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单词 Cash in
1 Investors were storing up a lot of cash in anticipation of disaster.
2 They took cash in lieu of the prize they had won.
3 You may cash in this cheque at all times and all places.
4 You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.
5 This business generates cash in prodigious amounts.
6 He did not cash in his shares.
7 Cash in any remaining travellers' cheques when you return.
8 Daft old bat. What's she keeping all that cash in the house for?
9 He says he wants cash in advance before he'll do the job.
10 Sensation - seeking newspapers tried to cash in on her misery.
11 She has tied up her cash in the stock market.
12 The record company was trying to cash in on her fame by releasing early teenage recordings.
13 She got £25 in cash in her first wage packet.
14 Nowadays we can use plastic instead of cash in many places buying things.
15 I keep running in to pay cash in trickles.
16 He had about $150 in cash in his wallet.
17 Maybe they should cash in chips now.
18 If your team wins the tournament, you cash in.
19 Worst still, she was planning to cash in on Ivor's insurance policies.
20 George Bush could now cash in on the country's post-war confidence by launching another war on the black home-front.
21 Van Poppel, the former phenom, has yet to cash in on his vast potential.
22 The new law means video pirates can no longer cash in by selling illegal copies.
23 Manufacturers are rubbing their hands with glee as they prepare to cash in.
24 Suddenly two masked gunmen burst into the shop and demanded all the cash in the till.
25 Track days are big business,[] and the circuits are keen to cash in on this growing area of classic car ownership.
26 Like many old people he ignored advice not to keep cash in his home.
27 Just a room for occasional use over a few months, cash in advance of course, sorry no baby-sitting.
28 Marketable securities, accounts receivable, and inventories are continually being converted into cash in the normal course of business.
29 Some folk may be tempted to stay on the sidelines and keep cash in the bank or building society.
30 Small and large breeders have sprung up worldwide, anxious to cash in on escalating demand.
1 Investors were storing up a lot of cash in anticipation of disaster.
2 You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.
31 And how can you go wrong with a great song by Johnny Cash in a movie that takes place in a prison?
32 To avoid loss, carry the cash in a hidden neck or waist pouch.
33 No cold cash in the Nugent icebox, however, so I moved on.
34 Cash in a joint account is not frozen when one party dies.
35 People were seen queuing overnight outside travel agents to be able to cash in on a £20 holiday for four!
36 The cathedral appeal is one of a clutch of Essex organisations to cash in on grants announced yesterday.
37 And all the departing officers would be allowed to immediately cash in any of their unvested options and restricted stock.
38 Excel always treats negative money as cash out and positive money as cash in.
39 He also criticised with profits policy charges and the poor returns given to individuals who cash in their policies early.
40 The transactions motive simply means that firms must hold cash in order to conduct normal business transactions.
41 The quantity of cash in circulation could drop by half.
42 The abolition of exchange controls has made it harder to track flows of cash in and out of the country.
43 Hence he attaches importance to spending more of the government's research cash in industry as opposed to within the government's own establishments.
44 She kept her cash in a shoebox under the bed.
45 And I had always felt clumsy because the giving of cash in my own culture is tainted.
46 He withdrew three hundred, put the cash in his pocket, and continued uptown.
47 Basic banks are obliged to maintain certain reserves, which consist of cash in hand and deposits at the National Bank.
48 Treating the whole province as a single constituency gave Paisley a chance to cash in on his considerable personal support.
49 Greeley declined to disclose how much Kerry raised last year or the total amount of cash in his campaign accounts.
50 Miller can cash in on her basketball talent by advertising athletic shoes.
51 Then I stopped off to do a bit of shopping, cash in Betty Y's prescription etcetera.
52 He was charged after investigators linked him to more than $100 million in cash in European banks.
53 Fidelity Investments is hoping to cash in on some of this traffic by offering three new unit investment trusts.
54 Prepaid phone cards are like cash in that they can be used by others if they are lost or stolen.
55 Have you noticed how the record companies cash in on the death of famous pop stars by re-releasing all their old records?
