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单词 Otto
1. Otto had measureless charm.
2. Peggy plumped down in the chair beside Otto.
3. He railed against Otto: Otto had money.
4. I rang Otto on the off-chance.
5. Quite forbidden by Otto because of the gases.
6. In 962, Otto became emperor of Rome.
7. Otto was confiding information about Jean-Claude to me.
8. Although it was very late, Otto whisked us off to dine that night at a restaurant some way along the coast.
9. I did not confide to Otto that Jean-Claude was stealing from me.
10. And then Otto went indoors to the piano and played a few bars of Debussy to illustrate a musical idea.
11. Otto was a busy man, he could not take time off when he wanted.
12. In the age of Otto the word emperor could be used, roughly speaking, in four different ways.
13. From Otto Bauer to Tom Nairn, the claims of the nationalist to the unequivocal existence of nations are honoured without challenge.
14. Otto Galler further improved the breed, crafting today's streamlined beast.
15. Arriving back at the cottage, Otto was in a thoroughly excited state.
16. But I also had the sense that Otto had something to do with Jean-Claude's need for greater privacy.
17. Otto had ordered Alsatian beer, sausages and sauerkraut for two.
18. On first impressions, Krynauw Otto is one of the scariest sights in international rugby.
19. Krynauw Otto had his feet and ankles taped up, Teich enjoyed a massage and Lem started to throw the ball around.
20. He sent a messenger, a monk, Otto of Salem, to Rome to sound out Innocent.
21. He is followed by Otto, who wishes everyone a merry Christmas.
22. I learnt from Otto before I left that Ahmed had been taken into custody prior to being deported.
23. Otto had been true to his word and left out for me a pair of boy's shorts.
24. The new Welf candidate was Otto, brother of the count Palatine Henry, a man who knew nothing of imperial affairs.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. Otto looked around quickly to make sure no one was looking and then sniffed his armpits.
26. Their friend Otto Korn, the physicist, had shown that particles move backwards in time.
27. It's comforting that on an adjacent sound stage they are making a comedy called Otto: The Love Story.
28. To make taffy, to advertise taffy, to provide employment, to earn a profit, to inspire Otto Rossler?
29. This can lead to considerable misunderstanding between members of different societies as the following example provided by Otto Klineberg shows.
30. Both stories are marvelously told with learned asides that Otto is so good at.
31. Early in 1202 secret negotiations had already begun between Otto and Innocent.
32. What then had happened between 5 January and 1 March 1201 and why had Innocent declared for Otto before the council?
33. As if Otto had lifted a finger during her long months of planning!
34. Even Otto, the famous scientist, was a school-boy with a pencil, doing his long division.
35. Whether they had much bearing on the ambition of Otto and his successors to be emperors may be doubted.
36. Otto built a special racing engine in 1901 that weighed a thousand pounds and produced forty horsepower.
37. The pope was still trying to conjure up support for Otto.
38. The intervention of Bloomsbury House forestalled a likely prison sentence for Otto, who stole money from his landlady and his employer.
39. None was more despairing than Otto, for if the pope died Otto's position would be immediately weakened.
40. Gaspar Schott's sketch of Otto von Guericke'Magdeburg hemispheres experiment.
41. Otto always has an eye for the main chance.
42. Ideal Otto cycle is introduced in chapter four.
43. This is something which German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck understood in relation to the structure of competing military alliances prevalent prior to World War I.
44. WHEN Otto von Bismarck introduced the first pension for workers over 70 in 1889, the life expectancy of a Prussian was 45.
45. In the late 1970's, however, Otto Buchner gave less lecture and concerts, which also caused a halt in the work of the Munich Bach-Soloists for a short period of time.
46. The four-stroke approach is also known as the Otto cycle, in honor of Nikolaus Otto, who invented it in 1867.
47. According to the Xinhua News Agency Xinhua last emperor of Austria-Hungary, the eldest son of Otto von Habsburg who died earlier this month, is scheduled for 16 buried in Vienna, Austria.
48. Otto von Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor, was once offended beyond endurance by a physician-turned-politician, Rudolf Virchow, and challenged him to a duel.
49. Clark and Chalmers concluded that real people are actually more like Otto than like Inga: We all have minds that extend out into our environments.
50. Rose Otto Oil, Aloe Vera, Chamomile, Lavender, Ginseng and Comfrey extracts.
51. As Bosnia burned, Lord Hurd's view was similar to that of Otto von Bismarck's more than a century earlier when he declared that the Balkans were not worth the bones of a single Pomeranian grenadier.
52. The 4-stroke engine is also called Otto cycle engine, in honor of the German engineer, Dr. Nikolaus Otto, who first applied the principle in 1876.
