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单词 Thermodynamic
1. It must have reached thermodynamic equilibrium over the years, and represents the most stable state for this composition.
2. Thermodynamic entropy draws all chemical reactions down to their minimal energy level.
3. The thermodynamic constraints against their transverse diffusion across the bilayer are less that those of membrane proteins.
4. However, a strong thermodynamic arrow is necessary for intelligent life to operate.
5. It was analyzed according to Devonshire thermodynamic model.
6. Difficulties exist in the incorporation of the thermodynamic specifications.
7. According to it thermodynamic temperature scale can be realized.
8. The crack healing is a thermodynamic nonreversible process.
9. And that's the zeroth law thermodynamic.
10. What's Wrong in the Thermodynamic Theory of Glass Transition?
11. A zero-gravity thermodynamic vent system which is desirable to be used in a cryogenic propellant tank is briefly presented.
12. The standard thermodynamic function of gaseous C84 (D2)is also reported here.
13. The tephigram is a thermodynamic particularly suitable for representing atmospheric processes.
14. Thermodynamic activity - traces acted as the regional metamorphic facies and its belts.
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15. High - pressure gas system thermodynamic characters of artillery counter - recoil mechanism in the transient recoil processes were studied.
16. Initial analysis utilizes thermodynamic and kinetic information to predict alkaline cell performance under low discharge rates.
17. The experimental study on thermodynamic performance of carbon fiber electric heating board for floor panel heating system under the ascending temperature and stable conditions is carried out.
18. The method can be used to calculate the thermodynamic properties of the moist combustion gas for any kind of hydrocarbon fuel, any steam injection ratio and any fuel coefficient.
19. Based on the thermodynamic model of ideal gas of cosmic strings, the string tension is calculated by the saddle point approximation and the expression of string tension is obtained.
20. The thermodynamic characteristic of the mountain histosols was superior to that of dark-brown soil of hillside, which was beneficial for plant growth and nutrient accumulation.
21. Clearly, there is need for more detailed work on thermodynamic and chemical processes in small gasifiers.
22. To predict whether a reaction will occur spontaneously or not it is necessary to introduce another thermodynamic state function called entropy.
23. Only in the dead state, does the exergitic value of a thermodynamic body equal zero(), it is above zero in any other states.
24. Adiabatic combustion temperature at various oxidizer mass flow rates and grain length is obtained by thermodynamic calculation and has a maximum as oxidizer mass flow rate increases .
25. The control of indoor temperature a fuzzy controller has been conducted using a testing - room thermodynamic system.
26. The reaction was proved to be an exothermic reaction by dynamic and thermodynamic which agrees with experimental results.
27. Field atmospheric conditions, the environmental background of target and the target's thermodynamic properties will make it difficult to collect target's spectral emissivity in field.
28. Based on the test data of acceleration process of 492Q gasoline engine, a thermodynamic model of combustion heat release rate is developed to study the transient behavior of gasoline engines.
29. Based on pedagogical experience, a scheme of diagrammatic representation of fundamental dependent equations relating thermodynamic functions is suggested.
30. According to the thermal experiment data and correction curve of heat supply units, the mathematical analysis formula of thermodynamic characteristic has been given accurately in this paper.
31. For the deep research, we apply the discrete thermodynamic analysis and define the concept of the virtual thermal resistance in the heat control of the machine tool guide.
32. Based on thermodynamic function of hot metal predesulphurizing reaction and desulphurizing reaction rate, the conditions beneficial to hot metal predesulphurization was analyzed.
33. The thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of adsorbing tetrachloroethane on adsorbent M were studied via static adsorption experiments.
34. According to the thermodynamic parameters, the main acting force between indomethacin and HSA was determined.
35. The method employs finite-rate chemistry and thermodynamic perfect gas properties for reaction.
36. An excess enthalpy equation is established based on this thermodynamic model.
37. The instability of atmosphere, coaction of dynamic and thermodynamic power, and water vapor transmit conditions are necessary condition to induce thunderstorm.
