37 A spokesperson for the band confirmed a national tour is currently being pieced together for late autumn.
38 "It was an unfortunate set of circumstances that no one could have predicted,[http:///spokesperson.html]" a spokesperson said today.
39 A company spokesperson said 28,000 jobs or 70% of the total will be cut.
40 The benefits of the acquisition are feeding through, particularly on the online betting front, says a spokesperson.
41 Solana, a physicist, was from 1982-88 Minister of Culture, and from 1985 also official government spokesperson.
42 I loved talking and being the centre of attention, so I was chosen to be spokesperson.
43 The party's deputy leader, Donald McKinnon, immediately resigned as defence spokesperson in protest over the volteface.
44 A Greenpeace spokesperson described the official report on nuclear waste disposal as a whitewash.
45 A spokesperson for Genovo declined to comment, referring all questions to Wilson, who could not be reached.
46 Celine Schmitt is a UNHCR spokesperson in Kinshasa, DRC.
47 This rumor was flatly denied by the DPP spokesperson.
48 IOC Spokesperson, Giselle Davies announced the decision on Wednesday.
49 The famous spokesperson was no other than Michael Jordan.
50 Secretary General The head leader and spokesperson for ASEAN.
51 BCIU aspires to be the spokesperson for Chinese brands.
52 "I'll put patients on Meridia—but I'll check their blood pressure once or twice a month, " says Michael Steelman, M.D., a spokesperson for the ASBP.
53 At press time, the cause of his death had not been determined. According to an ABT spokesperson, Bissell was enrolled in a company drug rehabilitation program at the time.
54 A spokesperson for Huijin had no knowledge of the planned bond sale.
55 JIUQUAN, Gansu - China will launch the country's first space laboratory module between 9:16and 9:31 pm on Thursday, paving the way for its own space station, a spokesperson confirmed.
56 A Facebook spokesperson said the website does not comment on individual accounts, but said it believes a "real name culture" creates more accountability and a safer and more trusted environment.
57 Orange is of less significance in Asia due to the propensity for lemon-flavoured iced tea as well as the strength of the unpackaged lemon still drinks segment in India," said the spokesperson.
58 To start, we can ask the editors at In Touch to find us a celebrity spokesperson to point out that many sleep problems are fixable.
59 A hospital spokesperson reported that the Bedouin returned to his tent in the Negev Desert to tend his goats.
60 Why don't we get the most popular supermodel to be the spokesperson?
61 Spokesperson Mark Brender says the company hopes to launch in 2005.
62 She used to be the main spokesperson for Pepsi in Asia.
63 Contracts seriously (four levels) encephaloma 's patient in 12 to 18 months to die, but the hospital spokesperson denied that said the Barus Tross's encephaloma is serious.
64 On August 19, 2009, Tommy Davis, the chief spokesperson for the Church of Scientology International, received a letter from the film director and screenwriter Paul Haggis.
65 A spokesperson for the company said the revision corrected a typographical error.
66 The company spokesperson put the blame on the salesperson of the store.
67 TV commercial featuring Nutrilite Spokesperson, Tian Liang, was launched in 2004.
68 Neurosky, a San Jose-based company with 40 employees, has developed chips that can detect brain activity by using electroencephalography (EEG) technology, says Neurosky spokesperson Tansy Brook.
69 The study adds to "a growing body of work that indicates that conservation is directly tied to public perception, " says Doug Cress, a spokesperson with the Great Apes Survival Partnership in Nairobi.
70 "The EPA regulates the export of cathode ray tubes ( CRTs ) and CRT glass, " an EPA spokesperson told DailyTech.
71 "Getting back on the right path as quickly as possible is what makes you a good employee," says Anna Post, an author and spokesperson for the Emily Post Institute.
72 A university spokesperson unhelpfully pointed out that at A.S.U. honorary degrees are reserved for "someone who's really outstanding, who has made outstanding contributions in their field."
73 says Anna Post, spokesperson for the Emily Post Institute, a promoter of etiquette and civility that's based in Burlington, Vt.
74 Another problem is that people don't use enough sunscreen, said Dr. Rutledge Forney, an educational spokesperson for The Skin Cancer Foundation.
75 A government are spokesperson argued that legal, private business transactions and are not its responsibility.
76 "It's going to take a huge public education and outreach initiative to make people understand the value of being responsible pet owners," said FWS spokesperson Ken Warren.
77 A government spokesperson argued that legal, private business transactions are not his its responsibility.
78 The Ugandan military spokesman spokesperson says the rebel revel leader on the run the region.
79 Twitter spokesperson Carolyn Penner aptly pointed out in response to our inquiry about the landmark, "If only I had a nickel for every Tweet. I'd be a billionaire."
80 The same spokesperson said Dr. Leon also declined to comment.
81 White House spokesperson Dana Perino said today President Bush oppses that strategy.
82 According to Intel spokesperson, Moorestown based mobile devices will be able to run for whole full day (24-hours) without the need to recharge the battery capacity.
83 Kuomintang spokesperson Li Jianrong appealed that the community should condemn the rough stuff together.
84 A spokesperson for Facebook said today, "Kevin played an instrumental role in building Facebook's advertising business from the ground up.
85 One big reason, a spokesperson says, is a pair of upscale S models with extra battery capacity priced at $67, 000 and $77, 000 that will command gross margins of 25%.
86 A spokesperson for Hong Kong's Television and Entertainment Licensing authority (TELA) said it had received 838 complaints about the Bible.
87 The loan is repayable over 30 years and will be used to build an irrigation and drainage system in a 5,000 hectare cotton plantation in the province of Kwanza Sul, a government spokesperson said.
88 Because architect is generally the highest technical position within companies, you become the spokesperson (and defender) of all the decisions happening in the IT department, for better or worse.
89 His spokesperson said his trip is a purely humanitarian and Mr.
90 Facebook spokesperson said the website does not comment on individual accounts, but said it believes a "real name culture" creates more accountability and a safer and more trusted environment.
91 "The day after the elections, CNN started a 24-hour psychological war room against Iran, " Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hassan Qashqavi told a moderator with seeming outrage on Iranian state TV.
92 Audrey Hepburn a goodwill ambassador and spokesperson for UNICEF in 1986.
93 In the past, researches emphasized the goodness of fit between the spokesperson and the product to bring the advertising benefit.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:08:09