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单词 Sorted
1, Good, that's the accommodation sorted.
2, We've sorted out the computer system's initial problems.
3, The salesman sorted his new consignment of stockings.
4, Eggs are sorted into different sizes by a machine.
5, Paper, plastic and cans are sorted for recycling.
6, The postcode allows the mail to be sorted automatically.
7, Have you sorted something out for tomorrow night?
8, Women and children sorted the ore from the rock.
9, I sorted through my paperwork.
10, The letters are sorted by machine.
11, It's about time you sorted out your finances.
12, They sorted out the data and carded them.
13, After his death his sister sorted through his belongings.
14, We must get the phone sorted soon.
15, Vicky sat down and sorted through the files.
16, I sorted the clothes into two piles.
17, I'm trying to get my script sorted.
18, I sorted the clothes out into two piles.
19, Calm down. It's all sorted .
20, Have you sorted out how to get there yet?
21, Don't worry. We'll soon have this sorted.
22, The students are sorted into three ability groups.
23, The mail was sorted and pouched by 6 a.m.
24, She sorted through her suitcase for something to wear.
25, It's time you got yourself sorted.
26, We sorted the eggs as to size and colour.
27, The eggs are sorted according to size.
28, We have sorted out this wretched business at last.
29, It's our problem. We'll get it sorted.
30, Are we sorted for alcohol for tonight?
1, Good, that's the accommodation sorted.
2, We've sorted out the computer system's initial problems.
3, The salesman sorted his new consignment of stockings.
4, Eggs are sorted into different sizes by a machine.
31, He unlatched the box and sorted through the papers.
32, They sorted slowly and methodically through the papers.
33, We sorted the washing into piles of different garments.
34, We still haven't sorted out the thorny problem of where exactly the money is going to come from.
35, When the kitchen is finished I'm going to focus my attention on the garden and get that sorted out.
36, It was the older women and young mothers who sorted all the troublemakers out.
37, I want to get things sorted out before I go away.
38, I just want to get everything sorted before I go away.
39, Matters can be more easily sorted out once you get to the resort.
40, The business of the missing tickets hasn't been sorted out.
41, India and Nepal have sorted out their trade and security dispute.
42, That school was sorted out in a matter of two months.
43, Have you sorted out where you're going to live yet?
44, I sorted out my mail, then settled down to some serious work.
45, I've sorted out the papers that can be thrown away.
46, We had a very productive meeting - I felt we sorted out a lot of problems.
47, I must get this paperwork sorted before I go on holiday next week.
48, Rubbish can easily be separated and sorted into plastics(/sorted.html), glass and paper.
49, Everything should be sorted out by the middle of next year.
50, I'll be glad to get this misunderstanding sorted out .
51, The second dispute was sorted out in a like manner.
52, I decided that nothing should be done hastily, that things had to be sorted out carefully.
53, I want you to instruct them that they've got three months to get the details sorted out.
54, The fruit is washed, sorted and bagged at the farm.
55, All the names on the list have been sorted into alphabetical order.
56, I haven't sorted out the practical details of getting there yet.
57, I sorted the books into big ones and small ones.
58, In all seriousness now - joking aside - I do think there's a problem here that we've got to get sorted.
59, This is just a holding operation until we get the new management structure sorted out.
60, If he can't get his talk sorted, we'll have to ask someone else.
61, Debbie's sorted for Tuesday night because she's found a babysitter.
62, However we soon were sorted and ready.
63, They haven't even got my benefits sorted out.
64, These things could be sorted out and surmounted.
65, Get your problems sorted out here.
66, Things are sill being sorted out.
67, Applications will be sorted into three categories.
68, It didn't take long to get things sorted out.
69, Press 'Enter' to display the sorted mailing list.
70, It was full, and he sorted through the mail.
71, She sighed again and sorted through the rough sketches.
72, Martin still hasn't got his invalidity pension sorted out.
73, The seating problem more or less sorted itself out.
74, I've still to get myself sorted out.