38. In thermodynamic system, heat exchanger is in higher proportion in gross investment of an enterprise, and the performance of heat exchanger directly influences thermal economy.
39. The amino-group in the teraamino-phthalocyanine Cu(II), which synthesized from 3-nitro-phthalic anhydride, has the conversion trend from thermodynamic spin state to thermodynamic conjugation state.
40. The thermodynamic properties of ferromagnetic substance are given and used to discuss the performance of a magnetic Stirling refrigeration cycle. Some general conclusions are obtained.
41. Humid air turbine(HAT)cycle is an advanced thermodynamic cycle which has characteristic of high perfermance and low pollution. The pressure of humid air in saturator of HAT is very high.
42. The causes for dry shrinkage of elastic knit are described. The influences of thermodynamic, chemical and time-relative parameters on dry shrinkage of elastic knit are analyzed.
43. In addition, the paper made preliminary step discuss on the mechanism of stability of bath on the thermodynamic and dynamic aspects and electroless composite codeposition using nano powder.
44. The ternary C - H - N phase diagrams for low pressure diamond growth were theoretically calculated through thermodynamic analysis.
45. The article carries on thermodynamic and kinetic analysis which heat dolomite product burnt dolomite by microwave firing.
46. On the assumption that the product of volume thermal expansivity and bulk modulus based on the thermodynamic approximation theory,[sentencedict .com] a new equation is presented for volume thermal expansion coefficient.
47. The equivalent enthalpy drop method ( EEDM ) is equivalent to the habitual thermal balance method ( HTBM ) on the thermodynamic principle.
48. It is by now well known that one of the outstandingly unsolved questions in gravitational theory is the microscopic origin of black-hole thermodynamic entropy.
49. According to the features of equivalent enthalpy-drop method applied to thermodynamic system, the methods of local quantitative calculation for cycle function method in regenerative system is deduced.
50. A molecular thermodynamic model of gas solubility in nonpolar solvents has been established.
51. In order to make a thermodynamic analysis for an ammonia synthetic system, the functional values of the thermodynamics of gas mixture with ammonia must be given first.
52. Some new thermodynamic performances in the low content range of methanol and ethanol of the methanol-ethanol-water ternary system were also revealed by the computation.
53. Thermodynamic analysis shows that wolframite not only can be decompose.
54. The method is a numerical solution of multi-component chemical equilibrium flows with the elements distributing equations and thermodynamic calculation of chemical equilibrium.
55. Thermodynamic computation results showed that the specific work output of liquid nitrogen in the new cycle was 129% more than that in the single Rankine cycle.
56. Kelvin of thermodynamic temperature unit is consists of 4 dimensional space , minus 4 dimensional time and an coefficient of 22.77 , its physical expression has upgraded into.
57. According to the engineering thermodynamic theory, the inflating work and ebulliency work exerted by the materials composed of liquid, vapour and gas during the adiabatic process are calculated.
58. And the reason is, as we'll see shortly, it turns out that every single macroscopic thermodynamic function can be Derived by knowing just that.
59. We established the mathematics model of the, whole torpedo thermodynamic propulsion system which adopt unclose cycle form.
60. The equations of the thermodynamic properties for ammonia in SI System are compiled and developed.
61. The Born - Haber cycle is a thermodynamic cycle that shows the interrelation of these quantities.
62. The conditions of silver sulphide dissolving in sodium cyanide have been discussed by the use of thermodynamic principle and coupling reaction.
63. The Maxwell relations between the thermodynamic functions were derived with the matrix analysis according to the characteristics of Jacobian determinant in present paper.
64. Based on thermodynamic analysis for ammonia complexion system, the main parameters that influence the rate of reaction in the process of nickel chemical plating on a surface coated h BN were studied.
