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单词 Churchill
1. He wrote a biography of Winston Churchill.
2. Churchill telegraphed an urgent message to Wavell.
3. In those days Churchill was still a name to conjure with.
4. Churchill was held in near veneration during his lifetime.
5. Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon were both controversial figures.
6. Churchill was installed as Chancellor of the university.
7. Churchill immediately set into motion a daring plan.
8. He thinks he's a second Churchill!
9. In 1945, Winston Churchill was defeated at the polls.
10. Churchill was prime minister during the Second World War.
11. As a politician, he modelled himself on Churchill.
12. The old man was the spit of Winston Churchill.
13. He was a wartime minister and intimate of Churchill.
14. He went to the extreme of adulation, describing Churchill as the greatest man who ever lived.
15. Churchill issued a new order overriding previous instructions.
16. Reproduced by kind permission of Churchill Livingstone.
17. The last Churchill Cabinet was brimming with independent spirits.
18. With the election imminent, Churchill returned to London.
19. Churchill complained of his insufferable rudeness.
20. Churchill had already earmarked Lyttleton for the job.
21. Apparently they regarded Churchill as a poor security risk.
22. The Club's telegram to Winston Churchill in 1945.
23. Churchill also stood, at a tall writing desk.
24. the Breeder's Cup races at Churchill Downs.
25. After 1951 Winston Churchill and his Conservative successors protected the welfare state, maintained full employment, and conciliated the trade unions.
26. Woolton told Churchill his supervisory role had largely ceased to function.
27. It is the work of Ivor Roberts-Jones, who also produced the statue of Churchill in Parliament Square.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. She was a splendid mimic and loved to imitate Winston Churchill.
29. The shape of post-war Europe was decided in Potsdam in 1945 by the Allied triumvirate of Churchill, Truman and Stalin.
30. Ten minutes later - another leap in the dark - he offered the appointment to Churchill.
1. He wrote a biography of Winston Churchill.
2. Churchill telegraphed an urgent message to Wavell.
3. In those days Churchill was still a name to conjure with.
4. It is the work of Ivor Roberts-Jones, who also produced the statue of Churchill in Parliament Square.
5. She was a splendid mimic and loved to imitate Winston Churchill.
31. Churchill himself was interested not only in this but also in the wider implications of nuclear developments in the 1950s.
32. The team is now seeking approval to carry out clinical trials at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.
33. Major is the first Tory prime minister since Winston Churchill without a university education.
34. Discussion in Cabinet was aided by the absence of Churchill - and also Eden - because of illness.
35. Churchill was informed of this order within an hour, and watched the raid from the Air Ministry roof.
36. Send it to Mr Churchill with my compliments and some sort of message about it being from one Napoleon to another.
37. Another airborne bid for peace that Churchill disapproved of, likewise doomed to failure.
38. He says that Churchill had told them they could be proud to have mined coal for the war effort.
39. In his memoirs, Wilson makes no bones of placing himself in the line of succession of Baldwin, Churchill and Macmillan.
40. The Churchill Hospital saved Lynda's life. After 5 months of chemotherapy treatment like this, the tumours shrank.
41. He had put away his Churchill and was reading a new book.
42. Churchill was a sort of Anglican but was as ignorant about clergymen as Lloyd George.
43. Churchill, who demanded and got blood, sweat, and tears, is gone.
44. Presenting a very sanitized view of Pitt's career, the film ends up a hagiography of Churchill.
45. Churchill was acutely aware that Britain was far the weaker of the two allies, both militarily and economically.
46. Churchill then wanted to coerce the owners into a national agreement and statutory arbitration.
47. The Beveridge Committee, which reported shortly before the Churchill government took office in 195 1, saw no conflict.
48. Churchill had been the latest bone of contention, as he had begun to make public speeches which Chamberlain clearly found embarrassing.
49. Otherwise it's months of planning up the wall, and Mr Churchill crying in his brandy.
50. In his book, Churchill describes that historic first meeting with Roosevelt.
51. Churchill fought the Second World War to preserve the heritage of Britain.
52. By the Monday they were to shout down with peculiar virulence a similar although more long-winded question by Churchill.
53. The role of Churchill in the development of full employment policy is greater than has generally been supposed.
54. At crucial moments Churchill swung his weight behind the Keynesian approach.
55. A month ago he had a positive diagnosis and was treated at the Churchill Hospital.
56. As was his wont, Churchill drank scotch with water, but no ice.
57. It is not difficult to understand why this short statement by Winston Churchill changed history.
57. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
58. Pamela Churchill had to leave their house which she had to lease out to others to get income from the rent.
59. Above all, Churchill was opposed to passing major legislation before the war was won.
60. The ceremony in this Anglo-Norman setting was replete with references to Charlemagne, Napoleon, and Churchill.
61. Winston Churchill, an evident manic-depressive who rarely slept, is a notable example.
62. Winston Churchill, with extraordinary perspicacity, wrote at the time: Meeting an artillery attack is like catching a cricket ball.
