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单词 Mooch
1. He tried to mooch a drink off me.
2. Andrew was left to mooch around the house on his own.
3. He's happy to mooch around the house all day.
4. Beth was happy to mooch around for hours in her nightdress.
4. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
5. If you mooch round the block with the pooch, do it by power walking in the park.
6. Paige lay back, watching him mooch about, putting a pot over the fire and ranging their clothes to dry.
7. We can not mooch off without recording the 1991 Co Durham crime figures.
8. Mooch, you didn't have to give me anything.
9. That doesn't mean you mooch off of other people.
10. And they mooch free meals in part by waggling their heads to beg for food like all the other ant grubs.
11. LL: A mooch, that's someone who, instead of getting things for herself, borrows or takes things from others.
12. Old Flint's son does nothing but mooch about from morning till night.
13. Your religious donations fund freeloaders who mooch off society but who generally provide little or no value in return.
14. At what point does a friend become a mooch ? It's a matter of frequency.
15. Mooch off of them until they get sick of you. Get real drunk and confess your feelings, and then break up.
16. Whether it's your nosy mother, or her mooch of a younger brother, in-laws can introduce some serious tension into your relationship.
17. I was told one flight was full, and left the gate to mooch around the newsstands.
18. Miss Dowd had been murdered in her cage by a demented mooch and her picture held a dreadful fascination for Rowena.
19. Many is ugly and the deceit in order to achieve own goal throw over love colored clothing to mooch.
20. Must be really easy, sitting back and relaxing, knowing that you don't have to earn your own XP, waiting for your master to score a new level so you can mooch a few new Hit Dice of her.
21. Players control Darwin, the G-Force team leader, and housefly surveillance commando Mooch .
22. Mother and baby live near the airport, while their protuberantly lipped kin mooch about on the cycling and hiking trails by which the encircling Alaskan wilderness infiltrates and permeates the city.
23. It is not means-tested, so old people who previously paid for their own drug coverage have an incentive to mooch off the taxpayer instead.
24. It goes far beyond the guy who always wants to mooch lunch off of me, too.
1. He tried to mooch a drink off me.
2. Andrew was left to mooch around the house on his own.




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