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单词 Incorporated
1. He was incorporated a member of the college.
2. Your idea will be incorporated in the plan.
3. New ideas will be incorporated into the book.
4. They incorporated his proposals into their plan.
5. These conditions must be expressly incorporated into the contract of employment.
6. Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the new plan.
7. Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.
8. We've incorporated many environmentally-friendly features into the design of the building.
9. Results are incorporated within personalized medical records.
10. Pre-Christian sacred geometry was incorporated into church architecture.
11. When Smith's business became large, he incorporated it.
12. Hanover was incorporated into Prussia in 1886.
13. The mill incorporated with others.
14. I incorporated the new plans with the old.
15. The data is now incorporated in the total figures.
16. These new features can easily be incorporated.
17. The computer company will be incorporated with another.
18. The firm will be incorporated with the parent company.
19. Our original proposals were not incorporated in the new legislation.
20. The agreement would allow the rebels to be incorporated into a new national police force.
21. We have incorporated all the latest safety features into the design.
21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
22. Many of these ideas are now being incorporated into orthodox medical treatment.
23. We incorporated many new safety features in the new model of the car.
24. Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the plan.
25. There are two main structuralist techniques incorporated into critical social research.
26. In 1940 the area was incorporated as part of the city of London.
27. The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.
28. It must be incorporated when the contract is made.
29. For example, few schemes incorporated practical work using equipment.
30. Furthermore, the eatery is no longer incorporated, he said.
1. He was incorporated a member of the college.
2. Your idea will be incorporated in the plan.
3. New ideas will be incorporated into the book.
4. They incorporated his proposals into their plan.
5. These conditions must be expressly incorporated into the contract of employment.
6. Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.
7. We've incorporated many environmentally-friendly features into the design of the building.
8. When Smith's business became large, he incorporated it.
9. The mill incorporated with others.
10. I incorporated the new plans with the old.
31. He incorporated MA of Cambridge in 1670.
32. The terms can be incorporated by reference.
33. When completely incorporated, dough will be very sticky.
34. We have incorporated a users' guide with the software.
35. This has been incorporated in the amended proposals.
36. Patient employment was incorporated as an important subsystem of rehabilitation.
37. As an incorporated vehicle, it would ring-fence past claims from new capital-providers.
38. Results are incorporated within personalised medical records which serve as clinical review forms.
39. Incorporated in this revolt was both the resurrection of classical principles and the development of new ones that appear to be incompatible.
40. Qualitatively substantial parts of the program code are incorporated in the new program - definite infringement of copyright. 7.
41. From an early date the imperial palaces at Constantinople incorporated decorative schemes that emphasized and glorified imperial power and dominion.
42. Which aspects of black or female cultures are or could be incorporated into high status knowledge?
43. The Tashkent agreement was then incorporated into the terms of the CFE treaty.
44. Women of colour who face racist practices can not be simply incorporated into models which assume white women as the norm.
45. Their own programmes were incorporated in the plan, which must have reduced scepticism and helped in obtaining priority finance.
46. The vendor would then need to recover against the purchaser pursuant to provisions, including indemnities, incorporated in the standard sale agreement.
47. Most of the food we buy has at least one layer of plastic incorporated in its packaging.
48. And it is just possible that Western ideas in psychiatry could be incorporated into a relativity model.
49. Traditional steps were incorporated into warlike foot movements surmounted by expressive hand gestures.
50. Add the flour mixture a little at a time, following each addition with a little treacle and milk until everything is incorporated.
51. This committee reported in September 1988 and the government incorporated the main proposals of this report into the Companies Act 1989.
51. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
52. Others would like their homes to be energy efficient but wanted the features to be incorporated into the basic house price.
53. They can also be attached to, or incorporated with other chemicals or molecules to create useful manipulating structures such as tweezers.
54. It must be consciously incorporated into the strategy of building revolutionary Marxist parties in colonial countries. 14.
55. These exercises can easily be incorporated into an exercise routine, with each exercise repeated a number of times.
56. In both countries fingerspelling has become incorporated into sign language communication and deaf people will use fingerspelling with one another.
