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单词 Promises
(1) Promises are like piecrust, made to be broken. 
(2) They remained openly sceptical about her promises of improvement.
(3) Can he be trusted to deliver on his promises?
(4) Promises are often like the dust.
(5) We've lost faith in the government's promises.
(6) We are not wrong(Sentencedict),is young ruined promises.
(7) The U.S. Constitution promises freedom of religion.
(8) He that promises too much means nothing.
(9) The committee brushed off his enquiries with meaningless promises.
(10) The politician's actions do not consist with the promises in his speeches.
(11) The nature of promises is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.
(12) He makes all kinds of big promises he has little intention of keeping.
(13) Anti-government protesters have been heartened by recent government promises of free and fair elections.
(14) Outraged minority groups will not be placated by promises of future improvements.
(15) The government promises to restore the economy to full strength.
(16) Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.
(17) Empty promises will wear.
(18) promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.
(19) I'm dubious about his promises to change his ways.
(20) The Government are back-pedalling on their election promises.
(21) I'll consider it, but I make no promises.
(22) He's always making promises, only he never keeps them.
(23) Voters are being wooed with promises of lower taxes.
(24) He promises, but does not always perform.
(25) His actions are not in keeping with his promises.
(26) It comes as no surprise to learn that they broke their promises.
(27) Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfill their promises.
(28) When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for you. No excuse, no lies, and no broken promises.
(29) I know from experience that Tony never keeps his promises.
(30) The party has been trying to woo the voters with promises of electoral reform.
(1) They remained openly sceptical about her promises of improvement.
(2) Can he be trusted to deliver on his promises?
(3) We've lost faith in the government's promises.
(4) The U.S. Constitution promises freedom of religion.
(5) The committee brushed off his enquiries with meaningless promises.
(6) It comes as no surprise to learn that they broke their promises.
(7) The politician's actions do not consist with the promises in his speeches.
(8) Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfill their promises.
(9) He makes all kinds of big promises he has little intention of keeping.
(10) Anti-government protesters have been heartened by recent government promises of free and fair elections.
(11) I know from experience that Tony never keeps his promises.
(12) Outraged minority groups will not be placated by promises of future improvements.
(13) The government promises to restore the economy to full strength.
(14) The party has been trying to woo the voters with promises of electoral reform.
(15) Neither threats nor promises could change his inflexible determination.
(16) The politicians are bidding for our favor by making wild promises that they can't keep.
(17) Our company promises to preserve the anonymity of all its clients.
(31) She always delivers on her promises.
(32) What price all your promises now?
(33) They have signally failed to keep their election promises.
(34) The company will deliver on its promises .
(35) When this happens, they will dishonour their own promises.
(36) The government is retreating from its promises.
(37) His actions are out in keeping with his promises.
(38) Most election promises can be set at naught.
(39) It promises to be an exciting few days.
(40) I won't be put off with such vague promises.
(41) It promises to be a really exciting match.
(42) Don't make promises you can't keep.
(43) Early mist promises fair weather.
(44) I never break my promises .
(45) The politicians made vague promises about tax cuts.
(46) His promises don't count for much.
(47) How can you expect me to believe your promises?
(48) He reposed too much confidence in her/her promises.
(49) There were no nonsensical promises about reviving the economy.
(50) The public is cynical about election promises.
(51) Many settlers were allured by promises of easy wealth.
(52) Her actions and her promises contrasted sharply.
(53) Neither threats nor promises could change his inflexible determination.
(54) Don't allow yourself to be swayed by his promises.
(55) David promises well as an actor.
(56) You can't reckon upon his promises.
(57) Mr. Major is making no rash promises.
(58) He failed to deliver on his promises.
(59) They failed to deliver on their promises.
(60) This is a serious dilution of their election promises.
(61) Tonight's meeting promises to be a difficult one.
(62) All his promises were snares and delusions.
(63) One should always perform what one promises.
(64) The new sales policy promises well.
(65) Radical eye surgery promises to cure short-sightedness.
(66) This government promises to reverse industrial decay.
(67) He has always abided by his promises.
(68) The government's promises were exposed as a hollow sham.
(69) It promises to be warm this afternoon.
(70) A timely snow promises a good harvest.
(71) I was fooled into believing their promises.
(72) Our professional service promises you a wedding without compare.
(73) She never draws back from what she promises.