65. Characteristics of reaction turbine are analysed in the paper with respect to its thermodynamic performance and structural strength.
66. The thermodynamic approaches to predict particle morphology were summarized and the rule of minimum interfacial free energy change was discussed in detail.
67. The adsorption rate of cyanide on D296R alkaline anion exchange resin was measured, the adsorption isotherm drawn and the thermodynamic function of the adsorption process deduced.
68. Mathematical simulation and synthetical optimization are main methods of thermodynamic system.
69. The model contains a single set of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters that accurately predicts the polymer production rate, molecular weight, and polydispersity index.
70. Manual disposal of the experimental data of the thermodynamic function measured with electromotive force can hardly achieve a satisfactory result.
71. How does the time taken to establish thermodynamic equilibrium depend on the concentration of the liquid solution?
72. Further thermodynamic investigations suggested that the adsorption of Sb on IOCS was spontaneous and endothermic.
73. The correctness of the thermodynamic treatment of the internal bias field of the TGS crystal is demonstrated experimentally.
74. These studies are useful for improving the thermodynamic model for salt lake brine complex systems containing lithium and borate .
75. The conjugate detonation model is derived from conservation and thermodynamic laws without any additional conditions as the CJ assumption.
76. Discusses a variety of thermodynamic and systematic processes that can affect maser microwave Cavity frequency.
77. The infrared thermography was used to estimate the thermodynamic disfigurement in this article.
78. Firstly,[] the thermodynamic equilibrium of Bunsen reaction and hydrogen iodide decomposition were examined.
79. The hydrophobic interaction was the main force according to the thermodynamic parameters of combine for this chrysin derivative with bovine serum albumin.
80. Such as kilogram of mass unit , Kelvin of thermodynamic temperature , Joule of energy unit , Ampere of electric current intensity and Newton of force unit and so on?
81. Draw lessons from thermodynamic knowledge, advanced the idea of economic cycle efficiency.
82. In the third chapter, the surface vibration and thermodynamic properties of some typical surfaces for FCC and HCP metals are studied by means of the surface lattice dynamics and the analytic EAM.
83. In the variable conditions calculation of thermodynamic calculation for marine steam turbine, it is often for overcritical conditions and overflow conditions to occur.
84. According to the thermodynamic equations, the laws of ladle lining temperature distribution and the real-time temperature of molten steel in ladle during tapping are calculated.
85. Water as the carrier, compounded with the hydrophilic lubricator, the emulsifier, the anti-rust and anti-corrosive agent, the thermodynamic stability system with solubilization was formed.
86. An example is the innovative reverse flow cooling system which delivers thermodynamic and friction improvements.
87. A thermodynamic analysis of liquid phase methanol synthesis system was carried out and non-linear equations for solving phase equilibrium and chemical equilibrium of this system were established.
88. Thermodynamic analysis on the n C 5 , n C 6 paraffin isomerization reaction was worked out in detail.
89. Precise thermodynamic equilibrium may never be achieved in a microscopic realm within gaseous nebulae.
90. Compared thermodynamic and kinetic predicting model with the experimental results separately, the paper shows that the forecast error is small.
91. According to the operating procedure of a combined cooling heating and power (CCHP) system with micro gas turbine as driver, establishes the thermodynamic model.
92. With increasing the additive, the thermodynamic characteristics, the electrochemical performances and the kinetic properties of the composite electrode alloy are significantly improved.
93. It is necessary to include as a heat source in the thermodynamic energy equation a term which represents the time rate of release of the latent heat of condensation of water vapor.
94. Brief description involving thermodynamic properties and order-disorder transformation of glass was given.
95. And the branched structure caused an early transition of the separated domain from the sphere-like to the rod-like, which was interpreted theoretically through a thermodynamic model.
