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单词 Julia
1, Julia joined the diplomatic service after graduation.
2, Julia dolled herself up for the party.
3, The class positively seethed with indignation when Julia won the award.
4, Julia was given the kiss of life but she could not be revived.
5, Julia gave Roy a slap on the cheek.
6, Rachel would have known Julia Stone anywhere.
7, Julia was weakened by her long illness.
8, Let's drink to Julia and her new job.
9, Did you hear what happened to Julia?
10, Julia ploughed on with the endless exam papers.
11, Julia got straight As in high school.
12, That's a remarkable likeness of Julia.
13, Julia was a very tough,[http:///Julia.html] sharp-tongued woman.
14, Have you heard about Julia coming to Geneva?
15, As you know, Julia is leaving soon.
16, Julia Roberts became a big star after 'Pretty Woman'.
17, Julia is fairly typical of her age group.
18, My Aunt Julia had very little experience of life.
19, Julia seems very centred nowadays.
20, Julia was just starting to enjoy herself.
21, Julia had to subdue an urge to stroke his hair.
22, Julia was vague about where she had been and what she had been doing.
23, Julia finally made a clean breast of it and admitted that she had stolen the money.
24, Dan's mentioning Julia pricked my conscience and I gave her a call.
25, Julia used to brag that her family had a villa in Spain.
26, There's no-one called Julia here. You must have the wrong number .
27, Julia belatedly remembered what else she was supposed to do.
28, It won't hurt Julia to get up early for a change.
29, Julia had been completely cut off by all her family and friends.
30, He tried, without success, to rid his mind of any impure thoughts about Julia.
1, Julia joined the diplomatic service after graduation.
2, Julia dolled herself up for the party.
3, The class positively seethed with indignation when Julia won the award.
4, Julia was given the kiss of life but she could not be revived.
31, There were a lot of famous people there:Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts, to name but two.
32, "Sheep?" It sounded so unlikely that Julia did not think she could have heard aright.
33, Julia knows how to play up to the supervisors - she can always get time off work when she wants it.
34, Julia criticized some aspect of his work and he left/went off in a huff.
35, Julia blows her nose, but her sobbing goes on uncontrolled.
36, Julia opened her mouth to reply, but they were interrupted.
37, Julia joined the diplomatic service after her graduation from the university.
38, There was only one person besides Ford who knew Julia Jameson.
39, By happy coincidence, Robert met Richard and Julia and discovered they were experiencing similar problems.
40, Julia felt trapped in her role of wife and mother.
41, We would like to announce the appointment of Julia Lewis as head of sales.
42, Julia handed it down to him.
43, He looked at Julia in obvious adoration.
44, Julia Ashtiany came to lunch recently which was nice.
45, The other five pages, Julia saw,[http:///Julia.html] were all illegible.
46, Julia has blue eyes and fair hair.
47, Julia Child prefers roasting at a more moderate temperature.
48, Julia surveyed the dining room with approval.
49, Julia has been sticking religiously to her diet.
50, Julia Roberts is really cute in her new movie.
51, Julia set out to test this hypothesis.
52, Julia soon got bored with lying on the beach.
53, Julia seemed a little surprised by my question.
54, Julia Hailes charges for speaking engagements.
55, In the goat tent Julia stood beside Ian.
56, Julia became irritated by the child's incessant talking.
57, Julia sat on the desk and swung her legs.
58, He led Julia through the house to his study.
59, But recently Julia has been encountering difficulties.
60, Poor Julia and I had very unhappy lives.
61, Julia, wearing a black leather jacket and faded jeans, hid her face as she scurried through Heathrow.
62, Julia, 45, will now deputise for anchorman Trevor McDonald, taking the helm only on Sunday evenings and holidays.
63, Julia sat down at the piano, and the others grouped together to sing.
64, That was after I'd sold out and sent Julia to ... overseas.
65, We went to see a band who had Julia Fordham on backing vocals.
66, Julia was about to descend to the kitchen when the bell pealed again.
67, Julia Tatnell is an acute asthmatic, as are both her young children.
68, The biography by Julia Langdon, a well-connected political journalist, purported to offer some explanations.
69, Julia smiled with delight. she was enjoying her walk down the quiet country lane towards the riverbank.
70, At the start of the novel Julia sees philology as a lifeless and uncreative pursuit.
71, Julia Roberts' beauty didn't stop Pretty Woman becoming a smash at the box office.
72, Dave tried to kiss Julia but she shuddered and turned away.
73, Julia stopped by the cold range and ran her fingers along its surface.
74, Everything just so ... Julia is an attractive and intelligent woman in her early thirties.
75, Julia resolved to double-check everything she typed today and stay late, if need be, to get up to date.