(74) Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises.
(75) His promises were just so much meaningless talk.
(76) I always stick to my promises.
(77) Their promises are not worth a damn.
(78) He always keeps to his promises.
(79) The politician deluded the voters with election promises.
(80) She seemed unconvinced by their promises.
(81) In marriage()(), a man promises to cherish his wife.
(82) The peace treaty promises an end to war and opens the borders between the two countries.
(83) The pageant promises to be a curious mixture of the ancient and modern.
(84) He accused the government of ratting on its promises to the disabled.
(85) The project is to go ahead following renewed promises of aid from the UN.
(86) The government has been charged with walking out on its election promises.
(87) I regard it as a point of honor always to keep my promises.
(88) He claimed the police had used coercion, threats and promises to illegally obtain the statement.
(89) Don't commit your promises to paper if you are not certain you keep them.
(90) We received £1550 in cash and promises of another £650, making £2200 in all.
(91) The government is accused of ratting on its promises to the unemployed.
(92) I'll try to get back in time, but I'm not making any promises.
(93) The candidate stands accused of breaking promises even before he's in office.
(94) They're just empty promises.
(95) The new current affairs series promises to address challenging issues with freshness and rigour.
(96) She's very liberal with promises but much less so with money.
(97) Their competitors' behaviour gave them a great opportunity to welch on their promises.
(98) Voters are bound to be mistrustful of a government that has broken so many promises.
(99) The Riverside Res-taurant promises a variety of food that never ceases to amaze!
(100) He puts his administration at risk if he doesn't come through on these promises for reform.
(101) Once again the government has failed to honour its promises.
(102) The government has fallen strangely silent on the subject of tax cuts after all its promises at the last election.
(103) He left a trail of broken hearts and broken promises.
(104) She'd made such promises before,(/promises.html) and they lacked conviction/didn't carry much conviction.
(105) One month before the deadline we see the hollowness of these promises.
(106) I don't think people should make promises they don't mean to keep.
(107) He has proved he can carry through on his promises.
(108) They've made all sorts of promises about reforming the health system.
(109) Saccani's excellent recording is an auspicious start to what promises to be a distinguished musical career.
(110) The government's promises on nurses' pay turned out to be weasel words .
(111) 'I will put my heart and soul into the job,' he promises.
(112) The government has been accused of betraying its election promises.
(113) Juppe got a mauling over the government's failure to fulfil its promises.
(114) You can depend on Jane - she always keeps her promises.
(115) Ministers must start keeping their promises if they want to restore faith in the government.
(116) She would make no promises, but was prepared to entertain the idea.
(117) These events are a graphic illustration of the fact that their promises cannot be trusted.
(118) He has singularly failed to live up to his promises.
(119) A politician who promises the moon during a campaign loses the voters' respect.
(120) The government thinks the cracks in its policies can be plastered over with fine-sounding promises.
(121) It really ticks me off when she doesn't keep her promises.
(122) Democratic leaders under election pressure tend to respond with vague promises of action.
(123) My teacher is a man who stands by his promises.
(124) Will their good intentions become realities or are they just hollow promises?
(125) The presidential candidate backwatered on several promises when he got into office.
(126) His repeated promises to pay them back were just empty words.
(127) His promises turned out to be so much hot air.
(128) Should you buy a home from Lovell, the company promises to buy it back at the same price after three years.
(129) While it will be fun, the seminar also promises to be most instructive.
(130) The public is sick of spin and tired of promises. It's time for politicians to act.
(131) The politicians are bidding for our favor by making wild promises that they can't keep.
(132) The Opposition is determined to hold the government to its election promises.
(133) The doctor said she was optimistic about the outcome of the operation but forbore to make any promises at this early stage.
(134) Our company promises to preserve the anonymity of all its clients.
(135) The opposition have dismissed promises of tax cuts as a pre-election gambit.
(136) The government, says the report, have carried out lamentably few of their promises.
(137) Their promises don't go very far towards solving our present problems.
(138) You can't take her promises seriously: she never keeps her word.
(139) The business community regarded the measures as a betrayal of election promises.
(140) Their promises turned out to be full of sham and hypocrisy.
(141) This year promises to be another good one for harvests.
(142) Voters can be remarkably forgiving of presidents who fail to keep their campaign promises.
(143) The promises are so far from reality that they are laughable.
