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单词 Gens
(1) They refused to accept Morgan's assertion that the gens and group marriage were characteristic of the earlier human societies.
(2) The gens was the communal group which Marx, following Morgan, considered as ante-dating all known history.
(3) The gens for Morgan is a grouping within which marriage is communal and where children and wives are pooled.
(4) The gens for Morgan is the source from which both later kinship systems and later political systems evolved.
(5) It reveals the democratic constitution of the gens.
(6) The property should remain in the gens.
(7) Obligation not to marry within the gens.
(8) Originally to the gens, without a doubt.
(9) Guoren were members of the gens who ruled the country, they appeared with the forming of phyle kin relationship in social system and ended with the collapse of it.
(10) The gens also lives on in the " factions. "
(11) Prohibition of marriage within the gens except in the case of heiresses.
(12) The gens attempted to uproot the entire conjugal system of the period by its direct action.
(13) All the male members of the gens were equally eligible.
(14) The gens deposes the sachem and war - chief at will.
(15) A further stage in the scheme is much more interesting: this is the stage of the communal gens.
(16) Classes and private property grow out of the family and together these various factors lead to the break-up of the gens.
(17) Such were the rights and privileges of a typical Indian gens.
(18) The property of a deceased person should remain in the gens.
(19) If the U.S. Strategic Air Command had possessed independent control of the atomic arsenal during those crises or at any other tense moments in the 1950s or early '60s (when Gens.
(20) Newest research discovers the scientist, have really beside our " asexuality gens " [/gens.html], they are done not have really any " the gender is interesting " .
(21) In a word, the matter appears simple and natural as soon as we abandon the extraordinary conception of the endogamous Roman gens and regard it, with Morgan, as originally exogamous.
(22) Among the Iroquois the ceremony of adoption into the gens was performed at a public council of the tribe, and therefore was actually a religious rite .
(23) In nets of these charge to an account , need to be registered simply only, you can become their member, become " Zhang guest " gens, enjoy software of free charge to an account .
(24) Obligation of mutual protection and help among members of the gens.
(25) These mutual right of inheritance strengthened the autonomy of the gens.
(26) The first part is be about to the student gens of obtain employment, face-lifting is considered as the slabstone of their happiness future.
(27) Tasting global cate is the greatest cherished desire of gluttonous gens.
(28) Liberty, equality, and fraternity, though never formulated, were cardinal principles of the gens.
(29) But in the first place the endogamous character of the gens which is here asserted is precisely what has to be proved.
(30) Wore manual shoe to also become a capital the halfback choice of modern gens.
(31) All offices were elective , generally within a gens , and to that extent hereditary to the gens.
(32) Lone gens often oversight breakfast, ferial perhaps eat very simply, stay need the talent when on the weekend belly-worship.
(33) As long as the land belonged to the gens, no such power could exist.
(34) The 6 old series that select in equipment among 45 models, 18 cars are judged to be a cosset by gens of car of insular city love, cent lists every series to choose before 3 of the model fully.
(35) The tribal council also had the to depose sachems, even against the will of the gens.
(36) Another distinctive right of the gens was that of admitting new members by adoption.
(37) No gens would have a chief or sachem from any gens but its own.
(38) And Marx adds: " In the Greek gens[sentence dictionary], the savage ( e . g . Iroquois ) shows through unmistakably. "
(39) A division of the tribe or of the gens into different classes was equally impossible.
(40) The individuals' rights of possession in the pieces of land originally allotted to them by gens or tribe had now become so established that the land was their hereditary property.
(41) Without a doubt, Fecenia, a freedwoman , is here granted the right to marry outside the gens.
(42) Have " blain " gens mights as well try this face film, but once appear the skin erubescent or remove the allergic phenomenon such as little a knot in one's heart to be about to hurry out of service.




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