63. Another introduction to politics was provided for me in the person of Randolph Churchill.
64. Under this threat, Churchill sent a long reply on 28 November, explaining why Britain could not accept Berle's proposals.
65. Churchill simply disliked working through committees, the Defence Committee excepted.
66. Churchill in office would never have wasted time in the smoking room without an audience.
67. It is true that some opponents of the Government saw rearmament as the main issue - notably Churchill.
68. The wartime idyll between Pamela Churchill and Harriman has long been publicly known.
69. It was originally set up by Churchill, who wanted better statistics to manage the war economy.
70. Like Attlee and his senior ministers in 1945, Churchill had seen the wartime machine and it had worked.
71. I had an encounter with Randolph Churchill in the late 1950s which arose in rather unexpected circumstances.
72. In fact, Churchill attempted in October 1951 to refashion Cabinet government in a fairly dramatic fashion by peacetime standards.
73. The process began in January 1942 when Churchill and his military leaders came to Washington to discuss strategy.
74. It is true that some powerful people, notably Winston Churchill, favoured military intervention.
75. After his death the Estate, including the hotel passed to his second cousin, Sir Winston Churchill.
76. Suppose Winston Churchill and Luciano Pavarotti trundle into a restaurant and sit near you.
77. Churchill, Beveridge and their colleagues recognized that insurance dealt only with the most tractable tip of the unemployment problem.
78. Roosevelt, like Churchill, saw the significance of postwar civil aviation, and believed in free and open competition.
79. But a Churchill of whom I can only speak with deep affection is Randolph's son, Winston.
80. However, during our hand-over General Churchill mentioned one piece of unfinished business.
81. The return of Churchill to office threatened to make matters worse.
82. Never since the wartime cabinet saw Churchill and Atlee working in concert have the main political parties seemed so close on defence.
83. The premier's wife then sat Daniel Churchill on her lap to hear how he had battled against serious heart problems.
84. There was no reason to believe that a Churchill ministry would be more helpful.
85. And surely the cenotaph itself is as worthy a target as Churchill.
86. Now he's in the Churchill Hospital after developing an infection.
87. As Winston Churchill once said, parliamentary democracy is a very bad system - but no one has found a better one.
87. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
88. John Major did not publicly denounce Mr Churchill, but went as far as hinting that he disapproved.
89. But it is also worth underscoring both the intended and unintended symbolism of a Churchill bust.
90. Once the exchanges were established Beveridge and Churchill moved on to examine how to introduce unemployment insurance.
91. However, even Charmley can not avoid the conclusion that Churchill for all his faults was a great man.
92. The car was backed inside and Randolph Churchill and Corporal Rose were left to guard it.
93. Read in studio A man is being sponsored by a Government scheme to train as a Winston Churchill impersonator.
94. The following month Roosevelt and Churchill tried to prevent de Gaulle from conducting legal proceedings against former Vichy officials.
95. Winston Churchill liked to dabble in landscape painting.
96. Periodically, Churchill sinks into spells of depression.
97. Bill took off Winston Churchill to perfection.
98. We denounce the preposterous statement of the warmonger Churchill.
99. He looked away, hoping Churchill would get the hint.
100. Walden saw Churchill at the Admiralty at twelve noon.
101. Winston Churchill is another. And Ulysses S. Grant.
102. The Churchill Crocodile wields a 6 Pounder gun and a fearsome flame projector.
103. Do you know who preceded Winston Churchill as Prime Minister?
104. A connoisseur of politics can savor the machinations of a Neville Chamberlain or Winston Churchill.
105. Michael Baze arrived at Churchill Downs with the right surname.
106. Churchill took part in the meeting in Tehran, Yalta Conference, and other international conferences.
107. Although Mr. Burleigh has his heroes— Winston Churchill above all, but also George Marshall—there is nothing romantic in his description of the war.
108. 'It's really a different set of skills: 'How do I influence this group and gain credibility?'' says John Churchill, the training and development manager.
109. And nobody can stay there, unless – like Kaiser Wilhelm II, Churchill or De Gaulle, for whom the state bed was specially extended – they are invited.
110. Many great examples of Kennedy and Churchill Henry V and so on.
111. The Socialists were trying to smear Churchill as a warmonger.
112. The Churchill portrait has since app eared in publications on commemorative 8 stamps all over the world.
113. Yergin is a Churchillian. He argues that we should consider all possible energy sources, the way Winston Churchill considered oil when he spoke to the British Parliament in 1913.
