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单词 Waving
1 The onlookers were shouting, cheering, and waving banners.
2 Children waving flags greeted the Russian leader.
3 The soccer fans indulged their patriotism, waving flags and singing songs.
4 John stormed into the meeting waving a piece of paper about.
5 They shone the spotlight on a woman waving at the back of the audience.
6 The demonstrators walked along the street,[] waving banners and shouting angrily.
7 People in passing cars tried waving him down.
8 The stranger spoke rapidly, waving his arms around.
9 He came out waving the document at the crowd.
10 Down in the streets people were waving madly.
11 He was waving his arms to draw their attention.
12 The windows overlooked a lawn of tall waving grass.
13 He stood mournfully at the gate waving bye bye.
14 I was carried upstairs, arms waving and legs kicking.
15 We could see them waving on the opposite bank.
16 She stormed into my office waving a newspaper.
17 People were craning out of the windows and waving.
18 They looked out across the fields of waving barley.
19 The baby was waving around a plastic rattle.
20 She ran alongside the departing train, waving goodbye.
21 Crowds lined the route, waving flags and cheering.
22 He was running towards them, waving his arms.
23 'I'm rich!' she exclaimed, waving the money under his nose.
24 We both began waving to the crowd for all we were worth.
25 A tall, thin man was waving his arms in an effort to direct the movements of a large removal van.
26 I was waving my hand madly but he never once looked in my direction.
27 They stood waving on the platform, until the train disappeared from view.
28 People on shore greeted the new 10 , 000 liner by waving their arms as it was getting up.
29 She struck a pose, one hand on her hip and the other waving an imaginary cigarette.
30 Do you know why the woman is standing at the bus stop waving her arms about?
1 The onlookers were shouting, cheering, and waving banners.
2 Children waving flags greeted the Russian leader.
3 The soccer fans indulged their patriotism, waving flags and singing songs.
4 John stormed into the meeting waving a piece of paper about.
5 They shone the spotlight on a woman waving at the back of the audience.
6 The demonstrators walked along the street, waving banners and shouting angrily.
7 They looked out across the fields of waving barley.
8 People on shore greeted the new 10 , 000 liner by waving their arms as it was getting up.
31 Party loyalists responded as they always do, waving flags and carrying placards.
32 I could see a marshal on the finish line waving a yellow flag.
33 I could see the beam of his flashlight waving around in the dark.
34 'He's over there,' said Ali, waving a hand towards some trees.
34 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
35 A group of prisoners stood on the roof, defiantly waving banners and throwing stones.
36 The president deplaned,waving.
37 Hospital staff were outside to welcome him, waving flags and applauding.
38 She suddenly espied someone waving at her from the window.
39 He hailed with his hand waving as my train started.
40 She gestured her intention of joining them by waving from the balcony.
41 Cage stood in front of the door waving her arms around, I couldn't imagine why!
42 Some maniac was running down the street waving a massive metal bar.
43 A crowd of football fans ran down the street waving banners and scarves.
44 The manager stormed into my office,waving a piece of paper about.
45 The marchers stopped outside the American embassy, chanting slogans and waving banners.
46 He was grinning widely, waving to her as he ran.
47 Men and horses went down like ninepins before them, in a tangle of waving limbs.
48 A man in the water was shouting and waving his arms around frantically.
49 The girl bobbed up and down in the water, waving for help.
50 Demonstrators marched past holding/waving placards that said, 'Send food, not missiles'.
51 They were all waving their arms around, like this.
52 The crowds waving flags were shout ing loud ly.
53 He steadied himself self-consciously, waving aside any further help.
54 In her innocence, Ma keeps waving the silver spoon.
55 Two shepherds took off after him, waving their sticks.
56 He stood up, waving a long, limp hand.
57 The Chichester harbour master was fed up with waving.
58 The woman was babbling incoherently and waving a gun.
59 They took their leave unceremoniously, Cranston waving Colebrooke aside.
60 He was also very big for ribbon cutting and waving to people who recognized him in his black limousine.
61 Then the figure flung its hands away from its face and began to prance wildly, waving its fists above its spiky hair.
62 The Stanford crowd surges on to the floor, waving banners, dancing to the band, inching forward to high-five the players.
63 An assistant began waving his arms and talking to the dealer noisily in his native tongue.
64 She climbed into the cab behind him, and they took off,[http:///waving.html] waving.
65 People laughing, people crying, some boarding vessels, others disembarking, and others waving goodbye to their loved ones.