75, We sorted out the knitting next morning.
75, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
76, House, furniture, people Doll's house furniture may be sorted to be placed in particular rooms.
77, Similarly, insects and land snail shells are identified, sorted and quantified in the same way as animal and plant remains.
78, Andersson, capped 15 times, should be eligible in the New Year after work permit formalities have been sorted out.
79, Whilst I was in Holloway, my probation officer sorted out something to try and stop me getting a prison sentence.
80, These lists are sorted in numerical order and delimited by square brackets.
81, We sorted all the clothes into two piles - those to be kept, and those to be given away.
82, With a few well-chosen words and a quick sketch or two, Bryan sorted them out for us.
83, A more ruthless woman would have sorted William out long ago.
84, Get all your benefits sorted out and then start looking around again.
85, So he stole a big A2 flip chart from work - the council has lots - and that sorted everything out.
86, You will have to spend some time getting the suspension sorted.
87, The FBI sorted through the suspects' garbage in hopes of finding clues.
88, It's our first season as a protest group and we haven't quite got the publishing side sorted out.
89, Get your money problems sorted out and the rest will follow.
90, Bodie upturned the waste bin and sorted through the small pile of chewing-gum wrappers, empty cigarette packets, and cigarette butts.
91, I tallied our money, sorted it, found a sickly rubber band in the glove compartment to wrap around it.
92, Here we were sorted our into groups according to the types of honours and quite a long wait ensued.
93, There's something I ought to have sorted out, I can sense it, but I need to think.
94, Julius quickly sorted through them, tossing them carelessly on to the floor as he continued his fast but thorough search.
95, The equipment, which should be stored nearby, can be sorted on to shelves or into bins and buckets.
96, All that will be sorted out by the social workers who are trying to find his next of kin.
97, Until this whole ridiculous mess is sorted out you're involved right up to your pretty little neck.
98, Sorted out some more work to be photocopied. 12.00: My lunch break. 12.30: Back to class.
99, Well, by the time things had sorted themselves out, Johnny Miller was nearest to us and we were paired with him.
100, I've sorted things out with the landlord at the Prince William.
101, I wanted him to be home with me, but I needed to get myself sorted out.
102, If you enter a document name, the sorted list will be saved on the disk under that name.
103, The Miss Cardings next door, they would have let me stay there until I got myself sorted out.
104, When they had sorted the collection completely, they stacked each set in piles.
105, I sorted the laundry.
105, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
106, The table is now sorted in descending order according to the Amount field, as shown in figure 11. 5.
107, After a careful examination of the bottles, I sorted one out, and poured the amber fluid into an expensive glass.
108, Your reference materials should be sorted out and grouped together around each subheading within the proposal outline.
109, Tom had been keen to take advantage of the medical facilities at Wiesbaden, if only to get his teeth sorted out.
110, Martin still hasn't got his invalidity pension sorted out, but he's managing all right at the moment.
111, I think I have the problem sorted out and the Honda is quick enough to win the race.
112, Rough when it happens, though. Get all your benefits sorted out and then start looking around again.
113, In two rounds of sprinting heats on the previous day, the wheat had been sorted from the chaff.
114, Sorted out the test roster and Greg has worked wonders with the lean-to.
115, I would read through a passage and get it sorted out as best I could.
116, Central to the tax are the bands into which homes of different value will be sorted.
117, I came home, put them on the floor and they virtually sorted themselves into two piles.
118, The use of rollers of varying size, colour and shape might be spontaneously sorted into trays provided.
119, Kate had asked for another day of leave to try and get her family affairs sorted out.
120, Research over the past years has begun to answer lots of questions, but much still remains to be sorted out.
121, It can then be sorted into onscreen folders, sent via e-mail or dispatched to a fax modem or printer.
122, The lawsuit asks a judge to halt the project until environmental issues are sorted out.
123, She is in hospital care until the baby-swop is sorted out.
124, I want you to instruct them that they've got three months instead of six to get the details sorted out.
