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单词 Secretly
1 My wife's secretly dating someone else.
2 He watched them secretly, through a chink in the wall.
3 Friends managed to smuggle him secretly out of the country.
4 I was secretly relieved when Ed said it was time to turn back.
5 Love you, think of you, love you secretly, eagerly love you, wait, feel disappointed, try hard, lose, and feel sad, go apart, and recall.
6 There is no man so bad,but he secretly respects the good.
7 Love you, think of you, love you secretly, eagerly love you, wait, feel disappointed, try hard, lose, and feel sad, go apart, and recall.All of these are for sake of you. And I will never regret for it.
8 They claim that the government is secretly running down the Youth Training Schemes.
9 I managed secretly to undo a corner of the parcel.
10 He feigned disappointment. Secretly, he was mightily relieved.
11 They secretly entered into collusion with the northern warlords.
12 I secretly envied her for her good looks.
13 The duke secretly removed the relics from the reliquary.
14 She was secretly pleased to see him.
15 His wife Marie secretly entered him for the Championship.
16 She secretly admired and envied him.
17 She had secretly tape-recorded all their conversations.
18 He secretly despised his father.
19 He secretly entertained thoughts of revenge.
20 Many were secretly praying for a compromise.
21 She secretly nurtured a hope of becoming famous.
22 She was secretly glad of his company.
23 The police had secretly filmed the conversations.
24 I think he's secretly revelling in all the attention.
25 She secretly recorded the conversation.
26 He wore a hidden microphone to secretly tape-record conversations.
27 We got married secretly and then presented our parents with a fait accompli.
28 He was convicted on the evidence of secretly recorded telephone conversations.
29 They did not know that the police were secretly listening in.
30 The President has accused two cabinet ministers of working secretly to undermine his position/him.
1 My wife's secretly dating someone else.
2 He watched them secretly, through a chink in the wall.
3 Friends managed to smuggle him secretly out of the country.
4 I was secretly relieved when Ed said it was time to turn back.
5 The President has accused two cabinet ministers of working secretly to undermine his position/him.
6 They claim that the government is secretly running down the Youth Training Schemes.
7 I managed secretly to undo a corner of the parcel.
8 They secretly entered into collusion with the northern warlords.
9 He secretly despised his father.
10 I think he's secretly revelling in all the attention.
11 We got married secretly and then presented our parents with a fait accompli.
12 Her parents didn't allow her to marry the young man and she went off with him secretly.
13 He secretly hoped that fate would intervene and save him having to meet her.
14 The President is understood to have secretly left the country.
15 The controversial experiment involved secretly filming a group of children.
31 They were secretly married.
32 Lord Mountbatten secretly cherished hopes that Charles would marry his granddaughter.
33 He claims that several countries have developed nuclear weapons secretly.
34 So does he respect the press and media, or does he secretly scorn them?
35 She said she didn't care about it, but I believe she was secretly delighted.
36 Her parents didn't allow her to marry the young man and she went off with him secretly.
37 He secretly tried to block her advancement in the Party.
38 "Poor Gloria, " she said, although she was secretly delighted.
39 He secretly hoped that fate would intervene and save him having to meet her.
40 I was secretly thrilled at the prospect of going there again.
41 The President is understood to have secretly left the country.
42 A father was secretly filmed as he tried to smother his six-week-old son in hospital.
43 The controversial experiment involved secretly filming a group of children.
44 News men divulged that the two countries had met together secretly several times before they arrived at the peaceful agreement.
45 He suspected that the military were secretly plotting against him.
46 She was secretly vetted before she ever undertook any work for me.
47 We hoped that they would be found safe and uninjured, but secretly we feared the worst.
48 Five weeks later, on 6th November, they were secretly married.
49 They were the words she had secretly longed to hear.
50 The factory secretly dumped millions of gallons of raw sewage into the Ohio river.
51 She secretly relished the thought of being alone with him.
52 It was widely believed that Montagu was secretly pulling the strings behind the prime minister.
53 Sugar was his phoenix, all he secretly cared about.
54 About 100,000 live secretly in the border area.
55 We will secretly prop it up.
56 I felt guilty, but secretly I was very relieved.
57 It worried her that he'd been secretly observing her.
58 People relate to each other secretly,(http://) like Freemasons.
59 OP-20-G secretly handled naval traffic.
60 Have you secretly been lusting after their time slot?
61 An employee secretly gave confidential memos to the press.
62 He secretly slipped into Paris under the name of Duong, and nostalgia for the city welled up in him.
63 Perhaps Reuben and Miriam were secretly not happy with the prospect of raising a family in Cork.
64 But secretly Keith feels a black man with a Filofax looks stupid.
65 I wonder if I could secretly be having a midlife crisis?
66 She rinsed the sheets secretly, after Sethe went to the restaurant and Paul D went scrounging for barges to help unload.
