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单词 Home economics
1. They had their civics and home economics.
2. The subject matter was home economics and meal preparation.
3. As recently as the 1970s, home economics classes taught students to plan menus incorporating food from each group every day.
4. They wanted to continue in their home economics and learn about cooking and sewing.
5. The workshop and home economics area were also impressive, and the school had three computers.
6. Students can choose home economics, computer science, etc.
7. For example, college home economics, cooking, and so on.
8. My favourite subject is Home Economics.
9. His favourite subject is Home Economics.
10. Some of them are music, home economics and computer science.
10. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. Forest Home Economics is an independent legal personality of the large - scale cleaning and domestic services.
12. Tim learned how to sew a shirt in home economics.
13. Plus, he added, those few home economics teachers still working were a "very sad, depressed, demoralised workforce" and needed to be shown "a lot more love".
14. The home economics is ordinary, meets the British visa requirement.
15. This is a company specialized in home economics community service enterprises.
16. I am wearing a full circle-cut cotton skirt, my first, which I have made in home economics class.
17. Once a week the boys went to shop and the girls to home economics.
18. The module is particularly suitable for students with a personal or vocational interest in Home Economics.
19. Plans exist to extend the list of short courses to business studies, geography, history, media studies and home economics.
20. At Chinese Culture University, classes will be offered in home economics and cooking.
21. And inside this, is a small doll, which I made in home economics class.
22. You can look at many places, giving a few more phone calls home economics consulting firm.
23. In future are going to organized more activities for student who are keen on Home Economics.




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