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单词 In single file
1 We walked in single file across the bridge.
2 We were walking in single file to the lake.
3 The schoolchildren were told to walk in single file.
4 The soldiers were walking in single file.
5 They made their way in single file along the cliff path.
6 The class walked in single file down the hall.
7 We walked in single file along the ridge of Adams Hill, then down into the firs where it was pitch-dark.
8 Teams of horses in single file hauled trains of a dozen flat-topped wagons loaded with granite along these rails.
9 Ambush patrols at night were always in single file, with no point or flank security.
10 They marched in single file.
11 They had walked in single file down the path.
12 The mourners at the funeral entered the church in single file.
13 The prisoners disappear in single file into the gray flat - roofed building.
14 To march in single file or in files or columns.
15 Wading in single file through a swamp we reach a fenced village.
16 Sand people always walk in single file to hide their numbers.
17 Men passed us, dark, bearded, stern, armed with sticks(),[] walking swiftly in single file.
18 The path was so narrow that we had to walk in single file.
19 A narrow spiral staircase leads up from chamber 2b to 2c; characters must ascend in single file.
20 The stairs are approached along a raised pavement so narrow the people must have walked along it in single file.
21 We stayed until saw the protest end without violence. The women left in single file.




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