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单词 Rapidity
1, The styles change with bewildering rapidity.
2, Their debts mounted with alarming rapidity.
3, The disease is spreading with alarming rapidity.
4, The water rushed through the holes with great rapidity.
5, The film shows the rapidity of the changes in this area of medicine.
6, The rapidity with which El precipitado moves from scene to scene makes it a very fast moving drama.
7, The dizzy rapidity of changes in the ministry was matched only by the accelerating deficit.
8, The main amplifier demands a high rapidity in AGC.
9, Aminal and vegetable pests propagate with extreme rapidity.
10, The soldiers loaded and discharged with great rapidity.
11, Her character ripened and developed with frightfully rapidity.
12, Despite the rapidity with which a dooryard became the woods again, there was still something of a south-facing clearing there.
13, His rapidity in establishing inter - personal relations tends to be matched by the superficiality of such relations.
14, Retiming, which can optimize the rapidity, area and functional extravagance through moving the sequential elements and change the number of sequential elements.
15, And the parrot would say , with great rapidity ,'Pieces of eight!
16, Lightness, rapidity , nimbleness ,[http:///rapidity.html] grace and apparel all to theThe emeraldthethe topaz gleam upon its dress.
17, His son was obsessive about music, mastering classical, folk and rock modes with alarming rapidity.
18, During the last minutes she had been talking with extreme rapidity in a light high voice.
19, All three were drinking whisky, barely moistened with soda water, with a rapidity that had ceased to startle their friends.
20, The men were knocked away from them with great rapidity and slaughter by the terrible fire of the enemy.
21, Almost like new roses themselves, chemical insecticides and fungicides come and go with remarkable rapidity.
22, Cheaper memory, faster processors, and larger storage devices, come on to the market with increasing rapidity.
23, Our batteries were dashing across the plain with frightful vehemence, wheeling into position and firing with terrific rapidity.
24, The change appears to be a genuine evolutionary development that has taken place with unusual rapidity.
25, My eyes turned instinctively in the direction, and I saw a figure leap with great rapidity behind the trunk of a pine.
26, The operation, to be successful, had to be carried out with great rapidity.
27, While the count picked up the paper he put spurs to his horse, which leaped in astonishment at such an unusual stimulus, and shot away with the rapidity of an arrow.
28, Email has been in general use for its convenience, rapidity, cheapness, easy saving and management.
29, The influence of various parameters of planing boat on rapidity and navigability is also analyzed.
30, After affirming the existence of non-Fourier effect, the hyperbolic equation suited for describing rapidity heat transfer process inside propellant is obtained.
1, The styles change with bewildering rapidity.
31, The number of terms actually used depends upon the rapidity of the convergence.
32, With the rapidity of population aging process, gerontology is becoming a science urgently needed in China.
33, With the increased application and maturity of technology, rapidity, effectiveness and rationality have generally become the necessary requirements of a good usability evaluation.
34, The pop world is a milieu where reputations decline and fall with more than usual rapidity.
35, In this information age when science and technology are developing with great rapidity, network has become an important symbol of modern life .
36, Kuang and his troupe of tyro assassins are younger and more in over their heads than they realize, and things get emotionally and operationally out of hand with a rapidity that is stunning.
37, The experiment shows that the method has the advantages of rapidity, simplicity and clear chromatograms, thus can be used to control the quality of preparations containing moschus.
38, Compared with hide powder method, colloidal titration has the advantages of rapidity, (simplicity, )and...
39, The Pop world is a milieu where reputations decline and fall with more than usual rapidity.
40, The fast pace of many jobs "wears out its workers with great rapidity."
41, He was right in that America was altering with staggering rapidity.
42, As the industrial, commercial and private life of the country become more complex and are changing with increasing rapidity, statute law will play an ever more important part in English legal system.
43, Meanwhile, Tito's quick mind had been combining ideas with lightening - like rapidity.
44, Then you'll see how children adapt themselves with great rapidity, pride and security.
45, Lightness, rapidity, nimbleness, grace and rich apparel all belong to this little favorite.
46, The dependencies of all suggested measures for charge fluctuation on the size of rapidity window are compared by using the hadronic and nuclear collision models—PYTHIA and RQMD.
47, The rapidity of and potential severity necessitate prompt diagnosis and treatment.
48, In addition to the exhaustion of the men, and the immense losses due to the rapidity of their movements, Kutuzov saw another reason for slackening the pace, and not being in a hurry.
49, In five minutes we were the, and drifting with the most startling rapidity round the headland.
50, For less active convection, cumuliform clouds grow with less rapidity.
51, The continuity of a steam whistle is due to the intense rapidity of its sequential "explosions".
52, Fielding was not surprised at the rapidity of their intimacy.
53, The determination of sonic speed in a two phase flow by the use of a pulse time difference method features simplicity,[http://] rapidity and precision.
54, The fuzzy variable structure sliding model control provides rapidity and stability for tracking, while PI control eliminates steady-state vibration and improves steady-state accuracy.




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