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单词 Cretaceous
1. Anomalous ammonites: the Cretaceous genus Nipponites.
2. In other areas gas generation occurred during Cretaceous/Tertiary burial.
3. Throughout the last third of the Cretaceous the dinosaurs slowly declined in diversity and numbers.
4. The Cretaceous period in geology did not appear at a given stage in the development of the changes.
5. He says that dinosaur specimens from late Cretaceous rocks reveal low predator/prey ratios of from 3 to 5 percent.
6. The occurrence of fuller's earth in Cretaceous strata from Wiltshire to Yorkshire has been studied.
7. Their fossils are commonest in Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks.
8. The last dicynodont: An Australian Cretaceous relict.
9. Because of Yizheng orogeny in Late Cretaceous, braided delta system of Anfeng was formed by rifting in Subei Basin and rising of sedimentary base level.
10. Seeds of Acer are rare compared with the leaves, which can be found in rocks dating back to the Cretaceous period.
11. A distant relation of Halorella, called Peregrinella, is even more remarkable in early Cretaceous rocks.
12. Then followed the long afternoon of the dinosaurs, the 71 million years of the Cretaceous period.
13. Similarly, the huge reptiles which dominated the land, sea, and even the air of the Cretaceous are all gone.
14. Sumatra is composed of old, thick continental crust comprising volcanic rocks of Permian, Cretaceous and Cenozoic age.
15. A whole range of other reptiles were present in the Jurassic and Cretaceous; none of them are dinosaurs.
16. Protagonists of the warm-blooded theory will show some of the horned dinosaurs charging over the Cretaceous plains like furious reptilian rhinoceroses!
17. Faulting is therefore mostly of Jurassic age although during the late Cretaceous it formed the locus for strong inversion and fault-block readjustment.
18. It also caps many of the Jura box-folds, where the Cretaceous succession has been eroded away.
19. Crocodiles and lizards have a fossil record extending back to the Triassic, snakes to the Cretaceous.
20. Carboniferous sediments have been affected by low-amplitude Hercynian folding, Mesozoic rift faulting and Cretaceous inversion-related compression and fault re-activation.
21. Species resembling this one in general shape are met with in rocks of Cretaceous and younger age.
22. A few species generally resembling this one occur in Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks.
23. One possible case of paired impacts has been widely discussed in connection with the Cretaceous extinction event.
24. There are a number of species generally similar to this one in rocks of Cretaceous and younger age.
25. Many layers of decaying organic matter built up in Pennsylvania during the Cretaceous, and now it is all coal.
26. It was called the Ruyang Gigantic Sauropod Dinosaurian Fauna by L et al... It represents a new late Early Cretaceous to early Late Cretaceous dinosaurian fauna from China.
27. Field surveys and seismic exploration show that the lowest regional angular unconformity older than the Carboniferous developed between the Cretaceous and the pre-Cretaceous strata.
28. Based on the analysis of core of Subei basin during late Cretaceous and Paleocene Epoch[http:///cretaceous.html], the authors conclude that Subei Basin was linked with the sea and the deposit was affected by transgression.
29. Because of compaction and cementation by carbonate, silicon and argilla , the pore loss of lower cretaceous reservoir bed of southern part of Shiwu depression is 25%?
30. Deinonychus lived 110 to 100 million years ago. That time was called the Cretaceous period.
31. Cryptozoologists are especially proud of the catch in 1938 of a coelacanth, an archaic-looking species of fish that had been thought to have gone extinct in the Cretaceous.
32. An image feet of live mainly in Jurassic and cretaceous.
33. The east depression of Liaohe Basin is a Cenozonic intra continental rifting basin formed on the late Cretaceous Paleocene regional uplift.
34. The Cretaceous period ended 65 m years ago with the obliteration of the dinosaurs.
35. Mid-lower cretaceous sandstone uranium deposit of basin of Guojiawan and Guguan in north China platform west and Qinqi geosyncline east.
