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单词 International trade
1 International trade helps all nations.
2 Globalisation is a catch-all to describe increased international trade.
3 It's been a tumultuous day at the international trade negotiations in Brussels.
4 The great financial crash in 1929 ruined international trade.
5 In international trade, very few countries play fair.
6 The International Trade Agreement inaugurated a period of high economic growth.
7 Our exporters keep the flag flying at international trade exhibitions.
8 The agreement will open the door to increased international trade.
9 Corporate finance,() international trade and export development.
10 Pat Choate and I are for intelligent international trade.
11 This insight into the ethics of international trade comes from the Geneva-based World Economic Forum, a research organization.
12 International trade thus involves an element of currency exchange risk.
13 Sugar tariff rate quotas are permitted under international trade agreements to protect the U. S. cane and sugar beet industry.
14 We are firmly opposed to international trade in rare and protected species such as rhinoceroses, cheetahs, leopards, and bears.
15 Evidence of the growing importance of international trade and finance is all around us.
16 The basis for international trade between countries can be explained in terms of the economist David Ricardo's theory of comparative costs.
17 Appendix 1 species are banned from all international trade, except where special licensing arrangements apply.
18 In international trade, however, the bill of exchange still operates in this way.
19 Objective: to promote international trade, particularly that of developing countries, with a view to accelerating economic development.
20 The president also called on nations to redouble their efforts to negotiate an international trade agreement.
21 The size of the drugs haul shows that the international trade in heroin is still flourishing.
22 Our exporters proudly kept the flag flying at the international trade exhibition.
23 But should the foreign ministry continue to be in charge of international trade matters?
24 The country's economic recovery has been aided by increased international trade.
25 This stems from the fact that the introduction of international trade combines both countries into an integrated economy.
26 Where environmental protection measures raise questions of equity in international trade, these should be recognised and discussed.
27 The widespread adoption of floating exchange rates increased the uncertainty and risk associated with international trade and investment.
28 Yet the finer details needed to implement this idea in the context of international trade have proven contentious and divisive.
29 But the dollar was regarded as a strong currency and was therefore popular in international trade.
30 Then came the inevitable qualifications - much depended on the state of international trade and on the efficient running of industry.
1 International trade helps all nations.
2 Globalisation is a catch-all to describe increased international trade.
3 It's been a tumultuous day at the international trade negotiations in Brussels.
31 The discussion of international trade effects has also been changed.
32 In 1989 transnationals controlled 70 per cent of international trade and 80 per cent of all the land growing export crops.
33 The three countries are preparing to resume the slaughter of whales for profit and restart the international trade in whale meat.
34 Instead, the main ingredient of success appears to be that they have consistently geared themselves to the needs of international trade.
35 Economic interdependence First in the economic field-in international trade, investment and finance.
36 International trade was to be encouraged by member countries maintaining par values for their currencies so that stable rates of exchange would prevail.
37 For these reasons international trade entails a greater risk of non-performance of a contract and non-payment on completion.
38 Campaigners argue that poor countries faced with a health emergency have a right under international trade legislation to buy generic drugs.
39 There was also a considerable improvement in international trade through Danzig.
40 Contrary to appearances, Mabel was a business student pursuing an advanced degree in international trade at Xiamen University.
41 Furthermore, training provision is being expanded into areas such as International Trade and Management.
42 The knight speaks for the landed interest, the merchant for international trade, and the capper for the working master craftsman.
43 The agreements expired in 1992 and were not renewed, because they afforded the kind of protection banned under international trade agreements.
44 Development studies During the last decade, the international trade in conventional weapons has almost doubled in volume every five years.
45 Banks, through modern communications and worldwide correspondents, provide assistance to customers engaged in international trade.
46 Surely the House appreciates that some problems go beyond national frontiers, particularly those affecting pollution and international trade.