96. These molecular flips are generally attributed to cosmic rays or thermodynamic noise.
97. Before Later Proterozoic era , in this area more than two times of thermodynamic metamorphism took place.
98. A high - surface - energy solid surface offers the most conducive thermodynamic condition for good wetting.
99. Based on pedagogical scheme of representation of fundamental dependent equations relating thermodynamic functions is suggested.
100. First a fundamental model for calculating entrainment ratio was derived based on thermodynamic and fluid dynamic principles.
101. Grasp how to calculate the entropy in a thermodynamic process.
102. The unique thermodynamic behaviors of metallic melt and metallic glass are analyzed, and the atomistic mechanisms are discussed.
103. In thermodynamic technology, it is meaningful to determine the state function of thermodynamics, from which many important thermodynamic functions can be derived and power and heat be calculated.
104. Thermodynamic and kinetic considerations for the ethanol electrooxidation in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC) were discussed.
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105. The maximum valve outlet velocity should be limited to mach 0.3 for saturated steam, due to the thermodynamic properties of the fluid.
106. By a molecular thermodynamic model for gas solubility, the molecular parameters for these gases have been estimated by proper fitting of the experimental data.
107. In thermodynamic limit the ratio of the number of states involved in the most probable distribution to all possible states accessible to the system is zero.
108. What thermodynamic function is naturally a function of N, V, T?
109. From the geometrical representation of the phase function, it is pointed out that the thermodynamic phase equilibrium diagram is in essence a projection diagram of phase function.
110. Three potential functions are explained by using experimental data of spectrum and thermodynamic data of the solvate.
111. The power generation efficiency , investment benefit and technical feasibility of the thermodynamic pumped storage are analyzed.
112. Presents the thermodynamic principle of an ideal combined cooling, heating and power system and indicates its huge potential in energy saving.
113. A relation between the saturated vapor pressure and the heat of vaporization for pure liquids has been derived by statistical thermodynamic method.
114. This Paper Presents that there are a lot of heat-absorbing and heat-lossing subprocesses within an arbitrary thermodynamic equilibrium process is discussed.
115. This paper makes a thermodynamic analysis on acid leaching process of germanium oxide dust and discusses the behaviours of mainly substances of the dust on leaching process.
116. Pressure variations often have less impact on transport properties, although they can significantly alter thermodynamic properties such as the density of gases and liquid boiling points.
117. The thermodynamic system heat balance calculation method based on a topological analysis is considered as the most successful computer based method for calculating thermal power plant heat balance.
118. The electronic density of states (DOS) of the system as well as low temperature thermodynamic quantities are obtained under the saddle point approximation.
119. This paper clarifies the concrete forms and conditions of the thermodynamic fundamental equation on different thermometric scales.
120. Furthermore, the binding constants and thermodynamic parameters of pentachlorophenol with HA were obtained at different temperatures.
121. The Dinucleotide Property Database is designed to collect and analyse thermodynamic, structural and other dinucleotide properties.
122. Taking example for the database for thermodynamic property of saturated liquid and saturated steam, this paper also introduce the way to realize the query and its result.
123. Thermodynamic analysis was made to study the reduction volatilization of boron in ludwigite by using carbothermic reduction. Predominance diagram for the BCO system was presented.
124. The thermodynamic sorption behavior mechanism of expanded graphite for heavy oil in simulated seawater were investigated.
125. Both the water gas shift reaction and the methanation reaction do not reach the thermodynamic equilibrium.
126. The thermodynamic theories of separating aluminum and silicon in alunite ore with acid melting method were introduced herein, and the test results were presented also.
127. Chemical equilibrium in direct synthesis of dimethyl ether from syngas was calculated and analyzed by using an appropriate thermodynamic model.
128. Self-sustained oscillation characteristic of thermoacoustic stack is quantitatively proven based on thermodynamic theory to be negative damped oscillation.
