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单词 In chief
1) The editor in chief embroidered the original story beyond recognition.
2) The Queen is Commander in Chief of the British armed forces.
3) He angles his reports to please his editor in chief.
4) The editor in chief was relieved from his post at the age of sixty-five.
5) He has been appointed editor in chief vice Mr.White,[http:///in chief.html]who has retired.
6) The resignation of the editor in chief was remarked upon by all the staff members in the newspaper office.
7) Pilger himself would remain editor in chief as agreed.
8) Her commander in chief is the greatest and most powerful man in the world.
9) He had to do something for the commander in chief.
10) As the editor in chief of such a magazine, I am obliged to answer a lot of questions about men.
11) They also may target his qualifications as commander in chief and past opposition to balanced-budget amendments and Social Security reform ideas.
12) Today he is commander in chief of the Khmer Rouge guerrilla army.
13) The Commander in Chief visited the island personally, and took steps toward strengthening the defense facilities and fortification.
14) Lahoud, formerly commander in chief of the army, uses officers he has appointed to key posts as his power base.
15) The editor in chief docked some of the articles.
16) The editor in chief cut out the last paragraph.
17) The President's official duties include being Commander in Chief.
18) Commander in Chief Anqieluodi also expresses commending to the team.
19) The commander in chief specially lets the pantry arrange a silverfish thick soup,() do you see to still make?
20) In a statement, New York Post editor in chief Col Allan said, "The Post stands by its story."
21) And as Lord Kitchener, Commander in Chief of the British Army, began fashioning the trench coat—then referred to simply as a “Burberry”—the place of this clothing item in society was sealed.
22) Mr Smith was moved up from an editor to editor in chief.
23) The move was initiated by 12 active generals, including the army's commander in chief, General Ricardo Brinzoni.
24) The first duty of a soldier is to obey her commander in chief.
25) Soon after the coup, Reza Khan became minister of war and defacto commander in chief of the armed forces.
26) Stewart, chairwoman of Omnimedia, will relinquish the job of editor in chief at her magazine to editor Stephen Drucker.
27) "In our country, it's not extreme to read documents such as these, " says Helena Giertta, editor in chief of Journalisten, a newspaper produced for Swedish journalists.
28) S Constitution stipulates the war power as : The power to declare war is vested in Congress, but President is Command in chief of army.
29) He is president of the Paleontological Society (2004-2006) and editor in chief of the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
30) With the senior "liberal" justice, John Paul Stevens, retired, Hurley asks whether Breyer will take over as the lead "dissenter in chief.
31) Garner is editor in chief of all current editions of Black's Law Dictionary.
32) Our Urbanist in Chief may sit in the Oval Office, but Americans continue to vote with their feet for the adopted hometown of widely disdained former President George W. Bush.
33) "We all know that these companies are taking a loss and that's not going to continue forever, " said Jonathan Karp, publisher and editor in chief at Twelve, an imprint of the Hachette Book Group.
34) When the Second Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia in May 1775, Washington, one of the Virginia delegates[/in chief.html], was elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.
35) "This is about business," said Angelica Cheung, the editor in chief of Vogue China.
36) As Commander in Chief, I ended our combat mission last year and pledged to keep our commitment to remove all our troops by the end of 2011.
37) In The U.S. the president is the commander in chief.
38) Commander in Chief confidence Man Manbing said that Durante will return the young vanguard position.
39) Fyodor Lukyanov is the editor in chief of the Russia in Global Affairs journal, published in Russian and English.
40) But head coach also borrows this aperture toto take office fully commander in chief.
41) Results All antipsychotic drug can give occasion to effects on increasing of weight, in chief of sulpiride and clozapine.
42) In his first imbroglio, the commander in chief found himself trapped between gay-rights activists and his own Joint Chiefs of Staff.
43) The commander in chief of all the armed forces in certain countries.
44) B. C. Alexander the Great, a student of Greek teacher Aristotle, proclaims himself commander in chief of all Greece and spreads Greek culture to the many lands he conquers, At the time of his death.
45) Mr Obama is "the groveller in chief", says Michelle Malkin, a conservative blogger.
46) In his Editor's note, the magazine's Editor in Chief Chris Johns said of Skiles: 'He set a standard for underwater photography, cinematography and exploration that is unsurpassed.
47) Among the guests at the dinner were the designer Vera Wang, who has family ties to China and also produces some of her clothes there, and Anna Wintour, the editor in chief of American Vogue.
48) Ma Yimu, the executive editor in chief of the magazine, announced the dismissal Monday on his microblog, saying, "I cannot believe it.
49) Mashable editor Lauren Indvik, Gilt Group founder Alexis Maybank, L2 researcher Maureen Mullen and Esquire's editor in chief David Granger discussed the new model of content and commerce.
50) He was commander in chief during the invasion of Panama.
51) It is this rifleman who shot the enemy commander in chief.
52) Elizabeth Bumiller, a columnist for The New York Times, documented that the "bawler in chief" may be setting a new standard for men.
53) Mrs. Kopold's father had been editor in chief of the Communist newspaper Rude Pravo, died fighting the Nazis in World War II, and had a bridge in Prague named for him.
54) He hoped to become commander in chief of the Continental Army, but George Washington was selected instead.
55) The latest by Bob Woodward describes the commander in chief as unusually aloof and detached.
56) As we heard a few weeks ago, Arianna Huffington is now the President and Editor In Chief of all of AOL's media properties, including TechCrunch, which is now called the Huffington Post Media Group.
57) "There is no other star in the world (who) causes more of a stir in the public eye than Lindsay," said Maxim Editor in Chief Jimmy Jellinek in a statement.
58) Obama is "the groveller in chief", says Michelle Malkin, a conservative blogger.
59) The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.
60) Adam Ostrow, editor in chief of online social media guide, says it's because the initial path to maximum reach wasn't clear.
61) At the time Baker's essay was published, the editor in chief of Harper's was Roger Hodge, who was abruptly relieved of his post earlier this year.
62) I wrote editor in chief Steve Brill to ask about the policy.
63) Everything else is just rumors, and that is the problem," says Amr Khafagy, the editor in chief of the independent al-Shorouq newspaper, which has run four stories and an editorial about Shehata.
64) Our Urbanist in Chief may sit in the Oval Office, but Americans continue to vote with their feet for the adopted hometown of widely disdained former President George W.
65) My fervent wish is that one day soon Reuters financial news editor in China will be a Chinese national - one step on that person's path to be global editor in chief!
66) At the battle of Copenhagen in 1801, Horatio Nelson in the Elephant was acting under Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, a rather cautious commander in chief.
67) The juristical puzzledom in rural private houses transaction comes in chief from the two puzzles of legal recognition and register of the business contract.
68) There is a plan, described as being in its "embryonic" stage, to split the position of editor in chief from that of director general.
69) Washington had already been a star general in the Revolution, commander in chief of Continental Army.
70) He is our absolver in chief. He forgives us for the sins we have commit ted and those we may yet commit.
71) John Adams, the major figure in the Continental Congress, and George Washington, the commander in chief of the Continental Army, are the chief players in this unusual story.
72) Editor in chief Ruth Reichl thought my first attempt at a chocolate graham cracker crust was too sandy.
73) My father returned to the Marconi Company as Engineer in Chief in 1946.
74) Simplicity - clear and simple objective, battle plan, and commands. One good commander in chief.




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