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单词 Electronic network
1. Electronic networks can support this organizational structure by providing the primary means of connection.
2. Electronic networks are replacing office buildings as the locus of business transactions.
3. They were intimately connected by an active worldwide electronic network, encrypted where necessary.
4. Electronic networks, such as electronic mail and computer bulletin boards, extend this changing political identity even further.
5. Tiger bridge, achieve global electronic network synchronization operation .
6. In electronic network theory, the existence and uniqueness of solution is a very important fundamental problem.
7. With extensive use of electronic network media, the material for study can meet various kinds of need, take up different constitutions and be send to students by way of exchanging and communicating.
8. Vehicles, road and electronic network are integrated by electronic information measures, in order to make them more efficient.
9. With the development of the electronic network, the digital transmission technology has been used in many fields.
10. Permission Email Marketing (PEM), a permitted electronic network marketing, is the main marketing form of one-to-one in the information age.
11. An analysis of the value of electronic network evidence should be based on its features with its usability and relevance as emphasis.
12. The Secure Electronic Network for Travelers' Rapid Inspection (SENTRI) allows pre-screened, low-risk travelers from Mexico to be processed in an expeditious manner through dedicated lanes.
13. The electronic network industry which was virtually unknown years ago has become a vital part of a country's national life.
14. Secure Electronic Network for Travelers' Rapid Inspection (SENTRI): The international land border between Mexico and the United States is the busiest in the world.
15. It now exists as pulses across an electronic network,() and as an idea.
16. An alphanumeric sequence that permits access to an electronic network, such as a telephone network or an automated teller machine.
17. Finally, designed controllers are used to electronic network systems to demonstrate their effectiveness.
18. Previously the world's largest user of punch-cards, Lloyd's switched to an electronic network at the start of this year.
19. With the development of the computer and network techniques, reader investigation through the electronic network is possible.
20. The basic courses are to aim at training students to master the most basic and necessary level of oral English interpretation, standard language( Mandarin Chinese) and electronic network application.
21. An American farmer today, for instance, may still get some dirt under his fingernails, but much of his labor is performed under the umbrella of the electronic network.
22. Stiff problems arise widely in many scientific and engineering fields such as control systems, biology, electronic network, physics and chemistry, etc.
23. There are two ways to emerge instantaneous over voltage in the side of low voltage which are thunderstruck and instantaneous process of electronic network.
24. In the social transition of our country, it is significant for electronic network to further promote peasant-workers citizenship and better integrate into urban society.
25. This article mainly focuses on how to establish internal control methods on electronic network system and how to use electronic network system in college infrastructure auditing.




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