76, Julia shivered and pulled her coat more tightly around her.
77, Julia was unsure whether it was the moment to serve the beef or not but she did so none the less.
78, By the time dinner was cleared, Julia thought that she had never felt so tired.
79, Julia came round just as he was erecting a kind of tent over her bed.
80, Julia, his bridle, I think, must still be in the tack room.
81, It seemed that although sheer determination had kept Julia alive until the wedding, suddenly she could fight no longer.
82, Julia felt too tired and afraid to speak, but she lifted her heavy eyelids again and looked at him.
83, Julia, stunned but dry-eyed, had given her statement to the police.
84, Like Julia, Nina is eager to please and dissipates her personality in those around her.
85, Earlier this summer Julia said that she felt shattered by the show's punishing schedule.
86, Julia slid off the desk. After a moment's hesitation, Ian got up.
87, A tall, fair woman with legs as long as Julia Roberts', she would be a catch for his grand party.
88, But axing Julia won't save the revamped News At Ten.
89, A graduation program from 1930 lists the now world-famed cook as Julia McWilliams, her home address as Pasadena.
90, It also made Julia angry, pointing up the unnecessary rudeness of Comfort's dismissal of David.
91, Julia Bransby told me all sorts of things at lunch-time.
92, McGee, who had clearly been primed, did not move and Julia took her cue from him.
93, This view of language brings philology to life for Julia; she suddenly sees its object as the product of individual creativity.
94, He had told her enough about his parents' passionate devotion to each other for Julia to feel desperately sorry for her.
95, Julia Knights reports on the highs and lows of harvest 2000.
96, Julia made a conscious effort to appear unconcerned, even though she was very upset.
97, Julia Roberts is one of the most famous actresses in Hollywood.
98, Her handsome features betrayed no emotion as Julia stood aside to give her passage.
99, Julia Patterson as she linked arms with two other senators and escaped down the marble stairs.
100, Julia Grant socialized with robber barons and was vilified for her role in a gold-market scandal.
101, It was curious, Julia thought, to hear the chief prosecution witness speaking so forcefully in favour of the defendant.
102, Just before she had finished it, Annunziata came into the salon with a telegram addressed to Julia.
103, It never occurs to us that John Travolta, say, or Julia Roberts, perhaps, might also be serious snorers.
104, Notably, Bruce Willis and Julia Roberts play themselves in some of the most crucial scenes.
105, It was not until she stood up to shake hands that Julia saw that she was pregnant.
106, Julia Hirsch discusses wedding photographs of mixed marriages which must find a way of dealing with two sets of cultural conventions.
107, They had to have some breakfast and then she was to meet Julia Bransby at the cathedral at ten o'clock.
108, Vic and Emelia split up and now Sarah has dumped Julia for an as yet unnamed new man.
109, All the family found their grief for Julia hard to bear and to see how their father suffered grieved them still more.
110, A better working environment than the diocesan office, Julia thought, as she surveyed it.
111, Julia would not shut the window but sweated and shivered by turns.
112, Eileen breaks off her engagement, but Alan then resumes his relationship with the younger Beth, played by Julia Foster.
113, Since I mentioned this ludicrous example of time-wasting to Julia MacKenzie, she has phoned roughly twice a day.
114, It has come down to personalities and Julia is very disturbed by it all.
115, Julia had stayed in her room to avoid any more confrontation.
116, Naked, Julia stretched under the sheet, stretched so hard she pulled her stomach muscles to their full length.
117, Years ago, I roasted eight chickens and invited a bunch of people, including Julia Child, to taste them.
118, Julia took up the assembled bridle and they walked outside into the early evening sun.
119, Julia turned the big collar of her fur coat up round her face and David took her arm.
120, Julia took two deep breaths, felt infinitely worse and tapped on the mahogany panel of the door.
121, She had given her a tiny dose of medicine just before the explosion, and now Julia closed her eyes.
122, Julia Eccleshare's monthly Children's Book News and preview of the best of forthcoming titles.
123, Julia rubbed her eyes with a handkerchief and then went to retrieve her drink.
124, The competition set a fairly tight budget so Julia decided to mix second-hand clothes with new ones.
125, Through those halcyon weeks Julia darted and shone.
126, Julia is an inattentive pupil.
127, Wouldn't Julia love to aquaplane?
128, Julia would arrive presently: meanwhile there was the book.
129, Julia Muir provided valuable assistance with this article.
130, Julia scowled at her jewelled tortoise.
131, I also like Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz.
132, Abbess Julia: You're a millionairess!
133, Abbess Julia: I'm going to blackmail the Marquise.
134, Julia woke at the sound[http://], stretched herself luxuriously.
135, Julia was assisting him to prepare his speech.
