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单词 Grants
1. The club eventually capitulated and now grants equal rights to women.
2. Student grants these days are paltry, and many students have to take out loans.
3. The school has received various grants from the education department.
4. Grants are being offered to farmers who agree to turn over their land to woodland and forests.
5. The government provides money in the shape of grants and student loans.
6. The council had been handing out grants indiscriminately, and people were hurrying to get their snouts in the trough.
7. The Union had already dispensed £40,000 in grants.
8. Student numbers have been decimated by cuts in grants.
9. Grants are available depending on your circumstances.
10. School grants are to be axed next year.
11. Grants are awarded according to your financial circumstances.
12. The grants given to students are less than adequate.
13. In Britain, the Arts Council gives grants to theatres.
14. Grants should be available for all students.
15. There is a lot of competition for research grants.
16. The law effectively grants the company immunity from prosecution.
17. Higher education grants are a carrot with which to entice students.
18. The government is awarding small,(http:///grants.html) pump-priming grants to single mothers who are starting their own businesses.
19. Relocated employees received grants towards incidental expenses like buying carpets.
20. Being a student today with miserly grants and limited career prospects is difficult.
21. Grants for the arts are not too thick on the ground these years.
22. Grants by themselves provide little more than a temporary palliative to ailing industries.
23. Student grants will be frozen at existing levels and top-up loans made available.
24. Cole grants them a grudging accolade.
25. You've opened up a whole new can of worms here I think. We could have a whole debate on student loans and grants.
26. Less than half of the money that students receive is in the form of grants, and loans have made up the difference.
27. Theatre companies are very concerned about cuts in government grants to the arts.
28. The US is contributing $4 billion in loans, credits and grants.
29. Students are able to take out loans to top up their grants.
30. It's that bit in the story where the fairy grants the little girl three wishes.
1. The club eventually capitulated and now grants equal rights to women.
2. Student grants these days are paltry, and many students have to take out loans.
3. The school has received various grants from the education department.
4. Grants are being offered to farmers who agree to turn over their land to woodland and forests.
5. The government provides money in the shape of grants and student loans.
6. The council had been handing out grants indiscriminately, and people were hurrying to get their snouts in the trough.
7. Higher education grants are a carrot with which to entice students.
31. Grants are available to students who have high grades.
32. H grants Caltrans the authority to act.
33. Grants will dovetail with the expected economic return.
34. Otherwise it will rob other facilities - or grants.
35. Life grants nothing to us mortals without hard work. Horace 
36. Grants are not available to pay for fuel bills.
37. Those without a formula entitlement, both inside and outside metropolitan areas, would have to rely on discretionary grants.
38. And applications for grants from arts funds had also been made.
39. Project staff will help you to apply for the available grants and carry out practical work.
40. The Committee is currently reviewing its policy on research grants in order to produce a better defined and more coherent research programme.
41. Industrial estates in the eastern parts of the town will be regenerated by offering grants and business advice.
42. The University Grants Committee had acted as a buffer against change.
43. Grants fluctuated in reflection of the provision made and the support it attracted through enrolments.
44. Thompson said he expected the governors to rally behind a compromise plan on welfare and education and training grants Tuesday.
45. It may also be possible to award grants of lesser value to applicants not elected as the Fellow.
46. Grants are made for warm clothing, heating bills, beds and bedding, nourishing foods, convalescent holidays, etc.
47. It will bring forward legislation in the coming parliamentary session to introduce student loans, partially replacing grants, from autumn 1990.
48. After 1475, however, Gloucester made no further acquisitions, either through royal grants or private enterprise.
49. Alvin flew into a flurry of activity, managing to overspend the grants without finishing his own projects.
50. This rather unpromising collection was augmented with grants from the duchy of Lancaster.
51. Indeed, Coates grants, without a doubt, that I have this knowledge.
52. Part of these totals will include a figure for capital grants made by central government for a specific purpose or project.
