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单词 Initiating
1. He is good at initiating projects but rarely follows through with anything.
2. You may be initiating the correspondence.
3. In many other countries the initiating steps will be taken by an officer attached to the court.
4. They reacted to events, never initiating them, and this trait became an increasing liability as time passed.
5. Irrespective of the mechanism initiating basin formation the amount of subsidence will be amplified by the weight of sediments which accumulate.
6. The Soviets were also initiating an economic assistance program for selected Third World countries.
7. Check module is offline by initiating a restore of the module from the offline media.
8. The council initiating the scheme says it's important for residents to have some one who isn't official to talk to.
9. Initiating Novices A real win-win situation for both individuals and teams is inviting interns and apprentices into your organization.
10. By suggesting or initiating such activities,( ) the teacher legitimates collaboration in the children's eyes.
11. Many businesses follow a reactive strategy rather than initiating new products.
12. It checks calls and recovers them in case of a failure and passes the information back to the initiating program.
13. I interviewed the deputy head who had been instrumental in initiating the scheme and gained the school's consent for the study.
14. In classical theory a spontaneous fall in the real wage rate is the initiating force tending to raise employment and output.
15. During work experience students are expected to exhibit a high degree of interpersonal skills in initiating and sustaining working relationships.
16. The auditors' role is to direct the attention of those responsible for devising and initiating policy.
17. Students spend two days a week in their own schools initiating and implementing change.
18. Initiating progress Adjusting to given changes is one thing; initiating changes, particularly desirable changes, is something else again.
19. And at least he could rely on Freeborn to answer it without initiating a philosophical discussion about the basis of the self.
20. The end of the coding region is indicated by a U. Translation is shown initiating at the first methionine at nucleotide 76.
21. Lloyd Peters advised him to check and double check the information, before reporting back to them, or initiating a response.
22. Current formulations place great emphasis on the role of maturation and psychological vulnerability in initiating the development of symptoms.
23. Homework exercises may include making eye contact with a stranger, initiating a one-minute conversation or participating in a group activity.
24. There is however, no justification in making their establishment an essential pre-condition for initiating rural development programmes.
25. Moreover, the local council has been heavily implicated in these processes, initiating and shaping the town's development.
26. Here there was less social distance between head and staff, though the head accepted the main responsibility for initiating and leading.
27. This occurred because we overestimated the effectiveness of disulfiram when we calculated the sample size prior to initiating the study.
28. Initiating Member 1 Check whether the acquisition target is a client and advise the initiating member or his client accordingly.
29. It has a rapid onset of action and is useful in both initiating and maintaining sleep.
30. As before many recognised the importance of the document in initiating debate on the curriculum.
1. He is good at initiating projects but rarely follows through with anything.
31. The professional role has been minimal, and, where it has been relevant has been facilitative rather than directive or initiating.
32. I am initiating, with others, a midweek activity on Friday nights, for church young folk.
33. Before initiating an incident, you weighed up the pros and cons of the costs in time.
34. Initiating a batch of disaster prevention and reduction projects.
35. Do you think that initiating possibilities is morally and legally acceptable?
36. One hundred women were asked to indicate their preferences on six male body odour samples, drawn from 97 volunteer samples, before and after initiating contraceptive pill use.
37. Transport Layer: The transport layer is responsible for initiating and terminating SIP sessions and providing the conversion of data transmitted between analog/digital formats and an IP packet format.
38. Differentiation and subtype of DC is associated with initiating immune response or inducing immune anergy.
39. Some advice was also given to the quantity of adhesive used in theloading initiating explosive device.
40. His first play, The Zoo Story manifests the features of the absurd play both thematically and formally,() thus initiating the American play of the absurd.
41. Initiating Process Group. Defines and authorizes the project or a project phase.
42. Thus, the clinical implications of our study speak to the urgency for initiating clinical trials using LDN in the treatment of advanced ovarian cancer.
43. Flexibility explosive with excellent initiating and detonating performance has been acquired by means of studying sensitize of RDX and formulations.
44. The thinner oxide layer means lower voltage requirements for initiating changes in cell value.
45. This paper deals with the blasting parameters, working face blast hole patterns and the initiating system in the E-Bid section of the Furong Road Cable Tunnel Construction Project in Changsha.
46. The present paper discussed the overall design scheme of this system, including the designs of generating sector, receiver sector, single circuit initiating.
47. Yet the Indian state be ahead of the curve in initiating or galvanising wider economic change.
48. Thermal ignition temperature was defined, the thermal ignition process of electric hot wire initiating devices was divided as calefactive phase and explosion phase.
49. The Templars, fearsome and uncompromising warriors famous for initiating the banking system, were formed in the early 1100's, shortly after the First Crusade to protect pilgrims.
50. The axial initiating ability of a detonator is one of the important parameters among its properties.
51. At last, the text accomplished the detail design of the enterprise quality management information system facing on initiating device, and the antetype working system.
52. Especially, the re-form and opening-up starting from 1978 has had a profound influence on the progress, initiating factors and modes of urbanization.
53. Authority for initiating change should be defined in order to maintain control.
54. This provides some protection against initiating an inadvertent drag operation.
55. Using phenyllformic acid as initiating combustion agent, molar comb ustion heat of castor oil at constant volume is determined with bomb calorimeter.
