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单词 Lied
1 I've got a horrible feeling she lied to us.
2 I'm sorry I lied to you.
3 The merchants lied at a caravanserai that night.
4 He was in disgrace because he had lied.
5 She firmly rejected the suggestion that she had lied to Parliament.
6 After her death, it came out that she'd lied about her age.
7 I lied when I said I didn't like you. I lied when I said I didn't care. I lie every time I try to tell myself I will never fall for you.
8 A hospital administrator has resigned over claims he lied to get the job.
9 I lied to him.
10 He lied to me constantly and started knocking me around.
11 The child lied to the teacher about his reasons for being late.
12 The Senator's admission that he had lied to Congress shocked many Americans.
13 It isn't that he lied exactly, but he did tend to exaggerate.
14 I'm ashamed to say that I lied to her.
15 She'd lied about it out of pique.
16 The men had plainly lied.
17 He said someone had lied but wouldn't name names.
18 New evidence showed the police lied at the trial.
19 Wallace denied charges that he had lied to investigators.
20 Tom lied to the boss about his work.
21 You lied to me,[] you bastard!
22 "I'm trying to sleep," he lied, speaking reprovingly.
23 She lied about her age.
24 Burke later admitted he had lied.
25 He lied about his age to join the army.
26 He lied out of fear.
27 I was dismayed to discover that he'd lied.
28 He has twice lied to us.
29 The worst feeling in the world is knowing you've been used and lied to.
30 The boy explained to the satisfaction of the court why he had lied.
1 I've got a horrible feeling she lied to us.
2 I'm sorry I lied to you.
3 The merchants lied at a caravanserai that night.
4 He was in disgrace because he had lied.
5 She firmly rejected the suggestion that she had lied to Parliament.
6 After her death, it came out that she'd lied about her age.
7 A hospital administrator has resigned over claims he lied to get the job.
8 I lied to him.
9 He lied to me constantly and started knocking me around.
10 The boy explained to the satisfaction of the court why he had lied.
11 The child lied to the teacher about his reasons for being late.
12 The Senator's admission that he had lied to Congress shocked many Americans.
13 It isn't that he lied exactly, but he did tend to exaggerate.
14 He lied himself into office.
15 He lied me into lending him my car.
16 I declare to you that I have never lied about the affair.
17 They could see the Kremlin quite clearly from where they lied.
18 The President tried to hush up the fact that his adviser had lied.
19 Not for an instant did I believe he had lied.
20 He was found to have lied twice in cross - examination .
31 He's lied his way into a really plum job.
32 The witness lied to the court.
33 Witnesses lied and perjured themselves.
34 I've a confession to make-I lied about my age.
35 She was absolutely livid that he had lied.
36 They knew full well that he had lied.
37 Under oath, Aston finally admitted that he had lied.
38 He lied himself into our confidence.
39 It shames me to say it, but I lied.
40 He had lied to her without compunction.
41 The cat lied at the girl's feet.
42 He lied himself into office.
43 He lied in court to save his own skin.
44 He lied me into lending him my car.
44 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
45 He lied about his age.
46 He lied to the court not just once, but on several occasions.
47 In 1914 he lied about his age so that he could join the war effort.
48 The fact that he had lied before robbed his words of any credibility.
49 He reacted angrily to the suggestion that he had lied.
50 I declare to you that I have never lied about the affair.
51 Although technically you may not have lied, you certainly haven't told us the whole truth.
52 The case against her collapsed when a key witness was proved to have lied.
53 He had always been open with her and she always felt she would know if he lied.
54 Her conscience pricked her as she lied to her sister.
55 Sir John, never a man to mince his words, said in a TV interview that the government had lied.
56 The Prime Minister reacted angrily to claims that he had lied to the House of Commons.
57 I feel sorry for her, but the fact remains she lied to us.
58 'Would you mind my coming with you?' he asked, before I had finished speaking.'Not at all,' I lied.