53. What will happen to the overview of grants to voluntary conservation bodies, particularly national bodies?
54. On Tuesday, Kansas became the first state to furlough state employees, paid through federal grants, who process unemployment claims.
55. However, there might be guidance about the proportioning of grants to various aspects of development education.
56. It is well to know the limits in advance but it is usually small relative to the average size of grants.
57. The £11,000 cost will be met through £4,000 from the parish council, grants and fundraising by the project committee.
58. There are two core elements of support offered to local voluntary groups by the Campaign - information and grants.
59. According to my religion, I could, so long as my wife grants her consent.
60. Variations between local areas' needs can be measured and compensated for in national grants.
61. The grants aim to help people live in the community as independently as possible.
62. The Senate plan thus anticipated simplifying the review process characteristic of the categorical grants.
63. Clinton plans to distribute $ 200 million in grants this year.
64. Where capital is financed from grants, there will be no direct revenue effect.
65. Another 200 plus organisations involved in you, adult education and community work will receive Education Committee grants.
66. The Association of Charity Officers may be able to give advice about grants or statutory benefits.
67. There is concern among Republicans that the groups being funded by the grants will be antagonistic to the new administration.
68. Grants can also be available to help with the cost of driving lessons and initial deposits.
69. The Minister may also refer to the discretionary grants from local education authorities.
70. Consequently, rather than earning a wage, they are likely to find themselves claiming a range of benefits, grants and allowances.
71. The production of renewable energy sources should also be promoted through grants, soft loans and fiscal incentives, the report concluded.
72. So far they have gained little official recognition and therefore do not automatically qualify for government grants to students.
73. Although they are helped to meet expenditure through grants from central government, their monies are prescribed for specific purposes.
74. The project is being paid for through a combination of airport revenues, bond money and federal grants.
75. General grants A full discussion of the methods of distributing the general grant is beyond the scope of this book.
75. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
76. The U. S. Department of Labor also provided demonstration grants for a handful of school-to-work programs.
77. Police actions are frequently directed by ruling politicians and the government controls the legislation which grants the army immunity.
78. Contrast also grants priority to lexical expressions that conventionally convey a specific meaning.
79. Grants Power steering, automatic transmissions, hand-controlled accelerator and brake and swivel seats are often required.
80. Payment of fees and grants Fees set by each drama school do differ slightly, though they can be considered basically similar.
81. The University Grants Committee and the research councils worked together on the selection job.
82. Students receiving grants from other authorities receive £125 in the grant to cover travel costs.
83. In humans, biology grants even more, but the same laws apply.
84. Anyone considering a scheme of tree planting would be advised to contact their County Council to see what grants are available.
85. Other grants are offered to help farmers produce the most suitable products.
86. The cathedral appeal is one of a clutch of Essex organisations to cash in on grants announced yesterday.
87. Educational grants and salary boosts could certainly help the careers of some nurses, but these are stopgap measures.
88. Section 8 grants A road haulage business seeking to expand need not restrict itself entirely to the road transport industry.
89. Since the 1830s, these schools, and other denominational schools, had received government grants.
90. The new government grants are intended to aid small businesses.
91. It is run by a charitable trust and so relies on grants and donations for its survival.
92. Grants for woodland management will be available from 1992 and a new national forest for the Midlands considered.
93. Although John cancelled his predecessors' grants, neither he nor subsequent popes abstained from issuing new dispensations to pluralists.
94. Few of these grants were easily elicited, some were decidedly difficult to extract, and occasional demands were flatly refused.
95. Twenty-five percent of the funds would go for discretionary grants, with the protected communities also having access to this money.
96. However, with the help of grants and donations we have continued to build the collections.
97. We will reform the Social Fund, removing its cash limit and converting most loans into grants.
98. Anyone who dares defend this breakthrough speaks in hushed tones, fearing crank calls and canceled grants.
99. The second distribution was for hold-harmless grants to protect users of the categorical grants from a sudden loss of this money.
