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单词 Accepting
1. He was quite agreeable to accepting the plan.
2. He was doubtful about accepting extra work.
3. I was on the verge of accepting.
4. He couldn't persuade me into accepting his terms.
5. The official demeaned himself by accepting the bribe.
6. They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs.
7. He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of suppliers.
8. The idea of accepting a bribe is repugnant to me.
9. At the time, accepting his offer had seemed the most natural thing in the world .
10. In that way one is sure of accepting no humbug.
11. She's in two minds about accepting his invitation.
12. My grandparents have never had a problem accepting me.
13. Her parents pushed her into accepting the job.
14. He dissuaded her from accepting the job.
15. All my experience argues against accepting their offer.
16. She had already compromised herself by accepting his invitation.
17. She was severely reprimanded for accepting the money.
18. Tom had grown up accepting his father's choice.
19. I'd hesitate before accepting such an offer.
20. I won't be browbeaten into accepting your proposals.
20. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. The vote went against him/against accepting the plan.
22. The club ruled against accepting new members.
23. She was pressurized into accepting the job.
24. She felt a fraud accepting their sympathy .
25. He was accused of accepting/taking bribes from wealthy businessmen.
26. An eminent judge has been disbarred for accepting bribes.
27. She acted dishonourably in accepting money for information.
28. He's starting to wonder whether he did the right thing in accepting this job.
29. The strange look in his eyes made me wary of accepting his offer.
30. For me, recovery has been all about finding my inner child and accepting her.
1. He was quite agreeable to accepting the plan.
2. He was doubtful about accepting extra work.
3. He couldn't persuade me into accepting his terms.
4. The official demeaned himself by accepting the bribe.
5. He's starting to wonder whether he did the right thing in accepting this job.
6. The strange look in his eyes made me wary of accepting his offer.
7. They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs.
8. He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of suppliers.
9. The idea of accepting a bribe is repugnant to me.
10. For me, recovery has been all about finding my inner child and accepting her.
11. At the time, accepting his offer had seemed the most natural thing in the world .
12. In that way one is sure of accepting no humbug.
31. She thought long and hard before accepting his offer.
32. She was hesitant about accepting the invitation.
33. There's nothing to stop you from accepting the offer.
34. By accepting the money, she was in contravention of company regulations.
35. In accepting the award, she mentioned the sterling work of her assistants.
36. Government officials have been accused of accepting inducements from local businessmen.
37. He warned us to be cautious of accepting their statements as fact.
38. Many men still have difficulty accepting a woman as a business partner.
39. It needs tactful management to persuade the board into accepting the plan.
40. Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting everything they are told without questioning it.
41. In accepting this award, I would like to thank the producer, the director, the scriptwriter and, lastly, the film crew.
42. We got estimates from three different contractors before accepting the lowest.
43. Try to develop a more critical attitude, instead of accepting everything at face value.
44. He has irretrievably compromised himself by accepting money from them.
45. He felt he had been trapped into accepting the terms of the contract.
46. The company is offering large pay-offs to anyone accepting voluntary redundancy.
47. The idea of accepting a bribe was repugnant to me.
48. He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.
49. As a teacher she was very selective, accepting only a small number of exceptionally gifted pupils.
50. Many women are conditioned from birth to be accepting rather than questioning.
51. I'll never accept parole because that entails me accepting guilt.
52. She has a deep repugnance to the idea of accepting charity.
53. Accepting the gift was an error of judgement on the part of the party chairman.
54. Greenway appeared at Bow Street Magistrates' Court to face seven charges of accepting bribes.
55. Party members feel that they were bounced into accepting the policy.
56. Some universities are dubious about accepting students over the age of 30.
57. People are very accepting of using fitness products.
58. Oliver was grudging about accepting Wickham's innocence.
59. Richard Maldonado admitted accepting bribes.
60. Three police officers have been suspended for accepting bribes.
61. I feel mildly guilty about accepting such hospitality.
62. Norton is in prison for accepting bribes.
63. Nathan moved among the guests, offering drinks, accepting condolences.
64. Cranston just nodded, accepting his explanation as something irrelevant.
65. The governor was impeached for accepting bribes.
66. She hesitated for a moment before accepting it.
67. Maya wavered between accepting and refusing his offer.
68. The judge was accused of accepting bribes.
69. Some workers are saying that they were intimidated into accepting the pay cuts, with threats of job losses.
70. You need to give careful thought to any such stipulation before accepting it.
71. If your organization is slap-happy it will unnerve candidates and may make them think twice before accepting a job with you.