129. Thermodynamic considerations indicate that the reduction of phosphate to phosphine is endergonic.
130. By introducing the law of thermodynamic and the concepts of temperature, intrinsic energy and entropy.
131. WANG Zhi - xiang. Thermodynamic protection and sequence control [ M ]. Beijing: China Electric Power Press, 2001.
132. The thermodynamic and equilibrium constant criterion of the silver leaching with cyanide is deduced.
133. A thermodynamic model of excess enthalpy with three parameters for binary liquid mixtures is established by introducing the internal pressure and energy of vaporization of components.
134. Roughly the same number could be derived by using thermodynamic or quantum-gravitational estimates of the total information content of the universe.
135. According to thermodynamic principle, this thesis reconsiders the equilibrium constant of ideal gas reaction.
136. General motion low of back-pressure ports position is developed by solving thermodynamic model of compressor and carrying out dynamical computation.
137. Besides, we have derived the error of magnetic field and some thermodynamic parameters, and also some critical parameters for ESR at GS1 of FRG.
138. To regain a thermodynamic stability corresponding to atmospheric pressure, carbon dioxide molecules must leave the supersaturated fluid.
139. The thermodynamic functions of the reaction of glycine with pyridoxal were measured and discussed.
140. Heat Capacity, Thermodynamic Properties and Crystal Structure of 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazole Picrate.
141. The paper lays the stress on the research of the application of metallic corrugate pipe and compensator in the thermodynamic pipe system of the blast furnace.
142. In thermodynamic system, the investment of heat exchanger is in higher proportion in gross investment of an enterprise, and the performance of heat exchanger directly influences thermal cost.
143. The results can be applied to the thermodynamic research of new copper smelting technologies adopting calcium ferrite slag.
144. The relationship between excess thermodynamic function and the binding constant K was suggested.
145. To maintain clarity and simplicity, we leave all thermodynamic considerations aside.
146. A thermodynamic analysis of cementation of Ag with Cu in ammoniacal solution has been carried out. The calculated results indicated that this cementation reaction is possible thermodynamically.
147. The kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics of adsorption of urushiol - salicylic acid resin were systematically studied for Ag ~ +.
148. In this article, we did computer simulation for the statistical thermodynamic model of real gas and its vapor-liquid phase equilibria.
149. On the principle of changeable mass thermodynamics, a thermodynamic model of working process for scroll compressor with self-adjusting back-pressure mechanism is established in this paper.
150. Moreover, the vertical distribution of helicity can reflect some dynamic and thermodynamic features of severe convection.
151. It is found out that the approximate thermodynamic performance of the steam turbine in a combined cycle plant is determinate when the PPTD in HRSG and the parameters of the gas turbine is known.
152. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Lars Onsager of Yale University, U. S. , for his work in thermodynamic theory.
153. Based on the experimental results , combined with thermodynamic and kinetic analysis, the exploratory study on fast reaction of nitromethane calytized by nano-nanoparticles were discussed.
154. This paper analyzes the inter - phasing pulse tube refrigeration using the thermodynamic methods.
155. This paper presents a new geothermal power generating system and its thermodynamic optimization.
156. The laws of thermodynamics involve a concept called entropy for irreversible thermodynamic processes.
157. The thermodynamic function data relative to the reference temperature(298.15 K) were calculated based on the heat capacities measurements in the temperature range from 80 K to 325 K.
158. Based on the non-equilibrium thermodynamic coupling model, the isotherm, isopiestic and cross section phase diagrams for diamond growth in C-H-O system are calculated.
159. The mechanics on the phase transfer could be explained clearer and deeper by combining material micro structure, micro mechanics of phase transform and macro thermodynamic theory.
160. The heat flows between the two ends of a thermoelectric device and their contacted heat sources are derived by means of nonequilibrium thermodynamic theory.
161. With the help of the said method a table of wet gas thermodynamic properties and also an ideal steam table to be used in conjunction with the former have been prepared,[] which are suitable ...
162. The characteristic and the thermodynamic tristate conversion of ABS are described.




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