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单词 Widely distributed
1. The leaflets have been widely distributed.
2. Cases of the disease are widely distributed through Europe.
3. These cells are widely distributed throughout the body.
4. This species of dolphin is widely distributed throughout the world.
5. These are widely distributed within the region.
6. Deposits of galena are widely distributed but by no means equally accessible to early centres of civilization.
7. The incident became the basis for the widely distributed composite drawing of the suspect.
8. By 1086, Droitwich salt was being widely distributed over the Midlands.
9. A highly decentralized and widely distributed organization may require a number of such people.
10. The Hereford is probably the most numerous and widely distributed beef breed in the world.
11. Mute Swans are fairly widely distributed breeding birds in Sussex, but little up-to-date information about numbers is available.
12. The emphasis will be on widely distributed supercomputing and high-bandwidth visualization.
13. Creativity and ingenuity are widely distributed and evident in the natural activities of children outside school.
14. The most widely distributed Shas tract shows a smirking Weizman standing next to a grim-looking Deri behind bars.
15. The underlying pathology is a widely distributed inflammatory lesion in peripheral nerves, with adjacent demyelination.
16. It is widely distributed in space among different individuals[], and widely distributed in time over many generations.
17. Plant lectins are widely distributed in plant kingdom.
18. Flavobacterium indologenes is a gram-negative bacillus widely distributed outdoors.
19. Microbodies are widely distributed in the plant kingdom.
20. Muddy coast is widely distributed in Tianjin littoral zone.
21. Parenchyma cells are widely distributed throughout plants.
22. Some types of plants are widely distributed.
23. Shark is a widely distributed along the Atlantic coast.
24. They are embodied in unpublished theses, research reports of limited circulation or in monographs and journals which are not widely distributed.
25. His articles, printed in the New York and Boston press, were widely distributed in pamphlet form.
26. This is a time-consuming task as the information on software is widely distributed between the printed and institutional sources.
27. Patients who suffer a myocardial infarction may not have widely distributed coronary disease.
28. The bank therefore has an incentive to ensure that the paper is widely distributed among investors.
28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. The benefits of local economic development are alleged to be widely distributed.
30. As Rowe notes, pictures of the crackdown were not widely distributed at the time.
1. The leaflets have been widely distributed.
31. BACKGROUND: Synaptophysin P38 is widely distributed in nerve ending of a body, which is closely associated with nerve growth, recovery, regeneration and synapsis remodeling.
32. The Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks (from Early Devonian to Early Permian) were widely distributed in the south margin of the Altai Mountains.
33. Lamprophyre is widely distributed in the Qinling area. Most of the lamprophyre alteration-type gold deposits are discovered in both sides of the Huixian-Chenxian basin.
34. Daddy longlegs are very widely distributed in temperate regions and in the tropics.
35. It is now widely distributed in the UK, and also threatens the survival of Spain's white-headed duck (Oxyura leucocephala), with which it freely hybridises.
36. Evaporites rocks mainly include gypsum rock and salt rock, widely distributed, and with the great thickness.
37. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio L. ) is an important economic species of freshwater fish, widely distributed in China.
38. Pistacia chinensis Bunge was widely distributed in Chins. It iss species of fine oil tree with greening, timber, ornamental and medicinal value.
39. The endemic fluorosis is a kind of endemia widely distributed in Ningxia, and this is strongly related to the special natural geochemical environment of Ningxia.
40. Arsenic is widely distributed in nature and also an important environmental pollutant.
41. The latest study showed that NO and NOS are widely distributed in male reproductive system. NOS is mainly distributed in Leydig′s cells and sertoli′s cells and a minor portion in spermatogenous cells.
42. Stearic acid (octadecanoic acid) A saturated carboxylic acid, which is widely distributed in nature as the glyceride ester.
43. A pot experiment with clonal fragments consisting of two interconnected ramets of F. orientalis-a stoloniferous herb widely distributed in China-was conducted.
44. Any of various widely distributed, chiefly nocturnal, curlewlike shore birds of the family Burhinidae, having large heads, large yellow eyes, and knobby leg joints.
45. Any of various widely distributed marine fishes of the family Triglidae, having large fanlike pectoral fins and a large armored head.
46. But email is too widely distributed to corral into a any kind of structure now.
47. Actinidia arguta belonging to Actinidiaceae, Actinidia Lindl. is perennial defoliation vine plant. It is most widely distributed in the Three Provinces in Northeast of China.
48. The U-bearing granites are widely distributed in Southern China and genetically belong to two types, namely, transformation type and syntexis type.
49. Dinosaurian egg is a kind of peculiar and precious fossil in the Late Cretaceous strata, which are well-developed and widely distributed in nearly 30 basins of varied sizes and shapes in Jiangxi.
50. The Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye, a kind of widely distributed in neritic Cyphozoa, belongs to Coelenterata phylum, whose mesogloea is mainly composed of collagen.
51. Some liana, widely distributed in the study area, was possibly the major food resource of black crested gibbon.
52. Chuandong Carboniferous gas reservoirs are widely distributed in the east port of Sichuan Basin.
53. Paulownia is an important fast-growing tree species, which is widely distributed and favored by people.
54. The genus Euphrasia is a group of herbs with zygomorphic flowers, which members are widely distributed in the temperate areas and tropical or sub-tropical mountains.
55. The Plant A is the most widely distributed genus of the Rutaceae.
56. Flavanone compound is widely distributed in nature, which is one of powerful ingredients of many medicinal plants.
57. Roe deer is widely distributed in the Northeast of China.
58. Carotene Any of several organic compounds widely distributed in plants and animals.
59. It is widely distributed, usually in small amounts, occasionally uncombined but more often as selenides of iron, lead, silver, or copper.
