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单词 Mischance
1) A series of mischance happened.
2) I lost your file by pure mischance.
3) By an unfortunate mischance, the hospital had been placed immediately beside a large ammunition dump.
4) Only a serious mischance will prevent them from getting there in time tomorrow.
5) If by some mischance the government get elected again, I think taxes will rise.
6) Oh, wretched I, to whom this mischance is happened!
7) Gratiano mischance ; the cry is very direful.
8) Gratiano. 'Tis some mischance; the cry is very direful.
9) Only a serious mischance will prevent him from arriving tomorrow.
10) Later,[http:///mischance.html] by mischance Elsa falls down into a deep crevice.
11) Coal mine safety accidents had gave mischance for millions of families, made severe economic damnify for our society.
12) It's an infernal mischance; I've done my best to discourage it.
13) She had invited Betty to stay by accident, or rather by drunken mischance, at one of those fatal office parties.
14) On the contrary , any one's more to be pitied when such a mischance befalls him.
15) Their intrusion, though baffling and terrible , is not a random mischance.
1) A series of mischance happened.




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