72. Why bother to wriggle out of accepting that Ecclestone was a fat donor?
73. But that big, awful secret from her past prevents Lisa from fully accepting his love.
74. There are numerous recent cases of character assassination and reputation assault that would discourage any sane person from accepting high government appointment.
75. Ramsay, accepting the need, wondered whether even Douglas would have the presumption to propose himself for the position.
76. By accepting the money Bass has left himself wide open to criticism.
77. He was told they were not, at that time, accepting new medical personnel.
78. I have difficulty in accepting that submission without some qualification.
79. Most universities are dubious about accepting students older than 30.
80. AD/M-19 leaders accused the government, in accepting this ruling[Sentence dictionary], of letting political decisions be taken by judges.
81. In accepting the unofficial payment, the hierarchy had to be respected.
82. To read the passage is to be warned against accepting, without careful consideration, anything suspected of being derived from Ephoros.
83. But internationally agreed carbon taxes, permits and rising global temperatures may push the world along the road towards accepting the unacceptable.
84. Anne herself was well aware of Joan's motive in accepting the suggestion with such alacrity.
85. He surrendered all he had fought for, accepting even the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation and the existence of Purgatory.
86. It is not my experience that dominant males have ever had too much difficulty accepting their social superiority.
87. A teacher can also lose tenure status by accepting a teaching position in another school district.
88. The reason we create artificial environments instead Of accepting natural ones is that we like our environments to be constant and predictable.
89. Most of its people favor accepting; otherwise, its representatives would never bid.
90. Most agencies will discuss this with you before accepting a job on your behalf, and will be sympathetic to your needs.
91. In accepting the honor, Nicklaus knelt before a vice chancellor of the university, a man named Watson.
92. When I asked Jasper what had stopped him from accepting these large offers, the question startled him.
93. But they have fewer qualms about accepting outlaws, who have frequently found solace within the ancient hilltop walls.
94. Accepting the job would be a step backwards for me.
95. Also the regime wants to offer something to Asean and justify constructive engagement by accepting a mediator from an Asean member country.
96. The discount houses borrow funds from commercial banks, accepting houses, overseas and other banks and from industrial and commercial companies.
97. This latter has the inestimable advantage for Soviet citizens of accepting roubles.
98. The normal reason for accepting a piece of advice is that it is likely to be sound advice.
99. The judge, moreover, will warn the jury of the danger of accepting her uncorroborated evidence.
100. More resources are required and one has to acknowledge that because of their absence the teaching profession is wary of accepting additional responsibilities.
101. Resolving this conflict was critical in fully accepting the responsibility in being a manager and developing credibility.
102. The thought of accepting horizontal career development for the next twenty or thirty years is a numbing thought.
103. In other words, both maintenance learning and shock learning are less learning than they are accepting conventional wisdom.
104. A former legal-aid attorney, Mr Morrison is unusual in accepting, even welcoming, a liberal label.
105. Perhaps she had already compromised herself beyond recall by accepting the invitation.
106. They're selling off their shares for cash rather than accepting Wanadoo's offer of 0.225 shares for every Freeserve share.
107. By accepting such a limitation in application domain it is possible to achieve much more detailed analysis of the text.
108. Her Libran philosophy of accepting what couldn't be changed helped dry her tears.
109. Even baseball purists appear to be accepting that, if grudgingly.
110. Recently released from prison, Hubbell is once again under investigation by Starr, this time for allegedly accepting hush money.
110. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
111. Groups accepting tax-deductible donations must be operated exclusively for exempt purposes, the panel said.
112. Accepting all the good and bad about someone. It's a great thing to aspire to. The hard part is actually doing it. Sarah Dessen 
113. Have you found the art world to be completely accepting of you as a woman?
114. Similarly, one must caution against accepting psychological theories for emotional reasons.
115. Desmond Seymour-Strachey sat, accepting the bustle, as was his wont.
116. Marco was arrested and jailed for accepting bribes from drug dealers.
117. Target shareholders can sometimes be circumspect about accepting ordinary shares in the offeror, particularly if the takeover has been fiercely contested.
118. Accepting an offer at market price may therefore be the only realistic way of realising their investment at its full value.
119. And by accepting it, the believer tacitly ignores the complex social mechanisms which uphold the mistaken logic.
120. Accepting our human limitations in these high-pressure times, though, takes conscious effort.
121. B replied with an order, accepting the quotation, but using a form which incorporated B's own standard terms.
122. I have now slipped into the comfortable habit of accepting proffered cigarettes in pubs or at parties without even token agonising.
123. By accepting the prize money, Wilkerson will probably lose his amateur status.
124. Which shows that it is worth complaining instead of just accepting a raw deal.
125. Accountability Many people are uncertain about accepting that disabled artists might also be accountable to a disabled constituency.
126. Accepting then that the material making up the mantle can behave as a viscous liquid, this raises an interesting possibility.
127. The foundation also will continue accepting donations and might re-evaluate its closing a year from now if it receives more funding.
128. The child increasingly is capable of evaluating arguments rather than simply accepting preformed unilateral ideas.
129. Attorney General Janet Reno is accepting the recommendations of entirely honorable career prosecutors.
130. Five police officers, including a general(), are on trial for accepting the alleged bribes from Fininvest.
131. But this does not mean that it takes the conservative stance of necessarily accepting existing definitions of crime.
132. The end user must have an Internet browser capable of accepting and playing the applet.
133. He will thus avoid buying material before it can be used by accepting a small and defined risk of delaying production.
134. Although it was very tempting, accepting it would be the kiss of death for the concept.
135. Rather than jump to morbid conclusions, I let him cow me into accepting his version of the incident.
136. Compliments Not accepting compliments is another example of aggressive behaviour.
137. Perhaps, sir, when this contest is over, you might consider accepting my hospitality in Lisbon?
138. The People attacked him for accepting the freebie during the 1990 Gulf crisis.
139. Discipleship is far more than initiation into a particular congregation or even accepting the terms of membership prescribed by a particular denomination.
140. My voice was wobbling up and down like Sally Field accepting an award.
141. City Clerk Kathy Detrick says her office is now accepting written arguments on the pro and con sides of the ballot props.
142. He sees companies such as Compaq slashing inventories and accepting lower profit margins to narrow the cost gap with direct sellers.
143. Accepting this science can make a dramatic difference in millions of lives.
144. While accepting that smacking is universal,[http:///accepting.html] he believes there are better methods of teaching children what is acceptable or unacceptable behaviour.
145. Accepting the exception of Limerick, rugby has steadfastly remained the preserve of the middle-class in Ireland.
146. But the company is confident the banks will keep it from bankruptcy by accepting a reorganisation plan.
147. Making the right effort: accepting the need to pursue moral, mental and spiritual disciplines without losing heart. 7.
148. Furthermore, he saw incompatibility in Britain spending large sums on atomic weapons whilst accepting Marshall Aid.
149. The Labour Party showed no signs of accepting the points made by the Petition Committee.
150. The effectiveness of the micro in simulating experiments hinges on the children's accepting the analogy with the true experimental situation.
151. The team became more accepting and realistic about the time demanded by the investigation service.
152. The Bishop nodded his approval of this asceticism before accepting the offer of a second helping from Madeleine.
153. I was much more at peace with myself and more accepting of the way that I looked.
154. John-Augustus tried to josh himself into accepting that his own bout was no more than that.
155. San Francisco has a long history of accepting the city's many alternative lifestyles.
156. By approving Bevin's statement the conference committed itself to accepting National Service in peacetime for the first time ever.