60. Any of various widely distributed marine Fishes of the family Triglidae, having large fanlike pectoral fins and a large armored head.
61. This plant widely distributed in north of Xinjiang and Russia and grows in badlands, woods or grassplot, altitude 270-1850 metre.
62. On the other hand, NADPH-d staining showed that a large number of NOS positive nerve fibers widely distributed in the myenteric plexus and smooth muscle layers of SO.
63. Results showed that Actinidia chinensis was found to occur in 35 counties in Qinling-Bashan Mountain area and it was widely distributed in this area, its resource quantity was rich.
64. The low grade mineral resources are widely distributed in the western China.
65. Serine hydroxymethyltransferase(SHMT) is widely distributed in nature, being found in prokaryote and eukaryote and catalyzes the reversible interconversion of serine and glycine.
66. Any of several widely distributed, chiefly marine fishes that are primarily of the families Blenniidae and Clinidae and have small, elongated, often scaleless bodies.
67. Whisky - jacks are widely distributed from Montana to Arizona.
68. Ground brine of Trias is widely distributed in Sichuan Basin, Which has fine quality and fantastic industrial values. It is the earliest exploited brine resource of our country.
69. Widely distributed family of herbs and shrubs of the order Gentianales; most with milky juice .
70. Mosaic is one of the most widely distributed sugarcane diseases.
71. The Open Directory is the most widely distributed data base of Web content classified by humans.
72. Results show that NOS-positive neurons are widely distributed in the gray matter around the central canal, surficial layer of posterior horn and the substantia grisea of anterior horn.
73. Mercury antimony ore is widely distributed over the zone of western area of west Qinling Mt.
74. Erigeron canadensis L. is an invasive plant widely distributed in China.
75. Glauberite is a main ore mineral in sodium sulfate deposits widely distributed in modern salt lakes and Meso- and Cenozoic salt-bearing series.
76. Myrmica smythiesii Forel and M. bactriana Ruzsky are the most widely distributed species[], occupying the widest range of habitats.
77. Equisetum ramosissimum is species of Equisetum genus of Equisetaceae, widely distributed all over of China.
78. This is the most widely distributed subspecies , either native or introduced in most cold-temperate regions of the world.
79. The Black-faced Spoonbill is widely distributed in East Asia and North (Northwest and Southeast) China.
80. XML - based Web services that are widely distributed computing technology is an important development direction.
81. Thermal ground water and potable natural water resources are rich and widely distributed in Shanxi province.
82. Alhagi sparsifolia is widely distributed in lowland saline meadows of Xi - njiang desert region.
83. Our results indicating that spinohypothalamic tract play an important role in direct transmission of noxious visceral sensory information from the spinal cord to widely distributed areas in the brain.
84. Chromium is widely distributed in nature, organisms mainly trivalent form of chromium.
85. Felsic gneiss is the most widely distributed rock type in Archean metamorphic complex areas.
86. Halophilic Microorganism is widely distributed in globe, among them Psychropliles and Psychrotrophs have been much more studied.
87. Pulmonary neuroendocrine cell (PNEC) system consists of solitary cells and innervated clusters, neuroepithelial bodies (NE, widely distributed throughout the airway mucosa of mammalian lungs.
88. Widely distributed calcite and aragonite crystal in the cave passage are originated from ancient pool deposits.
89. Soft clays are widely distributed in coastland and inland plain.
90. Any of numerous species of fishes (family Serranidae) widely distributed in warm seas,[http:///widely distributed.html] especially members of the genera Epinephelus and Mycteroperca.
91. Aedes albopictus was the dominant species in the former prevalence area, which widely distributed and had high density.
92. CTV and its efficient vector, brown citrus aphid ( Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy ), are widely distributed in China.
93. Arbuscular mycorrhiza was the reciprocal symbiont of AM fungi and plant root that was widely distributed in each ecosystem.
94. A heterogeneous structure in terms of both size and shape was highly developed and widely distributed on the carbon surface.
95. Roe deer is widely distributed in the Northeast of China as an important animal.
96. With their endophytes mutualistic symbioses , people can make better use of the widely distributed endophyte resources in China.
97. Ticks are widely distributed but usually seasonal in their activities.
98. Lactic acid bacteria are widely distributed in the nature. The genus Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Pediococcus and Leuconostoc are included being representatives in this group.
99. Acarina and Collembola were widely distributed in various soil layers under different vegetation, whereas the number of Acarina in the litter layer varied significantly with habitat and elevation.
100. Any of several small insects of the genus Phylloxera that are related to aphids, especially P. vitifoliae, a widely distributed species very destructive to grape crops.
101. Results: NOS was widely distributed in the gastric wall and most of it was localized in the myenteric plexus.
102. Allactaga sibirica is one of the widely distributed mice in Inner Mongolia.
103. A widely distributed bird (Hirundo rustica) that nests in barns and caves and has a deeply forked tail, a dark-blue back, and tan underparts .
104. It was observed that the relative deposits of the Tertiary ieokarst, i e , limestone residual laterite, are widely distributed on the main planation surface of Plateau of Tibet.
105. The lesions of this case were widely distributed, involving the skin, eyes, mouth, genital organ, peripheral blood vessels, liver and central nervous system.
106. Quercus variabilis is widely distributed in more than 20 provinces and regions in North, Northwest, Central, South, Southwest of China.




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