59 They could see the Kremlin quite clearly from where they lied.
60 He's never lied to me before, so I have no reason to doubt his word.
61 She was still furious over suggestions that she had lied to the public.
62 He still wouldn't own up to the fact that he'd lied.
63 The minister's resignation was an admission that she had lied.
64 The President tried to hush up the fact that his adviser had lied.
65 She's never lied to me, and in my book that counts for a lot.
66 Even now I find it hard to believe that he lied.
67 He lied to Essie, saying his date was one of the girls in the show.
68 He had been lied to and stabbed in the back by people that he thought were his friends.
69 Little Tom felt cheap because he'd lied to his friend.
70 I was very leery of him after I found out he had lied to Jennifer.
71 To save his own skin, he lied and blamed the accident on his friend.
72 I've never lied about my feelings, including my ambivalence about getting married again.
73 Not for an instant did I believe he had lied.
74 He stole, lied, deceived and pimped his way out of poverty.
74 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
75 They knew they had done something terribly wrong and lied to cover it up.
76 She became rather indignant over suggestions that she had lied.
77 Having lied that I still had the money, I was in rather a corner when they asked me to hand it over.
78 He was found to have lied twice in cross - examination .
79 She lied to her husband so she could meet her lover.
80 My husband lied to me and betrayed me.
81 How dared he insinuate that she lied?
82 I can't believe you lied to me!
83 Louisa had lied when she said they were friends.
84 He'd been exploited, hoodwinked, lied to.
85 Admit it! You lied to me!
86 A fridge I lied about swinging through the trees!
87 He admitted that he had lied under oath.
88 I was terrified that my father would find out I had lied to him.
89 So when he lied to me, his stories were always so detailed it never crossed my mind to doubt their veracity.
90 I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. Friedrich Nietzsche 
91 Six months later she went to prison as a suffragette, having lied about her age and enrolled as a militant.
92 But asked whether he believed whether the former aide lied, Harshbarger avoided the question.
93 Then she had lied to him later that same night, making promises about love.
94 Health officials alleged that he had fabricated test results and lied about the dosages of a Debendox ingredient in tests on rabbits.
95 It also has faced allegations that it lied about prior supply shortages, which it repeatedly has denied.
96 He surprised himself by the calmness with which he lied, although when he replaced the receiver his thin fingers were quivering.
97 Users also stated that they lied this type of audio-visual material for library instruction.
98 And when you asked if I was married, I lied to you.
99 What was unforgivable was that he had systematically lied to me - and I had let him do it.
100 She could even remember the occasion when she had first lied as a little girl.
101 No wonder she'd lied when so many terrible things had started happening all around her.
102 The more general view was less charitable, placing more emphasis on the belief that Sri Lankans habitually lied in court.
103 He lied when he ran for governor on the platform of being a successful businessman and political outsider.
104 Shepard lied to investigators at the instigation of his direct superior officer.
105 There is just one problem: I lied about my age when I first applied for the job because of age-discrimination fears.
106 The malai propaganda machine had always lied about the scale of casualties in our earlier Civil War.
107 What upsets me most is the way she lied to me.
108 I frequently find out from some one else that my husband has lied or has neglected to tell me about something.
109 He accomplished nothing except to make a bunch of journalists feel lied to[/lied.html], which they were.
110 J Ed; gar Hoover lied about almost every episode in his career.
111 And I was scared stiff about having lied to Mel about being single when he hired me.
112 He lied about the firing of the White House travel office personnel.
113 She lied all the time, storming her house like an unrepentant sinner.
114 The Bienvenue brothers lied about being molested by their mother and stepfather.
115 She was normally a very honest person - so why had she just lied through her teeth?
116 It was then that Jan realized he had lied to her.
117 You beat the holy hell out of me and we lied at the X-ray lab and said I fell off a bike.
118 Bill felt very hurt when he realized she had lied to him.
119 She threw on her denim jacket, and grinning, lied tie door open for Penelope.
120 But, again, the commission found no hard evidence that Mr Wahid had lied or misused the money.
121 She'd lied about it out of pique, but now it seemed to be turning to her advantage.
122 This is an issue about an officer entrusted to fly nuclear weapons who disobeyed an order, who lied.
123 For fear of some social stigma or psychological scarring, adopted children were routinely lied to about their beginnings.
124 He lied about his address and so received methadone on a maintenance basis.
125 I don't think we even knew what the O stood for; perhaps he lied about it.
126 He had lied to me, and I couldn't forgive him for that.
127 And now he was lurching about his flat with innocent children asleep in their beds, and he had lied to Helga.
128 Sherman lied about being a San Diego State football player and a dental student, among other untruths, Walsh said.
129 He lied about the circumstances surrounding the suicide of White House counsel Vince Foster.
130 Like many, Martin had lied about his home address in order to get into a school in a better neighborhood.
131 Flinn says this guy lied to her, saying he was legally separated from his wife and had filed for divorce.
132 For all I know, they lied and cheated and made their women miserable.
133 He lied to me just as you say.
134 He lied and did not even scruple about it.
135 The little boy lied on the bullock cart sleeping.
136 The girl lied because she resented her parents' strictness.
137 A letter hidden for years by British silent movie pioneer Charlie Chaplin has come to light which claims he lied about his birthplace and was in fact born in a gypsy caravan.
138 And then the almanac lied,[Sentencedict] and said that spring had come.
139 He looked at the birds, god soliloquize : ah, I lied.
140 Das Lied , das du am letzten Abend sangst , spielte nun in mir.
141 Attlee lied. The People's Liberation Army gave no permission to the Amethyst to proceed to Nanking.
142 Its value lied in its furnishing the first - hand historical materials of the early capitalism appearing in Hangzhou and it also facilitated the culture exchange between china and wester...
143 The Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has promised to resign if he is found to have lied about his links to a young woman Noemi Letizia.