157. The worst thing is that you start accepting this as normal.
158. She suggests that hysteria was an alternative role option for women incapable of accepting their life situation in rigid family roles.
159. The unexpected break, hard on the heels of her disaster with Giles, had nudged her into accepting Clive's invitation.
160. Since Nelson had difficulty accepting his own angry feelings, he also had difficulty in expressing them.
161. Accepting criticism Accepting valid criticism is also part of this group of assertive actions.
162. As we have seen, there are good reasons for accepting this proposal.
163. For in accepting promotion to manager, unbeknownst to the new managers(), they did more than consent to new job responsibilities.
164. Do you know, he was in two minds about accepting?
165. In a separate but related case, Senator Michel Cogger was charged on Sept. 12 with accepting bribes.
166. I think women tend to be more accepting and open.
167. They got the message and ordered Iron Arrow to begin accepting women.
168. Fabricators will try to make their account watertight and will not countenance accepting any blame.
169. When a famous cartoonist wrote asking if he could draw her she had no hesitation in accepting.
170. Republicans have used temporary spending measures and government shutdowns in attempts to pressure Clinton into accepting their budget plan.
170. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
171. Accepting that the rhythms of children in a structured environment appear to develop more quickly, is this advantageous to the child?
172. A child, of course, who begins by pretending to accept blame may end up by really accepting it.
173. When, later in the service, she went forward to accept the Lord, what did she think she was accepting?
174. Even by accepting Laura Danby's kind invitation, Meredith's own fiercely maintained independence could be said to have been undermined.
175. He is on trial for accepting kickbacks from business moguls to build his slush fund.
176. One major supplier, Ig-Lo, has stopped accepting orders for this season.
177. Your Directors certainly have no intention of accepting the offer in respect of their own shareholdings.
178. As abbot of Bec, Anselm had owed obedience to several superiors whose permission he had sought before accepting the archbishopric.
179. Anxieties about the cohesion of multiracial societies are in fact not about cohesion, but about difference, about accepting otherness.
180. The government has banned public officials from accepting gifts from foreigners.
181. We're hoping that they'll eventually come round to accepting our offer.
182. He is on trial for allegedly accepting kickbacks from business.
183. The development control sub-committee gave planning permission and will now begin putting out and accepting tenders for the work.
184. My parents are very accepting; my mum encourages me to dress for comfort rather than fashion.
185. Still, I decided, there wasn't much fear of Mrs Chapman accepting so insulting an offer.
186. At other times, direct intervention has also been used to discourage management from accepting pay demands.
187. The process of accepting or rejecting his asylum application hasn't even begun.
188. It means accepting power as natural and necessary to decision making regardless of formal structure.
189. A firm may also be restricted for a period from accepting certain types of new appointments without the committee's consent.
190. Geisler advised Mitchum against accepting the invitation, as did the other defendants' lawyers.
191. He had better start by accepting that if he does the right things, they will not be popular ones.
192. By accepting it, the world is not taking on Western civilization lock, stock and barrel: far from it.
193. Rebecca was already beginning to feel uneasy about accepting the stranger's offer of a ride.
194. I for my part have some difficulty in accepting that.
195. Mayor Willie Brown, rather than accepting the challenge(), shifted the onus back on recalcitrant neighbors.
196. The culture is about accepting the statusquo, about accommodating to the demands of the industrial system.
197. Stores accepting food stamps are reimbursed with money by the government.
198. Child was of course accepting a degree of relativism which was usually an anathema to philosophers.
199. Accepting the logic of this situation the matter was held over for further review at a later Department Head meeting.
200. Accepting lifts with drunken pilots is more dangerous than with drunken drivers.
201. Anyone wishing to have an up-to-date statement of the annual fee before accepting a place should write to the Registry.
