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单词 Contracting
1. The universe is expanding rather than contracting.
2. He developed full-blown Aids five years after contracting HIV.
3. The exercise consists of stretching and contracting the leg muscles.
4. Intravenous drug users are at particular risk of contracting the disease.
5. Other problems may arise as a result of contracting.
6. They allow contracting procedures to be standardised and streamlined.
7. Contracting may be effective because it makes evasion difficult, facilitates communication, and offers rewards to the patient.
8. Some, like regulation, tax policy, contracting, and grants, were long established.
9. The chances of a healthy adult contracting the disease are negligible.
10. But dipping a toe into the contracting pond can be problematic.
11. But the country's economy is contracting, and Chernobyl is no longer seen as vital to its energy needs.
12. The contracting culture should mean greater opportunities for voluntary sector providers, but Mussenden identifies problems.
13. But electrical contracting business fell 5%,(sentence dictionary) despite lower wage costs.
14. Machinery contracting not only helped the farm's cash-flow but also, once established, gave the farm access to modern machinery.
15. Nevertheless contracting does incur greater administrative costs in the form of new accounting and information systems and staff.
16. But his secret life was contracting as East/West tensions slackened.
17. Chapter 5, finally, deals with some aspects of contracting with consumers.
18. Contracting States are to designate the authorities which consuls may approach.
19. Practices on the rise included contracting for services, performance measurement, participatory management, impact fees, and strategic planning.
20. I don't want to be associated with your scheme; I'm contracting out.
21. When he tried to return in 1992, several players said they were concerned about contracting the virus by playing against him.
22. It is also being ushered in by an unusual duo: contracting credit and falling interest rates.
23. Frustration is where a contract is terminated by an event which has arisen through no fault of either contracting party.
24. Subsequent work included canal and river navigation, land drainage, and harbour projects, as well as a brief venture into canal contracting.
25. This setback to the economy occurred after seven years of contracting production and rising unemployment.
26. The staff relaxed, until the building started expanding and contracting - an effect they described as akin to heavy breathing.
27. Not all practices will want to contract for an expanded range of services and local circumstances will also affect contracting decisions.
28. However, there is no doubt that the majority of authorities do favour an examination of reasonableness at the time of contracting.
29. None of the papers commented on the consultation paper dealing with contracting.
30. In any event, the Richmond City Council has supported its determination that minorities have been wrongly excluded from local construction contracting.
1. I don't want to be associated with your scheme; I'm contracting out.
31. They were determined to stop the widespread corruption that had discredited government contracting.
32. A public employee union in Michigan sued to block the state from contracting out job training for welfare recipients.
33. Croson to be the death knell for minority contracting laws, many big city officials refused to give up.
34. Many firms are increasingly contracting out administrative services positions and otherwise streamlining these functions in an effort to cut costs.
35. The younger ones remember Watergate, the oil embargo and a contracting economy.
36. This agreement includes pay reductions at all levels, contracting out of non-core activities and a three year industrial peace clause.
37. Without it, a painful 1991 for the contracting group would have been even more unpleasant.
38. Our expertise in Engineering Contracting and Design has given us a strong position in long term partnering contracts.
39. The model requires that general practitioners and managers develop new skills particularly in contracting.
40. Proposition 209 bars preferences based on race and gender in public employment, contracting and education in state and local government.
41. However, even if this were permitted, the necessary expertise for contracting is unlikely to be available at the local level.
42. It would ban racial and gender preferences in all state government hiring, contracting and education programs.
43. Down the line the rest of the oil and loan dependent economy was contracting.
43. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
44. Harvard had hoped to retain its No. 1 spot by freezing out competitors from contracting with most of those physicians.
45. Sub-contracting or contracting out was but one of a number of cost-cutting strategies.
46. These adjustments carry through to the resource market as expanding industries demand more resources and contracting industries demand fewer.
47. The agency apparently also wants to ease its administrative burdens under the contracting ordinance.
48. Then their five year old daughter Sarah tragically died after contracting the illness.
49. When these findings attracted media attention, Mayor Lindsay appointed a commission to look into the option of contracting out garbage collection.
50. This idea is attractive because it would mean a nice symmetry between the expanding and contracting phases.
51. Standardization of contracts is typically unilateral, being devised by particular contracting parties or their trade associations.
52. The mix of skills should also be very different with an emphasis on analytical and contracting expertise.
53. The Human Resources Department in turn was responsible for contracting for these services and for ongoing administrative oversight of the programs.
54. And the minority contracting program is about to suffer another setback.
55. The iris reacts quickly to changes in light levels, dilating or contracting, enlarging or decreasing the size of the pupil.
56. Thus intelligent life could not exist in the contracting phase of the universe.
57. In normal circumstances the suggestion that a contracting party can rely on his own breach to establish consideration is distinctly unattractive.