36. Only, there are no spoonbill fossils from the early Cretaceous, so there is no way to say for sure.
37. Fossils of Caproberyx indicate they swam the waters of Europe and Africa during Cretaceous period.
38. At model is erected. ordos basin developed from Mid - late Triassic to Early Cretaceous, then, underwent reformation.
39. Chagan Depression is a rift subsidence basin, which has developed cretaceous hydrocarbon.
40. Analcite mineral was found rock specimen of cretaceous system in the Ordos Basin via using micro - analysis.
41. Xihu depression is a cretaceous - tertiary basin undergoing multi - episodic tectonism.
42. The paper discusses the strata significance of the Cretaceous Ostracoda fossil distribution and the relationship between the flourish and decline of Ostracoda with Magnetostratigraphy.
43. Cretaceous structures are commonly overlain by Miocene channel and turbidite sands that are also draped across underlying highs.
44. This paper analyses the tectonic environment and genetic mechanism for volcanic complex after discussing the petrology and petrochemistry characteristics of Cretaceous volcanic complex.
45. The Protoceratops was a vegetable-eating dinosaur about the size of a sheep that experts believe lived in herds during the Cretaceous Period.
46. Cretaceous The most recent period of the Mesozoic era, 145 - 66 million years ago.
47. Any of various small, mostly tailless, extinct flying reptiles of the order Pterosauria that existed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
48. In the research area, the primary surface formation are the Archeozoic — Proterozoic Jiaonan group there are kinds of Clastic rocks and Volcanic rocks in the metamorphite and Mesozoic Cretaceous.
49. From the Cretaceous, Tarim basin began the new evolutional stage of foreland basin.
50. The Maiasaura lived 80 to 65 million years ago. That time was called the Cretaceous period.
51. ABSTRACT Non - marine dinoflagellate fossil of middle cretaceous is very rare in the world.
52. Analcite mineral was found rock specimen of cretaceous system in the Ordos Basio vis using micro - analysis.
53. "For millions of years, until their extinction at the end of the Cretaceous, duck-billed dinosaurs, or hadrosaurs, were the world's dominant herbivores, " Purnell said.
54. Such grains have been reported in several end Cretaceous impact sites around the world as well.
55. The fourth occurred at the end of the Early Cretaceous, showing titling with weak faulting and folding.
56. The Shiling sodalite syenite, Guangdong province, is only early Cretaceous SiO2-undersaturated alkali syenite known in Nanling area, southeastern China.
57. By the end of Cretaceous the marginal ocean basin began to close.
58. Cretaceous sandstone and Eogene mudstone are the main reservoir and caprock.
59. Dinosaurian egg is a kind of peculiar and precious fossil in the Late Cretaceous strata, which are well-developed and widely distributed in nearly 30 basins of varied sizes and shapes in Jiangxi.
60. Distribution characters and assemblages of fossils of sporopollen, ostracoda and Charophyte from Cretaceous to Tertiary in Turpan-Hami basin are studied in this paper.
61. The upper structure layer is composed of the Cretaceous to the Quaternary, which shows a large slope dipping northwestward.
62. The main types of clastic sandstones are feldspathic litharenite and lithic arkose in the Cretaceous of the Songliao basin.
63. This dinosaurian group arose early in the late Late Jurassic, and flourished in the Early Cretaceous.
64. Paleomagnetic results from the both sides of Honghe fault zone have shown that the Yangzi block has been united with the Qiangtang terrane since Cretaceous.
65. Mineral, palaeontology, middle devonian, permian to early jurassic, and cretaceous.
66. Permo Carboniferous coal series have relative good coal gas potential, dark mudstones in Lower Jurassic, lower part of Middle Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous are the best source rocks.
67. The facies types of the Lower Cretaceous are mainly delta, lake and turbidity.
68. As we know, there had been in "greenhouse" climate in Cretaceous which was interrupted by " icehouse " climate in some epochs of both Early and Late Cretaceous.