202. Basically he is well satisfied with the field,[] perhaps too accepting of its social patters.
203. In another part of his letter Yevtushenko had confirmed that Bulat Okudzhava would be accepting my invitation.
204. The company hopes that it can persuade most of the surplus employees to go quietly, accepting voluntary redundancy.
205. Though I was in no danger of accepting his premise, the effect of his tirade was impressive.
206. When distressed, black people naturally resist accepting help in frightening institutional settings from people they do not trust.
207. We say that the state as a whole does wrong in accepting an internal compromise because it then compromises its principles.
208. At her readers, she throws the challenge of accepting that any friendship could survive those calamities.
209. The panel also cited Wright for accepting gifts and benefits from a Fort Worth developer.
210. I suppose accepting yourself as you are is very sexy.
211. The 1974 campaign reform law bars presidential candidates who accept public financing from accepting other contributions.
212. Therefore, many hotels work on the principle of accepting a percentage more reservations than there is accommodation available.
213. You want the job very much, but your fear of public speaking prevents you from accepting it immediately.
214. Though legal, recent events raise legitimate questions about the wisdom of accepting donations from permanent residents who can not vote.
215. By accepting whatever property he may inherit from his father.
216. To put a kid like Delia in eight-hour isolation for accepting a cigarette from a friend is bizarre and outrageous.
217. The main problem about drawing up a will is that it means accepting the inevitability of death.
218. Some one went to commiserate with Harbury and Harbury went to lacerate Riley for announcing an appointment he had no intention of accepting.
219. One subtext of the book is accepting one's ethnic identity.
220. I also instituted a rule against accepting hospitality from the press.
221. Officials are preparing new figures after accepting that estimates by their own consultants, Touche Ross, are inaccurate.
222. In accepting both what I like and don't like in her, I can more readily accept both aspects in myself.
223. Accepting that the contact was friendly, the detection system shut itself down.
224. This downward pressure may be increased by underwriters or accepting shareholders selling offeror shares in the market following the takeover.
225. As we shall see there are fundamental objections to accepting that this should always be so.
226. Pete Wilson is balking at accepting the funds, which are second-year grants awarded under federal legislation known as Goals 2000.
227. Nobody, of course, thought Switzer was an idiot for accepting such a prestigious and well-paying job.
228. They are charged with protecting and accepting huge payments from the drug organization reputedly headed by Amado Carrillo Fuentes.
229. Next they began accepting credit cards, running advertising, and promoting park permits as Christmas gifts.
230. You have a job more important than any Oscar performance: tricking men into accepting new definitions of beauty.
230. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
231. It stipulated that neutrality should be guaranteed by banning them from accepting party political positions or speaking publicly on behalf of political parties.
232. She, gladly accepting the glorious gift.
233. Dr Barker replied to the invitation, accepting it.
234. They were browbeaten into accepting the offer.
235. By accepting the Andromeda, I sanctioned it.
236. When full, they stop accepting charge.
237. Now, accepting Christine's suggestion, he beckoned their waiter.
238. Could you consider accepting our counterproposal?
239. Precision of GPS location is effected by many elements. Major error origins are error related with GPS satellite, error related with signal propagation and error related with accepting equipments.
240. The first chapter is a survey about the accepting process of Andre Gide in China.
241. Love is not sweet nothings whispered in the ear. It is accepting the thoughts of others.
242. But perhaps it's unfair to single out the French for their ability to demonise certain manifestations of the free flow in people, business and culture while happily accepting others.
243. " Just so, " went on Mr. Withers, accepting her acknowledgment of familiarity.
244. Japan's Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara has resigned after being criticised for accepting a political donation from a foreign national.
245. The sexual bribery and the act of accepting it always lead to extremely severe corruptive crimes which make our country bear fairly heavy economic loss.
246. We get estimate from three different contractor before accepting the lowest.
247. As a special sign of encouragement, we'll consider accepting payment by D / P at this sales - purchasing stage.
248. Get a head start on spring-cleaning and donate clothes, toys, furniture, household items, and old computers to nonprofits accepting them.
249. Blasi, on-loan from Juventus, will return to Turin in the summer, while Dainelli is expected to tell Fiorentina he won't be accepting their new contract offer.
