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单词 minuscule
释义  min·us·cule /ˈmɪnəskjuːl/ adjective  SMALLextremely small 极小的 SYN minute a minuscule amount of food 极少量的食物 Her office is minuscule. 她的办公室非常小。► see thesaurus at smallExamples from the Corpusminuscule• Compared to its adult size, a new-born kangaroo is minuscule.• The chances of getting the disease are minuscule.• But the pay was low most of the classes met in the evening, and the traveling allowance was minuscule.• The amount of money the Forest Service and Game and Fish put into sheep management was minuscule.• The pool was surrounded by bronzed girls wearing minuscule bikinis.• This bloody action-comedy achieved notoriety because writer / director Robert Rodriguez made the film without studio help on a minuscule budget.• It was really a bedsitter, but had an attached bathroom, an electric kettle and a minuscule electric stove.• She said the chances of siblings marrying are minuscule if the number of sperm donations are kept low.• In fact, so bizarre are these minuscule penile structures that boffins will often rely on them to tell various insects apart.• Stanford experienced only a minuscule profit last year as well.Origin minuscule (1700-1800) French Latin minusculus “rather small”, from minor “smaller”min·us·cule adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus extremely small




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