67 Mr Johnson secretly arranged with deputy crier David Mitchell to propose during one of his ear-splitting announcements.
68 Fleury dismissed our fears as groundless, though he was secretly alarmed.
69 In the billiard room at Mentmore, however, an economic think-tank was secretly plotting reform.
70 Secretly I've always been interested in the end of the world, the apocalyptic vision of some one like Ludwic Meidner.
71 Yet it began to be whispered secretly that he was dying.
72 Military activity was secretly taking place for weeks before the invasion.
73 We secretly organized a party for her, but then Bill messed everything up by telling her about it.
74 His clandestine meetings with PLO officials had been secretly recorded.
75 We would meet secretly and, when she knew her father was away, I was invited to her home.
76 In the event, under heavy Foreign Office pressure which she secretly resented, Mrs Thatcher gave way completely.
77 Like my country, I too have spread myself to the invader, while remaining secretly inviolable.
78 I had to abandon the stall, and went into hiding until I could arrange to leave the country secretly.
79 Rosie remained unruffled, smiling secretly as cats do in the midst of mouse dreams.
80 Lilian was in her second childhood and Harriet was expecting her second child, which she secretly despised.
81 In 1978, when the factory moved, the union was officially dissolved although it continued to function secretly.
82 He would, for instance, secretly buy 30,000 of a stock for himself on the account.
83 Nevertheless, Richard declared that he had witnesses to prove it and Philip made a tactful withdrawal, secretly plotting with Tancred.
84 A private citizen, secretly acting for the clergy, had pretended he was buying the land for non-religious purposes.
85 One cannot be prepared for something while secretly believing it will not happen. Nelson Mandela 
86 C'mon, secretly just between you and me the voice persisted in her head, it would be hard not to.
87 I remember Nora's first postcard - which she sent in an envelope secretly to my office.
87 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
88 The socialist party secretly engineered the defeat of the government.
89 Some parents, whether openly or secretly, may feel quite pleased at the prospect of being grandparents.
90 Gradually he builds up a collection of all sorts of different books and reads them secretly at night while his wife sleeps.
91 Shortly afterwards, he secretly arranged for the building of a cargo fleet to carry the ore via the Great Lakes.
92 If we had gone on, our love would have brought us the death we secretly called up every time we embraced.
93 But not without secretly implementing a scheme whereby the computer could also work with a bigger load512K.
94 The colours on the sea grew flat, flatly reflected flesh secretly seen at night down in the steerage.
95 In June of last year Mr Gorbachev met secretly with leaders of the radical opposition.
96 It masks its true intentions, it conceals the objectives that it secretly pursues: these objectives can not be disclosed.
97 The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green. Thomas Carlyle 
98 Eddie's actress wife Patsy Ann Scott secretly filmed the roly-poly star as he snoozed in bed.
99 There have been accusations that the prime minister secretly colluded with the leaders of the regime.
100 Item - Gaveston had hated Lady Eleanor, and he, so Corbett secretly believed, was capable of cold-blooded murder.
101 She was secretly hoping that by some magic coincidence, Alan might phone while she was watching the tape.
102 To speak secretly, or to speak to one's self; to think within one's self. 3.
103 However, on 18 June, a secretly organised mass picket caught the police momentarily off guard.
104 Or he may secretly be under guard in Dracula's castle.
105 The view that Anne was a sentimental Jacobite who secretly wished her brother-in-law to succeed her has now been debunked as myth.
106 Mediobanca is being forced to acquire the 10 percent stake after secretly buying that much in October.
107 Work on controlled thermonuclear fusion proceeded secretly in both nations and in Britain.
108 We wrapped the body in a blanket, then my husband buried it secretly in the hills.
109 He is also an inveterate hater of Mrs Joe, whom he attacks secretly, inflicting injuries from which she eventually dies.