47 My favorite course is International Trade Law.
48 International trade terms to explain: What is free trade?
49 The inconvertibility of their currency made international trade impossible.
50 Who needs an international trade organization?
51 Mercantilism views international trade as a zero sum game.
52 At last, break down green rampart of international trade.
53 On behalf of the International Trade Association.
54 Hong Kong is an international trade centre.
55 Are you Mr. Shute of International Trade Corporation?
56 The specialization in International Trade is popular in universities.
57 Widely fluctuating exchange rates may adversely affect international trade.
58 You also read an amateur in international trade book?
59 We need to continue the liberalizing of international trade.
60 Legal Harmonization between International Trade and Environmental Protection.
61 International trade is quite different from home trade.
62 Try to talk about the international trade arbitrament.
63 Claims occur ofttimes in international trade.
64 Maritime fraud is otherwise called fraud of international trade.
65 Ritan International Trade Center, a giant star of Yapolo.
66 Specialize in maritime law, international trade, contract, company law.
67 The war raised hob with international trade.
68 GATS is currently the most important multilateral agreement of trade in services in the field of international trade in services.
69 And international trade markets, crude oil prices will indirectly through other market on time charter market.
70 Especially today when the world knowledge economy is at its best, any international trade has something to do with intellectual property right.
71 International commercial arbitration is one of the major means of dispute settlement in international trade field.
72 Core technology still need importing, though China has become an international trade power and the additional value of export products' technical content is relatively low.
73 Seen from our country's present reality, the choice of the terms of payments of international trade, Propose on one's own initiative few that settles account by this way.
74 I remember visiting the complex more than once a year to attend the India International Trade Fair and other expos that were regularly held there.
75 As the core principles of GATT/WTO, the principle of most-favored-nation treatment has played a significantly important role on the international trade liberalization.
76 Trade finance is a term credit approved by the bank to its customer under international trade.
77 Please give your best attention to the new specialities which made a great sensation at this year's International Trade Fair.
78 It does not conform with international trade practice not to allow a commission.
79 This course offers Introduction to Chinese Economy, Current Chinese Economy, International Trade Organization, Chinese Economic Law Concerning Foreign Affairs etc.
80 The Leicester Shire – Sichuan Trade Bureau is based within Kay's International Trade Department.
81 The International Trade Fair for Food and Catering Products was held in Poznan, Poland. And the picture shows a fish tank made from food at one of he stands.
82 Moreover, the Bill of Lading plays an important role in the other fields of international trade. The Bill of Lading has led to the substitute of documentary sale by goods sale.
83 Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry will spend $46 million on its Fifth Generation Computer Project this year.
84 Prior to the Westerners visits to the East, the international trade network in Asia emerged in the early 15th century, which was one of the most stable and prosperous trade centers in the world.
85 Green barrier a new non - tariff barrier that has widely been used in the international trade.
86 To some, the entire international monetary order — the very underpinning of international trade — seemed at risk.
87 English is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.
88 The surrogate country approach violates the basic doctrines of justice and non-discrimination of international trade law, and the approach itself is unreasonable.
89 International trade terms to explain: What is the indirect trade?
90 I like International Trade Law best, because the professor is humorous, experienced and knowledgeable.
91 Finally, the ORDONNANCE has broken the generally accepted international trade practice.
92 After the transition expiry of Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, international trade in textiles has come to a period of free trade with no quota restraints.
93 Canada's Parliamentary Secretary for International Trade, Gerald Keddy, says the mandate would violate the North American Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
94 There are many settle accounts patterns in international trade, such as Open Account, Documentary Letter of Credit, Standby Letter of Credit, Letter of Guarantee, International Factoring, etc.
95 Since its premiere in 2004, transport logistic China has established itself as a unique international trade fair for the China market.
96 In trade and commerce there is a need for international trade management personnel.
97 Coordinately, the WTO should ameliorate "TBT Agreement" in order to mitigate the malignant effects of TBT on international trade.
98 As an emerging legal branch, WTO law overlaps with the traditional international law, international economic law, international trade law, meanwhile, constitutes a dynamic legal branch.
99 This curriculum advance class is the international trade theory and the practice, the commerce and the accounting principle and so on.