125, Kirov sorted through the photographs, choosing two or three which seemed to most suit his purpose.
126, All the other problems could be sorted out when that had been accomplished.
127, The firm had to close while an expert sorted out the mess, the Old Bailey heard.
128, The federal lawsuit asks a judge to step in and halt the project until the environmental issues are sorted out.
129, Having sorted out his long game he just needs to acquire more consistency around the green.
130, And if I'd had any problems, he sorted them out.
131, Mail for guests in residence Any incoming mail for guests should be sorted and placed in the letter rack.
132, The children soon got the idea and sorted things of similar size and shape, e.g. egg boxes and yoghurt pots.
133, Still, it was time to clear the decks, time to get things sorted.
134, So there is an apparent contradiction here that could usefully be sorted out.
135, Now we've got that sorted, let's have a look at the game.
135, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
136, It needs to be sorted out before wildlife is badly affected.
137, They put me up in the spare room for a few days while I sorted things out.
138, Dominic sorted through the steely shapes in the table drawer until he found the bread-knife.
139, And David Goldsmith has also sorted out the best buys in powder snow equipment, so you are prepared for the exhilaration.
140, But contractors for the Re-Roof Housing Association have now sorted out the problems.
141, By the time they had sorted out the confusion and given chase,() the woman had made good her escape.
142, I could work here then go up to London during the day and try to get things sorted out.
143, Once the connection is sorted out, you have to decide what computers and Web server software you want to use.
144, And the thing is, that Barry doesn't really want to get on the plane until it's all sorted out.
145, It also contributes to debtors' sense of hopelessness, because as soon as one crisis is sorted out, another hits them.
146, The records will be sorted by zip code and displayed on the screen.
147, She sat down at her desk and sorted through her mail.
148, A number of legal problems still have to be sorted out.
149, The referrals are usually sorted by a team leader, put in order of priority, and allocated to social workers.
150, The truffles are sorted, brushed clean, weighed on Roman scales and placed in small chestnut baskets.
151, The United States considers strategic weapons negotiations the most pressing issue to be sorted out at the summit.
152, The previous recession sorted out two fundamental problems: overmanning and troublesome unions.
153, He had sorted the boxes of patent medicines and stacked them in one corner away from the cartons of collar studs and bootlaces.
154, In the 70's we had one of the best pitches in the league, so let's hope it gets sorted out.
155, But she added that the problems would be sorted out by next week.
156, In a mud hut on an endless plain, she sorted through the bones of unrecognizable animals.
157, Most hair care worries can be sorted out by changing your basic routine or using products to suit your hair type.
158, But the emotional impact of drastic life changes can never be wholly sorted out in advance.
159, It sorted itself naturally into three piles: junk mail, bills and Ya-Ya letters of condolence.
160, We also want this table sorted by the amount that the clients owe in descending order.
161, So for all you Seles fans, let's just get this sorted out once and for all.
162, She sorted out her things for tropic travel.
163, In India, waste paper is collected, sorted and recycled.
164, It provides a directory of different scientific fields of climatology and meteorology which are clearly sorted.
165, Daxi conglomerate is massic carbonate conglomerate with high pebble content, well - sorted and well - rounded fluvial origin.
166, In lithology , the calcareous sandstone is of coarse grain and fairly well sorted.
167, In general, by stating the points above I expect a compendium of epistemology is clearly sorted.
168, I suspect that the lawyers are going to have a field day before it's all sorted out.
169, Have the data been appropriately analysed , sorted, categorised , grouped, prioritised etc.
170, We download your personality into my neural net until we get this sorted out.
170, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
171, Descaling technology sorted compressed gas descaling , pressure water descaling, sand blast descaling by different descaling medium.
172, Tasks can be sorted by subject, priority, start or due date.
173, Sorted deck - a pack of cards not randomized from its prior condition.
174, Miss Lin sorted through the pile of clothes , then stood, abstracted, beside the bed.
175, Finally, physics about precession sorted by precession mechanism are presented curtly.




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