57. Many of those services are used by currently incorporated areas, but would not be needed in some new towns.
58. The design incorporated the use of 4 litres of Siporax and the other media would be Flocor or a similar product.
59. Deep-sea sediments may be scraped off the descending slab and incorporated into the adjacent mountains.
60. This carbon dioxide is first transformed to carbonates, and incorporated in the shells of sea creatures.
61. At the advanced levels of the art, use of the butterfly knives is incorporated in a set form, or pattern.
62. The fleurs-de-lys of the Cantilupe coat of arms were incorporated into Peter's seal.
63. The family of the survivor is encouraged to join in at the end. Relevant photographs and documents can also be incorporated.
64. Whisk until the yogurt is incorporated, season with salt, then serve over the steaks.
65. With food processor running, add the oil in a thin stream until it is thoroughly incorporated.
66. Leroy was involved with the purchase in Paris of the first paintings for the newly incorporated Metropolitan Museum of Art.
67. At each new level of cognitive development, previous levels are incorporated and integrated.
68. Most of the claims incorporated in the patents covered technology to discover and one day perhaps treat the mutations.
69. Rowell incorporated photography into his morning jogs, and his feats have proved a cut above ever since.
70. The northern area from Rijeka to Zadar was incorporated into the military frontier, which was under the control of the Habsburgs.
71. Most of the recent models of Jupiter have incorporated this feature.
72. The first - unequal retirement ages - has been incorporated into the new scheme.
73. In other words, it has been incorporated within the parochial confines of party-political polemic.
74. The history and hoopla of the Games is chronicled on bulletin boards, and the Olympics are incorporated into classes.
75. The loading door formerly incorporated in the east elevation of the extension was replaced by a large fixed window of plate glass.
76. Further experimentation might lead to the identification of other difficulty factors which could be incorporated into criterion statements.
77. The new rating system will be incorporated in television listings starting Jan. 1.
78. Mr Bourne mentioned a fuse incorporated in plaited binder-twine; this would explain the deep scorch marks.
79. The limit is 70 percent of the average number issued between 1988, when Sedona incorporated, and 1995.
80. Some physiotherapists have intuitively incorporated this response into their work.
81. The fundamental requirement for incorporated practice is recognition of the company by the Council of the Law Society.
82. Projects based on religion, morals, the nature of the self and so forth can not be fully incorporated within this framework.
83. Such a climate increases the likelihood that egalitarian feminist psychology will be incorporated into the traditional discipline.
84. They interviewed all department employees to find out their concerns, then incorporated them into the management structure of the new district.
85. They incorporated all the Mark 3 features of air conditioning, insulation and good riding.
86. It also incorporated a tiny iron-framed window with thick bubble-glass panes which opened and closed on nothing in particular.
87. The community development corporation is legally incorporated and financed from various sources and runs an economic development programme.
88. The result will be that those terms will be implicitly incorporated into their contracts, even though not specifically incorporated.
89. It therefore needs to be incorporated systematically into teaching strategies and practices at all levels.
90. For me, a key test will be how far the social provisions can be incorporated into the Maastricht agreement.
91. Two key elements that have been incorporated into the pre-packaged systems are a scorecard and market segmentation.
92. Most of Oldenberg's monuments have not been permanent and have incorporated change-movement and sometimes metamorphosis.
93. This may give rise to dispute where terms are incorporated by reference to some other document, as in the examples above.
94. Physical size and position of strokes are not incorporated into the coding scheme.
95. There is also the recurrent debate over the degree of specialization that should be incorporated in social work education.
96. When comprehensive schools became the norm there was still no serious attempt to rethink the curriculum or the values incorporated within it.
97. The Federal Reserve and regulators in Delaware, where the banks are incorporated, approved the merger Friday.
98. To signal these relationships, links have been incorporated into the document, modifying the structure.
99. The data requirements for all relevant Regional Council departments have been sought and are being incorporated into the specification where feasible.
100. Landscape, pasture, workplaces and cemetery are all incorporated and can be experienced from the abbey garden.
101. Speech synthesis units are being incorporated into cars like the Maestro as part of the standard instrumentation.
102. Watermark an impression incorporated in the paper making process showing the name of the paper and/or the company logo.
103. Both measures were later incorporated in the Public Order Act.
104. The debtor must be an individual,() but this includes a partnership and a business organization which is not entirely incorporated.