66 The most you will see is a scrawny arm waving desperately from between the bars.
67 Most of the movements are directed by voice or a waving lantern.
68 It was an exultant feeling, climbing on to the rostrum, waving to the crowd and receiving my medal.
69 He laid it carefully out on the long table whilst waving Corbett over.
70 That fundamental conflict between consumption and conservation has both sides of the molecular forestry debate waving environmental banners.
71 He had white hair and looked very nice, and soon they were waving to him every morning.
72 Babushka said she would do this and, waving goodbye to the kings, started to clean her cabin.
73 He sat there looking up, and waving a hand in the Esso-blue evening.
74 No one would have seen Agnes running through the puddles and waving.
75 Before he could fish it out of his pocket, the cabbie was pulling away, waving out the window.
76 A man in a blue poplin raincoat was standing outside the Delicatessen waving a bundle of show-biz newspapers.
77 Then we get back to the taxi, and there you are waving your weaponry, and kidnapping us.
78 Includes a special Protein Intensive Treatment which is mixed with the waving lotion to protect and restore hair during perming.
79 But at least see for yourself before you start waving the flag of protest.
80 It was a dead hand, waving a tiny, posthumous good-bye.
81 To the small child standing on the dockside waving goodbye it was a minor bereavement every time.
82 Struggling to his feet, he realised he was waving his sword.
83 A ticket inspector wakes from his slumber and Des shoots past me waving his tube pass.
84 Some of the troops were waving and seemed very cheerful.
85 Men and horses went down like ninepins before them, in a tangle of waving limbs, flailing hooves and broken lances.
86 Then a blue Rover drew out and flashed past them at speed, two people waving.
87 A breeze ruffled her hair and set hanks of wool waving on the fence-wire.
88 He leapt on to a boulder, waving his weapon above his head.
89 Frederick was leaning on his pitchfork, apparently listening to Mister Johnny who was waving his small hands and gabbling.
90 As far as I recall from school biology, you do not acquire relatives by waving.
91 Grinning and waving, he puts the car into gear and steps on the accelerator.
92 She remembered him propped up by the nurses, waving his little hands about.
93 The Russian flag was waving again after an absence of 74 years.
94 In the distance she heard another car, and putting up her arms began to run towards it, waving and shouting.
94 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
95 With a strangled, gargling shriek, Carradine fell over, frothing at the mouth, arms waving.
96 Eventually, satisfied that he had found what he wanted, the Doctor halted, waving the box around for final confirmation.
97 The route taken by the Queen was lined with crowds of people waving flags.
98 The clown was capering under the lamp, waving his fists exultantly above his head.
99 If that is true, he is waving a magic wand with a sledgehammer on the end.
100 He came waddling down the hall like a penguin, waving one of his long swords-he kept a collection in his office.
101 The one with the shoulder boards made another gesture, this time waving us off curtly.
102 But whoever it is, waving to the exultant crowds, he will have become a legend.
103 He too was waving his arms, then lifting a leg each in turn and shaking his feet at the leaden sky.
104 He had glanced back, to see Ashton standing at the depot gates, waving a piece of paper at him.
105 And then her teenage years will be spent ripping up trees and waving placards outside the U.S.
106 He made sure I knew it was him by flicking on his interior light and waving me towards him.
107 This inner sanctum looked as though they should all be waving little red books and were very vociferous.
108 Alfred was waving a white-stockinged leg in the air, Heinrich experimentally bending over in his black knee breeches.