136, Julia said that Francis seemed to be getting intolerant.
137, Julia loved Proteus as well as he did her.
138, Julia asked. “Is there a broom closet in Calgary?”
139, He was engaged to Miss Julia Maria Boardman.
140, 'We're not dead yet,'said Julia prosaically.
141, Julia says she has never seen him so amiable.
142, Julia: That is why I drink cappuccino.
143, Julia Samuel was one of Prince Andrew's old flames.
144, 'We are the dead,'echoed Julia dutifully.
145, Julia: I want to try this Shirley Temple.
146, Native West Virginian Julia Bonds understands these problems intimately.
147, Julia was twenty-six years old.
148, In 1996, he married Julia Flesher, a fashion assistant.
149, I fear my Julia will not deign my lines.
150, Listen, Julia and I just decided to go to Reno over Thanksgiving.
151, Qing Xianfeng 2007 (1857), Chen and Julia married Princess Royal Hawaiian, one of the aristocratic class in Hawaii.
152, I 've never even heard of Greta Garbo. Why don't you watch some Julia Roberts movies? I hear she's engaged!
153, The Julia, Erato, and upper Poydras wharves were developed as the site of the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition.
154, He thought:'If I could save Julia by doubling my own pain, would I do it?
155, Have you ever wondered what makes Hollywood celebs like Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston so drop-dead gorgeous?
156, In the States, Julia Ward Howe suggested of Mother's Day in 1872.
157, She also states that she enjoys being with her aunt and her comments on Julia is "I admire her very much and she is a great mother."
158, Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard will strike a blow against Australia's macho culture Tuesday when she becomes the first "Sheila"to take over the top job.
159, Julia was married to Charles Dodds, a relatively prosperous landowner and furniture maker to whom she had borne 10 children.
160, Julia said, pulling her friend away from the box but she was already hypnotised.
161, She's in good company: Other show-biz ladies of the southpaw persuasion include Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie (her husband Brad Pitt is also a lefty).
162, Julia woke at the sound, stretched herself luxuriously,[http:///Julia.html] and got out of bed.
163, Julia Roberts: Pretending to be a parent is a cakewalk compared to being a parent.
164, After Julia Jackson remarried in 1830, to a man who reportedly disliked his stepchildren, Thomas Jackson and his siblings were sent to live with various relatives.
165, After eating "Slim Body", Julia gets the trots . Julia failed again. Then, she decided to go on a diet.
166, Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a day for peace.
167, Former prime minister Kevin Rudd is unmanly and like a snake for leaking a damaging story about his successor Julia Gillard, a former Labor leader says.
168, First observance in Philadelphia, Pa. in 1907, it is based on suggestions by Julia Ward Howe in 1872 and by Anna Jarvis in 1907.
169, OCD, he explains, is simply a subcategory of what we all do every single day. Melinda Wenner Letting Go of God by Julia Sweeney.
170, Jonas and Ulf have since recruited two new female vocalists, Clara Hagman and Julia Williamson.
171, Meryl Streep made her first film, called Julia in 1977.
172, The announcement by President Barack Obama and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard came as the allies adapted their military posture to face a new security era marked by the rise of China.
173, Later, both parents taught at Ohio University. Her mother, Julia, was a literature professor. Her father, Henry, was a ceramist, an artist who makes objects out of clay.
174, Julia find a job and leave the university before the conferment of her degree.
175, Julia: I saw works from Michelangelo, Bernini, da Vinci and many more but I can't remember their names.
176, Abbess Julia : Yes , I have to pay a visit.
177, In 1872 Julia Ward Howe organized a day for mothers dedicated to peace.
178, The corresponding relationship of M-J, characteristics of similar structure and dynamical process in filled-in Julia sets from non-analytic power exponent mapping are explored in this paper.
179, A good story never dies: the original Pygmalion has since been updated in the hit movie Pretty Woman (1990) starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts.
180, In the United States, Julia Ward Howe suggested the idea of Mother's Day in 1872.
181, Rom. 16:15 Greet Philologus and Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints with them.
182, Thanks to the hard work of the pioneering women of their times, Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis that the day came into existence.
183, The Australian election is heading for a photo finish with the recently installed Labour Prime Minister Julia Gillard up against the Liberal leader Tony Abbott.
184, Her latest role sees her play Julia Child, the doyenne of US cookery writers.
185, These "sponsored conversations" have had big-name advertisers like K-Mart and Sears funding the campaigns as well as big-name bloggers like Chris Brogan and Julia Roy writing paid articles.
186, This year we've got the older gal blockbuster hit "Something's Gotta Give" and the "youngish teacher and her lovely colts" movie, "Mona Lisa Smile" -- featuring chick-flick staple Julia Roberts.
