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单词 Flattened
1 The bird is recognizable by its flattened beak.
2 The city has been flattened by heavy artillery bombardments.
3 He flattened his hair down with gel.
4 She flattened her nose and lips against the window.
5 He carefully flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.
6 The storm flattened the flimsy wooden huts that the villagers lived in.
7 Hundreds of homes were flattened by the tornado.
8 With one brutal wallop,[] Clarke flattened him.
9 She flattened out the crumpled letter on the desk.
10 I flattened myself against the wall.
11 He flattened the intruder with a single punch.
12 Sales have flattened out in the last few years.
13 Our team was flattened this evening!
14 The hills flattened out just south of the mountain.
15 The rain flattened the corn.
16 He was totally flattened by her sarcasm.
17 Most of the factory was flattened by the explosion.
18 Tom flattened the crumpled paper against his knee.
19 The land flattened out as we neared the coast.
20 Papa flattened the creases of the map with his broad hands.
21 Her short hair was oddly ruffled and then flattened around her head.
22 The dog's ears flattened slightly as Cook spoke his name.
23 We flattened them 6-0.
24 Greg flattened himself against the wall to let me pass.
25 They flattened the flowers.
26 She flattened her nose against the window and looked in.
27 He flattened his opponent.
28 The hills first rose steeply then flattened out towards the sea.
29 He flattened himself against a brick wall as I passed.
30 Buildings within 25 km of ground zero would be flattened.
1 The bird is recognizable by its flattened beak.
2 The city has been flattened by heavy artillery bombardments.
3 He flattened his hair down with gel.
4 She flattened her nose and lips against the window.
5 He carefully flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.
6 The storm flattened the flimsy wooden huts that the villagers lived in.
31 I flattened myself against the wall to let them pass.
32 He flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.
33 Some of these chairs have flattened feet which spread the load on the ground.
34 In the foreground a flattened wasteland, laced with puddles.
35 But then the show flattened out.
36 I lie in bed, flattened by gloom.
36 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
37 Next the film is gently flattened by hand.
38 Her little car was completely flattened in the accident.
39 This is flattened like a sword, hence the name.
40 It was sleek, its ears raised not flattened.
41 More than 10,000 houses were flattened by the quake.
42 The whole place must be flattened by this time.
43 The Packers flattened the Saints 42-6.
44 The wind and rain had flattened the crops.
45 Unlike sharks, bony fish as a rule have a marked tendency to be flattened in a vertical direction.
46 The nettles in the tunnel entrance had been partially flattened.
47 The hill itself flattened, revealing the shape of taller hills behind it.
48 A flap of skin between forelegs and hind legs, enlarged feet or a flattened body all help.
49 Specially out-fitted bulldozers, called Rome Plows, also flattened huge areas of rough terrain.
50 The oral shield may be rounded and triangular or distally lobed and like a blunt flattened arrow head.
51 There are 3 slightly flattened pointed conical arm spines, of which the middle one is the largest.
52 The oscilloscope graph of both voices was flattened in the lower register: tension was restricting the movement of their vocal chords.