53. Similarly, Otto von Bismarck said, "Faust complained about having two souls in his breast, but I harbor a whole crowd of them and they quarrel. It is like being in a republic."
54. Otto jumped onto the foot of Mom's hospital bed[], and stayed.
55. The physiologist Otto Loewi was working on me mechanism of nerve action, in particular on the chemicals produced bynerve endings.
56. Caption :4. Majolica House; Vienna, Austria:Whimsical, singular, and down-right amazing, Otto Wagner's masterpiece is one of the greatest products of the Art Nouveau movement.
57. 1209 - Otto IV is crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire by Pope Innocent III.
58. G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Otto Rank, James Hillman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Susan Isaacs.
59. Similarly, Otto von Bismarck said, "Faust complained about having two souls in his breast, but I harbor a whole crowd of them and they quarrel.
60. Once touted as "Frau Germania" and the recipient of glowing comparisons to Margaret Thatcher and even Otto Von Bismarck, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, has definitely lost her mojo lately.
61. Hitler's SS adjutant Otto Gunsche poured gasoline over them and set fire to them.
62. The two-stroke engine cycle is different, as is the diesel cycle described above. The engine in the Mazda Millenia uses a modification of the Otto cycle called the Miller cycle.
63. Constituents of Rose Otto: Citronellol, Geraniol, Nerol, Farnesol, Esters, Rose Oxide etc hundreds of the rose fragrant ingredients.
64. Otto Mattick has aculeate tongue capable of inflicting considerable mental pain if roiled.
65. The study was conducted at Otto Wagner Hospital and Lainz Hospital in Austria.
66. The new wartsila; 50SG is a four-stroke, spark-ignited gas engine operating on the Otto cycle and incorporating the lean-burn principle.
67. The enterprise KLUWE OTTO KARL FERNTRANSPORTE offers Long - distance haulage among other things.
68. Recently Atkinson cycle has been used to describe a modified Otto cycle engine in which the intake valve is held open longer than normal to allow a reverse flow of intake air into the intake manifold.
69. Air Otto cycle is improved with the application of real gas instead of ambient air.
70. In this configuration an increase in both power and efficiency can be achieved when compared to the Otto cycle.
71. In 1898 Otto Wagner completed a project Akademic der Bildenden Kunste ( Acadamy of Fine Arts ) in Vienna.
72. The SG engines are spark-ignited lean-burn otto cycle gas engines.
73. Otto von Bismarck once said: "God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America."
74. The same idea was expressed, albeit less nobly, in Otto von Bismarck's alleged quip that "God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States."
75. "After the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, you could no longer say there was no historical Jesus," says Theologian Otto Betz of Tubingen, once a redoubt of Bultmannian doubters.
76. He died a year before his German friend Otto Hahn discovered the fission of the uranium nucleus in 1938.
77. Gas turbine engines use the Brayton cycle. Wankel rotary engines use the Otto cycle, but they do it in a very different way than four-stroke piston engines.
78. By adjusting the linkage to allow a power stroke that is longer than the compression stroke, the engine can achieve greater efficiency than with the Otto cycle engine.
79. In 1889 Otto von Bismarck[1] famously introduced the world's first (modest[2]) pension scheme in Germany.
80. While a modified Otto cycle engine using the "Atkinson cycle" provides good fuel economy, it is at the expense of a lower power-per-displacement as compared to a traditional four-stroke engine.
81. Otto was tucked into the crook of her elbow, listening adoringly as she read from the newspaper.
82. Otto von Bismarck, the father of the Second Reich in continental Europe, would recognize the emerging Pacific system.
83. Sliced bread was patented by a jeweller, Otto Rohwedder, in 1928.
84. Louise Otto - Peters, German writer , feminist[Sentencedict], poet and women's rights activist.
85. Are there any other cycles besides the Otto cycle used in car engines?
86. Otto Neben GmbH & Co. KG informs you about Roofing as well as about Facade construction.
87. Otto built the practical four-stroke internal combustion engine called the "Otto Cycle Engine, " and as soon as he had completed his engine, he built it into a motorcycle.
88. The South Americans look odds-on to qualify as group winners, but the race for second place is wide open, with Otto Rehhagel's side hoping to pip Korea Republic to the prize.
89. As Otto von Bismarck said, nations don't have friends, they have allies.
90. Marx, Engels, Lenin and their main disciples and co-thinkers like Rosa Luxemburg, Trotsky, Gramsci, Otto Bauer, Rudolf Hilferding, Bukharin et al.
91. Like Inga, Otto hears about the museum exhibit. Since he can't access the address in his brain, he looks it up in his notebook and then heads off in the same direction as Inga.




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