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单词 startling
释义  start·ling /ˈstɑːtlɪŋ $ ˈstɑːrt-/ adjective  SURPRISEDvery unusual or surprising 惊人的;令人震惊的 Paddy’s words had a startling effect on the children. 帕迪的话在孩子们身上产生了惊人的效果。 a startling discovery 令人震惊的发现it is startling to do something It is startling to read that his father never visited him in hospital. 读到他父亲从未去医院看望过他的事,真叫人吃惊。 —startlingly adverbExamples from the Corpusstartling• The conclusion which is reached is quite startling.• Their non-media businesses included startling acquisitions such as the prestige Chateau Latour vineyard and the Royal Doulton china business.• A typically startling and ambitious novel of murder and other threats.• DuPont's 1988 survey showed a startling change in the attitude of male employees.• And the consequences could be even more startling, for better or for worse.• Perhaps even more startling, given the recent repressive climate, Zverev himself could also be seen working intuitively in public.• There has been a startling increase in the numbers of homeless people.• The programme documents startling new theories about the way the universe began.• The sound of clothes tumbling on to the floor was a startling phenomenon, difficult to interpret.• The one exception was her glasses, whose frames were a startling pink - perhaps an attempt to liven up her image?start·ling adjectiveChineseSyllable  surprising very unusual or Corpus




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