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单词 Gawk
1. The youth continued to gawk at her and did not answer.
2. I hate being gawked at!
3. Tens of thousands came to gawk.
4. Don't just stand there gawking at those girls!
5. Don't sit there gawking like that - give me a hand!
6. Drivers slowed to gawk at the accident.
7. His ugly, freckled face gawked in every direction.
8. All the other dealers were gawking at Sir Willie, gasping at the sight of him in all his glory.
9. Tourists walked around gawking at the people in traditional costumes.
10. I gawked as the July 4 fireworks set A Mountain on fire.
11. Aborigines frequent the roadhouse and are gawked at by foreign travelers as if they were walking souvenirs.
12. Riker and I walked along the narrow sidewalk, gawking at the strangeness of it all.
13. I just stood, gawking and shivering, as it disappeared into the hurrying crowd.
14. Gawk at it in the town gazebo.
15. Don't gawk at that pretty girl.
16. Buyer refuse gawk delivery sealed sample survey report following.
17. GAWK is easily obtainable in both source and binary packages (see Resources).
18. In this tutorial, you use GAWK to learn the various methods of running AWK programs.
19. The visitors gawk as they troop through one of 10 distinctive pagoda-shaped high-rises at the center of the village, taking in the surreal view from the balcony on the top floor.
20. In fact, one reason we gawk is to reassure ourselves that we could never do such a thing.
21. I expect that the Queen does not enjoy being gawked at.
22. Do women want to watch a show about men gawking at sports on television?http://
23. Despite the excellent snow, I spent at least half my time on each run standing still, gawking at the view.
24. I stood there for a moment, not wanting to gawk or intrude but unable to stop staring.
25. But he also uses paint to push back against our urge to gawk, against the pornography of violence and catastrophe.
26. On a weekly basis we would skate over to our local skate shop and gawk at all the high end skate decks, trucks (axels), and wheels.
27. Now, or at least soon, they will have a place to gawk at the view in private.
28. When the 2010 Chilean tsunami arrived in California, people in Santa Monica Beach were mesmerized by the rapid withdrawal of the shoreline and went out to gawk at stranded marine life.
29. We see his conflicting emotions both to see and not to see, a sense that he wished to observe and yet he is at, in some ways, at war with himself, knowing to gawk, to stare at this sight.
30. By most accounts, the vendors hawking trinkets outside the stadium outnumber the foreigners who go there to gawk.
1. The youth continued to gawk at her and did not answer.
31. It shows how to use the open source GAWK interpreter to write and execute AWK programs so that you can search and manipulate your data in various ways.
32. The whale has drawn huge crowds of curious onlookers, with young and old climbing over rocks slickened by rotting whale fat and braving a powerful stench to gawk at the giant carcass.
33. If you're installing GAWK from source, consult the README file in the GAWK source distribution, which lists any additional software requirements for successful compilation and installation.
34. When you've got two million stars to gawk at, not much else needs to be said, except this shows only one-fifth of the stars in this globular cluster.
35. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird.
36. When text editing on a Unix-like system, it is safer to use one of the many commands intended for use by programs such as sed, tr, gawk, or perl.
37. You must have a working copy of GAWK installed on your system, preferably Version 3.0 or later.
38. These reports attracted travelers and, at times, this once-isolated paradise seems filled with tourists who've come to gawk at the locals.




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