114. A horse trains in the mud at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky.
115. Just on Monday, a 2-year-old filly died at Churchill Downs in Louisville following a collision with another horse.
116. At the same time, Churchill expressed the most attractive values of the English ruling class---honor, loyalty, and fair play---without the stuffy traditionalism of many of his peers.
117. Churchill wrote the essay hours after the September 11, 2001, attacks.
117. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
118. In 1923 Churchill withdrew from the Liberty Party and was dismissed from cabinet minister and missed the election of the House of Commons due to appendectomy.
119. As a peacetime statesman Churchill had been , in his view, something of a disaster.
120. Throughout the 1920 s and 1930 s, Churchill had often voiced his apprehensions about Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany.
121. Texts written by masters of the English language including Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway and William Golding would have been deemed below average under a new computerised exam system.
122. People still remember Churchill for his rolling phrases , his magnificent voice.
123. British actor Timothy Spall played Winston Churchill in the Oscar-winning film, The King's Speech.
124. The Casablanca Conference, between President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, began - ended on 26 th.
125. It costs nothing to be polite ( Winston S. Churchill ).
126. Queen Elizabeth II was crowned as Britain's sovereign in 1953 — a time when Winston S. Churchill was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Dwight D. Eisenhower was President of the United States.
127. The brash young First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill showed particular interest in naval aviation.
128. You're already at Churchill Downs to watch the horse race.
129. A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"(Winston S. Churchill)."
130. Each autumn, polar bears arrive at the town of Churchill , on the edge of Hudson Bay.
131. Churchill first came to public attention while working as a war correspondent in South Africa.
132. "The V sign is the symbol of the unconquerable will of the occupied territories" (Winston S. Churchill ).
133. Every year since 1875, this race has been held at Churchill Downs racetrack in Louisville, Kentucky.
134. In Fantasies of the Master Race (1992), Churchill examines the portrayal of American Indians and the use of American Indian symbols in popular American culture.
135. Among the bad oil paintings were one by Churchill and one by Field Marshal Alexander.
136. Daniel Radcliffe ( Harry Potter ) has featured on this poster alongside William Shakespeare and Winston Churchill.
137. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.--Winston Churchill.
138. After it wreaked havoc on British forces, Winston Churchill ordered the navy to sink the Bismarck.
139. Winston Churchill said that " the destiny of man is not measured by material computation.
140. Heading the campaign against Churchill was Clement Attlee, leader of the Labor Party.
141. The first Kentucky Derby was run at Churchill Downs on 5-17-1875, and the famous eruption of Mount St. Helens volcano in Washington occurred on 5-18-1980.
142. The collapse of the British Empire, which Winston Churchill had vowed to defend at all costs, opened the way to worldwide decolonization.
143. Churchill looked belligerent for a moment , then swallowed his pride.
144. The addresser described that his grandfather heard this accident form a discussion between Churchill and US general Dwhite Eisenhower accidentally.
145. What kind of people do they think we are? ( Winston S. Churchill ).
146. "Give us the tools, and we will finish the job" (Winston S. Churchill). Often, though, it suggests the addition of final details to what has already essentially been completed.
147. During his army career, Churchill saw military action in India, in the Sudan and the Second Boer War.
147. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
148. While other leaders fling to their office, Winston Churchill inspired British people with his trademark V sign for victory in public with calm, relaxed smile.
149. The group wrote on a website: 'Protesters inscribed the initials of Rudolf Hess and daubed the hands of the Winston Churchill in crimson red on the statue of the notorious war criminal in Paris.
150. It is true that Churchill tended to interfere in military matters.
151. Think of truly great leaders in history: Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Winston Churchill, Jack Welch, Bill Gates.
152. And if you do, do you love Mr. Winston Churchill?
153. NARRATOR: Churchill, who was influenced by Hayek's book The Road to Serfdom, opposed planning and controls.
154. French anti-war campaigners have desecrated a statue of Winston Churchill in Paris on the anniversary of the death of Rudolf Hess.
155. Allying with Churchill was regarded as the political kiss of death even in 1939.
156. Winston churchill has been almost as versatile as his English namesake.
157. Diarmuid: Lord Nelson ; the Duke of Wellington and Sir Winston Churchill.
158. The British Jewish leaders finally got to Churchill and Eden with some incontrovertible evidence.
159. Winston Churchill was born in a ladiesroom during a dance.
160. The bust of Winston Churchill was replaced by one of Martin Luther King Jr.
161. Of course the movement behind opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi spreads far beyond the capital's elite, as did the supporters of Winston Churchill against Clement Attlee.
162. Barbaro could be laid to rest at Churchill Downs, scene of his greatest triumph.
163. One evening they dined with Churchill on the Onassis yacht.
164. The house caught fire and Churchill prevented the fire brigade from dousing the flames so the men inside were burned to death.