(144) His promises do not add up.
(145) Prevention of coronary heart disease-propaganda, promises, problems and prospects.
(146) Everyone is a millionaire where promises are concerned. Ovid 
(147) Powter offers women an irresistible combination of promises.
(148) The sweep into Putumayo promises equally dire consequences.
(149) Maybe, but empty promises are not on the list.
(150) Maybe they just broke too many promises?
(151) His promises are a snare.
(152) An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises. Mae West 
(153) Governments appeared to carry out their promises.
(154) I was always careful about promises and threats.
(155) My whole life is a series of broken promises.
(155) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(156) The Normandie, due on May 18, promises luxury afloat.
(157) They are really promises - promises intended to be binding, intended to be acted on, and in fact acted on.
(158) The President seems to be backtracking on some of his election promises.
(159) Gone are Tory promises of across-the-board tax cuts or scaremongering about Labour's tax bombshells.
(160) You can't expect me to trust you after all the other promises you've broken, you know. I wasn't born yesterday.
(161) And more disturbingly for the other clubs with ambition, the display promises even greater deeds.
(162) However, Netanyahu seriously underestimated the level of disillusionment his policies, and broken promises, had provoked.
(163) It will deliver the promises made in the citizens charter to extend the powers of the four regulators of the privatised utilities.
(164) Development work has begun at one hill which alone promises deposits of two million ounces of gold.
(165) Development of this approach in experimental closed ecosystems promises big terrestrial payoffs from this form of space biotechnology.
(166) Several courts have held, however, that express disclaimers in employee handbooks can negate any promises made.
(167) It promises higher top-rate income taxes for individuals and corporations - and on the wealthier retirees who also receive government benefits.
(168) No fast talking, no false promises, and if combat ensues there's no quarter asked or given.
(169) The military regime has not kept faith with its promises of democratic reform.
(170) The commission promises that its proposals under the social chapter will be squeaky-clean in their impact on jobs.
(171) When his promises and threats failed, Antoninus had the boys sentenced to death in seven different courts.
(172) But if its promises are broken there is no financial compensation on offer.
(173) Promises may fit the friends, but non- performance will turn them into enemies. Benjamin Franklin 
(174) One must have a good memory to be able to keep the promises that one makes. Friedrich Nietzsche 
(175) The last of these promises often proves more than a chimera, however.
(176) One of Murrow's chief campaign promises was to do something about bribery and corruption.
(177) Sometimes people don't understand the promises they're making when they make them. John Green 
(178) But the new decade also promises to revolutionise high street bank branches yet again.
(179) All kinds of extravagant promises were made during the election campaign.
(180) The promises no longer have any substance for them, but that appalling fact has not penetrated their minds.
(181) It is a half-way house, an intermediate commitment with no binding promises for the future and a built-in escape route.
(182) Hayes asserted that he had been deceived by the southern promises to maintain order.
(183) Perhaps it is a movie about the promises and failures of public works in and since the New Deal.
(184) Maurice breaks his promises so consistently that he begins to seem a professional liar.
(185) Large global organizations are unable to keep their promises to provide these benefits.
(186) Many people wonder for how long cosmetic accounting can hide broken promises.
(187) A recruiter entices the poor and the homeless with promises of employment, good wages,(http:///promises.html) food and shelter.
(188) They meet at McDiarmid Park in what promises to be a most enthralling encounter.
(189) Half the promises people say were never kept, were never made. Edgar Watson Howe 
(190) We are still waiting for promises given to us in 1981 over the Alta dam to be honoured.
(191) The alternatives have very seldom been tested in any scientific way, and their promises of miracle cures are usually anecdotal.
(192) There is no invested fund, only promises of how much future contributors will be prepared to pay.
(193) Organised by the Alton and District Arts Council(), the week promises to be better than ever.
(194) Some people break promises for the pleasure of breaking them. William Hazlitt 
(195) As discussed in the Magma Metals story in Chapter Seven, that demands much more than initial feelings of respect and promises.
(196) Beyond that, it promises to provide a weekly primer on dopey and unctuous behavior among upscale hillbillies who dress well.
(197) Professional: The trail of broken promises at home is mirrored by a trail of broken contracts at work.
(198) Guinness was accused of bad faith, in particular for failing to adhere to promises made in the official offer documents.