58. This can not have been the intention of Parliament when it prevented drivers from contracting out of their liability to a passenger.
59. They say that at a certain point it will stop expanding and start contracting again, back into the original primal seed.
60. We will bring private sector enterprise into the public services by encouraging contracting out and competitive tendering throughout government.
61. Law mirrors the abstract individuality and formal equality of contracting parties in the capitalist market.
62. The existence of expanding and contracting directions is an essential prerequisite for chaotic behaviour in dissipative systems of this sort.
63. Wives may act as secretaries but there is often difficulty in contracting sub-contractors during normal office hours.
64. A third priority raised is contracting with the independent sector.
65. Prices are spiralling, the economy is contracting and jobs are disappearing even faster than the emigrants are leaving.
66. The high cost of private housing in a contracting market is a crucial factor in considering the consequences for student well-being.
67. Many councils have investigated, and some have actually pursued, such policies of privatisation, or contracting out.
68. It was so cold, he got small as he walked, contracting his middle, like a turtle pulling himself in.
69. Other studies confirm Savas's points, although estimates of the savings from contracting vary.
70. This is the direction of time in which the universe is expanding rather than contracting.
71. His lower abdomen was expanding and contracting in a deep, regular pattern.
72. Contracting arrangements Editor, - B Olsburgh raises the question of rational distribution of health care resources in relation to coronary artery bypass grafting.
73. Under our model contracting may cause difficulties with dispensing, deputising, partnership agreements, profitability, and investment in premises.
74. Finally, headquarters staff functions were streamlined by delegating some to store managers and contracting others to outside vendors.
75. In share sales it is the ownership of the contracting party that is changing rather than the identity of the contracting party.
76. A failure to conform to the legal requirements in contracting a marriage will render that marriage void.
77. Will the universe eventually stop expanding and start contracting, or will it expand for ever?
78. Hobson was the associate deputy administrator for government contracting and minority enterprise development.
79. Movements occur simultaneously over many parts of the embryo with sheets of cells streaming past each other, contracting and expanding.
80. Saga-type series, first developing the ideas and then contracting with writers to realize them.
81. We saw in Chapter 6 that fixed-term contracts offer one, strictly limited, means of contracting out of statutory rights.
82. These reservoirs behave as imperfectly elastic containers, expanding and contracting to accommodate fluxes of melt.
83. The interiors contracting operation, enlarged by the £26m acquisition of Plumb Holdings in May, improved profits to £1.6m.
84. The Housing Authority of Louisville quit contracting with one of its resident management corporations because the corporation began to cheat.
85. Einstein's original equations of general relativity predicted that the universe was either expanding or contracting.
86. When he formed his own contracting firm, his partners were some of the best-known politicians and railway men in the country.
87. In the early forties researchers reasserted an earlier observation that children who had had recent tonsillectomies were prone to contracting polio.
88. The heart pumps by expending and contracting of muscle.
89. Their foreign markets are contracting.
90. The heart pumps by expanding and contracting of muscle.
91. Service Trade General Agreement and China Foreign Labor Contracting.
92. His insides contracting , Chicken George sat mutely.
93. Having consumed all the hydrogen fuel in its core, it expanded massively into a "red giant" and might have eaten up smaller rocky planets like our own Earth in the process, before contracting.
94. As a loose - knit organisation, an agreement between contracting parties , the GATT differed organisationally from the IMF.
95. Eighteen people have died in Brasilia, the Brazilian capital, after contracting a hospital superbug, the BBC reported.
96. Moreover land contracting right of management circulation and homestead circulation question.
97. Liability for fault in contracting is a kind of liability produced during the establishment of contract, and which also has been an independent part in the legal system.
98. Any State that becomes a Contracting Party will be bound by the Treaty 90 days following the deposit of its instrument of ratification (or equivalent) in the United Nations Headquarters.
99. Such designation shall be effected by virtue of a written notification between the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties.
100. Accordingly, absent the contracting state's explicit waiver of all aspects of its sovereign immunity, its assets will generally enjoy immunity from execution.
101. Note:Figures on"Gross Output Value"are of general contracting and professional contraction construction enterprises.
102. A person who is not capable of contracting or who has limited capacity to contract can neither establish nor terminate a residence without the consent of his legal representative.
103. He hesitated and added ,(http:///contracting.html) the muscles of his face contracting whitely.
104. The Court of Appeals' decision is clearly wrong as a matter of law and it has broad implications for all forms of government contracting nationwide.
105. Your GI tract is an involuntary muscle which is constantly contracting and expanding.
106. Because it determines the responsibilities and obligations of both contracting parties, the successful implement of the contract and the attainment of corresponding remedy endowed by law.