105. Where modern values have been incorporated they have often not reduced inequality.
106. It was incorporated in 1949 by the Phoenix Rotary Club.
107. After washing with ethanol and drying, the amount of incorporated label was determined by scintillation counting.
108. They are also eligible under EC rules for any public subsidies available to companies incorporated under the law of the host state.
109. Part of the remaining walls became incorporated into a police barracks in the nineteenth century.
110. It decided to do this through the dock company, a wholly owned subsidiary which was incorporated on 24 March 1982.
111. Let us now consider some of the economic and political factors generally incorporated into country risk assessment models applicable to non-OECD countries.sentence dictionary
112. It is being incorporated into the World Wide Web browsers such as NetScape, giving it a wider audience.
113. But I had a feeling that there were still some interesting uses for airships if I incorporated modern technology and materials.
114. There had been a path there once but it had been ploughed up and incorporated into the field long ago.
115. Manceville had designed it himself as a great Gothic palace and even incorporated the specially-built ruins of an abbey into one wing.
116. The only discovery which has definitely not been incorporated in the project is the dreaded tawse once used to beat the wayward.
117. B replied with an order, accepting the quotation, but using a form which incorporated B's own standard terms.
118. The upper roof extended over the end balconies with deep valances which incorporated the destination boxes.
119. The old loft and building are now incorporated into the inn.
120. A representation of this picture was incorporated in the 1984 design, the silver jubilee of well-dressing in Dore.
121. Its main use, therefore, is for the issue of advertisements to incorporated companies of a reasonable size.
122. The sediments of the old lobe will be attacked, destroyed and incorporated in marine sediments.
123. The safeguard for cross-curricular elements is, ironically, to ensure that they are fully incorporated into schemes of assessment.
124. Some skills or knowledge may be incorporated into higher order or more holistic tasks in later levels of a graduated test scheme.
125. New information can be incorporated as and when changes are made.
126. Each of the legs of the table incorporated a naked ormolu caryatid.
127. These limitation terms were incorporated in all contracts between seedsmen and farmers and had been for many years.
128. As in Britain, changes in health care are only haphazardly incorporated into the educational programme.
129. Clause 9A of the contract incorporated a restraint on competing activities during employment.
130. The first few pairs of somites that form do not persist; they disappear and are incorporated into the head.
131. It had incorporated everyone who could proclaim that the emperor was naked.
132. Combined with microcomputer retrieval software, this allows powerful search features to be incorporated.
133. The latter can entrap adult birds and if it is incorporated into nests it can cause chick mortality.
134. In addition to poems or maxims and decorative motifs, needleworkers frequently incorporated information about their parents and siblings.
135. The JetDirect interface incorporated into the new printers, will also be available as a family of add-in boards.
136. But he has also incorporated, and indeed revised, much recent analysis by economists.
137. Last year more than 12 million Z80 chips were sold around the world and incorporated into computers, telecommunications equipment and peripherals.
138. This production will have signing incorporated with the spoken word.
139. The school site was picked partly based on future development, and Amphi bought it before Tortolita was incorporated.
140. But we see ourselves as a sound system, and in a way everybody is a part of Motion Incorporated.
141. Many of the small, pretty inland and coastal villages can be incorporated into walks.
142. In the same way, external stimuli become incorporated into dreams in order to reduce their arousing effect.
143. However sophisticated the safety designs incorporated into nuclear power stations, they can not overcome the human fallibility which can occur.
144. S summarizes the essential features of the time dependences incorporated into the study.
145. Test material which was adapted from the Better Shoe promotional scheme, incorporated the health visitor's own beliefs.
146. In contrast, the charter party bill of lading did not contain the charter party contract, but incorporated it by reference.
147. Statutory provisions and quotations may be inset or may be incorporated in the text of the judgment.
148. The facade survived intact and was incorporated in the rebuilding, which was completed in 1932.
149. The large dividends paid by the more successful companies incorporated a substantial element of monopoly profit.
150. The electrical wiring was incorporated into the plaster, with all horizontal runs at skirting level.
151. Each type of wave attracted a different noun, and the nouns incorporated adjectives, verbs, whole narratives.
152. Similarly, the transistor took decades to become incorporated into commercial products such as hearing aids, navigational instruments and computers.
