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单词 Intelligentsia
1. The native intelligentsia provided the opportunity for outside intervention.
2. The intelligentsia was actively rallying support against the eviction.
3. The key to the protest of the revolutionary intelligentsia lies in their psychology.
4. A cautious optimism spread within the liberal intelligentsia, and the writers, especially, initiated calls for greater artistic freedom.
5. The revolutionary intelligentsia were to assume an importance out of all proportion to their meagre numbers.
6. Not only the intelligentsia but also conservative officials and the tsar appear to have recognized the fact.
7. Moua was part of the tiny Hmong intelligentsia, an educated son of a clan elder.
8. But the contribution that the intelligentsia made to its development represented their supreme service to the revolution.
9. The intelligentsia has an enhanced role in creating and transmitting the new national culture through a national educational system.
10. The revolutionary Marxist ideology adopted by the intelligentsia began to merge with the working-class movement.
11. Among the intelligentsia, hardly a voice was raised in its defence, with the exception of a few university teachers of Marxism-Leninism.
12. He developed a strategy skilfully designed to establish intelligentsia leadership over this revolt.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. An intelligentsia was one of the byproducts, ranging from priests to teachers, journalists and writers.
14. The revolutionary intelligentsia became fanatically convinced of its own exclusive moral and intellectual superiority.
15. The revolutionary intelligentsia seemed doomed to doctrinaire squabbles over increasingly irrelevant issues.
16. Marxist - Leninist ideas became highly influential among the intelligentsia in the 1920s and have remained so ever since.
17. The effect has been to highlight weaknesses in each of the traditional interpretations and to demythologize the revolutionary intelligentsia.
18. With the establishment of the party, the distinction between workers and orthodox Marxist members of the intelligentsia was effectively erased.
19. There is still no adequate head count of the revolutionary intelligentsia.
20. None of this, however, precludes diversity within both bureaucracy and intelligentsia.
21. The same point may be made about the revolutionary intelligentsia in general.
22. Yet the peasantry represented, at least potentially, a lever of social change which the more moderate intelligentsia lacked.
23. The immediate effects of that philosophical rationalism were felt only by the intelligentsia.
24. They tended to exaggerate grossly the role which the intelligentsia could play regardless of socio-economic developments.
25. The demonstrators belong to the middle classes and the intelligentsia, which have suffered most as a result of the government's economic policies.
26. The party represented the most effective political organization of the new class of intelligentsia.
27. Marxism's vision of socialism was much more congenial to the intelligentsia than that of a peasant-based utopia.
28. The social origin of its members, the initial preponderance of intelligentsia over workers, was utterly irrelevant.
29. Their debates encompassed the whole range of problems which would preoccupy successive generations of the intelligentsia.
30. In the absence of a vigorous middle class the intelligentsia lacked any effective levers through which to bring about change.
31. During the 1880s Marxism began to gain currency among the revolutionary intelligentsia.
32. Moreover, many nonconformists achieved considerable professional reputations and financial gain through private patronage from the native intelligentsia and the foreign community.
33. Red velvet curtains closed out the Devon night, and the bar was awash with the drunken summer school intelligentsia.
34. Nevertheless, it was not until the last pre-war years that recruitment from the intelligentsia declined.
35. But he is angriest at and reserves his strongest denunciation for the intelligentsia, whom he accuses of sycophantic devotion to Yeltsin.
36. A new intelligentsia, bold and active, has eliminated the old one, bookish and conservative; and it masters.
37. The subjective role of the intelligentsia describes their self-perception, their hopes, their dreams, their motives.
38. It fast became a glorious gathering place for the artistic intelligentsia of the day, who helped to enhance Biddesden further.
39. A marine intelligentsia, with a knowledge of the deep.
40. The concept of intelligentsia owes its origin to Russia.
41. The Putin years have split the Russian intelligentsia.
42. The intelligentsia are hailing Ranson as their spokesman.sentence dictionary
43. From the beginning he seems to have distrusted the intelligentsia and to have had a fellow-feeling for the disinherited and the down-and-out.
44. The Soviet's toughing culture and intelligentsia policies refired Gorky inner controversy.
45. This virus , It'said, had had a serious impact on China's intelligentsia.
46. Socialism was only a attract the proletariat and intelligentsia to the realization of a satanic ideal.
47. I am enjoying the Tory intelligentsia strutting their stuff, and calling everyone else stupid and ignorant.
48. THEY did not like each other much, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Russia's liberal intelligentsia.
49. Andrei Zorin, a historian at Oxford, argues that intelligentsia was largely the product of nuclear research.
50. The third part searched Feng Zhfs special experience mode and the immanency cause of his fiction in a metaphor arrangement. The sense and self-identity of Chinese intelligentsia was searched here.
51. It is our due to respect intelligentsia without whom revolutionary would not get victory.
52. The intelligentsia responded in kind: it paid tribute to his courage,() read his works in samizdat but was spooked by his anti-Western attitude and refused to recognise him as one of their number.
53. So the managing to person, especially to intelligentsia will be the key for enterprise's living and agelong developing.
54. In this case also a new tendency, to make opposition between intelligentsia and intellectuals, is seen.
55. It is therefore only natural that the Mad Marxism of South Africa's anglophone intelligentsia should derive inspiration from the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
56. But this is not the case for the Western intelligentsia.
57. Ideological and economic collapse deprived Russia's intelligentsia of status, money and exclusivity.
58. Clifford Chatterley was more upper - class than Connie . Connie was well - to - do intelligentsia, But he was aristocracy.
59. The pro - democracy movement was led and organised by China's intelligentsia and college students.
60. It was this political class of intelligentsia that prepared for perestroika and became the main support base for Mikhail Gorbachev.
61. That slim book showed the Chinese intelligentsia and the nascent working class.
62. Given the general insularity of India's political class and fellow-travelling intelligentsia, here's at least one country whose experiences they're willing to learn from.
63. Individual voices are brave. But Russia's intelligentsia, which could be much freer than in the bad old days, is still mealy-mouthed.
64. It courted the intelligentsia, professionals and entrepreneurs showering them with perks and political status.
65. Zong Pu is a famous female author of the time featured by works about the intelligentsia.
66. I was not high up enough in the intelligentsia to be invited to such exalted meetings.




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