107. Woman should have a say as one of the contracting parties.
108. So, despite the fact that most adult Americans either have HSV-1 or 2, or are at very high risk of contracting it in their lifetime, not enough is being done to stop the pathogen.
109. The Seattle-based architecture and general contracting firm recently created the first cargo container buildings for Seattle in the design district of the Georgetown area.
110. Is suitable and is fixed to the patient contracting place lacing.
111. England and France are both contracting states of this treaty.
112. A country becomes a contracting party to the WHO FCTC 90 days after the deposit of a valid instrument of ratification or equivalent at the UN headquarters in New York.
113. This Agreement shall apply to taxes on income and on capital imposed on behalf of a Contracting State or of its local authorities irrespective of the manner in which they are levied.
114. Besides, company is in the capacity of contracting large building projects and high quality property management.
115. The first two sounds are produced by muscles contracting around the fish's swim bladder.
116. This Agreement shall apply to taxes on income imposed on behalf of a Contracting State or local authorities, irrespective of the manner in which they are levied.
117. Each of the Contracting Parties shall notify the other Contracting Party in writing of the completion of the procedures required by its law for the bringing into force of this Protocol.
118. They found that before the Big Bang, there was a contracting universe.
119. Manifestation of mutual assent by the contracting parties to an exchange and consideration has long provided the legal basis for virtually every business transaction, large or small.
120. One person can set up the right of inhabitation by willing, bequeathing contracting and so on.
121. The Contracting Parties shall keep records of the communication, receipt and deletion of personal data.
122. The Wiesbaden Contracting Center, which is part of the Army Contracting Command Europe, is the contracting activity.
123. Any Contracting State may require a copy of the receipt of the deposit referred to in subparagraph(a), issued by the international depositary authority.
124. Under Design - build general contracting mode, contractor takes great risk.
125. Customs tariff nomenclature means the nomenclature established under the legislation of a Contracting Party for the purposes of levying duties of Customs on imported goods.
126. Expanding with heat and contracting with cold is a natural phenomenon.
127. International engineering contracting is an important means of world economic exchanges and technical cooperation.
128. The validity of contract is a force endowed by law to guarantee the performance of contract and strength of self-discipline of both contracting parties for realizing the aim of contract positively.
129. The lump - contracting mode is one of engineering project management mode.
130. Fourth, overseas project contracting and labor service have developed swiftly.
131. Previous to coming to Microsoft, I've bounced around the industry doing contracting, shrinkwrap development, and even a little bit of embedded software waaay back in the 90's.
132. The second project was awarded via contracting engineer, CB & I John Brown ( London ) Ltd.
133. Normal breathing is accomplished by contracting the dome-shaped diaphragm downward into a flat shape.
133. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
134. On the other hand, overseas project contracting and construction projects.
135. The business is contracting at about 10 per cent a year.
136. Such consultations shall be completed within 21 days of being requested and the tariff shall take effect at the end of that period unless the authorities of both Contracting Parties agree otherwise.
137. If the Enterprise could warp the space-time continuum by expanding the area behind it and contracting the area in front, the crew could avoid going the speed of light.
138. The lake seemed to breathe, expanding and contracting, rising and falling, its surface level changing several feet in a matter of minutes, spectacular and terrifying at once.
139. A contract silent on patent application, the contracting party - discoverer or ? inventor is entitled the patent application.
140. This same enzyme, phosphodiesterase type 5, also limits blood flow by contracting the muscles around blood vessels.
141. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren, Va. is the contracting authority (Contract Number N00178-08-D-5394).
142. Nothing in sub-paragraph (b) above shall prevent the aeronautical authority of either Contracting Party from unilaterally disallowing any tariff filed by one of their own designated airlines.
143. The Contracting Parties at their first consultative meeting shall establish rules of procedure as necessary.
144. The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in Charleston, S.C., is the contracting activity responsible for overseeing the work.
145. Asas the contracting cloud becomes opaque to its own infrared radiation, its luminosity will drop abruptly.
146. The compensation of liability for contracting fault is limited to the range of the credit interest.
147. With the company's experience and ability, we design and provide cost-effective fire-resistant lining materials, general contracting and engineering services.
148. As the macro - economic pre - contracting, fund managers are still large differences between the.
149. They failed to conform to the legal requirements in contracting a marriage.
150. In China's Contract Law, we establish the system of liability for fault contracting, but it hat some weakness and needs improvement.
151. The contracting parties agreed upon the application of law for dispute resolution of the Lease Contract.
152. As a slowly contracting dwarf the star may remain luminous for billions of years.
153. Contracting with pedicel and equator which have different thickness between various species, upper has thinner oil gland in despite of dissimilar species.
154. The other contracting party becomes liable to the agent on the contract.




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