69. The mentioned above dating results imply that Mesozoic magmatism in the NCB chiefly happened in early Cretaceous.
70. In this paper, we discuss the oxygen content of the Late Cretaceous sea water by means of microfossil proxies .
71. The earliest known bird, Archaeopteryx, lived during the Jurassic, the period before the Cretaceous.
72. The meandering river deposit backslider from the studied area largely in the deposition period of Lianmuxing Formation in the early Cretaceous. The meandering stream was widely developed.
73. Fula Transform Zone in the middle structural zone is formed during the first rifting phase in Early Cretaceous.
74. From the view of stratigraphy, they all belong to the Cretaceous period.
75. This story, though, raises the question of why there is but a single ejecta layer of iridium and shocked quartz in late Cretaceous rocks around the world.
76. So the researchers resorted to some techniques out of a Cretaceous CSI.
77. Analcite mineral was found from rock specimen of cretaceous system in the Ordos Basin via using micro-analysis.
78. Ankylosaurus lived 70 to 65 million years ago. That time was called the late Cretaceous period.
79. Only in the tropics were numerous late Cretaceous groups extinguished during peaks in their evolution.
80. The NWW - extending Cretaceous amphibolic diabase dikes are developed in Xiazhuang uranium ore field , Northern Guangdong province.
81. No creditable macrofossil record of the Fagaceae exists in the Cretaceous equivocal and require further study.
82. The prototype of Zhoukou Cretaceous basin should be of foredeep basin.
83. The Fangshan granodiorite pluton of Lower Cretaceous occupies the middle of core.
84. This ostracod fauna has also been reported from the Upper Cretaceous strata in Mongolia.
85. Thirdly, it formed fracture combination in Permian, Trias, Jurassic and Cretaceous strata effected by the compression-strike-slip structure superposed and rebuilt process.
86. The deposit is hosted in the Mesozoic Upper Cretaceous volcanic rocks, associated with dacite, andesite, andesitic porphyrite and rhyolite.
86. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
87. But under the control of NE-SW tensile stress field of Early Cretaceous, in the eastern part of "Ergun Block" sag belt was formed and the basement tectonics is NE-NNE direction.
88. Liupanshan Cretaceous basin is a mono - basin of Liupanshan inland overlapping basin.
89. The unconformity between the Eocene and the Lower Cretaceous is common in Jiuquan basin.
90. The research result shows:Badaohao Formation - coal-bearing strata - in Badaohao Coal Basin is of early Cretaceous Period and can be correlated to Shahai Formation in Fuxin Basin.
91. The prehistoric reptile lived in the Cretaceous period, about 125 million years ago.
92. As fossil evidences show, the fossil of taxus were found in the upper Cretaceous period.
93. But nearly 100 million years ago relatives of modern snakes undulated through Cretaceous period waters aided by a paddlelike tail and dragging a pair of short, footless hind legs.
94. Colorado plateau, constituted by Cretaceous red sandstone, formed various sized canyons and cliffs through river force.
95. There exist three superposed manners of Jurassic and Cretaceous basins in space. They are titling superposition, superposed preservation and part superposition.
96. Argillaceous siltstone is a kind of soft rock, which is widespread during Cretaceous to Eogene in China.
97. In these regions the desert insects originated later, i. e. , in Cretaceous Period, and the insect fauna formed in Eocene Epoch of the early Tertiary Period.
98. Upper Cretaceous : Including the Sifangtai Formation — Minshui Formation, corresponding to the Cenonian — Maestrichtian.
99. For the first time, the algae laminae with strong fluorescence are found out in the Cretaceous source rocks through the research of organic petrology.
100. Gudian structure was formed in the late period in the deposition of Nenjiang series in Early Cretaceous, by the dray dueing the uplift of the hanging wall of the Gudian fault.
101. The sandstone-hosted copper deposits of Cretaceous age in the Chuxiong basin were closely related with the lower coaly formation, the middle cupriferous formation and upper gypsum-salt formation.
102. In the Q-F-L graph, the plotted points of quartz, feldspar and lithoclast contents of Cretaceous sandstone-mudstone cored from wells are mainly located in foreland basin area.