100 Then we consummate our anti-dumping law to instruct the anti-dumping practice with a right theory and make a full use of it as a double-edged sword of international trade.
101 The development of electronic commerce help uniting the international trade law,() will unite international trade law.
102 In international trade, the volume of soja occupies of total volume of world oil plants about.
103 Address:Room 1516, International Trade centre NO. 8 Liming Road(W), Wenzhou Zhejiang.
104 Therefore, it is helpful for the formal development of international technical trade in China to understand and problems in contemporary international trade of property rights of knowledge.
105 It do not conform with the international trade practice not to allow a commission.
106 It promotes the liberalisation of international trade and serves as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations and dispute settlement among its members.
107 The structure of international trade comes to center around information products and intangible goods.
108 However, international trade usage begins to play a more and more important role.
109 Documentary letter of credit is universally applied in modern international trade. It is called the 'life blood of international commerce'.
110 In International trade, a sale confirmation be a document regard as a contract.
111 Ocean transportation is most widely used transportation method in international trade .
112 In international trade it is almost impossible match payment with the physical delivery of the goods.
113 So, in order to improve our external trade, and strengthen competitive power of international trade, we must work hard to prefect our inverse elusion lawmaking.
114 China, however, showed no hesitation at all about using its trade muscle to get its way in a political dispute, in clear — if denied — violation of international trade law.
115 Along with the development of international trade and shipping, the delivery of goods without straight bill of lading has become more and more popular.
116 Following the increase in international trade and investments, more and more bilateral tax treaties are created to avoid international double taxation.
117 Business scope: international trade of mechanical & electronical products, entrepot trade and processing production.
118 The appearance of intra-industry trade has a huge impact on international trade theory and brings the imperfect competition and the economies of scale into the frame of trade theory.
119 In addition, national income, international trade theory and commercial policies, foreign exchange markets, and the balance of international payments will be treated briefly.
120 The letter of credit in the international trade is one most important receipts and disbursements way.
121 On July 1, 2007, Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP600), published by ICC, entered into force, which called the attention of all the engaged parties of international trade.
122 International Sale of Goods , International Carriage of Goods by Sea, International Trade Finance, International Banking Regulation.
123 And The World Trade Organization(WTO), as the largest international trade organization in the world, its investment agreements must have important influence on the international investment law.
124 Reviewing the prevalent theories on international trade and FDI, this thesis discusses the necessity and possibility of separating the technology factor out from the traditional production factors.
125 Technical barriers to trade ( TBT ) are major non - tariff barriers in the international trade area.
126 As international trade process is complicated, many Chinese enterprises can not collect the bad account .
127 He has co - authored three books on international trade law.
128 Letters of credit is not only a good payment instrument in international trade, but also a strong finance tool.
129 I need a translator, international trade business. Main plastic chemical raw materials procurement, negotiate business, a friend, please contact 010-8659-1987, Mr. Zhang.
130 This is an interpretive question perhaps limited by the respondents understanding of international trade politics.
131 China's International Trade Strategy after its Access to WTO: Comparative Advantage or Selective Surpassing?
132 International trade disputes such as the dumping and anti - dumping cases has become conspicuous in post - WTO China.
133 Business scope of international trade, entrepot trade, regional trade and trade between enterprises under processing finishing.
134 Bill of lading is regarded as one of the most important document of title, and it plays animportant role in international trade.
135 As you know, Hongkong is the important financial, business and trade centra in the world and l lot of people who are familiar with the international trade there.
136 The function of international trade center in the future in Shanghai should break through in resolving bottleneck problem of trade industry on national level, which should base on national strategy.
137 Today a freight forwarder plays an important role in international trade and transport.
138 Ad hoc arbitration plays a great role in settling international trade and economic disputes with a long history.
139 By Standard International Trade Classification the seventh kind of product " Machinery and transport equipment"(shortened form "SITC7") have been the most active products in course of trade-off.
140 On the way home, walked through International Trade Center, I took the pictures about the parterre and the little flowers in it!
