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单词 undergraduate
释义  Related topics: Collegeun·der·grad·u·ate /ˌʌndəˈɡrædʒuət◂ $ -ər-/ ●●○ noun [countable]  SECa student at college or university, who is working for their first degree 〔在读的〕大学(本科)生 → graduate, postgraduate second-year undergraduates 大学二年级学生undergraduate student/course/degree etc 大学本科学生/课程/学位等Examples from the Corpusundergraduate• Now there are 3,000 graduate students as well as 11,500 undergraduates.• As an undergraduate he was something of a dandy, and even as a priest his appearance was remarkably trim.• In October 1922 he was still a bright and energetic undergraduate with enthusiasms for Dryden and Carlyle.• The loans, which are based on financial need, are limited to $3000 for undergraduates.• Now that facilities will be freely available and not the subject of constant negotiation we hope that even more undergraduates will participate.• It grew out of the teaching of stylistics to undergraduates at Lancaster, which and I have shared for several years.• In one year alone she was overseeing twelve undergraduates, of whom eleven emerged with first-class degrees.• They met when they were undergraduates at Cambridge.undergraduate student/course/degree etc• It also makes an ideal text to support an undergraduate degree course in analytical chemistry.• An average undergraduate course costs around £4,000 a year for each student.• They also have me, um, teaching assistants linguistics courses, undergraduate courses.• Similar changes have already begun in the admissions process for undergraduate students entering in 1998.• These activities enrich the course programme by informing undergraduate courses with the latest principles and practices emerging from international boardrooms and marketplaces.• One reason: a sharp drop in the number of undergraduate students choosing economics as a major.• The review deals with undergraduate courses and manages to condense a great deal of material into a concise and readable form.un·der·grad·u·ate nounChineseSyllable  working is college Corpus or student a for who at university,




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