100. In practice, beneficiary households have to pool their meager grants in order to buy a farm from a willing seller.
101. Categories this year have been changed with the aim of spreading the £2,150 plus training grants further.
102. The alliance will use the two-week inventory to award grants to local groups for making improvements.
103. Government grants were available in cases where rail would keep lorries off roads regarded as sensitive.
104. Because the area is now supposed to be designated, farmers have been ineligible for grants from the many government conservation schemes.
105. Relating levels of capital grants to handicap zones would also provide a better climate for conservation in the uplands.
105. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
106. In its 10-year history, the London Marathon has made grants of almost £900,000 for recreational facilities in the capital.
107. Positive financial incentives in the form of specific grants from a specially established Department of Health Fund would certainly help.
108. In 1999, the Water and Light Department did not make any energy conservation grants attributable to the two arenas.
109. However, applications for research grants are considered as they are received.
110. Administration grants will also be introduced towards the costs incurred by sponsoring organisations in making arrangements for exhibitors.
111. Grants awarded: Grants worth £65,048 have been awarded to local development agencies by Cleveland County Council.
112. The term refers to the idea that federal grants should be concentrated on areas or groups presumed to have the greatest need.
113. The rest will be made up by endowment funds, grants, government subsidies and ... by Elie Borowski.
114. Grants for mature students are income related, but special allowances are available.
115. They hope the fund will attract further grants and donations.
116. Of the total £68.1 million allocation for community care grants, £67.4 million was spent.
117. Finally, he grants Bennett access to his old papers, but Bennett can make little headway with them.
118. Case workers may be able to advise on grants or local agencies which may be able to provide help.
119. Among these sources are grants or aid from state and federal governments, private foundations, and various voluntary health agencies.
120. A number of grants and incentives are available for projects which are socially desirable, but not commercially viable without support.
121. The Scholarships, Grants and Awards have been strengthened for 1993 with the addition of several new ones.
122. For the other families, however, association with the duke can be inferred only from grants made after his accession.
123. Similarly, the increasing use of urban development corporations ind Whitehall grants in inner cities would further undermine local authorities.
124. The delay was the result of a change in the way that we administer the grants.
125. The principal beneficiaries of these grants were the middling and lesser nobility.
126. C., and generally increased the awareness of local officials about the new revenue sources represented by categorical grants.
127. Mr. Gummer My Department offers a number of grants to farmers that encourage the adoption of environmentally sound practices.
128. Grants are available towards the cost of loft insulation under the Homes Insulation Scheme.
129. From this figure they deduct their estimated income from charges and central government grants together with any cash balances available for the purpose.
130. Because the money is not subject to corporation tax, the grants are, in effect, worth twice as much.
131. The awarding of rehabilitation loans and grants still awaited council approval despite the sizable waiting lists.
132. Where the County Court grants a new lease to the tenant it may do so for a period not exceeding 14 years.
133. The Whitehill finance committee agreed to suggest an arrangement with Selborne Parish Council to pay grants on alternate years.
134. Sniffen said he has applied for other grants but has come up empty.
135. In the sixth year they would have to seek discretionary grants.
136. In 1994, for example,(http:///grants.html) the U. S. Government paid farmers approximately $ 10 billion in grants.
137. We applied for grants from a number of grant-giving bodies.
138. Funding themselves through training remains a problem for many students, given the virtual demise of discretionary grants.
139. The richest areas of the country are getting a disproportionate share of government grants.
140. These were partly offset by grants and capital allowances totalling £9.2 million.
141. Back in November, the state allowed cities that host major-league teams to apply for special grants for improvements to keep them.
142. A small number of grants is available, or students may seek secondment by their employers.
143. The first is the significant drop in nationally funded research grants that has occurred over the past 10 to 15 years.