56. They keep the feet high and behind the body. The focus, again, is to finish the extension of the hands before initiating the dolphin kick.
57. The advantages of the tape are:small critical thickness, using little explosive, high detonation velocity, high initiating ability, small destructibility on neighbouring instruments, etc.
58. The lowest or trial initiating leel is the United States District Courts.
59. Engineering Project Evaluation is the main basis for capital investment decision and approving and initiating a project.
60. Recent studies indicated that keratinocyte (KC) apoptosis is the initiating event in the development of the epidermal pathology seen in eczematous dermatitis.
61. This use of the materials containing Covalent form by initiating energy form of light oil mask.
62. Serve by initiating an entity, providing synthesis to culture of new peasant.
63. the time the consent was communicated that the recipient's electronic mail address could be transferred to such other party for the purpose of initiating commercial electronic mail messages.
64. When syncytiotrophoblast cells die, they are released into the maternal circulation, initiating a cascade of inflammation that can damage maternal organs.
65. Bone morphogenetic proteins inhibit the tumorigenic potential of human brain tumour - initiating cells.
66. Combined with a burst angle algorithm, this paper uses a beam control technology of the one-dimension phase array fuze to change the fuze beam adaptively and achieve the optimal initiating control.
67. Initiating the construction of CGE model together with its dual linear programming and values traced, the paper expatiates the contribution o.
68. Processing starts by initiating a price calculation based on the products ordered.
69. You might be surprised to learn that, in fact, your partner is hesitant about initiating physical contact because he or she is afraid of appearing overeager,(Sentence dictionary) and insensitive.
70. They are initiating breast-feeding so they want to breast-feed, but they are not getting the support they need to achieve their intentions.
71. DNA molecule to which RNA polymerase binds, initiating the transcription of messenger RNA.
72. After the crack initiating, it propagates along the vertical direction of the tensile stress axial line.
73. The doctor order blood tests before initiating these therapies, and during follow - up.
74. Data Set Answer Back Tone is one of telephone system audible tones that it will be heard when manually initiating a data call.
75. A vandalbot can parallelize its defacements -- if each site adds a five-second delay, for example, the vandalbot can simply spend that five seconds initiating changes to other Wikis on its hit list.
76. A new technology of whole body insulation treatment of automobile initiating motor stator coil has been developed.
77. Complainant means the party initiating a complaint concerning a domain - name registration.
78. According to above a new understanding that initiation is difficult under the ordinary rainfall condition. (3) Simulated has formed the critical raininess of gangue initiating.
79. Funduscopic examination should be performed routinely before initiating and periodically during the course of somatropin therapy.
80. Surrender is perfectly compatible with taking action, initiating change or achieving goals.
81. These functions include protecting the chromosome ends, initiating the homologue alignment in meiosis, and participating the mechanism of DNA repairing, etc.
82. He is good at initiating projects but rarely follows through with anyting.
83. Polyethylene oxide ( PEO ) macromers with allyl - cnd group were synthesized by two different methods ( initiating and deactivating ).
84. The low-energy fuse slip-on millisecond initiating system is a new one, with advantages of accurate detonation and easy charging operation.
85. He also looked very comfortable with the ball in his hands and even brought the ball up initiating the half court offense for a few sets while playing with Kyle Lowry.
86. Only the perchlorate shows marked sensitiveness and possibly initiating properties.
87. Photoreceptors in the retina containing light sensitive pigments capable of initiating the process of photopic vision.
88. Copernicus has been regarded as the first figure initiating this revolution.
89. Initiating divided attention is one thing. Prolonging it is another.
90. Nor does it mean to cease making plans or initiating positive action.
91. Skynet responds by firing U.S. nuclear missiles at Russia, initiating global nuclear war on what became known as Judgement Day (August 29, 1997).
92. The National Research Institute of Historical and Cultural Relics is responsibility for initiating this program and the only thing it has for reference in its work is a property inventory.
93. Enamel matrix protein is secreted by Hertwig's epithelial root sheath and is responsible for initiating the original formation of acellular cementum on the developing tooth root.
94. BMP signaling dominates chondrogenesis through initiating the chondrocytic commitment of mesenchymal cells and maintaining the chondrocytic phenotype.
95. If the client process has not explicitly issued a bind system call before initiating the connection,[http:///initiating.html] implicit binding on the local socket is taken care of by the stack.
96. The silver and lead salts are highly sensitive to impact, but have no initiating properties.
97. These buttons can perform such functions as initiating a call to the currently highlighted directory entry.
98. WHO and FAO is initiating a thorough review of Codex primo 2002.
99. DNA molecule to RNA polymerase binds, initiating the transcription of RNA.
100. The concept, classification, mode and analysis technique of initiating explosive device failure are addressed.
101. Hotfix Installer encountered an internal error initiating the Hotfix operation.
102. SFL chief executive David Longmuir will meet Jackson before initiating disciplinary procedures.
103. We are now in the process of initiating a double blind study looking specifically at rifaximen and lactulose at treating HE as well their effects for both primary and secondary prevention of HE.




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