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单词 Florida
1, He flew his private plane to Florida.
2, She had shacked up with some guy from Florida.
3, He's one of the movers and shakers in Florida politics.
4, Next week he'll be in Florida for consultations with President Mitterrand.
5, Florida was a key state in his campaign for re-election.
6, Two friends and I drove to Florida during college spring break.
7, Florida oranges have a natural sweetness.
8, The sunbelt stretches from Florida to southern California.
9, South Florida has a large Jewish population.
10, They are currently vacationing in Florida.
11, Florida was a long way off.
12, They came from as far away as Florida.
13, Write to P.O. Box 714, Key Largo,(http:///florida.html) Florida.
14, Florida takes some beating as a vacation destination.
15, Hurricane Betty is now approaching the coast of Florida.
16, I spent my childhood and adolescence in Florida.
17, No more dreary winters - we're moving to Florida.
18, The airline operates mainly between Florida and Puerto Rico.
19, The ships sailing from Florida were landing arms and combatants.
20, In Florida, farmers are squaring off against cities for rights to groundwater.
21, For someone who doesn't like heat, Florida would be hell on earth.
22, He visited Florida a few years ago looking at the potential of the area to stage a big match.
23, The Everglades are an area of swamp in southern Florida.
24, As a result of a series of European wars, Florida was ceded to England.
25, By his own admission, he evaded taxes as a Florida real-estate speculator.
26, You have to be 21 or over to buy alcohol in Florida.
27, They spent the middle part of their vacation in Florida.
28, He faces death by the electric chair in a Florida state prison.
29, Did you read about what happened to that guy in Florida?
30, The Everglades National Park stretches across the southern tip of Florida.
1, He flew his private plane to Florida.
2, She had shacked up with some guy from Florida.
3, The Everglades are an area of swamp in southern Florida.
4, He's one of the movers and shakers in Florida politics.
5, Next week he'll be in Florida for consultations with President Mitterrand.
6, Florida was a key state in his campaign for re-election.
7, As a result of a series of European wars, Florida was ceded to England.
8, Two friends and I drove to Florida during college spring break.
9, By his own admission, he evaded taxes as a Florida real-estate speculator.
10, I spent my childhood and adolescence in Florida.
11, The ships sailing from Florida were landing arms and combatants.
12, For someone who doesn't like heat, Florida would be hell on earth.
13, The police extradited a prisoner from Florida back to New York.
31, California, along with Florida and Hawaii, is among the most popular US tourist destinations.
32, It's a mistake to think of Florida only in terms of its tourist attractions.
33, A court at Tampa, Florida has convicted five officials on drugs charges.
34, He has spent the past three months in Florida, ostensibly for medical treatment, but in actual fact to avoid prosecution for a series of notorious armed robberies.
35, Cuban Americans play an important role in whether he carries Florida in the fall campaign.
36, Florida voters favored Bush over Gore by a very small margin.
37, The state of Florida was hit by a hurricane that did serious damage.
38, She persuaded her reluctant husband to take a trip to Florida with her.
39, He started with a good holiday in Key West, Florida.
40, John Pennel became the first person to pole-vault 17 ft., at a meet in Miami, Florida.
41, She spent two years in South Florida researching and filming her documentary.
42, Little did she know that years later she would have her own pool and luxury apartment in Florida.
43, My parents live down in Florida, but they come up to Chicago every summer.
44, The administration is trying to stem the flood of refugees out of Haiti and into Florida.
45, The police extradited a prisoner from Florida back to New York.
46, All the nice areas in Florida are becoming more and more urbanized.
47, If someone invited me over to Florida, I'd jump at the chance.
48, Our reporters will keep you up to the minute with the latest developments in Florida.
49, These people could afford to retire to Florida but they'd just as soon stay put.
50, The Keys are coral islands off the southern tip of Florida.
51, The eye of the hurricane hit Florida just south of Miami.
52, When I worked in Florida I dealt with British people all the time.
53, Father's letter was mailed from Florida last week and came to hand today.
54, It is almost impossible to visit Florida without falling in love with the state.
55, The supreme court of Florida is welcome to them.
56, Seventeen Florida panthers have been collared.
57, In Florida, the situation is more dire.
58, Its national headquarters are in Florida.
59, In the end, we decided to go to Florida.
60, Tennis Golden deal for the golden girl from Florida.
61, Only about 50 Florida panthers are believed to exist.
62, Throughout 1983, political violence continued erupting in south Florida.
63, Top Florida court OKs electric chair use Tallahassee, Fla.
64, Florida is an anagram of Rid Of Al.
65, Tennessee buried Florida 45-3 in Saturday's game.
66, So what else can Florida do?
67, If there was an attempt to steal the election, it was by the Florida court acting on Gore's behalf.