110 Characteristic is a reluctance to admit the quantity consumed, drinking secretly alone, and taking gradually increasing amounts.
111 The only thing wrong was that secretly she hated her life and everything about it.
112 Cranston glared at the small statue in a niche, the Virgin and Child; secretly, the coroner hated Christmas.
113 To be a good business man is the epitome of development and these learned people secretly aspire to that goal.
114 Perhaps he'd always secretly resented giving his name to another man's child, she thought sadly.
115 I suspected that deep down he was a Luddite who secretly preferred old-fashioned conventional fences.
116 That pleased the smart set, but secretly the old money decided it was a bit tacky.
117 Once each year George and Doris secretly meet in a quaint seaside resort, rekindling what has become a 25-year fling.
118 Out of bravado Fleury dismissed these fears as groundless, but he was secretly rather alarmed.
119 For every movie they let go beyond two hours, they secretly think they have an Academy Award winner.
120 But two years later, it secretly decided to upgrade the base and kicked the city out in 1953.
121 Charvat said that before his arrival, the plant secretly dumped millions of gallons of raw sewage into the Ohio River.
122 One unfortunate maiden after another beloved of the gods had had to kill her child secretly or be killed herself.
123 The most damning evidence against the gang was four secretly recorded conversations.
124 He ridicules but secretly envies Saburov, who accepts professional obscurity and poverty rather than compromising his talent by betraying his artistic ideals.
125 But many believers refuse to submit to the government's authority, choosing to worship secretly in homes or underground churches.
126 What had she secretly been yearning to hear him say?
127 It is possible that he had secretly submitted to baptism, but also, Maryland may have winked.
128 Lisa Marie has been secretly recording demo tapes of songs she has written.
129 One night they secretly told all employees, except Peter to leave early.
130 This is usually a painful process which most authors secretly hate!
131 They went against their parents' wishes and got married secretly.
132 It was this which secretly chagrined her.
133 Obtain the essential feature that is larcenous behavior secretly.
134 GM was secretly delighted to be rid of Knudsen.
135 I should secretly stash away some money.
136 He put the money in coffer secretly.
137 After all preparations were made, they setoff secretly.
138 Additional, those who come to promote is not little also, dozen fold, rake-off, price war is made between intermediary organization, strife openly and secretly, lively and special.
139 An article in Scotland's Sunday Herald, based on South African and Mozambican newspaper reports, claims that the ship was secretly refueled offshore by the South African navy.
140 By secretly buying company shares he maneuvered himself into a controlling position.
141 Back when they were the evil empire where everyone secretly wanted to work, they were famous for their "brain-teaser" interview questions –Why are manhole covers round?
142 The other pirates envied him this majestic vice, and secretly resolved to acquire It'shortly.
143 Who secretly wishes they were married to a hot , sexy lesbian?
144 Although she fussed at them, she secretly viewed all her children with approval.
145 Lan Hui secretly white eye, actually want to vibrate four the elder brother's neckband howl for a while:Who Be getting more scared?
146 He asked himself yearningly , wondered secretly and sorely, if it would have lurked here or there.
147 He became still more dissatisfied with it and secretly did everything in his power to obstruct it.
148 But this rose-colored dream of Europe, once so powerful that even our most anti-Western thinkers and politicians secretly believed in it, has now faded.
149 He disagreed with Claudius'decision and secretly helped young couples get married.
150 During the long decades that followed, Phobos secretly assembled a fanatical cult devoted to her.
151 He secretly returned to Honduras September 21 and is holed up at the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa.
152 I was secretly afraid of him when I saw him so dexterous.
153 The man secretly collgued with his coworker on the trip.
154 Although they had not made love , they had secretly exchanged solemn vows and pledges, bearing their hearts to each other.
155 In self-imposed exile in Austria, he enjoys discomfiting senior Kazakhstani officials by putting secretly obtained recordings of their conversations on the web.
156 It was smuggled through the US diplomatic pouch, secretly installed across the facade of a building overlooking Havana and given a very specific mission: to annoy Fidel Castro.
157 Eliza and her daughter Elizabeth Van Lew were against slavery and seem to have secretly granted their slaves, including Bowser, freedom.
158 Then he secretly told her to help the unfortunate holy man regain his purity.




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更新时间:2025/3/15 5:26:20