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单词 sustained
释义  sus·tained /səˈsteɪnd/ AWL adjective [only before noun]  CONTINUOUScontinuing for a long time 持续的,持久的 a period of sustained economic development 经济持续发展的时期 a sustained attack on the government 对政府的不断攻击Examples from the Corpussustained• In alcoholic liver disease, transplant assessment was considered appropriate in the case of sustained abstinence following medical advice.• She felt battered into numbness by the sustained assault on her diminishing reserves.• It did not mount a sustained challenge against globally-organised capitalism, concentrated state power or even prevailing discrimination against homosexuals.• Fewer interactions, therefore, indicate more sustained conversations between teachers and their pupils.• The sustained discipline required to keep accounts was boringly time-consuming and beyond the capabilities of most.• In addition to their amazing dives, peregrines are capable of long, sustained flight.• The Government can not maintain conditions for sustained growth if they do not introduce such conditions.sus·tained adjectiveChineseSyllable  time for Corpus long a continuing




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