187, Julia and simply carried on this well established policy and even enhanced it further.
188, The party did exactly what Julia Gillard had been warning supporters against doing for months - it burned through a perfectly electable prime minister in a single term.
189, Julia looked hard at the Thessalian for some moments in rather an embarrassed silence.
190, When we did sleep together, I couldn't bear it if Julia woke me up when snored.
191, Proteus, now looking earnestly upon her, plainly perceived that the page was no other than Julia.
192, Julia, from California in USA, suffered from metabolic disorder,[] which caused her leg could not expose in the sun.
193, Its fairy-tale quality, the one by which a woman's quest ends with a man, seemed less like real life and more like a Julia Roberts movie.
194, Rom . 16:15 Greet Philologus and Julia, Nereus and his sister andand all the saints with them.
195, Julia would make a bad doctor because she faints when she sees blood.
196, Julia Ward Howe suggested that June 2 be annually celebrated as Mothers Day and should be dedicated to peace.
197, The next comers were Mrs. Upjohn and her daughter Julia.
198, Julia has won the ec ial prize the piano competition.
199, A swish pastry shop on the Rue du Bac ( julia Child ).
200, Ah, Julia, my dear, here is our guest. May we have some tea?
201, Julia set and Mandelbrot set are two important sets in fractal theory.
202, In 1891, the city's founder, Cleveland native Julia Tuttle, bought 640 acres north of the Miami River.
203, Outside the clearing, Julia said, it was better to go quietly.
204, When Julia came down, she was wearing a lavender dress.
205, Julia has been cock of the rock ever since she got her promotion.
206, Julia Elizabeth Wells was born in Walton - on - Thames , England, on October 1 st 1935.
207, Julia Jones of the University of Wales, Bangor, and her colleagues may soon have the answer to that question.
208, Her mother was at pains to make clear to him that in marrying Julia he would be acquiring a pearl of great price.
209, As Julia Bucknall, the World Bank's water supremo, points out, demand and supply are economic concepts, which the matchmakers of the dismal science are constantly trying to bring into balance.
210, I am the only child of Joel and Julia Hetman.
211, First observance in Phelloladelphelloa, Pa. in 1907, it is based on suggestions by Julia Ward Howe in 1872 and by Anna Jarvis in 1907.
212, Salute Philologus, and Julia, Nereus, and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints which are with them.
213, It'seemed to him that Julia had been very still for some time past.
214, Julia: Yes. Well, then we have something coon. We are both not to be trusted.
215, His mother, Julia(), soon moved on to a new relationship.
216, Julia is telling Ingrid about her planned visit to Canberra.
217, Julia rolled sleepily against him, murmuring something that might have been'What's the matter?'
218, In the United States Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a day dedicated to peace.
219, Sallie and Julia and I converse now in the language of 1660.
220, She's in good company: Other show-biz ladies of the southpaw persuasion include Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie (live-in boyfriend Brad Pitt is also a lefty).
221, Julia, in any case, seldom had an evening completely free.
222, The idea of official celebration of Mothers day in US was first suggested by Julia Ward Howe in 1872.
223, Mother's Day was first suggested in the United States in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a day dedicated to peace.
224, From this base fractal class, the Mandelbrot, Julia, and Newton fractals are derived.
225, In the United States Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe (who wrote the words to the Battle hymn of the Republic) as a day dedicated to peace.
225, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
226, 'She's a metre across the hips , easily ,'said Julia.
227, Perched on the tendril of a Passiflora plant, the egg of the Julia heliconian butterfly may be safe from hungry ants.
228, "I have never been able to understand mathematics, "Julia frowned, "The subject continues to remain a Chinese puzzle to me.
229, Its upcoming films include the mythological action film 'Immortals' and its untitled Snow White film starring Julia Roberts.
230, We can come here once again ", said Julia. " It's generally safe to use any hide-out twice. But not for another month or two, of course. "
231, Julia adjusted her invisible bifocal glasses and entered the classroom.
232, Rudd's successor Julia Gillard , has given no sign of a major change of direction.
233, Then she with a pretty equivocation went on: " Julia is about my height. "
234, Also featuring alongside her is extreme street performer Nick Hell, whose act includes attaching a dustbin to his ears with chains and swinging it around, and Latvian belly dancer Julia Naidenko.
235, The basic concepts of fractal are introduced with some in-depth research on complex fractal, in which the complex plane Julia set, Mandelbrot set and classic definition set are introduced.
236, Likewise, outside interest in water issues is high among a growing community of innovators, says Julia Bucknall, manager of the Bank's water program.
237, Meryl Streep made her first film, called Julia in 1977 A few years later.




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