68, A storm blasted the Florida coast with 75 m.p.h. winds.
69, Sure, Florida State had another late field goal sail wide right.
70, Demand for water throughout Florida is at an all-time high.
71, He will return to Florida for more debate prep later this week.
72, He sympathized with our plight but suggested that I call back the next day, when the Florida office was open.
73, It imperiously overruled not only the Florida court but also the federal appeals court in Atlanta.
74, We plan to go and live in Florida when the children have all grown up.
75, And the day-laborers ride their thumbs to Florida to pick fruit and scrub toilets for retired Republicans.
76, The couple plan to celebrate the victory and their seventh wedding anniversary by taking their children to Disneyworld in Florida.
77, On that particular day, the feature show was Cocoanuts, the new Marx Brothers comedy set in Florida.
78, When I was nine he started a large poultry farm west of Delray Beach, Florida.
79, Durrant was sent to Florida last month to recharge his batteries.
80, Pesci and Glover are longtime chums who win a fishing vacation in Florida.
81, Anti-ERA groups had rounded up hundreds of supporters from rural communities all across the Florida panhandle and bused them to the capitol.
82, Less than a month later, all of us found ourselves in Orlando at a party during the annual Florida Bar convention.
83, Lurking in the background, too, are the constant takeover rumors about the bank, the largest in Florida.
84, The Trident missile was launched from a submarine at 7: 16 p. m. off the coast of Florida.
85, In just the past few weeks, Continental started offering double miles on flights to Florida.
86, There didn't seem to be any winter in Florida, and the banks were thick with greenery.
87, Florida paroles first-time convicted criminals into the care of the Salvation Army-25, 000 of them at any one time.
88, Mack, a solid conservative who opposes abortion, could help Dole in electoral vote-rich Florida.
89, The climate of southern Florida attracts thousands of tourists each winter.
90, The attorneys general in Florida and Massachusetts are taking a different approach.
91, These emission standards vary widely, somewhat like those for the different locations in Florida described in Chapter 9.
92, In addition, the bill authorizes the General Services Administration to sell federal land in Florida that is considered surplus.
93, But the vice-president kept hammering home his belief that every vote cast in Florida should be counted before the presidency is awarded.
94, Fugitive slaves continued to seek asylum in Florida, even after the First Seminole War.
95, His health was so feeble that he went to Florida and lived for six more years.
96, In California and Florida, state funding and technical assistance for career academies have greatly expanded the number of such programs statewide.
97, Texas, with 123 delegates, and Florida, with 98, are the big draws.
98, Last fall, he started taking classes at the University of Central Florida.
99, With this mandate, slaveholders claiming blacks as their property now entered Florida in large numbers.
100, The state of Florida will commit $58 million for a new research facility.
101, Comair, a regional carrier in the Midwest and Florida, said the plane was Flight 3272.
102, On our trip to Florida, I drove 300 miles in one day.
103, Janet led us through the victories at the polls, then appointed a committee that drafted the Florida Educational Equity Act.
104, Soon after the hostilities recommenced, General Winfield Scott was given command of the army in Florida.
105, Shares of banks with operations in northern Florida rose after several major banks reported strong fourth-quarter profits.
106, He has been detached from the diocese to minister among Hispanics in Florida.
107, Florida, with 25 votes in the electoral college that formally picks the next president, is pivotal to the outcome.
108, Or the fact Florida high schools are permitted to conduct spring football camps that deliver him more finished products, they speculate.
109, Looking ahead, some of the best options further afield include a fly-drive to Florida for 14days for an amazing £249.
110, He was to celebrate the inauguration in Florida speaking up for the black voters who feel disenfranchised.
111, The University of Florida researcher has come up with a brilliantly simple way to tackle tooth decay.
112, Many of these protesters will be outside agitators, even convention delegates,() from anti-abortion strongholds like Texas and Florida.
113, This week Salomon announced it was moving 750 clerical jobs to lower-cost Florida.
114, And a second afterward hurled all of South Florida into a Latin frenzy unmatched even in the Dolphins' best days.
115, Florida alone provided nearly one-tenth of the 270 electoral votes required for victory, while Ohio commands 21 votes.
116, Puype said he could envision going straight from the Florida Derby to the Kentucky Derby.
117, By 56 percent to 39 percent, respondents said they were confident the Florida votes have been counted accurately.
118, The program, supported by the Florida congressional delegation, would create 1, 000 jobs at the engine plant.
119, Last year the Florida race was, in effect, a dead heat.
120, Hayes's election depended on contested electoral votes in Louisiana, South Carolina, and Florida.
121, A year ago, Holiday Inn put the icing on the cake at two of its Florida properties.
122, Clearing conditions were forecast behind the cold front that dragged low clouds through Central Florida early Friday.