56 It also stated that Stans maintained a secret slush fund of cash in his office totaling at least $ 350,[http:///cash in.html] 000.
57 Still, I was determined to cash in on my success and maintain a high profile at the ground.
58 Marketing expert Mark Roesler testified Thursday that Simpson could cash in on his name.
59 There is not so much ready cash in my treasury.
60 The difference is that the 1920s offered far fewer chances for athletes to cash in big.
61 These are less risky than individual shares and are easier and cheaper to cash in.
62 Kedie was initially arrested on suspicion of supplying drugs when police discovered £2,000 in cash in his house.
63 With ready cash in your bank account you can spend the money as you want.
64 Believe it or not - one feeble attempt by shoe manufacturers to cash in was a ridiculous boot thing like this.
65 Civil Service forced no less than 16 penalty corners during the game but were unable to cash in.
66 In the case of equity finance, an investor provides a company with cash in exchange for shares in the company.
67 Phagu clipped the goats and wound the hair into skeins which he would sell for ready cash in town.
68 This wealth will continue to fluctuate with the share price until he decides to cash in the options.
69 This company is expected to have cash in hand by March next year of £680m as well as having an insignificant debt burden.
70 They can cash in on good ideas from staff and benefit from many small improvements and occasional large leaps forward.
71 Don't try to cash in on me.
72 Cash in advance loan interest rate changes.
73 He paid the cash in to his bank account.
74 Cash in bank daily ledger on time every day.
75 We keep the petty cash in the safe.
76 Companies cash in on the cuteness of babies.
77 The exchange method: USD cash in advance.
78 Our tern be always cash In advance.
79 He tries to cash in on me.
80 Apple has made oodles of cash in China.
81 I pulled up, cash in hand.
82 A company can cash in on a fad such as Beanie Babies, Furbies, and Tickle Me Elmo dolls, but this is more a matter of luck and good timing than anything else.
82 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
83 Banks are simply sitting on cash in spite of the taxpayer bailouts — an example of crony capitalism at its best.
84 This is a work at home position that can earn you some extra cash in your spare time, so you must have high speed internet access and a computer of course!
85 She loves purses. Maybe we can cash in on her popularity.
86 There cash in hand, but also whether there is now boredom good investment opportunities?
87 As I walked out of my apartment, I worried that I had too much cash in my purse and I stashed half in the side pocket of my suitcase.
88 Manufacturers of raInwear were not slow to cash In on the prediction of a wet summer.
89 BEA Credit Card - details on the latest promotions in town, Concert and Movie Offers, "Cash in Hand" Programme applications, and year-round dining and shopping offers.
90 It's trash for cash in the Russian Capital City of Moscow.
91 Credit is a method of selling goods or services without the buyer having cash in hand.
92 Let's cash in on the fine weather and go fishing.
93 The essence of a venture capital transaction is that the investor puts cash in the company in return for newly-issued shares in the company.
94 Consisting of cash on hand, cash in bank, revolving funds and petty cash, but cash that is either restricted to be used only for specified purposes or by regulation or contracts is excluded.
95 To deal with this preference, Keynes whimsically suggested burying bottles full of cash in disused mines and letting the private sector dig them back up.
96 Shopkeepers are hoping to cash in on the biggest shopping season worldwide.
97 But Anna's ex-husband, an Englishman, went further than anyone, given the chance to cash in on his erstwhile Russian wife.
98 But Gabon's oil reserves were dwindling and Bongo saw a chance to cash in on another hot commodity.
99 I felt like a rug merchant who needed to raise some cash in a hurry.
100 Young people nowadays don't have too much confidence in rewards in heaven. They prefer to take the cash in hand and let the credit go.
101 When the Fed wants to fight inflation, it sells US government securities. This reduces the amount of cash in the system and has the indirect effect of raising interest rates.