250. Accepting - learning, as a gradation of teaching pattern, which tends to result in disadvantages, is indispensable.
251. Such declaration accepting compulsory jurisdiction may exclude certain classes of cases.
252. Signature and date by individuals accepting this pro TOCol will serve as documented training. Documented evidence of training for all others involved is required.
253. Asia Catalyst is now accepting applications from IDU grassroots organizations in China interested in learning how to do community-based AIDS policy research to improve local policy.
254. Accepting drudgery is one of the ways we practice discipleship —learning to offer it up sacrificially to God.
255. Standard low-cost frame grabbers are not capable of accepting these signals and it is necessary to use a variable scan frame grabber.
256. Conclusion:Applying Shutai gel for male patients accepting indwelling urinary catheter in the stage of analepsia after general anesthesia is helpful to relieve their restlessness.
257. It didn't win the day because throughout the fourth century you still had fights among different bishops, some people not accepting the Nicene Creed.
258. She have a deep repugnance to the idea of accepting charity.
259. A pawnbroker is a on the business of accepting goods by way security for a loan.
260. A short-term financial instrument that is the unconditional obligation of the accepting bank.
260. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
261. Confining the object of accepting bribes to "property" is too limited, and should be expansively explained and widened to "all interests" by revising penal codes under proper condition.
262. Among the modulars, input modular is used for accepting analogue signal, sampling holding and D/A converter.
263. The nurse uses judgement regarding individual competence when accepting and delegating responsibility.
264. Keeping an open mind does not mean accepting as truth the ravings of a lunatic.
265. In view of our long-standing business relations, we can consider accepting payment by installments.
266. Industrialized process often accompanying serious environment to pollute, endanger human body health through accepting contaminative provision.
267. As an exception, we may consider accepting payment by installments.
268. Another gesture towards accepting the legitimacy of the Cypriot government would help.
269. As we look upon some of these true-life events, we see just how far we've come to becoming a better species that is accepting itself more and more.
270. No tax shall be levied on the incomes that the representative offices obtained from accepting the entrustment of the domestic enterprises to undertake the commodity export trade business in China.
271. I often debate with evolutionists because I believe that they are narrow mindedly and dogmatically accepting evolution without questioning it.
272. Instead of accepting this dichotomous framework, the women put forth a number of ideas for how credit products could be better designed to meet their specific needs.
273. We have no hesitation about accepting your most generous offer.
274. Because you are accepting others'help all the time,[] you should reciprocate them.
275. Dear, I choose escaping from these facts. I admit I'm cowish and fear accepting the fact.
276. The assignor should handle legally registration for the assigned right to the use of land and issue "State-owned land Use Certificate" within 30 days of accepting the application of land registration.
277. Until then it's in its subscription period — accepting investments directly from individual investors and accumulating enough money to build its initial investment portfolio.
278. Stiff fines or jail terms for persons offering or accepting bribes diminish their incomes.
279. Make a point of not accepting a new project until you have looked at your time budget and determined where that project will be housed.
280. In view of our longstanding business relation, we can consider accepting your counter - offer.
281. Dual infections are common, and all possible causes should be excluded before accepting that the first virus identified is the causal agent.
282. A leap of faith, in its most commonly used meaning, is the act of believing in or accepting something intangible or unprovable, or without empirical evidence.
283. He is a legendary bounty hunter, accepting warrants from both the Empire and the criminal underworld.
284. Now, we have foundation to bring abstract administration behavior into accepting administration lawsuit case scope.
285. New York City is like a wise man, with broad-mindedness and open-mindedness, accepting different cultures.
286. Accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, the honoree is committed to an endless duty.
287. On the flip side, accepting them and not having your needs met is not healthy either.
288. Then you should have no problem accepting my generous offer.
289. The nurse uses judgement in relation to individual competence when accepting and delegating responsibilities.
290. Those opposed see this side of friends with benefits as prostitution because you are accepting monetary benefits or items of value in exchange for sex.




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