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单词 Judicially
1. These guys are talking about something that was judicially created apart from state legislatures or the constitution.
2. Reality: Automate judicially and with ROI in mind.
3. And I think judicially we'll find favor.
4. Not all judicially created laws are based on statutory or constitutional interpretation.
5. The judgment of administrative affirmation judicially drawn by the Supreme Court exists some problems.
6. Geoffrey approached the line of horses and glanced judicially down the row.
7. He rejects, for example, the massive, judicially run desegregation decrees that have produced school busing and judicially imposed tax hikes.
8. Judicially, we should utilize judge's discretion for application of inverting the burden of persuasion and choice of medical identifications.
9. Generally, judicially noticed evidence is a straightforward fact, an indisputable issue, or a bit of common knowledge.
10. Even if the amendment is passed it can be defeated judicially.
11. His opinion also noted that the decision does not foreclose the act from challenge by someone who suffers " judicially cognizable injury resulting from it."
12. No pledge registration application may be filed for any shares judicially frozen.
13. Nature justice requires that the procedure before any tribunal which is acting judicially shall be fair in all the circumstances.
14. The civil retrial procedure which is initiated, examined and tried in some condition is a final line of defense to remedy the legal rights and interests of a party judicially .
15. Failure of the parties to abide by the outcome cannot be sanctioned unless the award has been judicially confirmed.
16. On the other hand, the Court was convinced that judicially imposed hybrid rulemaking requirements would impose real costs.
17. It is common that arbitration clause of B/L transferred is reviewed judicially.
18. Few opponents of regulation doubt the appropriateness of such judicially enforced rules as the implied warranty of fitness and safety that accompanies the sale of products.
19. The trade policies of the rich and poor countries have been judicially solved by World Trade Organization.
20. The 9/11 attacks did lead to some expansion of executive authority,(http://) most notably in bypassing procedures set up in 1978 to ensure that electronic surveillance is judicially authorized.
21. In actual world, the most administrative acts have not been reviewed by the judicial bodies and one part of them have not been effectively judicially controlled owing to their features.
22. The Court held that if nuclear weapons were indeed stored at the facilities, an EIS had to be prepared, but this duty was not judicially enforceable.




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