153. Incorporated in 1907, Watts developed as a grid of small residential lots without the significant industrial base enjoyed by neighboring Compton.
154. The defendants denied liability and the Court of Appeal held that the term in question was not incorporated into the contract.
155. A suitable window frame came off a skip behind a local double glazing merchant, and was incorporated into the studwork.
156. The page description language also allows graphics to be incorporated; rules, tones, line drawings and so on.
157. Some incorporated timber-framed lean-to houses, and the central open space could accommodate livestock.
158. The Rules include a provision permitting registered foreign lawyers to be directors and members of incorporated practices with solicitors.
159. This leaflet incorporated a sponsorship form and hopefully provided you with some inspiration for individual projects.
160. The degree has already successfully incorporated desktop publishing throughout its editorial, production and marketing strands.
161. Some squatters were incorporated within the local housing orbit, some weren't.
162. Now the situation has changed: Chopin has been gradually incorporated into the mainstream.
163. The sides of the arch were destroyed in the Middle Ages when it was incorporated in the fortifications.
164. Auto-dialling and remote access is possible from touch-tone telephones and electronic mail and voice-mail functions may be incorporated at a later date.
165. In summary, response to therapy may be incorporated in a definition when it works but failure requires other ways of thinking.
166. The Association is a registered charity incorporated under Royal Charter.
167. It could then have been further extended and incorporated into a Saxon salt way stretching across three counties.
168. Because the firm is incorporated, the interest it pays on the bond is tax-deductible.
169. He eventually incorporated this idea into his wider plan for tackling unemployment, the 1930 Mosley Memorandum.
170. However, recently, new animal rabies vaccines have been introduced that can be incorporated into edible baits.
171. It uses high-speed, state-of-the-art packet switching techniques incorporated into the cache controller for symmetrically connecting over 64 Viking CPUs.
172. In 1990 alone, 647, 675 new businesses were incorporated nationwide, accounting for ninety percent of the net job growth.
173. This is juridically an unsatisfactory explanation for those States where treaties do not form part of domestic law unless incorporated by legislation.
174. There are two major innovations incorporated in the new General Certificate of Secondary Education.
175. With those expectations already incorporated in investors' thinking, Greenspan's remarks had only a small immediate impact on financial markets.
176. They have also incorporated paintings, photos and graphic works by women artists to give their arguments an extra visual punch.
177. Many of these novels also made use of historical settings and some incorporated religious themes.
178. I designed it but incorporated the customer's ideas which is important to do as far as possible.
179. It is one of the few remaining buildings in Baltimore that was standing when the city was incorporated in 1797.
180. It was incorporated by the architect, Alexander Skirving, into a private dwelling house he was building in Langside Avenue.
181. The architect has incorporated Egyptian and Renaissance themes in the building's design.
182. New commitments from the sustainable development plan would be incorporated in the White Paper's tables for subsequent monitoring.
183. They were usually accompanied by or incorporated into written texts.
184. Even where such material is not incorporated by reference apparently reference may still be made to it for contextual or confirmatory purposes.
185. These form a layer at or near the surface or are incorporated into inner layers of the cuticle.
186. The amount of incorporated label was measured by scintillation counting.
187. Chests of drawers and dressing tables can also be incorporated into the scheme.
188. Recently birds have even incorporated the beeps of pelican crossings and the refined noise of the new-style telephone.
189. The system must be capable of identifying any new entries or sense sections which have been incorporated into the dictionary text.
190. Only eight districts had a computerised information system that incorporated information from assessments.
191. The plants are then supplied with an incorporated maintenance programme.
192. The result is a permanent war establishment run by a privately incorporated economy operating within a political vacuum.
193. There are variations in the way mental, oral and practical work are incorporated into a scheme.
194. Our engineers have incorporated a 3-way catalytic converter into an advanced engine design that reduces toxic gases by up to 95%.
195. For Oldenberg it was reminiscent of Tatlin's tower and should have incorporated a telescopic element.
196. By contrast coaching is a continuous process which may be incorporated into both counselling and appraisal sessions.
197. I have not yet explained how the relativity principle is actually incorporated into this scheme of things.
198. A solicitors' incorporated practice allowed under the Rules will be known as a recognised body.
199. The full text of the Solicitors' Incorporated Practice Rules 1988 is included in this pack, together with an introduction.