103. Reservoir rock of Jurassic and lower Cretaceous in Beishan Basin group is mainly feldspathic litharenite and lithic arkose, Secondly is lithic sandstone, Both mineral and textural maturity are poor.
104. From Cretaceous Period to Paleocene Eocene, subsidence and sedimentation area migrated gradually towards inside basin because the major thrust belts were piggyback and developed towards inside basin.
105. They are mainly limburgite and breccia like limburgite and intruded the Cretaceous red basins.
106. Corythosaurus lived 80 to 65 million years ago. That time was Cretaceous period.
107. Observations and ocean models suggest that the climate system and oceanic dynamics during the greenhouse Cretaceous were quite different from their present icehouse patterns.
108. Based on chorology, fossil records and dominant woody habit, the family may be considered as a fairly old one and probably originated in the Late Cretaceous or the Early Tertiary.
109. A member of the Dromaeosauridae of dinosaurs, it was a bird-like theropod dinosaur, which flourished during the Cretaceous Period.
110. The story takes place 6500 years ago in the Cretaceous period.
111. Any of various carnivorous dinosaurs of the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous Periods, similar to but smaller than the tyrannosaur.
112. On the southwestern margin of the basin there occur middle Yanshanian Late Triassic and Early Cretaceous coarse clastic molasse-like deposits and angular unconformity.
113. Albertosaurus lived 76 to 74 million years ago. That time was called the late Cretaceous period.
114. The asymmetry between north and south Kuqa basin filling sequences shows that the Cretaceous Kuga depression possesses the characteristics of forel and basins.
115. From late Cretaceous to Paleocene, it is the time of basin extruding, uplifting and denudation, therefore a larger angular unconformity formed between Mesozoic and Cenozoic.
116. Jurassic System entered oil - generating stage in Late Cretaceous Period, and entered oil - generating peak in Tertiary Period.
117. Multi - set of fan - delta , distributary channel and delta - front sand bodies of Jurassic and Cretaceous are favorible reservoirs.
118. The basin and the mountain were formed by Cenozoic rifting on the basis of the North China peneplain, which was formed in the Late Cretaceous.
119. The Cretaceous rhyolite - porphyry is the main parent rock Of the deposit , extending inNE - orientation.
120. Though the Cretaceous asteroid cleared the stage, mammals did not really get going until 10m years later, in the Eocene epoch.
121. The Santee Coastal Reserve core, a 545 ft deep borehole in northeastern Charleston County, South Carolina, recovered sediments of Late Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, and Quaternary age.
122. The boundaries between the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene, Paleocene and Eocene, and Eocene and Oligocene in China nearly accord with corresponding ones elsewhere in the world.
123. The Cretaceous extinction was like a terrible streak of bad luck lasting millions of years.
124. The Shiling sodalite syenite, Guangdong Province, is the only Early Cretaceous SiO 2 undersaturated alkali syenite known in the Nanling area, southeastern China.
125. The bones date from the Late Cretaceous epoch, about 85 million years ago.
126. The Bennettitales are a group of extinct seed plants that are similar to the cycads in both size and leaf morphology that existed from the Triassic to the early Cretaceous.
127. The Wuyun flora has more common elements with the Kivdin Flora (Paleocene) of Russia than with other floras of the Late Cretaceous to Eocene in East Asia and North America.
128. This clam fossil is from the Cretaceous Period,[http:///cretaceous.html] approximately 100 million years ago.
129. Hesperornis is an extinct genus of flightless aquatic birds that lived during the Late Cretaceous.
130. One hundred and twenty million years ago, when a Cretaceous sea covered what is now South Australia, an ichthyosaur had a really bad day.
131. At late Cretaceous, resulting from transgression from west to east in Southwestern Tarim Basin, continental clasts decreased eastwardly, while marine facies took dominance.
132. Triassic is the oldest period of Mesozoic followed successively by Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods.




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