141 Educated dad thought I went to school to learn to be a ship's officer. Rich dad knew that I went to school to study international trade.
142 We wish to eliminate all barriers to international trade that strangle the productive potential of countless countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
143 S. problem is less one of government debt than of sustained international trade imbalances, which have transformed America into a debtor nation.
144 The traditional international trade theories are based on comparative cost, it explained the motivation and process of international trade and division of labor in the world.
145 The Smith International Trade Co. Ltd. , with whom we have had considerable transaction for the past ten years, would provide you with any information relative to our business standing.
146 FTC, briefly speaking, refers to the letters between importers and exporters in the process of international trade.
147 Eastbound East Road in Chaoyang District, located at the International Trade Building, 100 meters.
148 Therefore, according to the implications of structural balance theory, the imbalance in a triadic relationship can be resolved by international trade.
149 Shanghai Besthope enterprise is a domestic Joint - stock company which operates furnishing, catering and international trade.
150 We all know that English has become the language of international trade and culture interflow .
151 I'm not quite familiar with the claim and arbitration in international trade.
152 The real cost approach has been largely superseded by the opportunity cost approach to international trade.
153 But Mr. Jiang reiterated that there was no international trade embargo, Mr. Ohata said.
154 Directly take the magazine at main International Trade Show around the world.
155 Therefore, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law had decided to draft some correlative common treaty with electronic contract.
156 International trade terms to explain: What is exchange - dumping?
157 Based on 2002 Input-Output Table and international trade data of corresponding sectors, the intermediate input imports are categorized into horizontal and vertical intermediate input.
158 Public International Law, Private International Law, International Trade Law, WTO law, International Human Rights Law, Maritime Law, International Investment Law.
159 International trade and economic development, global economic integration, increasingly fieriness of market competition , influence and promote the progress of the logistics industry.
160 Europe's only international trade fair for contemporary art focusing on Central and Eastern Europe takes place for the 7th time in 2011 and is attracting an ever increasing group of fans.
161 Scolytidae is one of the most important insect populations of the forestry and spreaded abroad by international trade.
162 This fundamental transition, make international trade of our country an unprecedentedly development at full speed.
163 A visible trade, which is also called international trade, includes exports and imports of goods.
164 But the embargo on rare earth exports to Japan was an even more blatant violation of international trade law.
165 The International Trade Centre, please. Do you know where it is?
166 Rockabilly Party live concert – Hong Kong International Trade & Exhibition Centre.
167 Indeed, the concept of "like products" is located at the center field of the endless battle between the two masters of international trade law—freer trade and national regulatory autonomy.
168 Five-star hotel by the crown top ten of China's foreign trade - International Trade Group tries their best to build.
169 The article discusses the forms of the green international trade; analyses the chances and the challenges China confronted with; puts forward the corresponding juristical tactics.Sentence dictionary
170 Current international trade already from a large amount of order pattern becomes medium or small order pattern, hand in what become cycle weak point changeably to trade from what cycle grows.
171 TBT is one of the most prominent non-tariff barriers in current international trade and also a great challenge to China in export trade in recent years.
172 International trade terms to explain: What is a re - export trade?
173 International Trade Policy has two types that are the trade free policy and trade protection policy.
174 WTO and the World Court are set up to help to solve international trade disputes, and they also help the member countries to gain fair treatment in international trades.
175 Ocean transport has been the most important mode of transport in international trade Two-thirds of the world total volume and over 80% of China's imports and exports now are transported by sea.
176 But the question of whether the policy violates WTO rules will hinge on the minutiae of international trade law, experts say.
177 The developed countries try to claim that international labor standards should be contacted with international trade(that is the pothook), while the developing countries oppose it stoutly.
178 But after our country joins the WTO—International Trade Organization, the overseas developed enterprise advanced management pattern gives domestic enterprises great touch and very good inspiration.
179 With a few exceptions, the International Trade Commission (ITC) has approved substantial tariffs under anti-dumping and countervailing duty orders renewable every five years.
