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单词 Ruining
1. My wife was ruining her health through worry.
2. How can I ever make amends for ruining their party?
3. Television is ruining the art of conversation.
4. You are ruining the child!
5. Cheap imported goods are ruining many businesses.
6. Sectarian politics are ruining the country's economy.
7. She accused him of ruining her financially with his taste for the high life.
8. The prince vituperated against the developers for ruining London's skyline.
9. The thefts are ruining breeding programmes.
10. His cocaine habit was ruining his life.
11. Patty's ex-boyfriend is ruining our relationship.
12. We are dooming our progeny by ruining the environment.
13. She almost hated them for ruining her life.
14. The generals know they are ruining their country,[Sentence dictionary] but they do not dare relinquish power.
15. He'd let them down disgracefully, ruining a dinner party that was given entirely for his benefit.
16. But collectively their mass migration is ruining the country's development prospects.
17. How can you prevent stomach upsets from ruining your holiday?
18. Sure, the real thing ruining this city is the war, no doubt about it.
19. Not content with ruining Princess Anne's week by upstaging her wedding announcement, they had to go one dramatic step further.
20. Momma babbled on and on about how he was ruining me.
21. She wanted to get her own back on Liz for ruining her party.
22. This is something you can eat between meals without ruining your appetite.
23. Time allowed 00:16 Read in studio Businesses say the closure of a motorway bridge is ruining their trade.
24. During one of these rituals, I dropped and smashed one of the glasses, ruining my set.
25. Then they would move on to acquaintances who were ruining their careers doing television.
26. Four years ago, Johnson contracted food poisoning prior to the Olympics, the illness sapping his strength and ruining his conditioning.
27. He lost a third time when Clark and Street sued him for ruining their ferry business.
28. What a shame for such a nice-looking young man to be ruining his life with whiskey.
29. Read in studio A judge has ordered a fish farm to compensate a group of anglers for ruining their fishing season.
30. No company, in my view, would dare to create a controversy by ruining the night sky.
1. My wife was ruining her health through worry.
2. Momma babbled on and on about how he was ruining me.
3. How can I ever make amends for ruining their party?
31. Residents first called for a ban four years ago, claiming that heavy vehicles were ruining their quality of life.
32. He whines that I am ruining his weekend, but is rarely displeased with the spectacle I have paid dearly for.
33. All these products do is to stop the damp from ruining decorations.
34. This kid ruining his life at such an early age!
35. I was ruining his chances of getting free from the chains of misery attaching him to a rotten banlieue de Paris.
36. Yet far from ruining the reputation of Camilla, the claims seemed only to enhance her standing within royal circles.
37. I am worried that I may be ruining my health by not having enough variety in my diet.
38. Gracie, your family is ruining your life.
39. Damned Hipsters are ruining music filling it with pretension.
40. You're ruining that child, eg by being too indulgent./ruining.html
41. Now this stupid clown was ruining my chance.
42. He is plundering the means of production , thus ruining and enslaving China's national industries.
43. Such a sum he found would go near to ruining him.
44. Rather than accept the message , Owen stubbornly blamed Keegan ruining his confidence.
45. You then have about 16 seconds to recompose and take the shot thereby guaranteeing the exposure you set and not have the camera reset a new exposure ruining your shot.
46. Is that a zit I see ruining your pretty face?
47. The Chinese went into a well-publicized huff, almost ruining the Sino- Nipponese summit.
48. And yet, touchingly, Nadal felt such sympathy for the man whose dream he kept ruining.
49. But there's the risk of exposure, in all its meanings, and ruining your real life before a global audience.
50. I needn’t tell you thatthis proved to be a major holocaust, forever ruining at least one J.Mendel dress, and catapulting a baked potato into the cleavage of atony brunette.
51. Analysts said that in the long run, cheapening luxury products risks ruining images of exclusive brands and lowering the future price expectation of consumers.
52. A magician working a cruise ship had a pet parrot who was constantly ruining his act.
53. Is those a zit I see ruining your pretty expression?
54. Moreover, Leo has also succeeded in ruining the invention plan of the 'Crazy Gangster Group' displaying poetic justice and chivalry to the full extent.
55. Doesn't the dipsomaniac know that he is ruining his liver and shortening his life?
56. Both groups spent about the same amount of time reading, watching television and playing computer games, debunking the theory that flickering screens were ruining children's eyes, he said.
57. Blair: I'm alaccessible yours, you're ruining the affection with all this allocution.
58. Daphna: I bet. Why did I have to marry a sentimentalist? You're ruining my life.
59. I also wonder, though, that as we chase ever more efficient forms of heating and cooling there is always the danger of Jevons Paradox ruining any savings we think we might be making.
60. Gillian Merron, Public Health Minister, said: "Our survey shows that more and more men are worried about alcohol ruining their looks.
61. Air is a common resource, but a few individuals are ruining it for extremely large group.




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