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单词 Deserter
(1) We hunted up the deserters in the forest last week.
(2) He was executed as a deserter.
(3) Soldiers swept the town, looking for deserters.
(4) The Army decided against court-martialing him as a deserter.
(5) The remainder of the grief-stricken deserters were duly punished.
(6) Deserters? Escaped prisoners of war?
(7) It transpires that he is a deserter from one of the warring armies.
(8) But of course cowards were treated as deserters(/deserter.html), and shot.
(9) Moreover, its ranks have been increasingly swelled by deserters from social behaviourism - an evidently liberal position.
(10) He had executed in public deserters from his battalion when it fought for its life on the Basra to Baghdad road.
(11) For Henan Province, I am not a deserter.
(12) He is a craven deserter.
(13) What he looked like was a deserter!
(14) OLD LIN --- In his thirties. A deserter.
(15) He was a deserter. Once he ran from the field of battle.
(16) A deserter GI was running down a road escaping from two MPs.
(17) The deserter has escaped.
(18) We leave are a military deserter again, waited for that again love revives.
(19) Torgler was a deserter. He threw down his rifle and ran from the field of battle.
(20) Oh, yes... the deserter! There's a turn-tail in the barracks prison. Got thrown in not too long ago. Kept saying that "S" stood for suicide.
(21) They want to flush out the Resistance workers and the guerrillas - as well as the deserters from their own army.
(22) Only 120 of the 3400 rebels taken prisoner were executed and at least 40 of these were deserters from the royal army.
(23) A special committee was set up by the Supreme Council to register deserters in order to try to ensure their legal protection.
(24) On March 6 pay bonuses were announced for all soldiers and an amnesty was declared for deserters and draft dodgers.
(25) Last war, men who did what he done, they called them deserters.
(26) The party's share of the vote crawled up to barely 35 percent, thanks largely to Lib Dem deserters.
(27) Security along the frontier would be strengthened and information likely to lead to the capture of criminals and deserters would be exchanged.
(28) They officially and personally regarded De Gaulle as a deserter.
(29) The Communist International also endorsed the decision and denounced Chang Kuo - tao as a deserter and renegade.
(30) When he was recaptured , He avoided being shot as a deserter by feigning mental illness and he was finally sent from hospital to a labor camp on Belsen in 1944.
(31) Forgives me, is I is not very brave, the choice is a deserter.
(32) He was a deserter.




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