180 The transferable credit is designed to meet the requirements of international trade.
181 Now the prevailing trade terms intensively used in the international trade business are those listed in the International Chamber of Commerce(ICC) in 2000(abbreviated as "INCORTERMS 2000").
182 Chapter Two, is the theory of international trade, which makes essential foreshadowing for the following study.
183 ISO 9000 series standard is the general standard of current international trade.
184 As an export-oriented industry, the production of Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Piench was affected dramatically by the fluctuation of international trade.
185 Well known for its strong base of comprehensive industries and international trade port, Tianjin is the most important centre of economy, trade and finance in northern part of China.
186 This article discusses the impact of common law on international trade law by means of comparing the remedy methods of common law with those of C. I. S. G.
187 Parallel import is not only a juristical issue, but also involves intellectual property and has close connection with international trade and economy.
188 And China is now a lynchpin in international trade and a powerful athlete in globe diplomacy.
189 Instead dumps into in the contemporary international trade the best trade barrier method.
190 The International Trade Fair for Food and Catering Products was held in Poznan, Poland.
191 It is noted that international trade policies have an obvious characteristic of periodic changes.
192 We studied deeply on effects of international trade on value added by use of input-output analysis and gave.
193 The modern physical distribution development is the international trade development accelerator.
194 The waterproofing treatment for basement of the Shanxi International Trade Centre project has adopted some new building materials and new construction methods.
195 Traditional international trade has changed from single tangible goods trade to multiplex goods trade, service trade and technology trade.
196 In international trade, companies are licensing of Commerce of Fujian four natural sand export businesses.
197 Mei is expert in the international dispute, especially in the international trade dispute.
198 There are four invoices mainly used in international trade: commercial invoice , consular invoice, pro forma invoice and customs invoice.
199 Within the international trade law, the realization of development right is mainly shown by "Special and Differential Treatment Provision".
200 Our primary service: international trade, international freight forwarding, warehousing transportation.
201 Nor need we here examine the effect of import quotas, exchange controls, bilateralism and other means of reducing, diverting or preventing international trade.
202 An acceptance bill is a more modern form of the bill of exchange in financing international trade.
203 The knowledge returning back is deficient in , European Union economy and international trade law need a law to study further especially.
204 International Economics and Trade a comprehensive study of international trade knowledge, including professional English.
205 International trade terms to explain: What is the MFN clause?
206 Any attempt to inflict punitive measure on the iron ore miners would likely damage its steelmills, fall foul of international trade regulations or destroy any last vestige of hope for an annual deal.
207 With the continuously enlarging of international economic company, bank guarantee which used in international trade is more important.
208 Second is the analysis and forecast of the international trade and engineering contract.
209 Advertisement, being a mass medium of communication, playing a decisive part in domestic and international trade.
210 Compensation trade is a form of international trade based on credit.
211 Jiang reiterated that there was no international trade embargo, Mr. Ohata said.
212 A lot of meetings, trade discussions, negotiations, and preparations for the international trade fair.
213 Thirdly, it discusses the chauvinism of the marketing country and problems of illicit international trade of cultural property that occurred when instituting the lost cultural relics.
214 When the GATT was negotiated in the late 1940s, it set out various rules and principles for governing international trade.
215 Base on historical materialism, this paper expose the process of uniformity of the international trade law.
216 The Korea International Trade Association said Wednesday that North Korea-China trade rose 32 percent last year to more than $3.46 billion.
217 Traditional goods traffic forms have been changed by the appearance of container, which is playing an important role in the international trade transportation.
218 Anderson's legal profession started in the early s with's International Trade Tribunal national office in Beijing.
219 The fair will be organized as a large professional international trade fair which will include activities of exhibition, trade, exchange of information, seminars and promotion of investment.
220 It thwarts the negotiation of Air Waybill, the development of international trade as well as international payment.
221 Overall, this course focuses microeconomics, with some topics from macroeconomics and international trade.
222 With the rapid developing of informationization now, the rapid developing of market economy and the variety of international trade make higher demands of Electronic Data Processing Accounting.