123, Florida will benefit from a number of economic trends that play to its strengths.
124, But the many other problems that beset Florida on Election Day are far more deserving of a congressional investigation.
125, Mrs Clinton began hammering away at the issues during her appearance before Florida Democrats at the Democratic convention.
126, In Florida, Siemens Stromberg Carlson specializes in providing networking equipment to the telecommunications industry.
127, As a great place for a vacation, Florida takes some beating.
128, But while hoping for cooperation from Congress, Wilson said he has spoken with Florida Gov.
129, Florida escaped the pains of the lagging economy nationwide elsewhere because the state has such a small manufacturing base.
130, Seven-year-old Amy Collard captured the spirit of many who watched the space shuttle Challenger disintegrate in the Florida sky.
131, Shapiro said he brought Bailey in on the case because it would be tried in Florida.
132, Since returning from his Easter break in Florida he has bungled and backtracked even in his fief, the Senate.
133, Still,(/florida.html) Hailey has crafted a tale that should make South Florida proud.
134, Seminoles and blacks then stormed through Florida, attacking settlements and creating great fear among the white inhabitants.
135, However, cloud conditions in Florida are expected to worsen after Friday, with low clouds and rain showers likely.
136, Giuliani said Kamal purchased the automatic in Florida at the end of January.
137, Black turnout in Florida set records-893,000 cast ballots on November. 7, a 65 percent jump over 1996.
138, One was to her elder son Gamal, who was then in Florida.
139, The actual are generally lower than the regulatory limits allowed in Florida on a region to region basis.
140, Well done C5, you've managed to make the voting in Florida look above board.
141, She managed to contact him in Florida, as the clearing up got under way.
142, Florida saves $ 180 million a year by financing home care and community care to keep people out of nursing homes.
143, Points earned in the competitions here in Florida count toward the sport's national finals.
144, Florida had a net gain of 127, 180, followed by California with about 61, 000.
145, According to Benton, Whigs and the abolitionists who wanted Florida to remain a haven for runaways were in agreement.
146, Prosecutors said Burks moved $ 45,000 to his girlfriend and wired $ 13,300 to a bank account in Florida.
147, Which is sort of where baseball fans and industrialists sit today vis-a-vis the Florida Marlins.
148, He was immediately flown to Florida to face drugs trafficking charges.
149, Living in Iowa is certainly a big change from Florida.
150, Hideo Nomo, who was hit hard in his last start, is scheduled to start again Monday against the Florida Marlins.
151, We could either go to Florida or California -- which do you think is better?
152, Not many people I know ever think of the Panhandle as a Florida golf destination.
153, A prime example is Duval, a north Florida county that hosts thousands of naval aviators.
154, A clause in their Florida agreement requires the Sox to find a team to replace them in Sarasota.
155, With his victory in Florida officially certified(), Bush announced new moves to lay claim to the White House.
156, John Monnett turned down a chance to take part in a national cheerleading competition in Florida next week.
157, They already generate $ 477 million in retail sales every year in Florida.
158, Hugh Farnham was discovered in a retirement home in Florida, living under an assumed identity, obsessively chewing on his rusks.
159, By contrast, it said, the Florida law simply banned all cross-burning.
160, He later worked with juvenile delinquents in a Florida youth services program.
161, Legislation regulating teaching loads and faculty productivity has been enacted in several states, including Ohio and Florida, the report said.
162, Dole, who owns a condominium in the Miami Beach area, intends to make a stand in Florida.
163, Taylor, 47, was taken ill last week while working on his third album in a Florida recording studio.
164, PacketWorks has provided Internet access and related services to business customers in Central Florida since its founding in 1994.
165, So let us turn to another increasingly apparent fact: Gore probably won more votes than Bush in Florida too.
166, They went diving in the Florida Keys on their vacation.
166, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
167, Earlier this year, Florida removed the Confederate flag from a display of several flags on the grounds of the state capitol.
168, Orlando, Florida, even struck a deal in which a developer built a new city hall.
169, My sister, Susan, was up from Florida to pick up Patience and Jack. 1 was feeling very cheated.
170, Don't expect the game against Florida to be a cakewalk.
171, Our specific role in the political milieu is to upset the apple cart, which is precisely what happened in Florida.
172, Republican congressional leaders and Florida lawmakers announced an agreement Thursday to spend up to $ 300 million on Everglades restoration.
173, Collect the history, culture and archaeology of Southern Florida.
174, Now I have an artifact from every Florida shipwreck of the 1960's.
175, They succeeded in putting Perot's name on the ballot in Florida.
176, During the Christmas holidays there's a tremendous amount of traffic between the Northeast and Florida.
177, Hurricane Andrew has passed over the southern tip of Florida.




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