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单词 Flak
1. They flew into heavy flak over the target area.
2. She took/caught some flak from her parents about her new dress.
3. Lilley has taken a lot of flak for his views on drugs.
4. Why do I always get the flak when something goes wrong around here?
5. The President is getting a lot of flak for that.
6. He's taken a lot of flak for his unpopular decisions.
7. She came in for a lot of flak from the press.
8. He's taken a lot of flak for his left-wing views.
9. The 110 had vanished, frightened by flak.
10. Disney gets the flak it deserves.
11. Flak blotted the sky ahead, making remote grunting sounds.
12. Streisand took the flak and Twentieth Century-Fox executives braced themselves for a financial disaster.
13. Nor should he get all the union flak for doing exactly what he was hired to do.
14. The shoulders were padded like a flak jacket, with fringed epaulettes.
15. He'd have to take the flak for having a lift with Mrs Wright.
16. His court appearances drew so much flak that he was forced to relinquish his role at Microsoft.
17. Only a few, isolated bursts of flak were seen and no enemy fighters were encountered.
18. The flak was heavy, relentless as hounds chasing a cornered stag up and down high ground.
19. Flak fire from the gunners' nests on the near hills.
20. Flak began to be pumped up one searchlight beam: bombs meant bombers.
21. We descended down as the flak, which caused us no major problems, opened up.
22. It's all or nothing and being strong enough to take the flak if things go wrong.
23. Strapped into an armor-lined cockpit and trussed up in a flak jacket and helmet, Air Force Capt.
24. Sun will keep a low profile on the suit lest it catch flak from other Sparcsystem builders.
25. Primo notices his dark swollen belly, pushing out between the flaps of a green flak jacket.
26. It felt good sitting there with the oxygen mask off and not having to worry about flak.
27. Sun is believed to be keeping a low profile on the suit lest it catch flak for restricting the clone trade.
28. If that happens, Freedman is going to have to get a flak jacket and write another book.
29. All the officers involved in the operation were armed and wore flak jackets.
30. Anyway, you can see I feel confused about it still, because I couldn't face the flak from your friends.
1. They flew into heavy flak over the target area.
2. She took/caught some flak from her parents about her new dress.
3. Lilley has taken a lot of flak for his views on drugs.
31. Engineering is reportedly dictating the specifications and Sun could catch flak because they're using proprietary protocols.
32. Fear of a bad take-off, of night fighters, of flak and searchlights.
33. He wasn't hurt, he was well padded with his flak suit, but he was scared.
34. The Government can expect sustained flak on the wider constitutional issue now that this can of worms has been opened up.
35. Nevertheless, by posing questions rather than serving up morals, he's caught some flak from simple-minded gay critics.
36. I smiled some more and took the flak as the lady was forced to wait.
37. Baker, despite his 17 goals, has taken some flak from fans at the Victoria Ground.
38. But it was Sarah who was left to take the flak.
39. The police donned flak jackets of laminated kevlar and webbing belts with pouches for spare magazines and stun grenades.
40. Throughout the campaign troops have been issued with various flak jackets which give a degree of protection against low velocity rounds.
41. The flak tailed off, mercifully, and Dickinson and Finlayson angled across from the north to join them.
42. McVeigh wore a purple shirt with a flak jacket beneath it and brown slacks.
43. Tucking himself into a ball of boots and flak jacket, the Squat bounced and rolled half a dozen times.
44. Did l get flak as a Rumanian immigrant?
45. Wehrmacht Flak 88 health increased from 200 to 325.
46. Flak hails on the plane.
47. The ranking attracted a lot of flak in India.
48. The index will run into some flak.
49. The president is getting a lot of flak for that.
50. July 27, 1944: Flak fills the sky as US antiaircraft guns fight off a Japanese attack during the invasion of Saipan, Mariana Islands.
51. Police in flak jackets are patrolling the districts hit by the violence.
52. Obama's economic-recovery plan is drawing flak from both sides of the aisle, with some fellow Democrats viewing his proposed business tax cuts as a sellout to Republicans.
53. There's a flak jacket in a box if you need it.
54. This puts Clinton in something of a no-win situation: he is unlikely to gain much credit if the bailout succeeds, but will catch ferocious flak if it fails.
55. He looked the part wearing a shalwar kameez atop a flak jacket.
56. Flak exploded all around them as the pilots jinked to avoid it.
57. The MiG pilot erroneously assumed that the flak from the airfield would scare him off.
58. He took a lot of flak for his stand against abortion.
59. Heavy flak was everywhere! He had been lulled, lured and trapped.
60. Some of the new cabinet are attracting flak for their beliefs.
61. Axis 88 mm Flak 36 now receives intended bonuses from support weapon veterancy.
62. Flak 88 and Pak 38 moved back into the Support category for Veterancy.
63. The Revenant's payload, a proton bomb, does considerable initial damage that radiates outward. Additionally, the Revenant features a rear-mounted Flak Cannon and an onboard stealth field.
64. To enter Gaiter, I strapped on a head-mounted display and a flak jacket, as well as forearm and shin guards.
65. Assault unit from the factory Anti-air flak cannons, self-repair system creates tactical choices.
66. In recent years they have attracted more than their fair share of flak from the press.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 17:34:55