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诗文 散文意象美的再现





I thought that it was a Sunday morning in May;that it was Easter Sunday,and as yet very early in the morning. I was standing,as it seemed to me,at the door of my cottage. Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that situation,but exalted,as was usual,and solemnized by the power of dreams. There were the same mountains,and the same lovely valley at their feet;but the mountains were raised to more than Alpine height,and there was interspace far larger between them of savannahs and forest lawns;the hedges were rich with white roses;and no living creature was to be seen,excepting that in the green churchyard there were cattle tranquilly reposing upon the verdant graves,and particularly round about the grave of a child whom I had tenderly loved,just as I had really beheld them,a little before sunrise,in the same summer when that child died. I gazed upon the wellknown scene,and I said to myself,“It yet wants much of sunrise;and it is Easter Sunday,and that is the day on which they celebrate the firstfruits of Resurrection. I will walk abroad,old griefs shall be forgotten today;for the air is cool and still,and the hills are high,and stretch away to heaven;and the churchyard is as verdant as the forest lawns,and the forest lawns are as quiet as the churchyard;and with the dew I can wash the fever from my forehead;and then I shall be unhappy no longer.”I turned,as if to open my garden gate,and immediately I saw upon the left a scene far different;but which yet the power of dreams had reconciled into harmony. The scene was an oriental one;and there also it was Easter Sunday,and very early in the morning. And at a vast distance were visible,as a stain upon the horizon,the domes and cupolas of a great city - an image or faint abstraction,caught perhaps in childhood from some pictures of Jerusalem. And not a bowshot from me,upon a stone,shaded by Judean palms,there sat a woman;and I looked,and it was - Ann!She fixed her eyes upon me earnestly;and I said to her at length,“So,then,I have found you at last.”I waited,but she answered me not a word. Her face was the same as when I saw it last;the same,and yet,again,how different!Seventeen years ago,when the lamplight of mighty London fell upon her face,as for the last time I kissed her lips(lips,Ann,that to me were not polluted),her eyes were streaming with tears. The tears were no longer seen. Sometimes she seemed altered;yet again sometimes not altered;and hardly older. Her looks were tranquil,but with unusual solemnity of expression,and now I gazed upon her with some awe. Suddenly her countenance grew dim;and,turning to the mountains,I perceived vapors rolling between us:in a moment all had vanished;thick darkness came on;and in the twinkling of an eye I was far away from the mountains,and by lamplight in London,walking again with Ann - just as we had walked,when both children,eighteen years before,along the endless terraces of Oxford Street.



杨自伍在《英国文化选本》中认为德昆西“曾对梦境进行心理分析,研究儿童经历化为梦中象征后与文学创作源泉的联系”,其散文“充满激情并将经历、书卷、梦境融为一体”。Dreams生动地描写了“我”的一次梦中经历,展现了奇特的梦中幻境,表达了“我”对已故情人的怀念,作品真挚感人,如诗如画。原作开头,“我”在恍惚之中进入梦乡,开始一场奇异的梦境游历,as it seemed to me暗示“我”所描绘的是虚幻的景象,exalted、solemnized描写梦中景象带给“我”的庄严肃穆的感受。杨译“恍恍惚惚之中”准确地表达了as it seemed to me的含义,“超凡出尘”、“肃穆气象”传达了梦中景象带给“我”的感受和体验。There were the same mountains,and the same lovely valley at their feet用两个same强调梦中景色让“我”感到十分熟悉和亲切,杨译“丛山依旧,山麓令人神往的幽谷依旧”用两个“依旧”强调了“我”的一种亲切感。but the mountains were raised to more than Alpine height,and there was interspace far larger between them of savannahs and forest lawns;the hedges were rich with white roses描写“我”梦境中的迷人景色。杨译“挺然参天”、“空旷”、“丰草如茵”、“林地开阔”、“错落其间”、“娟娟弥望”生动地再现了“我”梦境中那旖旎的自然风光。

“我”看见教堂庭院里一个小孩的坟墓,勾起了对往事的回忆,green verdant用绿色象征生命,与象征死亡的墓地形成强烈对比,“我”从静卧的牛群(cattle tranquilly reposing)联想到安卧在墓地里的小孩。杨译“苍翠、郁郁葱葱”与上文的“丰草如茵,林地开阔,错落其间”相照应,描写墓地周围草木葱茏;“一腔柔情”表达了“我”对那位已故小孩的深切怀念。“我”触景生情,思绪万千,不禁喃喃自语。西方文学对自然景色的描写往往带有浓厚的宗教色彩。原文中“我”梦中游历的时间背景是复活节星期日,是人们庆祝耶稣复活的节日。“我”看到小孩的坟墓内心悲伤,但又想从耶稣的复活中寻求精神的寄托和安慰。杨译用四字语(纹丝不动、绵延不绝、满目葱茏、寂静无声),富于文采,“教堂庭院满目葱茏,宛如林中空地,林中空地寂静无声,宛如教堂庭院”保留了the churchyard is as verdant as the forest lawns,and the forest lawns are as quiet as the churchyard的chiasmus(回文)手法,再现了原作语言节奏的回环美。原作的场景描写构思巧妙,“我”的梦中景象分为两幅画面:右边描写大自然的葱茏和墓地的寂静,左边展现“我”与已故女友重逢的场面。作者将女友昔日的容貌与现在的形象做了比较,事过境迁,往事如烟,女友的容颜在“我”眼里已变得模糊朦胧,飘忽不定(Sometimes she seemed altered;yet again sometimes not altered;and hardly older. Her looks were tranquil,but with unusual solemnity of expression,and now I gazed upon her with some awe. Suddenly her countenance grew dim)。“我”浮想联翩,迷离恍惚之中仿佛又回到了十七年前,与女友漫步在牛津街头。杨译“雾霭滚滚降落”、“暝色四下”、“一片昏暗”、“绵延无际”生动地再现了原文朦胧缥缈的氛围和意境,“两小无猜”传达了“我”对昔日女友的深切怀念。





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