144. The allocation of the annual budget and grants also falls within its domain.
145. The appeal follows the announcement of loans and grants totalling nearly £21,000 to parish councils, sports clubs and voluntary bodies.
146. Blood Gorged now grants armor penetration instead of expertise.
147. Now, the cosmos grants you a rhythm section.
148. Guardian's Band of Subjugation now correctly grants universal haste.
149. Lee grants son , please invigorate like?
150. Grilled Sculpin now correctly grants Ranged Attack Power.
151. First, timing of option grants has been alarmingly widespread.
152. Block grants reduce federal responsibility for social welfare.
153. Each year, about six thousands people receive Fulbright grants.
154. Can Backdating Explain the Abnormal Returns around Taiwanese Employee Stock Option Grants?
155. He also grants us sanctification separating us from sinners so that we can be His children.
156. The new law also grants them the right to litigate.
157. The Education Department will reward award the first grants early next year.
158. The exemption for proprietary matters, such as grants and benefits, seems particularly difficult to justify.
159. OK. Financial aid in the form of scholarships, interships, grants, etc. is available to students.
160. Inquiries about grants or scholarships should be to the College Bursar.
161. Hearten: This shield grants the owner up to 5 temporary hit points per day on command.
162. What are the basic financial stewardship responsibilities required for all TRF grants?
163. The Bank of America grants them unsecured letters of credit.
164. Under the West Development background the thesis at the on intergovernmental grants policies toward theregion.
165. After years of hard work, the Grants found themselves on easy street.
165. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
166. Grants invulnerability to all Allied Turrets and causes them to attack 100 % faster for 7 seconds.
167. BRIN : We have Google grants that give advertising to nonprofit organizations.
168. It has traced a familiar success story from log cabin to Guggenheim grants.
169. This kind of God grants human's specialness, is noble, is more sacred!
170. The hospital grants you four months to retake the exam.
171. When Rexxar engages an opponent , his animalistic nature grants him even greater proficiency in single combat.
172. Nature grants long periods of time for the work of natural selection.
173. His long - term incentive program grants will be vested according to the pre - set schedule.
174. The act grants $ 400 million in military and economic aid to Turkey and Greece.
175. They lived on meagre government grants in their student days.
176. As a result, 4341 projects were approved , involving grants totalling about $ 2,717 million.
177. Conjures an quartz ring that increases intelligence, wisdom, light radius and grants see invisibility.
178. Master Of Fire Grants armor - damaging effect to Fireball and Armageddon spells.
179. Contemporary statutes and reorganization plans usually contain broad grants of authority to subdelegate decisions.
180. The Education Department will won award the first grams earlier grants early next year.
181. The government aims to redistribute wealth by taxing the rich and giving grants to the poor.
182. Some grants are for general purposes of paying for school while others are offeredthe subject area.
183. The Education Department will award the first grants early next year.
184. Bard 1000 Grants a constant , single category bonus to your reputation.
185. New Talent: Juggernaut : Grants the warrior the ability to Charge while in combat.
186. Of these , 815 also received grants totalling $ 6.6 million.
187. Grants Larsa to Elamites in exchange for serving as his Foreign Legion.
188. The Education Department will award the first grants earlier early next year.
189. Being in a familial relation grants character a new title.
190. The Constitution grants the president plenipotentiary powers to use military force to protect our national security.
191. Will of Necropolis no longer grants expertise and now lowers Anti - Magic Shell cooldown.
192. Of these ,(http:///grants.html) 974 also received grants totalling $ 7.6 million.
193. Without those grants the new stadium won't materialise unless Liverpool find a new sugar daddy.
194. The Education Department will award the first grands grants early next year.
195. The entrance of a Grants and Crawfords was a favourable epoch.
196. So grateful is the genie he grants them each one wish.
197. Master Of Lightnings Grants stunning effect to Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells.
198. World War II: The United States grants Lend - Lease to the Free French.




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