53 At Ohio State, Pace flattened defensive line men with regularity.
54 Nearly every building within twenty-five kilometers of ground zero is flattened.
55 If anything, sharks are already slightly flattened from back to belly.
56 As the path flattened out to lead across the close turf to the house Leonora's feet slowed.
57 What a cheek ... the scrum half flattened by a Saracen.
58 A twenty-five-foot wave carrying huge pieces of concrete flattened schools and ripped away bridges.
59 Its ventral fins are enlarged and flattened to form suckers on the underside of the body.
60 Rita's flattened by a tram while chasing her across Blackpool Prom with fell intent and a loaded firearm.
61 There are 7-8 distinctly flattened, finely rugose arm spines, with the tips squared off.
62 I flattened my thin skirt between my bottom and the furry seat.
63 I tried to pull the canopy back but it was impossible against the dive so I flattened out and throttled back.
64 In this bin is placed tin cans, washed and flattened, hard plastics and glass bottles.
65 This fish has a long, flattened body covered in large, iridescent scales that reflect the light beautifully.
66 Her tears died like a flattened insect, quick smear on the table-top.
67 We begin to see that life is too vast and too mysterious to be flattened into cheap explanations.
68 Cervical and caudal alae are flattened wing-like expansions of the cuticle in the oesophageal and tail regions.
69 The shot slipped from his grasp and nearly flattened the Head's wife.
70 Best filed a complaint saying the officers sprayed him with Mace, urinated near his car and flattened his tires.
71 Complex hierarchies need to be flattened, but that is not because flat organizations are currently fashionable.
72 A whole zone of the city had flattened itself into a vitrodur plain.
73 This time around, the computerisation curve has flattened out, so the electronics industry has been hit as hard as any.
74 Does the dome have a pleasing aesthetic quality or is it mushroomed, flattened, or split open?
75 The pyramids of corporate strength have flattened into a web of organizational ambiguity.
76 These larger spines are slightly flattened and on proximal joints may have blunt tips.
77 Sharks in general aren't flattened from side to side as free-swimming bony fish like herrings are.
78 The hair on them had been flattened by the sheets, making the tight curls into hieroglyphs on his skin.
79 I am now about as tall as a flattened cricket.
80 She'd flattened herself against the outside wall like some one in a spy movie.
81 We came to a stream and crossed it on a tree trunk some one had flattened with an adze.
82 Isabel flattened herself, only risking a glance over her shoulder when she felt Guy's weight lift off her.
83 Built in 1712-18, the church was flattened in the Blitz, but it has been magnificently repaired.
84 Since the human eye moves horizontally with less fatigue than vertically, the cone of vision tends to be flattened.
85 The firm's corporate structure was flattened, just as business-school gurus recommend.
86 The arms are about 3 times the disk diameter, slightly flattened, all the plates of the arm are striated.
87 Depositing the cat, who flattened out immediately into a gross slumber, she swarmed up the mast.
88 Sleep had flattened one side of her Afro and a curl had broken free above her forehead.
89 Moths flattened on the windshield, tattered flags that the wind loosened and blew away.
90 She had flattened the grass, burrowed down and made a cosy little nest for herself.
91 When polished smooth its flattened surfaces, whether flat or convex, offered ideal scope for the engraver.
92 The minute particles in the rock have been flattened with the result that the slate splits easily into thin sheets.
93 I lift the long curls from my head and brush some life back into my flattened hair.
94 Then the army arrived with a bulldozer, leaving a flattened morass of dust and uprooted trees about 30 metres square.
95 Brennan and Douglas flattened themselves against the front of the trench as it went over.
96 The handle is squared and flattened at the end which could mean that it was used as a pestle for grinding.
96 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
97 Medium-large to very large, rather long-necked and long-legged land birds; bill stout, somewhat flattened.
98 The deep depressions and worn, flattened rug fields revealed where he lifted iron and where he did his thousands of situps.
99 The fence was sheltered on three sides by a screen of scrap lumber and flattened tin cans.
100 The moment the provincial boundary was crossed the washboard highway flattened into smooth, perfectly maintained blacktop.
101 The oral papillae are reduced and resemble large flattened granules.
102 I go into meetings now and the old hierarchy is flattened.
103 But try sitting on them and they will end up flattened with four feet splayed out to all points of the compass.
104 There are 7-8 finely rugose and flattened arm spines proximally 5-6 distally; not forming a fan on the proximal arm joints.