200. Treatment plant cost is proportional to the amount of flexibility incorporated into its design basis.
201. All five are to be incorporated as publicly owned companies from July 1, prior to the bidding process.
201. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
202. These equations were a major advance, since they generalised Marx's formulation, and incorporated both equilibrium and proportionality.
203. The Sandinistas quickly conceded the principle of bilingual education, and incorporated local languages into the 1980 literacy crusade.
204. Aspects of special interest, including the Jockey Club Rooms, can be incorporated in custom made tours.
205. This extra width would also allow for right hand turning lanes to be incorporated at the junctions on to adjacent military land.
206. The Lombards incorporated this into an iron crown which was used to crown the kings of Lombardy.
207. The covenant in effect places shareholders of an incorporated practice in the same position as the partners in a partnership.
208. And, if they do, how should their organisational structure be incorporated into the managerial hierarchy of the hospital?
209. Measuring the rate of protein synthesis then becomes a matter of measuring the rate at which amino acids are incorporated into proteins.
210. The condition which the court imposed was in the very terms subsequently incorporated in paragraph 33 of Buckley J.'s order.
211. When his business became large, he incorporated it.
212. Mr. Smith's firm incorporated with others last year.
213. Maxwell's theory fully incorporated these two complementary phenomena.
214. In order to enhance the exploratory ability, the pattern search is incorporated to improve the particle which provides effective local information for the EM.
215. The BBC is incorporated under a Royal Charter, which means it is a state organization but not government controlled.
216. In 2003 the ARB was incorporated and the Australian Racing Board Limited (ARBL) then became constituted as a company limited by guarantee.
217. A private limited company ( the HK Company ) was incorporated in Hong Kong in February 2000.
218. Xue's own fevered dream as a child is incorporated into the family legend.
219. Presumably poliovirus was incorporated into the resistant cells during the fusion process.
220. By EHMO incorporated with the special points procedure, and by the use of the selfcontained subroutine, the densities of energy states of potassium halides crystals are calculated.
221. In 1999, Vinda International Holdings Limited , Vinda's holding company, was incorporated in the Cayman Islands.
222. The Caymans have no corporate income tax for companies incorporated there.
223. Subsequently five different superstring theories were developed that incorporated fermions and possessed other properties necessary for a theory of everything.
224. Certain principle should apply to one or some kinds of foundations, but should not apply to all kinds of foundations or incorporated corporation.
225. Questioned data will inevitably be incorporated in the integrated model.
226. STYLE The new styling has incorporated a V in the collar, going back to a traditional design which has great results in the past.
227. Hypothetically, such drugs could be incorporated into a topical microbicide that would thwart sexually transmitted chlamydiae.
228. The biometric bodysuit shows how electronics and fluidics can be incorporated into clothing to perform a wide range of tasks.
229. Payment instructions are to be incorporated in the nominated bank's remittance letter addressed to us.
230. Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) refers to that an already incorporated enterprise divides its capital into equal shares and distributes them among its current employees.
231. A data compression and filtering network was incorporated into the simulation sub network to extract"Noise free"patterns in the input signals.
232. Companies can be incorporated by charter or by a special Act of parliament.
233. This ground fault protection function may be incorporated into a circuit breaker.
234. He uniform did not upset his hips later his paroxysm incorporated his caboodle largely being.
235. The term includes a general partnership, limited liability company, limited partnership, business trust(http:///incorporated.html), joint stock association and incorporated nonprofit association.
236. Using the gas zone seismic reflection character incorporated with drilled wells to predict its lateral distribution, we have obtained better predicting effects.
237. Sellars incorporated various empirical relations between ice cover and surface temperature.
238. Hydrophobic PLLA that is incorporated into the gene delivery vector is believed to enhance the cell interactions and tissue permeability of the delivery system.
239. Mainly charge of costume selling, through incorporated company training with actually operating, mastered partly sales skills.
240. New guns firing high explosive shells were incorporated into the battlefield.
241. Melville incorporated in " Moby Dick " an exhaustive encyclopaedia of whaling lore.
242. The Company is a liability company incorporated in the Cayman Islands.
243. The lace design incorporated rose, thistle, daffodil and shamrock — the emblems of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.




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