165. As Winston Churchill so memorably put it: "When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite.
166. Churchill speaks conversationally about people, events, and publications that a London resident in 1950 would have been familiar with.
167. Winston Churchill, Life Magazine's Man of The Century, first made a name for himself as a daring soldier in the Boer War.
168. WINSTON CHURCHILL: No socialist system can be established without a political police, some form of Gestapo.
169. In the 1950s, voters were happy to elect venerable leaders like Winston Churchill and Konrad Adenauer.
170. Sir Winston Churchill, was young, he attended a public school called Harrow.
171. It is modelled on a photograph of Churchill marching with France's wartime leader General Charles de Gaulle down the nearby Champs Elysees on 11 November, 1944.
172. Sir Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, Charles Babbage, Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Sir Winston Churchill, William Wilberforce, John, Paul, George and Ringo.
173. As First Lord of the Admiralty , Churchill was involved in the Dardanelles campaign in 1915.
174. Chaucer, Shakespeare, Hemmingway and Churchill were all men of letters.
175. A horse is given an early morning bath at the Churchill Downs racecourse in Louisville, Kentucky, US.
176. Sir Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' cloakroom after his mother went into labour during a dance at Blenheim Palace.
177. The charity owns love letters by figures including Darwin, Churchill and Victorian-era prime minister Benjamin Disraeli,(http:///churchill.html) which it holds at its properties across the country.
178. If you're going through hell , keep going. -- Winston Churchill.
179. An unromantic aide of Churchill said simply that she mixed "sex and politics".
180. "With twenty-five squadrons of fighters he could defend the island against the whole might of the German Air Force" (Winston S. Churchill).
181. I'll send a telegram to Churchill making an appointment for tomorrow morning.
182. A waterfall, 74.7 m (245 ft) high, of the upper Churchill River in southwest Labrador, Canada. There is an enormous hydroelectric power plant at the falls.
183. At one point, Churchill went as far as to call Mussolini the "Roman genius... the greatest lawgiver among men."
184. Now in his 58 th year, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill is a figure in political eclipse.
185. Potsdam Conference of Allied leaders Truman, Stalin and Churchill ( later replaced by Attlee ) began.
186. Chartwell: Bought by Sir Winston Churchill for its magnificent views over the Weald of Kent, Chartwell was the family home of Sir Winston Churchill from 1922 until his death in 1965.
187. Helen: Then you've got to visit Blenheim , because this is where Winston Churchill was born and buried!
188. Winston Churchill exemplified integrity arid respect in the face of opposition.
189. Remember that 8)Demosthenes and Winston Churchill both used pebbles in their mouths while practising their speaking.
190. Churchill shook hands and said cheerfully: " Good afternoon, Lord Walden! ".
191. Mr Churchill is nearly 77 and the second oldest prime minister in history. William Gladstone was 83 when he formed his last government.
192. Politicians of this era – Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Konrad Adenauer and De Gaulle – either won the war, or helped rebuild their countries afterwards, or both.
193. The story goes that the ladies running the school were so relieved when Churchill left and they declared a half-holiday.
194. Walden saw Churchill pushing through the crowd toward where they sat.
195. Two days after the German announcement of their find, General Sikorski, the prime minister of the Polish government-in-exile, discussed the murders with Winston Churchill.
196. A solar phenomenon known as a sundog arcs over the tundra in Churchill, Manitoba , Canada.
197. On May 13, 1940, in his first statement as Prime Minister to the British House of Commons, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill declared: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.
198. Chamberlain was not the man to lead his country in such a crisis, Winston Churchill , his first lord of admiralty took over as Prime Minster in 1940.
199. In 1965, Winston Churchill died in London at age 90.
200. According to this account, the man's grandfather overheard Churchill discussing the alleged incident with US wartime General Dwight Eisenhower.
201. A polar bear plays on the tundra near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.
202. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was forced to resign. The British people turned to a new leader, Winston Churchill.
203. Winston Churchill is knighted by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.
204. Churchill now redoubled his pleading, but his voice was no longer heard in Washington.
205. In 1874, British statesman Sir Winston Churchill was born at Blenheim Palace.
206. "There are men in the world who derive as stern an exaltation from the proximity of disaster and ruin, as others from success" (Winston S. Churchill).
207. The royal couple brought Winston Churchill essays and a cachepot of English bone china.
207. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
208. Did you know Dad mixed a martini for Winston Churchill?
209. The conference in Teheran, the capital of Iran (Persia), followed that held in North Africa between Mr. Churchill, President Roosevelt, and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.
210. In the British House of Commons on April 26, Churchill demanded that the British government should send two aircraft carriers to the Far East for "effective power of retaliation".
211. A fanatic is one who cannot change his mind and won't change the subject(Winston S. Churchill.




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