(199) Not for him was the formal ceremony of admission, with its conditional baptism and its awesome recital of categorical promises.
(200) Memorex promises to offer its higher capacity libraries to AS/400 users soon.
(201) He had promises from several large customers to use his services.
(202) However, some critics have expressed doubts over whether future governments can be locked into the promises.
(203) He has yet to deliver on promises such as welfare reform, an overhaul of campaign financing or a balanced budget.
(204) To hir, the grandiose promises of Utopia emblazoned across the screen were not only unconvincing but nauseating.
(205) President Clinton has said he will act to stop the war spreading to Kosovo, but few in Kosovo believe his promises.
(206) But there is grave doubt among environmentalists as to whether the Government will fulfil its promises according to schedule.
(207) And Walsh piled on the pressure to get promises of advertising business.
(208) Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep. Denis Waitley 
(209) The Budget also marked a head-on collision between Conservative Party election promises and the real world, however.
(210) The department occasionally receives complaints about health clubs, usually alleging a club did not fulfill promises about its facility or equipment.
(211) The northeastern flank is the lowest, but still promises 500 feet of free fall.
(212) It tells us foolish bedtime stories in exchange for our promises to purchase the latest corporate goods and corporate services.
(213) Physical intimacy promises to seal and secure the relationship, but this is a deception.
(214) But nuclear power brought nuclear warheads, plastics brought pollution, and the silicon chip promises unemployment for some people.
(215) In fact(http://), John Major promises to emerge mildly well from the schemers' cauldron.
(216) Every politician has a promising career. Unfortunately, most of them do not keep those promises. Jarod Kintz 
(217) Should not the right hon. Gentleman now apologise for the false promises that he made in 1991?
(218) In other words, might not loyalty in large companies be bought by promises of job security?
(219) A more relevant criticism is that manifesto promises may not address themselves to the country's real problems.
(220) By next year there will be no time delay between releases of software for the different architectures, promises Zander.
(221) By the end of his reign, he had broken all his promises.
(222) Marvin was always doing this, trying to make the President feel he was breaking promises by not following his advice.
(223) As the promises fill the political atmosphere, it is easy to become cynical about the candidates and the process.
(224) Nearly half of the Bank's borrower-governments break their promises about economic policy.
(225) Despite government promises of firm action, no official had to date been convicted of corruption.
(226) The Isle of Skye promises to be a good spot to escape the rigors of work and a broken marriage.
(227) Observe Daniel walk into the lions' den where most human promises end.
(228) To all these petitions the Crown returned empty promises of redress.
(229) Four orphans vow to be a family, but come to break their promises.
(230) He provides an audience with passion, applause lines and easily kept promises.
(231) Despite promises, he has yet to resolve conflict of interest issues relating to his business empire.
(232) Instead, people earn both through a reinforcing cycle of making and fulfilling promises.
(233) Interactivity: The sign promises luck should you rub the head of a certain fiberglass leprechaun.
(234) Without that income, promises of better public services - that is, publicly financed services - are pure fantasy.
(235) With a mixture of threats and promises, Halvorsen managed to evict his determined offspring, and led Floyd into the office.
(236) The bank and the fund are also confronted with pressing questions about their ability to deliver their promises.
(237) Thaksin needs a large amount of funds if he is to honour the populist promises that got him elected.
(238) Occasionally Cooley exhibits a multi-dimensional scheme that promises to liberate the imagination for the many sides of collective life.
(239) It arrived with its promises of thirst and hunger allied to discipline and prayer.
(240) He explained that the purpose of Confirmation was to confirm the promises made by our godparents at our baptism.
(241) Now, with reckless abandon, it promises to meddle with local-government structure.
(242) Desk-top publishing already promises exciting possibilities for reducing the cost of publishing excavation reports.
(243) Congress also has shifted from direct loans to loan guarantees: promises to pay back private bank loans if the borrowers default.
(244) This is the circus of empty promises and dry press releases that are part and parcel of meetings like these.
(245) Which are the campaign promises that you believe you can deliver on in the short term?
(246) Following what promises to be the closest contest for 50 years, publishers are dreading a rush of ink to the head.
(247) His conscience warred with the whispered promises of the semi-sentient sword.
(248) Promises are only as strong as the person who gives them... Stephen Richards 
(249) Official speeches in recent days have been larded with promises of democracy.




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