223 Technical barriers to trade, with conformity assessment procedures as the representative, have become the main form of non-tariff barriers in international trade.
224 The port is becoming more important in the national economy. The function of the port develops increasingly, which changes from the transportation node to the international trade centre.
225 Expansionary fiscal policies and a powerful inventory cycle, helped by a recovery in international trade and improved financial conditions, fueled a significant pickup in growth.
226 My education has given me a wide range of background knowledge infield of international trade.
227 The finance provided by the bank to the importer or exporter under international trade such as trust receipt and buyer finance ect.
228 Nowadays, Intra-industry Trade has taken the leading position of International trade, the total volume of Intra-industry accounts for 60% of the gross amount.
229 WTO and its trade dispute settlement body,(http:///international trade.html) have support powerful legal safeguard mechanism which for maintain international economic order and solve international trade dispute in the world.
230 Exchange rate plays a very important role in the pricing process of international trade.
231 Many scholars not only do their research on theoretical aspect, but also apply econometric modeling methods to analyze the international trade by using trade data of these countries.
232 Unimaxs International Trade Co. , Ltd is a professional foreign trade company holding the rights of general trade and frontier trade authorized by the National Department of Commercial Affairs .
233 Taicang port is the first international trade of Jiangsu province that constructed weightily and the harbor of north wing container of international shipping centre of Shanghai.
234 Being the background of the thesis, chapter one will address why the PPM comes into being, how it related to international trade and the main types of trade measures that based on PPM.
235 Currently, EDI is an essential information tool for international trade and logistics.
236 We had a very favourable international trade balance last year.
237 Article 5 International trade administrative cases of the first instance shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's courts at the intermediate level or above with the jurisdiction.
238 International Trade Theory and International Trade Practice how to get started?
239 As a method of financial settlement, letter of credit is well used in international trade.
240 International trade are outward FDI are virtually different choices of the enterprises operating overseas. Their relationship is both substitution and complementary effects, further interact effects.
241 Strategic trade theory refers to the combination of industrial organization theory and international trade theory.
242 The letter of credit has an extraordinary status as a settlement instrument of payment in international trade.
243 And China is now a lynchpin in international trade and a powerful player in world diplomacy.
244 The exactitude of the international trade technical term chooses with the problem.
245 Free On Board ( FOB ) is a widely used term in international trade.
246 This curriculum advance class is the international trade theory and the practice, the commerce and the accounting principle, the market marketing.
247 Through the analysis of the character of the International Trade Practice, the important effect of case system in the teaching of this course is discussed in three aspects.
248 Irrevocable letter of credit, confirmed letter of credit, and transferable and divisible letter of credit are common terms of payment in international trade.
249 Indeed, it has come to be the cornerstone of modern thinking on international trade.
250 Wagon wheels left their mark on the Santa Fe Trail, The Santa Fe Trail was an important international trade route. It carried goods south into Mexico and north into the United States.
251 To keep track of changing international trade regulations and safety standards, we provide expert consultancy services and up-to-date news to our clients in penetrating the global markets faster.
252 The start goal is for system study curricula international trade theory and practice, market marketing builds the foundation.
253 There is main effect in the development of the carrier that do not have a boat and freight agent in international trade and international shipping.
254 The very famous International Trade Fair and also other international exhibitions are displayed at the Pragati Maidan of the New Delhi.
255 The Group is mainly focusing on international trade and labor cooperation, overseas project operation and consultation on investing and financing.
256 The documentary letter of credit is the most important payment tool in the international trade settlement, and a major means of payment in Chinese foreign trade as well.
257 Above college level, international trade or logistics major, over three years Customs declaration experience.
258 And international trade of goods is a traditional and important part of it As a measure of import management, import licensing system of goods(ILS for short) is studied by all countries.
259 Company Set coking, coal, electricity, iron alloy, chemical industry, railway transportation and international trade, etc. , as one industry.