109 A witness had seen him in deep water, shouting and waving for help.
110 They were now all waving in the direction indicated by Rafiq.
111 Figures appeared in the road ahead, waving them into the yard of the farmhouse.
112 Waving the spy photos, making jokes about the air samples the plane had allegedly been sent to gather.
113 I ran after the car waving my fist and hurling abuse and insults, something I had never done before.
114 Shoba had been waving her hand and trying to get attention.
115 There were to be no marching bands, no floats, no politicians waving from convertibles, no clowns tossing candy.
116 It passed me again, drew into the side and I saw a frantically waving arm.
117 While Nicole runs around waving bloody gloves, Mia worries that Guy is coming back to get them.
118 Then one of the men shouted something, waving his arms in the general direction of the forest.
119 I try yelling in a Rasta's earhole while waving her snap in front of his eyes.
120 Perhaps this is why Savage Orcs are famous for the number and power of their skin-clad bone waving Shamans.
121 They saw red when he got away with the offence by waving his warrant card at a traffic warden.
122 The TV camera captured Dad waving as he left the airplane.
123 Some of its leaders fear a revival of left-wing parties waving the banner of social justice.
124 A car cruised by with a flag waving out the window.
125 They spent the sixties knocking their country over dinner and waving banners at a liberal president.
126 A pair of waving ginger hairs appeared in the corner of a mouth the colour of old putty.
127 The green copper figurines have one arm waving towards the sky and one pointing downwards.
128 Daley was on his feet, his arms waving,[http:///waving.html] his mouth working.
129 The beetles were crowded together shouting, waving flags, and holding banners.
130 Like the crowd at the airport and in the main street of Danu waving the malai flag of green and white.
131 Instead he saw a pair of gloves, suspended in water and waving fleshless fingers at him.
132 They lined up and looked down into the new place and then, weapons waving, raised a battle cry.
133 No deaths or injuries, but a few hands waving feebly from under the pile of bodies indicated that rescue was required.
134 Three men stood in the entrance of the courtyard, waving sticks.
135 It showed the other Rex, who was standing on the plaza before the building waving his arms about.
136 Anya, possibly by waving her gun again, has finally persuaded Riva to change into drier clothes.
137 All of them give you fair warning of their character by deliberately making themselves conspicuous and waving their bushy tails.
138 Black ribbons tied to the wooden limbs blew softly in the breeze, waving at me.
139 Standing on the battlements waving the galley goodbye, Elizabeth looked down - down the wall, and then down again.
140 The grass simply evolves into underwater grass and seems to exist equally comfortably waving dreamily around, endlessly drowning.
141 Waving a fist at the camera, Cameron Nielson recited the names of those blacklist casualties he had avenged at last.
142 The figures moved around them, waving their arms in a coordinated movement towards each other.
143 His name was called, and he turned his head and saw Lavinia waving at him from the porch.
144 We glide past islands with huts on stilts and waving people.
145 Stickit squealed in delight, waving at the ant figures far below.
146 It degenerated into a three-sided football match, with blue, yellow and red-lit supporters all but waving rattles in support of their teams.
147 We followed a dirt road through Chianti vineyards, waving to stubbly-faced farmers in corduroy trousers festooned with patches.
148 They are blowing trumpets singing up a storm and waving as they walk past us.
149 Observe the reeds waving as you pass. Tropical fish ignore you.
150 Pearl drained her glass, then tipped back the ice against her teeth, waving her lips at them.
151 Windows were flung up; and women leaned out into the rain, waving flags and handkerchiefs.
152 Through the strips of waving screen he could see sunset in the palmettos, sunset on the flat sand.
153 There was much pushing and shoving and shouting and waving as the passengers at last began to disembark.
154 His bare back began to look very red an d he kept waving his arms at the insects which he was disturbing.
155 Struggling to his feet, he realised he was waving his sword. Things were happening too fast to keep up with.
156 They would simply be judged very improbable, the waving statue much more improbable than the lightning.
157 I personally think this is as idiotic as waving a bunsen burner around while having a row.
158 Waving placards and chanting slogans, about 100 of his associates did their best to annoy the Republicans.
159 Two men were outside the stockade, one waving a white cloth.
160 People tend to blame failure or adversity on bad luck, and often fail to recognize good luck when it is waving at them. Dr T.P.Chia 
160 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
161 Soldiers with automatic rifles hung out of the windows waving us angrily aside.
162 The other officers hovered helplessly about , whispering and waving their hands.
163 He had unmistakably been waving his flag to attract the referee's attention.
164 The coupe flashed by us with a flurry of dust and the flash a waving hand.
165 The small British crowd roared themselves hoarse, waving their Union Jacks.
166 The man came after the boy waving a big stick.
167 PC combining girder bridge with waving steel celiac board is a new type of bridge structure.
168 He paused, waving his hand to signify the vanity of the more that might be said.
169 Cicerone : What're you talking about? Who hell be here waving for lift in such hour?
170 Sit back with a smile as you watch ashand - waving conversationalist provoke mirror reactions in another.
171 While fighting, the commanding officer is quickly waving his officer's sword.
172 The apparitional look of her face was reinforced by the waving tendrils of hair.
173 And tITe, bravely waving in the wind , were one pink crocus.
174 Official release: Her majesty is waving at her citizen in her car seat.




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