102 Deposits of the U.S. Treasury, depository institutions, foreign banks and official institutions, as well as vault cash in depository institutions are excluded.
103 Since our term is always cash in advance, we have on facilities for cod shipment.
104 IN OLDEN days it was quite common for families to keep a store of spare cash in a cake tin or cookie jar to save for future expenditure, such as Christmas presents.
105 That's leading commercial banks to cut back on lending and hoard cash in order to shore up their balance sheets and improve their financial picture going into the next fiscal year.
106 This scenario has befallen several Yunnan cities that tried to cash in on the allure of Shangri-La.
107 Udinese may not cash in on defender Cristian Zapata this summer, says his agent.
108 Article 19 Current assets of enterprises with foreign investment shall include cash on hand, cash in bank, marketable securities, receivables, prepayments and inventory.
109 Morgan Stanley pays bonuses in cash, but places the cash in a restricted account where it can't be used for a certain number of years.
110 Reservebalances and vault cash in banks, however, are not counted as part of the moneystock held by the public.
111 It appears the government persuaded farmers in cooperatives to accept cash in lieu of half of their annual in-kind grain allotment-then rendered the bonus worthless via the currency reform.
112 It would also drop a requirement that Havana pay cash in advance for US food imports.
112 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
113 The Australian mining company desperately needs the cash in order to pay off $19 billion in debt over the next two years.
114 China has policies that force residential buyers to have enough cash in hand (30% for your first home and 50% for your second) to minimize leverage and risk.
115 But houses are assets that individual Chinese with money can cash in on.
116 It is crucial to have cash in hand if UN organisations are to act quickly and strategically to address urgent issues.
117 For the cash in bank, the typical substantive test is confirmation and bank reconciliations.
118 I have no cash in hand. Can I pay by credit card?
119 Liverpool have been alerted to Real Zaragoza's willingness to cash in on defender Gaby Milito.
120 Finally, with cash in hand, someone translated the message, "Watch out for these guys, they come to take your land."
121 They just can not cash in on their opponents'lack of form.
122 Local firms have been quick off the mark to cash in on the oil boom.
123 Manufacturers of rainwear were not slow to cash in on the prediction of a wet summer.
124 An unemployed jewellery setter has taken to combing the streets of New York with a pair of tweezers to cash in on dropped gems and gold.
125 Vouchers of transfer account settlement shall bear the same disbursement capability as cash in business transaction.
126 The former Cruzeiro No 1 is only tied to the outfit until June 2007 which means Milan may look to cash in before he becomes a free agent.
127 "We only have 18 million of that cash in hand, " said Sheeran.
128 Treasury, depository institutions, foreign banks and official institutions, as well as vault cash in depository institutions are excluded.
129 "For those developers with sufficient cash in hand, it is natural for them to enter the mining market for greater profits, " he said.
130 I am a Cantonese , I started my accountant career last year, I usually touch the words like cash, cash in bank... in my job. It's very interesting!
131 Mr. Chairman, be Mr. Cash in a position to tell us how it happen?
132 To cash in on Spillane's success, competing paperback lines sprang up, each trying to outdo the others with lurid, sexy, painted covers and titles like "Say It With Bullets" or "Kiss My Fist!"
133 Not being a rich man, Robey decided to cash in on his good fortune.
134 Article 21 Journals shall be made for cash and cash in bank. When the currency is more than one, each shall have a journal.
135 The physical market lacked activity, but some speculators could be tempted to cash in on gold's gains.
136 These two features of business in Italy—small firms and cash in hand—make tax evasion easier.
137 I am sure you will need some cash in local currency.
138 Valencia are ready to cash in on a number of their fringe players.
139 Certain big oil companies attempted to cash in on the energy crisis.
140 He said that public servants should use government to serve and not to cash in.
141 Getting personalEach year, 78 percent of us cash in coupons.
142 Talk about a post-Olympic hangover. Every hotelier wanted to cash in on what was expected to be a boom in visits to the Chinese capital with the 2008 Games.