259 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
260 With extensive experience of importing, exporting and international trade consultancy.
261 With the expansion of international trade, the container service has become popular.
262 After 8 Rounds of negotiations of GATT, free-trade and the tariff concession become the trend of international trade.
263 The International Trade Fair in September was a highlight and a challenge for our team at the paper.
264 With promoting the liberalization of trade as the common goal of the major countries, various barriers emerge in the world and damage the development of the international trade.
265 On December 30, 2004, however, a judge of the U.S. Court of International Trade in New York issued a temporary injunction blocking CITA from acting on those threat-based petitions.
266 Nations sought to protect domestic production by imposing tariffs and quotas, reducing the value of international trade by more than half by 1932.
267 Did our manager visit the International Trade Organization Building in New York City last month?
268 Technicality trade wall extensive use, has produced far - reaching effect to entire international trade and world economy.
269 The way question of international settlement has important influence on the development of international trade.
270 RAX - International Trade Fair for Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation, Automation, Pneumatics.
271 As a result, we must adjust the foreign trade policies and formularize the trade promotion system that is in accordance with WTO regulations and international trade practice.
272 The major difficulties in international trade today are the non - tariff measures.
273 If they're right, growing international trade in services will further hollow out the U.S. job market.
274 As an important method of international economic cooperation, the position of international competitive bidding in the international trade activities is getting more and more important.
275 Again, as it had with the International Trade Organization Charter, the world waited to see if the U. S.
276 Forfaiting means the discounting of international trade receivables such as Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange on a "Without Recourse " basis, in exchange for cash.
277 Shuaiqi Qingdao International Trade Co. , Ltd. , production of various types of motorcycles and tubeless tire, good quality, low price and foreign businessmen hope that the long-term cooperation.
278 The paper analyses how currency functions in the three channels, namely, consumer expenditure, investment expenditure, and international trade through which economic growth is realized.
279 This Zhou Yi, american government expresses to won't overrule this ban that international trade committee announces.
280 Some abbreviations in common use in domestic trade may not be readily understood in international trade.
281 Bill of lading is a kind of international trade and shipping document.
282 In international trade, a sales confirmation is a document regarded as a contract.
283 Characteristic of rationality, invisibility and flexibility, it has become the most complicated and most trickish kind of trade barrier, and the biggest barrier to international trade.
284 The International Trade Administration (ITA) has begun to make some efforts to educate its own staff, particularly the Foreign Commercial Service, on product standards issues.
285 China does not pursue trade surplus and the Chinese Government has never used so-called currency manipulation to gain profit from international trade.
286 Through the econometrics tools, it observes and studies on the stimulating effects of technology spillover in international trade upon China's economic growth.
287 What is the difference between absolute advantage and comparative advantage in international trade?
288 This requires customs broker must have certain international trade and related knowledge and professional knowledge, but also the customs declaration to the professional skills.
289 Qualifications : - Bachelor degree, majored in international trade, age between 28 - 36 ,(http:///international trade.html) male or famale.
290 The idea of this tariff reform is feasible in terms of the WTO's fundamental purpose, the relevant principles, the unique role and actual trends of international trade.
291 On the other hand, it is also the needs of our country that international trade and international capital market develop.
292 In 16-18 centuries, international trade developed rapidly under the promotion of the discovery of new land and new sea-lane.
293 Technical barriers to trade in international trade are a class of emerging trade restrictive measures.
294 International Trade Law --- Research Guide to International Law on the Internet.
295 'We started lining up for their business, ' says a Geneva-based lawyer for an international trade law firm.
296 New research of monetary policy transition mechanism suggests th at monetary policy function mainly via investment, consumption and international trade.
297 In international trade, there are various kinds of competition, mainly devided into price competition and non-price competition.
298 Hee-Beom Lee, ex-minister for Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy(MOCIE) of Korea, has served as Chairman and CEO of Korea International Trade Association (KITA) since February, 2006.
299 There has been controversy over whether international trade affects domestic price level.
300 The Water Quality Association is a not-for-profit international trade association representing the household, commercial, industrial, and small community water treatment industry.




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