105 Although they may get flattened by a rainstorm, they quickly recover once the sun comes out.
106 Trees loomed, hung with mist, and below them lake water lapped on the flattened shingle.
107 The flattened shape is transferred to a sheet of leather by mangling carbon paper between the two.
108 Underneath, I had flattened out a nest among the tall grass that stretched along the bank.
109 The lad intrigued him, with his curiously flattened nose, like a cat's, and his extremely coarse straight hair.
110 She flattened herself against the end terrace wall and looked back.
111 At last the steep slope flattened and he reached the saddle scattered with quartz.
112 The oral shield is variable ranging from a lozenge to a flattened triangle.
113 The tall, tough grass that covered them ruffled and flattened with the wind, like a cat's fur being stroked.
114 His hair, cut short, was flattened here and there, like an animal's fur when it is out of sorts.
115 The ventral ones are slightly flattened and very rugose; the dorsal ones appear smooth or finely rugose.
116 Loosened birch-bark flapped from the roofs and sections of the wooden walls lay sprawled on the ground, flattened by gales.
117 In most cases organizations that have flattened still suffer blind spots on what else centralization is doing to them.
118 Jupiter is therefore appreciably flattened, though this is not surprising in view of its rapid axial rotation.
119 We unload the flattened cardboard boxes and other packing material.
120 There's a shanty town built of flattened oil barrels and packing cases.
121 As the train began slowing down for North Chittendon, I flattened myself against the window.
122 Their planking was patched with corrugated iron, their roofs shingled with flattened tin cans.
123 Maybe she should be flattened by a telephone kiosk on a wavering winch.
124 It was almost impossible to imagine Luke defeated and flattened.
125 It is a grotesque creature with a flattened body and a squashed-looking head.
126 A young flatfish starts life swimming near the surface, and it is symmetrical and vertically flattened just like a herring./flattened.html
127 Waves of anger jolted through him and his face seemed suddenly magnified while it flattened like a jellyfish.
128 Ventral arm spins may be slightly flattened and in some the arm spine may be curved.
129 The flattened rectangular section behind the neck contains traces of a large iron blade, possibly a double-edged dagger or short sword.
130 The ray has a dorsoventrally flattened body.
131 Seed flattened dorsally in cross section, face concave .
132 The bicycle tires were flattened. I need pressurize them.
133 The first attribute goes a long way in explaining how so much of Santiago withstood a temblor that was hundreds of times stronger than the one that flattened Haiti's capital in January.
134 A special flattened rectangular magnet wire for bigger more compact coils, with improved heat transfer.
135 The January 12 th earthquake platen flattened much of Haiti's capital and surrounding areas.
136 A large percentage of these forces had been flattened by the assault.
137 Pizza Food of Neapolitan origin. It consists of a flattened disk of bread dough, typically topped with olive oil, tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese, baked quickly, and served hot.
138 The tomb is at a site called Herodium, a flattened hilltop in the Judean Desert, clearly visible from southern Jerusalem.
139 A flowering tree blew down and some small shrubs were flattened.
140 A length of aluminum tubing, flattened at its tip in a vertical plane, serves as a pointer .
141 Some important concepts relating to the flattened Gaussian beams(FGBs), such as the field distribution and beam width, are analyzed physically.
142 Rolled oats or "old-fashioned" oats, are steamed or flattened oats. They are high in soluble and insoluble fiber and are rich in vitamins and minerals.
143 A marine food fish(Poronotus triacanthus) of the North American Atlantic coast, having a flattened body.
144 A dorsiventrally flattened structure has flat dorsal and ventral surfaces and very narrow lateral surfaces.
145 Any of various small, often brightly colored marine fishes of the family Callionymidae, having a slender body and a flattened head.
146 One evening the 66th Regiment was advancing towards the river Adour when a cannon shot flattened a soldier's wife, leaving her apparently dead.
147 Next morning the sun shone in upon the little flattened Snowdrop, that looked as if it had been painted upon the floor.
148 The wing is a flattened evagination of the dorsal body wall.
149 Any of various aquatic crustaceans of the subclass Branchiopoda, such as the fairy shrimp and water flea, characterized by a segmented body and flattened, leaflike thoracic appendages.
150 Either deer or lovers had lain in this grass near the elm, for it was flattened.
151 With most ofits basic infrastructure flattened and the majority of its citizensliving in temporary housing and tents, Port-au-Prince is beginning tothink about how it will rebuild itself.