143 That sounds very nice. But what if I have to cash in the Savings Bond maturity?
144 As of June 30, Google says they have $39.1 billion in cash in the bank (cash, cash equivalents,[http:///cash in.html] and marketable securities). Net cash flow in Q2 was $3.52 billion.
145 Vouchers must be redeemed before September 14th so you'd better get cracking to cash in.
146 Customers deposit cash in the card, and then deduct from it for purchases by tapping the card against pads at subway turnstiles, vending machines and cashier counters.
147 The exchange rate for USD to RMB is the day's purchase price of USD cash in BANK OF CHINA.
148 Cash includes cash on hand , cash in bank, and cash equivalents such as liquid, short-term investments.
149 Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself.
150 Men die earlier, so we get to cash in on the life insurance.
151 One of those who had the cash in 1952 was Mr. George G. Blaisdell, the industrialist who turned a $260 investment into Zippo Lighters.
152 Austin got her start in music opening for Johnny Cash in Australia at the age of 14.
153 Many merchants were not slow to cash in on the current China craze.
154 The units it sold in the IPO represent limited-liability interests in its underlying business, a tax structure that allows it to pay out available cash in the form of a generous dividend.
155 At the moment it is hovering up Western cash in return for vast quantities of cheap goods (sold dear by the obscenely rich in the west).
156 If you buy a house first, how long will it take you to save enough cash in order to purchase a car outright?
157 If you have cash in hand or a credit card in your wallet, it’s a lot easier to buy that trinket than if you didn’t have the cash or the credit card with you.
158 Prepare the Daily cash and bank payments; Make acing vouchers including cash on hand, cash in bank and any transfer.
159 China's government is concerned too much cash in bank coffers will encourage bankers to boost lending.
160 Men die earlier, so we get cash in on the life insurance.
161 "There's still a tremendous amount of cash in global portfolios and that cash needs to be deployed into more productive assets," he said.
162 "On paper we have a potential gain in excess of $30bn," said Joe Price, BofA's chief financial officer, adding that it would be able to cash in some of its holding over the next 2 to 3 years.
163 He managed to cash in only after overcoming one difficulty after another.
164 A home equity loan is another way to get to the cash in your equity that you want.
165 June Carter, one of Maybelle's daughters, married Johnny Cash in nineteen sixty-eight.
166 I have decided, says my daughter, that it was an overambitious stringer[], who saw the name on a police blotter and tried to cash in.
167 They have cash in the bank, positive cash flow, they have always understood what enterprises want from the Net and now they can make more aggressive moves in SaaS.
168 LCD TVs were on sale during the anniversary celebration, which made consumers wait to buy with cash in hand.
169 Abbiati is currently on loan at Torino after spending last season in Turin, and it is believed that Milan will be happy to offer him along with some cash in order to seal Buffon's deal.
170 Note that, with neither of them, does it say you have to pay anything in cash in order to have an expense.
171 The operating cash flow reflects an enterprises capability of making profit in cash in operating activities.
172 They can also create "incubators" where students nurture ideas and rub shoulders on a day-to-day basis with the external business world, receiving both advice and hard cash in the form of investment.
173 As of today, you can no longer purchase COHO Cash from the website, but you will be able to spend any purchased COHO Cash in the game until March 31, 2011.
174 While some of the emails that landed in my inbox were touchingly kind and generous, many were downright grasping, as young women seized the chance to cash in on another woman's misery and misfortune.
175 For the first time, social media are being embraced both by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and Oscar show sponsors and others looking for a way to cash in on Oscar buzz.
176 Surveys are one thing. But what happens when people have cash in hand, and an order to spend that money before sundown?
177 I have no cash in hand -- I am out of cash.
178 You must have either positive cash flow or so much cash in the bank that even the most skeptical analyst believes your runway is long enough for you to lift off.




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