144 She just lied in her throat and we all realized toe grossness of her false utterance.
145 He lied about the inside compaign deal with his financial backer, who is prosecuted in court.
146 The coacervate particle of carbon black consists of lied graphite layers.
147 I've found he lied to me , so I've decided to have done with him.
148 See class feeling much better ride, Sun Feng lied out something to deal with.
149 When the Soviets arrive, Mac reveals that he lied about being a double agent.
150 A lot of research revealed that the insect adaptability to the environment lied in the intraspecific developed communication and the ability of seeking host.
151 The complaint says Deutsche's MortgageIT subsidiary lied in order to get Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insurance for its loans.
152 A man in Washington, US had his friend shoot him in the shoulder so he wouldn't have to go to work, but lied to police he'd been the victim of a drive-by shooting while he was jogging.
153 The effects of treating soybean meal(SBM) and cottonseed meal(CSM) with formaldehyde at 0.5% and 0.7% of CP content respectively, which lied on CP degradability in the rumen were investigated.
154 NA: Oils , ointment lotio should not be a lied and do not remove clothing in order to prevent contamination , then tra ort the patient to ho ital as soon as po ible.
155 She was a person--we dare not say a woman--who was gentle, austere, well-bred, cold, and who had never lied.
156 Unicellular gland was goblet cell, which was lied in two sides of tongue, esophagus, ileum and rectum.
157 That Quilp lied most heartily in this speech, it needed no very great penetration to discover.
158 The groom, an engineer, applied for an annulment because his bride, a student nurse, had lied to him about her virginity.
159 A good memory is needed once we have lied, observed Pierre Corneille, the 17th-century French tragedian .
160 When have I ever lied to you, you old bitch?
161 Of course, you personally may not have lied on a mortgage application. You may not have gambled on a risky adjustable mortgage. You may not have bought a handful of condos in Las Vegas or Miami.
162 The scoundrelly person has lied so much that people turn a deaf ear to whatever he says.
163 The development of inducing stress aeolotropism in clay which was not only decided by the maximum stress force, but also lied on the stress route of reaching the maximum stress point of clay.
164 Being lied to and hopes kept alive is an evil and malicious act (yes I mean it that strongly).
164 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
165 From the general information vision there are three respects lied in information process: syntactic information, semantic information and pragmatic information.
166 Dr. Wilson: I lied. I've been lying to you in increasing amounts ever since I told you you looked good unshaved a year ago.
167 As far as "I cheated on my wife with multiple women on more than one occasion and then lied about it" apologies go, Tiger Woods' misty-eyed speech was pretty honest.
168 "Vier Ernste Geasnge "are German Austria composer Johannes Brahms"s last set vocal works, which also are the summary of Brahms"s lied composing.
169 Another was named Martiya, the Persian ; he lied , saying:'I am Ummannish, the king of Elam.
170 The histology of the digestive gland of Hoplobatrachus rugulosus was studied in this paper. Unicellular gland was goblet cell, which was lied in two sides of tongue, esophagus, ileum and rectum.
171 Xiao Ling is really the salt of the earth. She has neither lied to nor harmed anyone.
172 How could you have lied to us all these years?
173 The argyrophil cells assumed various forms, and distributed between the epithelial cells or lied in the base of epithelium and in the lamina propria.
174 I am open-handed and outgoing. A lot of people knowing me said that they were lied by my appearance. Ha! Ha!
175 Another was named Assina , the Elamite; he lied , saying:'I am king the king of Elam.
176 Lied in the west of Guizhou, the Emeishan basalts do appear to the high distinguishability both on the TM images and panchromatic aerophotos.
177 Compared to the traditional organic synthesis, the advantages of organic electrosynthesis lied in that it could get rid of the source of pollution.
178 The doctor said the problem lied in its forelimb and it would not die.
179 Before leaving Beijing, I lied on his wall-like chest to say the last words.
180 The successful reason mainly lied in schoolfellow joining for passion.
181 Eighty-five percent of the couples interviewed in a 1990 study of college students reported that one or both partners had lied about past relationships or recent indiscretions.
182 Thesubmandibular glands lied superficial to the suprahyoid, and infrahyoid muscle groups, and were covered by the inferior portion of the parotid gland.
183 Mast cells densely lied in circumambience of lymphoid nodule and sparsely in central zone, but diffusely distributed in medulla.
184 claiming the bank lied about the risk in mortgages that a subsidiary endorsed as qualifying for Federal Housing Administration insurance.
185 The cause of inefficiency lied in the irrational cost structure of the hospitals and their cost of idleness expenditures to varying degrees.
186 Remember that day l lied to you and told you l was a stockbroker?
187 No-one likes smokers anymore: Although maybe we hate those Big Tobacco companies just a smidge more ... remember how they lied?
188 Dr. Wilson: I lied. I've been lying to you in increasing amounts ever since I told you you looked good unshaved a year ago. It's a little experiment, you know, to see where you'd draw the line.
189 The villager lied to the police to save his own skin.




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