152 Chloroplast membranes form elongated flattened fluid - filled sacs called thylakoids.
153 Cisterna (pl. cisternae ) A flattened membrane-bounded sac of the endoplasmic reticulum or the Golgi apparatus, being the basic structural unit of these organelles.
154 The earth is an oblate spheroid - a sphere with flattened poles and a slight bulge the equator.
155 The crocodile is perfectly adapted to its aquatic environment. Its limbs can be flattened against its armor-plated body to give it a steam line shape.
156 The secret of successfully pressed hems is to use very little pressure so that the edge is not flattened to produce a knife edge .
156 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
157 Aerial views yesterday showed towns that seemed to have been bombed, once-sturdy houses flattened, white ash covering the landscape.
158 Periodically , the lamellae become enlarged, forming flattened, membrane - enclosed vesicles called thylakoids.
159 A model of flattened Gaussian is used to simulate the flat-topped beam, and the beam order N is defined as the flattened degree.
160 Two films after the leaf a flattened rowset, you should take soil transplant, when transplanting, soil to be big, not bulk, regular watering, avoid appears around the cotton seedling soil crusting.
161 Biology Flattened, especially laterally or lengthwise , as certain leafstalks or the bodies of many fishes.
162 The flattened Gaussian beam is regarded as a whole beam, and its propagation through a paraxial optical ABCD system has been studied in detail.
163 Any of various marine fishes of the order Rajiformes or Batoidei, having cartilaginous skeletons, horizontally flattened bodies, and narrow tails.
164 European woody - pased perennial with yellow umbellate flowers followed by flattened pods that separate into horseshoe - shaped joints.
165 Sometimes such simple cysts are found adjacent to ovary and are called parovarian cysts. They are filled with clear serous fluid and lined by flattened cuboidal epithelium.
166 A length of aluminum tubing , flattened tip in a vertical plane, serves as a pointer.
167 The propagation formula of the cross-spectral density of partially coherent flattened Gaussian Beam(PCFGB) through ABCD optical system was derived using Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral formula.
168 European freshwater fish having a flattened body and silvery scales; of little value as food.
169 Soon the grass flattened under the wind and the rain.
170 A flattened branch or stem that performs the function of or resembles a leaf, as in the Christmas cactus.
171 A whitish speck flattened against the rock does not prevent the condor from soaring aloft.
172 Look how the lilac bends under the assault, how the day lilies are flattened, how the hillside steps are a new-made waterfall!
173 Comparison of the effects of nuclear test airbursts with the flattened pattern of the Tunguska forest seems to confirm this suggestion.
174 Microscopically the cysts vary in size and are lined by cuboidal or flattened epithelial cells.
175 The rivet, visibly prominent on older steel bridges, is a metal pin fastener with one end flattened into a head by hammering it through a metal gusset plate.
176 Look how the lilac bends under the assault, how the day lilies are flattened, how the hillside steps are new-made waterfall!
177 The placenta is a flattened circular organ in the uterus of pregnant eutherian (i.e. placental) mammals that nourishes and maintains the fetus through the umbilical cord.
178 They wore dark skirts and nylon blouses, and styled their hair in old, flattened perms.
179 Bottom-dweller of warm western Atlantic coastal waters having a flattened scaleless body that crawls about on fleshy pectoral and pelvic fins.
180 IP Switches greatly expand the number of segments while restring the flattened topologies of bridged environments, thus multiplying the opportunities for broadcast storms.
181 The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, having pinwheel-shaped arms of gas, dust, and stars lying in a flattened disc, and extending directly out from a spherical nucleus of stars in the central region.
182 The results showed that the diaphragm mesothelium was only covered with the flattened mesothelial cells (FMC) on embryonic day (ED)13.
183 This mega-impact would have flattened out the heat cycle inside the planet, too, snuffing out the dynamo within about 20,000 years.
184 The flattened quality of the image gives the house an added ghostliness.
185 Results The pineal capsule was composed of a layer flattened epithelial cells and a subepithelial connective tissue.
186 Cities close to the epicenter are flattened; whole mountains collapsed.
186 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
187 Felt, worsted, paper these packages lining materials, a little neglectful of, not a flattened to wrinkle.
188 The atomized powder was improved by high-energy ball milling, then the radar absorbent of flattened magnetic alloy powder was made.
189 The most recent major impact was the 1908 Tunguska event that flattened a 2, 000-square-mile area of Siberian forest with an explosion about 1, 000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb.
190 Phyllode An expanded flattened petiole that acts as the photosynthetic organ if the lamina is missing or very reduced. Phyllodes are seen in various Australian species of Acacia.
191 The transition can be achieved by a combined effect of the broken mirror symmetry and bond formation between the flattened faces in the squashed nanotubes.
192 The lower anterior teeth moved lingually and protracted. Occlusal plane is flattened.
193 The hierarchy of menus has been flattened down until it is only one level deep.
194 Rather, it was stopped. Abruptly the near side of it flattened as though it had run up against an invisible wall. It bounced , actually bounced back.
195 True , reality has consistently flattened China forecasters are anything less than ebullient.
196 And its flattened shape implies that Iapetus once spun very quickly, completing a rotation in 16 hours. It now takes 79 days.
197 The other is a round flattened Roll ribbon stamping machine, stamping his copper rollers, the speed is faster.
198 Any of various small, flattened marine organisms of the subphylum Cephalochordata, structurally similar to the vertebrates but having a notochord rather than a true vertebral column.
199 In reality the earth is not exactly spherical but rather shaped somewhat like a flattened ellipsoid.
200 The four North American species (genus Gopherus) have a brown shell, about 8-14 in. (20-35 cm) long, and flattened forelimbs adapted for burrowing.
201 Second, there is a call to a utility routine to get a "flattened" representation of the document.
202 And its flattened shape implies that Iapetus once spun very quickly, completing a rotation in 16 hours.
203 The top of the pile was flattened ready for an effigy of Guy Fawkes.
204 Any of numerous crustaceans of the order Isopoda, characterized by a flattened body bearing seven pairs of legs and including the sow bugs and gribbles.
205 He felt in his pocket—the bread and cheese were rather nastily flattened, but still eatable.
206 A sea bird ( Alca torda ) of the northern Atlantic, having - and - white plumage and a white - ringed , flattened bill.
207 Results The mucosa was flattened and destructed and local lumen was narrowed on barium radiographs.
208 Squatting in the shade of a neem tree, he heated a piece of iron until it glowed, then positioned it on an anvil with tongs while Pooni, her feet planted wide, flattened it with a sledgehammer.
209 Other work sees the translation of branded imagery into unpretentious drawings, as logos lose their roles as signifiers and become flattened, decorative art through a cyclical process of substitution.
210 He could see their wide, flattened, shovel - pointed heads now and their white tipped wide pectoral fins.
211 In contrast, neurons located in the deep layers of sulci are stretched and look flattened. The shapes of these cells are consistent with having been modified by mechanical forces as the cortex folded.
212 Any of various evergreen trees of the genus Abies, having single, flattened needles and erect cones with deciduous scales.
213 The instant he had flattened it out he saw its significance.
214 At higher power, both fibrous tissue and flattened lining cells are visible.
215 Imaging permitted the handedness or chirality of each flattened nanostructure to be determined, based on the height differences observed at the overlapping areas.
216 A sea bird (Alca torda) of the northern Atlantic, having black-and-white plumage and a white-ringed, flattened bill.
217 He flattened his palm against the door lock, then grabbed a cookie despite his best efforts not to and stepped into the recreation room.
218 NOT: the suspensory ligaments contract to pull the lensa flattened shape when observing distant objects.
219 The workman flattened a piece of metal by hammering it.




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